►NAdaptationStrategies | |
NCoarsening | |
NRefinement | |
Nadtl | |
►NAlgorithms | |
NEvents | |
CDoFOutputOperator | |
CEvent | |
CNewton | |
COperatorBase | |
COutputOperator | |
CThetaTimestepping | |
CTimestepControl | |
CTimestepData | |
►NArborX | |
CAccessTraits< std::vector< std::pair<::Point< dim, Number >, Number > >, PrimitivesTag > | |
CAccessTraits< std::vector<::BoundingBox< dim, Number > >, PrimitivesTag > | |
CAccessTraits< std::vector<::Point< dim, Number > >, PrimitivesTag > | |
CAccessTraits<::ArborXWrappers::BoundingBoxIntersectPredicate, PredicatesTag > | |
CAccessTraits<::ArborXWrappers::BoundingBoxNearestPredicate, PredicatesTag > | |
CAccessTraits<::ArborXWrappers::PointIntersectPredicate, PredicatesTag > | |
CAccessTraits<::ArborXWrappers::PointNearestPredicate, PredicatesTag > | |
CAccessTraits<::ArborXWrappers::SphereIntersectPredicate, PredicatesTag > | |
CAccessTraits<::ArborXWrappers::SphereNearestPredicate, PredicatesTag > | |
►NArborXWrappers | |
CBoundingBoxIntersectPredicate | |
CBoundingBoxNearestPredicate | |
CBoundingBoxPredicate | |
CBVH | |
CDistributedTree | |
CPointIntersectPredicate | |
CPointNearestPredicate | |
CPointPredicate | |
CSphereIntersectPredicate | |
CSphereNearestPredicate | |
CSpherePredicate | |
►NBlockMatrixIterators | |
CAccessor | |
CAccessor< BlockMatrixType, false > | |
CAccessor< BlockMatrixType, true > | |
CAccessorBase | |
►Nboost | |
►Ngeometry | |
►Nindex | |
Cindexable<::Particles::Particle< dim, spacedim > > | |
Cindexable<::Particles::ParticleAccessor< dim, spacedim > > | |
►Ntraits | |
Caccess<::Point< dim, Number >, D > | |
Ccoordinate_system<::Point< dim, Number > > | |
Ccoordinate_type<::Point< dim, Number > > | |
Cdimension<::Point< dim, Number > > | |
Cindexed_access<::BoundingBox< dim, Number >, max_corner, D > | |
Cindexed_access<::BoundingBox< dim, Number >, min_corner, D > | |
Cpoint_type<::BoundingBox< dim, Number > > | |
Ctag<::BoundingBox< dim, Number > > | |
Ctag<::Point< dim, Number > > | |
NCellSimilarity | |
►NCGALWrappers | |
Ninternal | |
CAdditionalData | |
CAdditionalData< 2 > | |
CFaceInfo2 | |
►NChunkSparseMatrixIterators | |
CAccessor | |
►CAccessor< number, false > | |
CReference | |
CAccessor< number, true > | |
CIterator | |
►NChunkSparsityPatternIterators | |
CAccessor | |
CIterator | |
►NColorEnriched | |
Ninternal | |
CHelper | |
►Nconcepts | |
Ninternal | |
Ris_contiguous_container | |
Ris_valid_dim_spacedim | |
Ris_dealii_vector_type | |
Ris_writable_dealii_vector_type | |
Ris_dealii_petsc_vector_type | |
Ris_dealii_petsc_matrix_type | |
Ris_triangulation_or_dof_handler | |
Ris_vector_space_vector | |
Ris_linear_operator_on | |
Ris_transpose_linear_operator_on | |
NDataComponentInterpretation | |
►NDataOutBase | |
►CDataOutFilter | |
CPoint3Comp | |
CDataOutFilterFlags | |
CDeal_II_IntermediateFlags | |
CDXFlags | |
►CEpsFlags | |
CRgbValues | |
CGmvFlags | |
CGnuplotFlags | |
CHdf5Flags | |
COutputFlagsBase | |
CPatch | |
CPatch< 0, spacedim > | |
CPovrayFlags | |
CSvgFlags | |
CTecplotFlags | |
CUcdFlags | |
CVtkFlags | |
NDataOutBaseImplementation | |
►NDataPostprocessorInputs | |
CCommonInputs | |
CScalar | |
CVector | |
►NDataPostprocessors | |
CBoundaryIds | |
►Ndeal_II_exceptions | |
Ninternals | |
Ndealii | |
►NDerivativeApproximation | |
►Ninternal | |
►NAssembler | |
CCopyData | |
CScratch | |
CDerivativeSelector | |
CDerivativeSelector< 1, dim > | |
CDerivativeSelector< 2, dim > | |
CDerivativeSelector< 3, dim > | |
CGradient | |
CSecondDerivative | |
CThirdDerivative | |
►NDifferentiation | |
►NAD | |
►Ninternal | |
CADNumberInfoFromEnum | |
CExtractData | |
CExtractor | |
CExtractor< dim, FEValuesExtractors::Scalar > | |
CExtractor< dim, FEValuesExtractors::SymmetricTensor< 2 > > | |
CExtractor< dim, FEValuesExtractors::Tensor< 1 > > | |
CExtractor< dim, FEValuesExtractors::Tensor< 2 > > | |
CExtractor< dim, FEValuesExtractors::Vector > | |
CHasRequiredADInfo | |
CHessianType | |
CHessianType< FEValuesExtractors::Scalar, FEValuesExtractors::SymmetricTensor< 2 > > | |
CHessianType< FEValuesExtractors::SymmetricTensor< 2 >, FEValuesExtractors::Scalar > | |
CHessianType< FEValuesExtractors::SymmetricTensor< 2 >, FEValuesExtractors::SymmetricTensor< 2 > > | |
CMarking | |
CNumberType | |
CRemoveComplexWrapper | |
CSacadoNumberInfo | |
CScalarFieldGradient | |
CScalarFieldHessian | |
CADNumberTraits | |
CCellLevelBase | |
CEnergyFunctional | |
CHelperBase | |
Cis_ad_number | |
Cis_adolc_number | |
Cis_adolc_taped_number | |
Cis_adolc_tapeless_number | |
Cis_complex_valued_ad_number | |
Cis_real_valued_ad_number | |
Cis_sacado_dfad_number | |
Cis_sacado_number | |
Cis_sacado_rad_number | |
Cis_taped_ad_number | |
Cis_tapeless_ad_number | |
CNumbers | |
CNumberTraits | |
CPointLevelFunctionsBase | |
CResidualLinearization | |
CScalarFunction | |
CTapedDrivers | |
CTapelessDrivers | |
CTypes | |
CVectorFunction | |
►NSD | |
►Ninternal | |
CCSEDictionaryVisitor | |
CDictionaryOptimizer | |
CDictionarySubstitutionVisitor | |
CLambdaOptimizer | |
COptimizerHelper | |
►Ntypes | |
►Ninternal | |
CExpressionKeyLess | |
NUtilities | |
CBatchOptimizer | |
CExpression | |
Cis_sd_number | |
Cis_sd_number< Expression > | |
Cis_sd_number< SymEngine::Expression > | |
Cis_symengine_number | |
Cis_symengine_number< Expression > | |
Cis_symengine_number< SymEngine::Expression > | |
►NDoFRenumbering | |
►Nboost | |
Nboosttypes | |
Ninternal | |
►Ninternal | |
CClockCells | |
CCompareDownstream | |
CComparePointwiseDownstream | |
►NDoFTools | |
►Ninternal | |
►NAssembler | |
CCopyData | |
CScratch | |
CComparisonHelper | |
CRigidBodyMotion | |
►NDynamicSparsityPatternIterators | |
CAccessor | |
CIterator | |
NEvaluationFlags | The namespace for the EvaluationFlags enum |
►NExceptions | |
NDataOutImplementation | |
NFE_P_BubblesImplementation | |
►NFEInterfaceViews | |
CBase | |
CScalar | |
CVector | |
►NFESeries | |
CFourier | |
CLegendre | |
►NFETools | |
NCompositing | |
►Ninternal | |
NFEToolsAddFENameHelper | |
CFEFactory | |
CFEFactoryBase | |
►NFEValuesExtractors | |
CFirstCoupling | |
CScalar | |
CSecondCoupling | |
CSymmetricTensor | |
CTensor | |
CVector | |
►NFEValuesViews | |
Ninternal | |
CRenumberedView | |
CRenumberingData | |
►CScalar | |
CShapeFunctionData | |
CSymmetricTensor | |
►CSymmetricTensor< 2, dim, spacedim > | |
CShapeFunctionData | |
CTensor | |
►CTensor< 2, dim, spacedim > | |
CShapeFunctionData | |
►CVector | |
CShapeFunctionData | |
NFiniteElementDomination | |
►NFunctions | |
►NSignedDistance | |
CEllipsoid | |
CPlane | |
CRectangle | |
CSphere | |
CZalesakDisk | |
CBessel1 | |
CConstantFunction | |
CCoordinateRestriction | |
CCosineFunction | |
CCosineGradFunction | |
CCSpline | |
CCutOffFunctionBase | |
CCutOffFunctionC1 | |
CCutOffFunctionCinfty | |
CCutOffFunctionLinfty | |
CCutOffFunctionTensorProduct | |
CCutOffFunctionW1 | |
CExpFunction | |
CFEFieldFunction | |
CFlowFunction | |
CFourierCosineFunction | |
CFourierCosineSum | |
CFourierSineFunction | |
CFourierSineSum | |
CIdentityFunction | |
CIncrementalFunction | |
CInterpolatedTensorProductGridData | |
CInterpolatedUniformGridData | |
CJumpFunction | |
CKovasznay | |
CLSingularityFunction | |
CLSingularityGradFunction | |
CMonomial | |
CParsedFunction | |
CPillowFunction | |
CPointRestriction | |
CPoisseuilleFlow | |
CPolynomial | |
CQ1WedgeFunction | |
CRayleighKotheVortex | |
CSlitHyperSingularityFunction | |
CSlitSingularityFunction | |
CSpherical | |
CSquareFunction | |
CStokesCosine | |
CStokesLSingularity | |
CSymbolicFunction | |
CZeroFunction | |
NFunctionTools | |
►NGeometricUtilities | |
NCoordinates | |
►NGinkgoWrappers | |
CSolverBase | |
►CSolverBicgstab | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CSolverCG | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CSolverCGS | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CSolverFCG | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CSolverGMRES | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CSolverIR | |
CAdditionalData | |
►NGmsh | |
CAdditionalParameters | |
►NGraphColoring | |
Ninternal | |
►NGridGenerator | |
►NAirfoil | |
CAdditionalData | |
►NGridOutFlags | |
CDX | |
CEps | |
CEps< 1 > | |
CEps< 2 > | |
CEps< 3 > | |
CEpsFlagsBase | |
CGnuplot | |
CMathGL | |
CMsh | |
CSvg | |
CUcd | |
CVtk | |
CVtu | |
CXFig | |
NGridRefinement | |
►NGridTools | |
►Ninternal | |
NBoundingBoxPredicate | |
NFixUpDistortedChildCells | |
CCellDataComparator | |
CDistributedComputeIntersectionLocationsInternal | |
CDistributedComputePointLocationsInternal | |
CFaceDataHelper | |
CFaceDataHelper< 1 > | |
CRotate2d | |
CRotate3d | |
CScale | |
CShift | |
CCache | |
CMarchingCubeAlgorithm | |
CPeriodicFacePair | |
►NHDF5 | |
►Ninternal | |
NHDF5ObjectImplementation | |
CDataSet | |
CFile | |
CGroup | |
CHDF5Object | |
►Nhp | |
NRefinement | |
CCollection | |
CCollectionIterator | |
►CFECollection | |
CDefaultHierarchy | |
CFEFaceValues | |
CFESubfaceValues | |
CFEValues | |
CFEValuesBase | |
CMappingCollection | |
CQCollection | |
CStaticMappingQ1 | |
►Ninternal | |
►NBlockLinearOperatorImplementation | |
CEmptyBlockPayload | |
►NBlockVectorIterators | |
CIterator | |
►NDataOutFacesImplementation | |
CParallelData | |
►NDataOutImplementation | |
CDataEntryBase | |
CParallelData | |
CParallelDataBase | |
►NDataOutRotationImplementation | |
CParallelData | |
►NDoFAccessorImplementation | |
►CImplementation | |
CDoFIndexProcessor | |
CMGDoFIndexProcessor | |
CInheritance | |
CInheritance< dim, dim, spacedim > | |
►NDoFCellAccessorImplementation | |
CImplementation | |
►NDoFHandlerImplementation | |
►NPolicy | |
CImplementation | |
CParallelDistributed | |
CParallelShared | |
CPolicyBase | |
CSequential | |
CDoFFaces | |
CDoFFaces< 1 > | |
CDoFFaces< 2 > | |
CDoFFaces< 3 > | |
CDoFLevel | |
CDoFObjects | |
CImplementation | |
CIterators | |
CIterators< 1, spacedim, lda > | |
CIterators< 2, spacedim, lda > | |
CIterators< 3, spacedim, lda > | |
CNumberCache | |
NFE_DGPMonomial | |
NFE_Enriched | |
NFE_FaceQImplementation | |
NFE_Nedelec | |
NFE_PolyTensor | |
NFE_Q | |
NFE_Q_Base | |
NFE_Q_Bubbles | |
NFE_Q_Hierarchical | |
►NFEInterfaceViews | |
CViewType | |
CViewType< dim, spacedim, FEValuesExtractors::Scalar > | |
CViewType< dim, spacedim, FEValuesExtractors::Vector > | |
►NFEPointEvaluation | |
CEvaluatorTypeTraits | |
CEvaluatorTypeTraits< dim, dim, dim, Number, std::enable_if_t< dim !=1 > > | |
CEvaluatorTypeTraits< dim, spacedim, 1, Number > | |
►NFEValuesImplementation | |
CFiniteElementRelatedData | |
CMappingRelatedData | |
►NFEValuesViews | |
CCache | |
CViewType | |
CViewType< dim, spacedim, FEValuesExtractors::Scalar > | |
CViewType< dim, spacedim, FEValuesExtractors::SymmetricTensor< rank > > | |
CViewType< dim, spacedim, FEValuesExtractors::Tensor< rank > > | |
CViewType< dim, spacedim, FEValuesExtractors::Vector > | |
►NFilteredIteratorImplementation | |
CNestFilteredIterators | |
CNestFilteredIterators< BaseIterator, std::tuple< Predicate > > | |
CNestFilteredIterators< BaseIterator, std::tuple< Predicate, Targs... > > | |
►NFunctionParser | |
CmuParserBase | |
CParser | |
CParserData | |
CParserImplementation | |
NGrowingVectorMemoryImplementation | |
►Nhp | |
►NDoFHandlerImplementation | |
CImplementation | |
NLAPACKFullMatrixImplementation | |
►NLinearOperatorImplementation | |
CEmptyPayload | |
Chas_vmult_add_and_Tvmult_add | |
CMatrixInterfaceWithoutVmultAdd | |
CMatrixInterfaceWithVmultAdd | |
CReinitHelper | |
CReinitHelper< BlockVector< number > > | |
CReinitHelper< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > > | |
CReinitHelper< LinearAlgebra::TpetraWrappers::Vector< Number, MemorySpace > > | |
CReinitHelper< PETScWrappers::MPI::BlockVector > | |
CReinitHelper< PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector > | |
CReinitHelper< TrilinosWrappers::MPI::BlockVector > | |
CReinitHelper< TrilinosWrappers::MPI::Vector > | |
NMappingFEFieldImplementation | |
NMappingFEImplementation | |
NMappingManifoldImplementation | |
NMappingQ1 | |
►NMappingQImplementation | |
CInverseQuadraticApproximation | |
►NMatrixFreeFunctions | |
►Ncolor | |
CCellWork | |
CPartitionWork | |
Ninternal | |
►Npartition | |
CActualCellWork | |
CCellWork | |
CPartitionWork | |
►NVectorDataExchange | |
Ninternal | |
CBase | |
CFull | |
CPartitionerWrapper | |
CConstraintInfo | |
CConstraintValues | |
CDGP_dofs_per_component | |
CDGP_dofs_per_component< 1, degree > | |
CDoFInfo | |
CFaceIdentifier | |
CFaceInfo | |
CFaceSetup | |
CFaceToCellTopology | |
CHangingNodes | |
CMappingDataOnTheFly | |
CMappingInfo | |
CMappingInfoCellsOrFaces | |
CMappingInfoCellsOrFaces< dim, Number, false, VectorizedArrayType > | |
CMappingInfoCellsOrFaces< dim, Number, true, VectorizedArrayType > | |
►CMappingInfoStorage | |
CQuadratureDescriptor | |
CMPICommunication | |
CShapeInfo | |
CTaskInfo | |
CUnivariateShapeData | |
NMatrixOutImplementation | |
►NMGTransfer | |
CDoFPair | |
CElementInfo | |
►Np4est | |
Cfunctions | |
Cfunctions< 2 > | |
Cfunctions< 3 > | |
Citer | |
Citer< 2 > | |
Citer< 3 > | |
Ctypes | |
Ctypes< 1 > | |
Ctypes< 2 > | |
Ctypes< 3 > | |
►NPackagedOperationImplementation | |
Chas_vector_interface | |
►Nparallel | |
►Ndistributed | |
►NGridRefinement | |
NRefineAndCoarsenFixedFraction | |
NRefineAndCoarsenFixedNumber | |
NTriangulationImplementation | |
►Nshared | |
CTemporarilyRestoreSubdomainIds | |
►NPointValueHistoryImplementation | |
CPointGeometryData | |
NPolynomialsRannacherTurekImplementation | |
NQGaussChebyshev | |
NQGaussLobatto | |
NQGaussLobattoChebyshev | |
NQGaussRadau | |
NQGaussRadauChebyshev | |
NQIteratedImplementation | |
NQProjector | |
NQRImplementation | |
►NSD | |
CGeneralProductTypeImpl | |
CGeneralProductTypeImpl< SymmetricTensor< rank, dim, T >, Differentiation::SD::Expression > | |
CGeneralProductTypeImpl< T, Differentiation::SD::Expression, std::enable_if_t< boost::is_complex< T >::value &&std::is_arithmetic_v< typename T::value_type > > > | |
CGeneralProductTypeImpl< T, Differentiation::SD::Expression, std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic_v< T > > > | |
CGeneralProductTypeImpl< Tensor< rank, dim, T >, Differentiation::SD::Expression > | |
►NSolverGMRESImplementation | |
CArnoldiProcess | |
CTmpVectors | |
►NSolverIDRImplementation | |
CTmpVectors | |
NSparseMatrixImplementation | |
NSphericalManifold | |
►NSupportsOperation | |
Cdetector | |
Cdetector< Default, void_t< Op< Args... > >, Op, Args... > | |
Cnonesuch | |
Cnonesuch_base | |
►NSymmetricTensorAccessors | |
CAccessor | |
CAccessor< rank, dim, constness, 1, Number > | |
CAccessorTypes | |
CAccessorTypes< rank, dim, false, Number > | |
CAccessorTypes< rank, dim, true, Number > | |
Cdouble_contraction_result | |
Cdouble_contraction_result< 2, 2, dim, Number, OtherNumber > | |
CStorageType | |
CStorageType< 2, dim, Number > | |
CStorageType< 4, dim, Number > | |
►NSymmetricTensorImplementation | |
CInverse | |
CInverse< 4, 3, adouble > | |
CSortEigenValuesVectors | |
►NTableBaseAccessors | |
CAccessor | |
CAccessor< N, T, C, 1 > | |
CTypes | |
CTypes< N, T, false > | |
CTypes< N, T, true > | |
►NTemplateConstraints | |
Call_true | |
Cany_true | |
NTensorProductManifoldImplementation | |
►NTensorProductMatrixSymmetricSum | |
CMatrixPairComparator | |
NTensorProductPolynomials | |
NTimerImplementation | |
►NTriaAccessorImplementation | |
►CPresentLevelType | |
Ctype | |
CPresentLevelType< dim, dim > | |
►NTriangulationImplementation | |
CCellTypeBase | |
CCellTypeHexahedron | |
CCellTypeLine | |
CCellTypePyramid | |
CCellTypeQuadrilateral | |
CCellTypeTetrahedron | |
CCellTypeTriangle | |
CCellTypeWedge | |
CConnectivity | |
CCRS | |
CImplementation | |
CImplementationMixedMesh | |
CIterators | |
CIterators< 1, spacedim > | |
CIterators< 2, spacedim > | |
CIterators< 3, spacedim > | |
CNumberCache | |
CNumberCache< 1 > | |
CNumberCache< 2 > | |
CNumberCache< 3 > | |
CPolicy | |
CPolicyWrapper | |
CTriaFaces | |
CTriaLevel | |
►CTriaObjects | |
CBoundaryOrMaterialId | |
CUserData | |
CTriaObjectsOrientations | |
NUtilitiesImplementation | |
NVectorImplementation | |
►NVectorOperations | |
CAddAndDot | |
CDot | |
Cfunctions | |
Cfunctions< Number, Number, ::MemorySpace::Default > | |
Cfunctions< Number, Number2, ::MemorySpace::Host > | |
CMeanValue | |
CNorm1 | |
CNorm2 | |
CNormP | |
CTBBForFunctor | |
CTBBReduceFunctor | |
CVector_copy | |
CVector_set | |
CVectorization_add_av | |
CVectorization_add_avpbw | |
CVectorization_add_factor | |
CVectorization_add_v | |
CVectorization_equ_au | |
CVectorization_equ_aubv | |
CVectorization_equ_aubvcw | |
CVectorization_multiply_factor | |
CVectorization_ratio | |
CVectorization_sadd_xav | |
CVectorization_sadd_xavbw | |
CVectorization_sadd_xv | |
CVectorization_scale | |
CVectorization_subtract_v | |
CActiveCellIterator | |
CAlignedVectorCopyConstruct | |
CAlignedVectorDefaultInitialize | |
CAlignedVectorInitialize | |
CAlignedVectorMoveConstruct | |
Cargument_type | |
Cargument_type< T(U)> | |
CCellAttachedData | |
CCellAttachedDataSerializer | |
CCellIDTranslator | |
CCellwiseInverseMassFactory | |
CCellwiseInverseMassMatrixImplBasic | |
CCellwiseInverseMassMatrixImplFlexible | |
CCellwiseInverseMassMatrixImplTransformFromQPoints | |
CCurlType | |
CCurlType< 1, NumberType > | |
CCurlType< 2, NumberType > | |
CCurlType< 3, NumberType > | |
CEigenvalueAlgorithmAdditionalData | |
CEigenvalueInformation | |
CElementAccess | |
CElementAccess< LinearAlgebra::TpetraWrappers::Vector< NumberType, MemorySpace > > | |
CEvaluatorSelector | |
CEvaluatorSelector< MatrixFreeFunctions::tensor_general, is_long > | |
CEvaluatorSelector< MatrixFreeFunctions::tensor_symmetric, false > | |
CEvaluatorSelector< MatrixFreeFunctions::tensor_symmetric, true > | |
CEvaluatorSelector< MatrixFreeFunctions::tensor_symmetric_collocation, is_long > | |
CEvaluatorSelector< MatrixFreeFunctions::tensor_symmetric_plus_dg0, false > | |
CEvaluatorSelector< MatrixFreeFunctions::tensor_symmetric_plus_dg0, true > | |
CEvaluatorSelector< MatrixFreeFunctions::truncated_tensor, is_long > | |
CEvaluatorTensorProduct | |
CEvaluatorTensorProduct< variant, dim, 0, 0, Number, Number2 > | |
CEvaluatorTensorProductAnisotropic | |
CFastEvaluationSupported | |
CFEEvaluationFactory | |
CFEEvaluationHangingNodesFactory | |
CFEEvaluationImpl | |
CFEEvaluationImpl< MatrixFreeFunctions::tensor_none, dim, fe_degree, n_q_points_1d, Number > | |
CFEEvaluationImpl< MatrixFreeFunctions::tensor_raviart_thomas, dim, fe_degree, n_q_points_1d, Number > | |
CFEEvaluationImplBasisChange | |
CFEEvaluationImplCollocation | |
CFEEvaluationImplHangingNodes | |
CFEEvaluationImplHangingNodesRunner | |
CFEEvaluationImplHangingNodesRunner< FEEvaluationImplHangingNodesRunnerTypes::scalar, dim, fe_degree, Number > | |
CFEEvaluationImplHangingNodesRunner< FEEvaluationImplHangingNodesRunnerTypes::vectorized, dim, fe_degree, Number > | |
CFEEvaluationImplSelector | |
CFEEvaluationImplTransformToCollocation | |
CFEFaceEvaluationFactory | |
CFEFaceEvaluationGatherFactory | |
CFEFaceEvaluationImpl | |
CFEFaceEvaluationImplCollectFromFaceSelector | |
CFEFaceEvaluationImplEvaluateInFaceSelector | |
CFEFaceEvaluationImplEvaluateSelector | |
►CFEFaceEvaluationImplGatherEvaluateSelector | |
CProcessor | |
CFEFaceEvaluationImplIntegrateInFaceSelector | |
►CFEFaceEvaluationImplIntegrateScatterSelector | |
CProcessor | |
CFEFaceEvaluationImplIntegrateSelector | |
CFEFaceEvaluationImplProjectToFaceSelector | |
CFEFaceEvaluationImplRaviartThomas | |
CFEFaceNormalEvaluationImpl | |
CGenericDoFsPerObject | |
CHelper | |
CHelper< HelperType::constant, Number, VectorizationType, fe_degree, transpose > | |
CHelper< HelperType::dynamic, Number, VectorizationType, fe_degree, transpose > | |
CHelperBase | |
Cis_explicitly_convertible | |
CMatrixSelector | |
CMatrixSelector< ::LinearAlgebra::TpetraWrappers::Vector< Number, MemorySpace > > | |
CMatrixSelector< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > > | |
CMatrixSelector<::LinearAlgebra::EpetraWrappers::Vector > | |
CMatrixSelector<::PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector > | |
CMatrixSelector<::TrilinosWrappers::MPI::Vector > | |
CMFWorkerInterface | |
CNoPermutation | |
CNumberType | |
CNumberType< std::complex< T > > | |
CParameterAcceptorCompare | |
CPrecomputedEvaluationData | |
CPrecomputedEvaluationDataAccessor | |
CPrecomputedEvaluationDataView | |
CProductTypeImpl | |
CProductTypeImpl< adouble, adouble > | |
CProductTypeImpl< adouble, adub > | |
CProductTypeImpl< adouble, double > | |
CProductTypeImpl< adouble, float > | |
CProductTypeImpl< adtl::adouble, adtl::adouble > | |
CProductTypeImpl< adtl::adouble, double > | |
CProductTypeImpl< adtl::adouble, float > | |
CProductTypeImpl< adub, adouble > | |
CProductTypeImpl< adub, double > | |
CProductTypeImpl< adub, float > | |
CProductTypeImpl< Differentiation::SD::Expression, Differentiation::SD::Expression > | |
CProductTypeImpl< Differentiation::SD::Expression, T > | |
CProductTypeImpl< double, adouble > | |
CProductTypeImpl< double, adtl::adouble > | |
CProductTypeImpl< double, adub > | |
CProductTypeImpl< double, Sacado::Fad::DFad< T > > | |
CProductTypeImpl< double, Sacado::Rad::ADvar< T > > | |
CProductTypeImpl< double, Sacado::Rad::ADvari< T > > | |
CProductTypeImpl< double, std::complex< U > > | |
CProductTypeImpl< float, adouble > | |
CProductTypeImpl< float, adtl::adouble > | |
CProductTypeImpl< float, adub > | |
CProductTypeImpl< float, Sacado::Fad::DFad< T > > | |
CProductTypeImpl< float, Sacado::Rad::ADvar< T > > | |
CProductTypeImpl< float, Sacado::Rad::ADvari< T > > | |
CProductTypeImpl< float, std::complex< U > > | |
CProductTypeImpl< int, Sacado::Fad::DFad< T > > | |
CProductTypeImpl< int, Sacado::Rad::ADvar< T > > | |
CProductTypeImpl< int, Sacado::Rad::ADvari< T > > | |
CProductTypeImpl< Sacado::Fad::DFad< T >, double > | |
CProductTypeImpl< Sacado::Fad::DFad< T >, float > | |
CProductTypeImpl< Sacado::Fad::DFad< T >, int > | |
CProductTypeImpl< Sacado::Fad::DFad< T >, Sacado::Fad::DFad< U > > | |
CProductTypeImpl< Sacado::Fad::Expr< T >, Sacado::Fad::Expr< U > > | |
CProductTypeImpl< Sacado::Fad::Expr< T >, U > | |
CProductTypeImpl< Sacado::Rad::ADvar< T >, double > | |
CProductTypeImpl< Sacado::Rad::ADvar< T >, float > | |
CProductTypeImpl< Sacado::Rad::ADvar< T >, int > | |
CProductTypeImpl< Sacado::Rad::ADvar< T >, Sacado::Rad::ADvar< U > > | |
CProductTypeImpl< Sacado::Rad::ADvar< T >, Sacado::Rad::ADvari< U > > | |
CProductTypeImpl< Sacado::Rad::ADvari< T >, double > | |
CProductTypeImpl< Sacado::Rad::ADvari< T >, float > | |
CProductTypeImpl< Sacado::Rad::ADvari< T >, int > | |
CProductTypeImpl< Sacado::Rad::ADvari< T >, Sacado::Rad::ADvar< U > > | |
CProductTypeImpl< Sacado::Rad::ADvari< T >, Sacado::Rad::ADvari< U > > | |
CProductTypeImpl< std::complex< adouble >, std::complex< adouble > > | |
CProductTypeImpl< std::complex< adouble >, std::complex< adub > > | |
CProductTypeImpl< std::complex< adouble >, std::complex< double > > | |
CProductTypeImpl< std::complex< adouble >, std::complex< float > > | |
CProductTypeImpl< std::complex< adtl::adouble >, std::complex< adtl::adouble > > | |
CProductTypeImpl< std::complex< adtl::adouble >, std::complex< double > > | |
CProductTypeImpl< std::complex< adtl::adouble >, std::complex< float > > | |
CProductTypeImpl< std::complex< adub >, std::complex< adouble > > | |
CProductTypeImpl< std::complex< double >, std::complex< adouble > > | |
CProductTypeImpl< std::complex< double >, std::complex< adtl::adouble > > | |
CProductTypeImpl< std::complex< float >, std::complex< adouble > > | |
CProductTypeImpl< std::complex< float >, std::complex< adtl::adouble > > | |
CProductTypeImpl< std::complex< T >, double > | |
CProductTypeImpl< std::complex< T >, float > | |
CProductTypeImpl< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > > | |
CProductTypeImpl< std::complex< T >, std::complex< U > > | |
CProductTypeImpl< std::complex< T >, SymmetricTensor< rank, dim, std::complex< U > > > | |
CProductTypeImpl< std::complex< T >, SymmetricTensor< rank, dim, U > > | |
CProductTypeImpl< SymmetricTensor< rank, dim, std::complex< T > >, std::complex< U > > | |
CProductTypeImpl< SymmetricTensor< rank, dim, T >, std::complex< U > > | |
CProductTypeImpl< T, Differentiation::SD::Expression > | |
CProductTypeImpl< T, Sacado::Fad::Expr< U > > | |
CProductTypeNoPoint | |
CProductTypeNoPoint< Point< dim, Number >, Number2 > | |
CRescaler | |
CSubfaceCase | |
CSubfacePossibilities | |
CSubfacePossibilities< 0 > | |
CSubfacePossibilities< 1 > | |
CSubfacePossibilities< 2 > | |
CSubfacePossibilities< 3 > | |
CTableEntry | |
CTrait | |
CTrait< T1, VectorizationTypes::group > | |
CTrait< T1, VectorizationTypes::index > | |
CTrait< T1, VectorizationTypes::mask > | |
CTrait< T1, VectorizationTypes::sorted > | |
CVectorDistributorLocalToGlobal | |
CVectorizedArrayTrait | |
CVectorizedArrayTrait< VectorizedArray< T, width_ > > | |
CVectorizedArrayWidthSpecifier | |
CVectorizedArrayWidthSpecifier< double > | |
CVectorizedArrayWidthSpecifier< float > | |
CVectorReader | |
CVectorSetter | |
►Ninternals | |
NSparsityPatternTools | |
►NIteratorFilters | |
CActive | |
CActiveFEIndexEqualTo | |
CAtBoundary | |
CBoundaryIdEqualTo | |
CLevelEqualTo | |
CLocallyOwnedCell | |
CLocallyOwnedLevelCell | |
CManifoldIdEqualTo | |
CMaterialIdEqualTo | |
CSubdomainEqualTo | |
CUserFlagNotSet | |
CUserFlagSet | |
NIteratorState | |
►NLACExceptions | |
CExcPETScError | |
NLAPACKSupport | |
►NLegacy | |
Ninternal | |
►CSolutionTransfer | |
CPointerstruct | |
►NLinearAlgebra | |
►Ndistributed | |
CBlockVector | |
CVector | |
►NEpetraWrappers | |
CCommunicationPattern | |
CVector | |
CVectorTraits | |
►NTpetraWrappers | |
►NSparseMatrixIterators | |
CAccessor | |
►CAccessor< Number, MemorySpace, false > | |
CReference | |
CAccessor< Number, MemorySpace, true > | |
CAccessorBase | |
CIterator | |
NSparsityPatternImpl | |
►NSparsityPatternIterators | |
CAccessor | |
CIterator | |
NTpetraTypes | |
CBlockSparseMatrix | |
CBlockVector | |
CCommunicationPattern | |
►CPreconditionBase | |
CAdditionalData | Standardized data struct to pipe additional flags to the preconditioner |
►CSolverDirect | |
CAdditionalData | |
CSolverDirectBase | |
►CSolverDirectKLU2 | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CSparseMatrix | |
CTraits | |
CSparsityPattern | |
CVector | |
CVectorTraits | |
CBlockVector | |
►CReadWriteVector | |
CFunctorTemplate | |
CVector | |
NLinearAlgebraDealII | |
►NLinearAlgebraPETSc | |
NMPI | |
►NLinearAlgebraTrilinos | |
NMPI | |
NLineMinimization | |
►NLocalIntegrators | Library of integrals over cells and faces |
NAdvection | Local integrators related to advection along a vector field and its DG formulations |
NDivergence | Local integrators related to the divergence operator and its trace |
NElasticity | Local integrators related to elasticity problems |
NGradDiv | |
NL2 | Local integrators related to L2-inner products |
NLaplace | Local integrators related to the Laplacian and its DG formulations |
NMaxwell | Local integrators related to curl operators and their traces |
NPatches | Integrators writing patches with values in quadrature points |
NManifolds | |
NMatrixCreator | |
►NMatrixFreeOperators | |
NBlockHelper | |
NImplementation | |
CBase | |
CCellwiseInverseMassMatrix | |
CLaplaceOperator | |
CMassOperator | |
CMGInterfaceOperator | |
►NMatrixFreeTools | |
►Ninternal | |
CComputeMatrixScratchData | |
►CElementActivationAndDeactivationMatrixFree | |
CAdditionalData | |
►NMatrixTableIterators | |
CAccessor | Accessor class template. This class is partially specialized for both values of Constness |
CAccessor< TableType, false, storage_order > | Accessor class offering read and write access to the elements of a table |
CAccessor< TableType, true, storage_order > | Accessor class offering read-only access to elements of a table. This is the same as the base class |
CAccessorBase | Accessor base class for Table<2, T> and TransposeTable |
CIterator | Iterator class for both matrix-like tables, i.e., Table<2, T> and TransposeTable |
►NMatrixTools | |
►Ninternal | |
NTrilinosWrappers | |
NMemoryConsumption | |
►NMemorySpace | |
CDefault | |
CHost | |
CMemorySpaceData | |
►NMeshWorker | |
►NAssembler | |
CCellsAndFaces | |
CFunctional | |
CGnuplotPatch | |
CMatrixLocalBlocksToGlobalBlocks | |
CMatrixSimple | |
CMGMatrixLocalBlocksToGlobalBlocks | |
CMGMatrixSimple | |
CResidualLocalBlocksToGlobalBlocks | |
CResidualSimple | |
CSystemSimple | |
►Ninternal | |
CCellIteratorBaseType | |
CCellIteratorBaseType< FilteredIterator< CellIteratorType > > | |
CCellIteratorBaseType< IteratorOverIterators< CellIteratorType > > | |
CCopyData | |
CDoFInfo | |
CDoFInfoBox | |
CIntegrationInfo | |
CIntegrationInfoBox | |
CLocalIntegrator | |
CLocalResults | |
CLoopControl | |
CMGVectorData | |
CScratchData | |
CVectorData | |
CVectorDataBase | |
CVectorSelector | |
►Nmg | |
CMatrix | |
CSignals | |
CSignalsNonNested | |
CSmootherRelaxation | |
CSparseMatrixCollection | |
►NMGTools | |
Ninternal | |
NMGTransferGlobalCoarseningTools | |
►NNonMatching | |
►Ninternal | |
►NDiscreteQuadratureGeneratorImplementation | |
CCellWiseFunction | |
CRefSpaceFEFieldFunction | |
►NMeshClassifierImplementation | |
CAnalyticLevelSetDescription | |
CDiscreteLevelSetDescription | |
CLevelSetDescription | |
►NQuadratureGeneratorImplementation | |
CExtendableQuadrature | |
CFunctionBounds | |
CHeightDirectionData | |
CQGenerator | |
CQGenerator< 1, spacedim > | |
CQGeneratorBase | |
CQPartitioning | |
►CRootFinder | |
CAdditionalData | |
CUpThroughDimensionCreator | |
CComputeMappingDataHelper | |
CAdditionalQGeneratorData | |
CDiscreteFaceQuadratureGenerator | |
CDiscreteQuadratureGenerator | |
CFaceQuadratureGenerator | |
CFaceQuadratureGenerator< 1 > | |
CFEImmersedSurfaceValues | |
CFEInterfaceValues | |
CFEValues | |
CImmersedSurfaceQuadrature | |
►CMappingInfo | |
CAdditionalData | |
CMeshClassifier | |
CQuadratureGenerator | |
CRegionUpdateFlags | |
►Nnumbers | |
►Ninternal | |
►NSignalingNaN | |
CNaNInitializer | |
CNaNInitializer< DerivativeForm< order, dim, spacedim, T > > | |
CNaNInitializer< double > | |
CNaNInitializer< float > | |
CNaNInitializer< Point< dim, T > > | |
CNaNInitializer< SymmetricTensor< rank, dim, T > > | |
CNaNInitializer< Tensor< 1, dim, T > > | |
CNaNInitializer< Tensor< rank, dim, T > > | |
CNaNInitializer< VectorizedArray< T, width > > | |
CNumberTraits | |
CNumberTraits< std::complex< number > > | |
CArclengthProjectionLineManifold | |
CDirectionalProjectionManifold | |
CNormalProjectionManifold | |
CNormalToMeshProjectionManifold | |
CNURBSPatchManifold | |
►Nparallel | |
►Ndistributed | |
►Nexperimental | |
CFieldTransfer | |
NGridRefinement | |
CCellDataTransfer | |
CContinuousQuadratureDataTransfer | |
CTemporarilyMatchRefineFlags | |
CTriangulation | |
CTriangulation< 1, spacedim > | |
►Nfullydistributed | |
CTriangulation | |
►Ninternal | |
CEnableOpenMPSimdFor | |
CTBBPartitioner | |
►Nshared | |
CTriangulation | |
CCellWeights | |
CDistributedTriangulationBase | |
CParallelForInteger | |
►CTriangulationBase | |
CNumberCache | |
►NParticles | |
NGenerators | |
►Ninternal | |
CGhostParticlePartitioner | |
NUtilities | |
CDataOut | |
CParticle | |
►CParticleAccessor | |
CParticlesInCell | |
►CParticleHandler | |
CSignals | |
CParticleIterator | |
CPropertyPool | |
►NPatterns | |
Ninternal | |
►NTools | |
►Ninternal | |
Cis_list_compatible | |
Cis_list_compatible< std::deque< Args... > > | |
Cis_list_compatible< std::list< Args... > > | |
Cis_list_compatible< std::multiset< Args... > > | |
Cis_list_compatible< std::set< Args... > > | |
Cis_list_compatible< std::unordered_multiset< Args... > > | |
Cis_list_compatible< std::unordered_set< Args... > > | |
Cis_list_compatible< std::vector< Args... > > | |
Cis_map_compatible | |
Cis_map_compatible< std::map< Key, T, Compare, Allocator > > | |
Cis_map_compatible< std::multimap< Key, T, Compare, Allocator > > | |
Cis_map_compatible< std::unordered_map< Key, T, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator > > | |
Cis_map_compatible< std::unordered_multimap< Key, T, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator > > | |
CRankInfo | |
CRankInfo< ComponentMask > | |
CRankInfo< Point< dim, Number > > | |
CRankInfo< std::array< T, N > > | |
CRankInfo< std::complex< Number > > | |
CRankInfo< std::pair< Key, Value > > | |
CRankInfo< std::tuple< Types... > > | |
CRankInfo< std::unique_ptr< FunctionParser< dim > > > | |
CRankInfo< T, std::enable_if_t< is_list_compatible< T >::value > > | |
CRankInfo< T, std::enable_if_t< is_map_compatible< T >::value > > | |
CRankInfo< Tensor< rank, dim, Number > > | |
CConvert | |
CConvert< ComponentMask > | |
CConvert< Point< dim, Number > > | |
CConvert< std::array< ValueType, N > > | |
CConvert< std::complex< Number > > | |
CConvert< std::pair< Key, Value > > | |
CConvert< std::string > | |
CConvert< std::tuple< Args... > > | |
CConvert< std::unique_ptr< FunctionParser< dim > > > | |
CConvert< T, std::enable_if_t< is_list_compatible< T >::value > > | |
CConvert< T, std::enable_if_t< is_map_compatible< T >::value > > | |
CConvert< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic_v< T > > > | |
CConvert< Tensor< rank, dim, Number > > | |
CConvert< VectorTools::NormType, void > | |
Cis_list_compatible | |
Cis_map_compatible | |
CAnything | |
CBool | |
CDirectoryName | |
CDouble | |
CFileName | |
CInteger | |
CList | |
CMap | |
CMultipleSelection | |
CPatternBase | |
CSelection | |
CTuple | |
►NPETScWrappers | |
Ninternal | |
Ninternals | |
►NMatrixIterators | |
►Cconst_iterator | |
CAccessor | |
►NMPI | |
CBlockSparseMatrix | |
CBlockVector | |
►CSparseMatrix | |
CTraits | |
CVector | |
CCommunicationPattern | |
CFullMatrix | |
CMatrixBase | |
CMatrixFree | |
CNonlinearSolver | |
CNonlinearSolverData | |
CPartitioner | |
CPreconditionBase | |
►CPreconditionBDDC | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CPreconditionBlockJacobi | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CPreconditionBoomerAMG | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CPreconditionICC | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CPreconditionILU | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CPreconditionJacobi | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CPreconditionLU | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CPreconditionNone | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CPreconditionParaSails | |
CAdditionalData | |
CPreconditionShell | |
►CPreconditionSOR | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CPreconditionSSOR | |
CAdditionalData | |
CSolverBase | |
►CSolverBiCG | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CSolverBicgstab | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CSolverCG | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CSolverCGS | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CSolverChebychev | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CSolverCR | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CSolverGMRES | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CSolverLSQR | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CSolverPreOnly | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CSolverRichardson | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CSolverTCQMR | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CSolverTFQMR | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CSparseDirectMUMPS | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CSparseMatrix | |
CTraits | |
CTimeStepper | |
CTimeStepperData | |
CVectorBase | |
►NPhysics | |
►NElasticity | |
NKinematics | |
CStandardTensors | |
►NNotation | |
NKelvin | A namespace with functions that assist in the conversion of vectors and tensors to and from a compressed format using Kelvin notation and weighting |
►NTransformations | |
NContravariant | |
NCovariant | |
NPiola | |
NRotations | |
NVectorRelations | |
NPipeSegment | |
►NPolynomials | |
►Ninternal | |
NLagrangeEquidistantImplementation | |
CHermiteInterpolation | |
CHermiteLikeInterpolation | |
CHierarchical | |
CLagrangeEquidistant | |
CLegendre | |
CLobatto | |
CMonomial | |
CPiecewisePolynomial | |
CPolynomial | |
CPolynomialsHermite | |
►NPortable | |
►Ninternal | |
CEvaluatorTensorProduct | |
CEvaluatorTensorProduct< evaluate_general, dim, n_rows, n_columns, Number > | |
CFEEvaluationImpl | |
CFEEvaluationImplCollocation | |
CFEEvaluationImplTransformToCollocation | |
CDataHost | |
CFEEvaluation | |
►CMatrixFree | |
CAdditionalData | |
CData | |
CSharedData | |
NReferenceCells | |
►NRepartitioningPolicyTools | |
CBase | |
CCellWeightPolicy | |
CDefaultPolicy | |
CFirstChildPolicy | |
CMinimalGranularityPolicy | |
►NRol | |
CVectorAdaptor | |
►NSLEPcWrappers | |
►CSolverArnoldi | |
CAdditionalData | |
CSolverBase | |
►CSolverGeneralizedDavidson | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CSolverJacobiDavidson | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CSolverKrylovSchur | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CSolverLanczos | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CSolverLAPACK | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CSolverPower | |
CAdditionalData | |
CTransformationBase | |
►CTransformationCayley | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CTransformationShift | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CTransformationShiftInvert | |
CAdditionalData | |
►NSmoothnessEstimator | |
NFourier | |
NLegendre | |
►NSparseMatrixIterators | |
CAccessor | |
►CAccessor< number, false > | |
CReference | |
CAccessor< number, true > | |
CIterator | |
NSparseMatrixTools | |
►NSparsityPatternIterators | |
CAccessor | |
CIterator | |
►NSparsityTools | |
Ninternal | |
►NStandardExceptions | |
CExcExodusII | |
CExcMPI | |
►Nstd | STL namespace |
Citerator_traits< ::ChunkSparseMatrixIterators::Iterator< number, Constness > > | |
Citerator_traits< ::LinearAlgebra::TpetraWrappers::SparseMatrixIterators::Iterator< Number, MemorySpace, Constness > > | |
Citerator_traits< ::SparseMatrixIterators::Iterator< number, Constness > > | |
Citerator_traits< ::TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrixIterators::Iterator< Constness > > | |
Citerator_traits<::hp::CollectionIterator< T > > | |
Citerator_traits<::VectorizedArrayIterator< T > > | |
Nstd_cxx17 | |
►Nstd_cxx20 | |
Nranges | |
Ctype_identity | |
►Ninternal | |
CLinearSolverContent | |
CLinearSolverWrapper | |
CNVectorView | |
NUtilities | |
►CARKode | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CIDA | |
CAdditionalData | |
CAdditionalData | |
CSundialsOperator | |
CSundialsPreconditioner | |
►NTensorAccessors | |
►Ninternal | |
CContract | |
CContract2 | |
CContract2< 0, dim > | |
CContract3 | |
CContract3< 0, 0, dim > | |
CContract3< 0, rank_2, dim > | |
CContract< no_contr, no_contr, no_contr, dim > | |
CContract< no_contr, no_contr, rank_2, dim > | |
CExtractHelper | |
CExtractHelper< rank, rank > | |
CIdentity | |
CReferenceType | |
CReferenceType< ReorderedIndexView< index, rank, T > > | |
CReferenceType< StoreIndex< rank, S > > | |
CReorderedIndexView | |
CReorderedIndexView< 0, 1, T > | |
CReorderedIndexView< 0, rank, T > | |
CStoreIndex | |
CStoreIndex< 1, S > | |
CReturnType | |
CReturnType< 0, T > | |
CValueType | |
CValueType< const T > | |
CValueType< const T[N]> | |
CValueType< T[N]> | |
►NTensorProductMatrixCreator | |
Ninternal | |
Ntf | |
►NThreads | |
►Ninternal | |
Cmaybe_make_ref | |
Cmaybe_make_ref< T & > | |
Creturn_value | |
Creturn_value< RT & > | |
Creturn_value< void > | |
CMutex | |
►CTask | |
CTaskData | |
CTaskGroup | |
CTaskResult | |
CThreadLocalStorage | A class that provides a separate storage location on each thread that accesses the object |
►NTimeStepBase_Tria_Flags | |
CFlags | |
CRefinementData | |
CRefinementFlags | |
►NTimeStepping | |
►CEmbeddedExplicitRungeKutta | |
CStatus | |
►CExplicitRungeKutta | |
CStatus | |
►CImplicitRungeKutta | |
CStatus | |
►CLowStorageRungeKutta | |
CStatus | |
CRungeKutta | |
►CTimeStepping | |
CStatus | |
NTriaAccessorExceptions | |
►NTriangulationDescription | |
NUtilities | |
CCellData | |
CDescription | |
►NTrilinosWrappers | |
►Ninternal | |
►NBlockLinearOperatorImplementation | |
CTrilinosBlockPayload | |
►NLinearOperatorImplementation | |
CTrilinosPayload | |
NSparseMatrixImplementation | |
Ninternals | |
►NMPI | |
CBlockVector | |
CVector | |
►NSparseMatrixIterators | |
CAccessor | |
►CAccessor< false > | |
CReference | |
CAccessor< true > | |
CAccessorBase | |
CIterator | |
►NSparsityPatternIterators | |
CAccessor | |
CIterator | |
Ntypes | |
CBlockSparseMatrix | |
CBlockSparsityPattern | |
►CNOXSolver | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CPreconditionAMG | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CPreconditionAMGMueLu | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CPreconditionBase | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CPreconditionBlockJacobi | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CPreconditionBlockSOR | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CPreconditionBlockSSOR | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CPreconditionBlockwiseDirect | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CPreconditionChebyshev | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CPreconditionIC | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CPreconditionIdentity | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CPreconditionILU | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CPreconditionILUT | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CPreconditionJacobi | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CPreconditionSOR | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CPreconditionSSOR | |
CAdditionalData | |
►CSolverBase | |
CAdditionalData | |
CSolverBicgstab | |
CSolverCG | |
CSolverCGS | |
►CSolverDirect | |
CAdditionalData | |
CSolverGMRES | |
CSolverTFQMR | |
►CSparseMatrix | |
CTraits | |
CSparsityPattern | |
CVectorTraits | |
Ntypes | |
►NUtilities | |
►Ninternal | |
CIsVectorOfTriviallyCopyable | |
CIsVectorOfTriviallyCopyable< std::vector< std::vector< T > > > | |
CIsVectorOfTriviallyCopyable< std::vector< T > > | |
NLinearAlgebra | |
►NMPI | |
NComputeIndexOwner | |
►NConsensusAlgorithms | |
CInterface | |
CNBX | |
CPEX | |
CProcess | |
CSelector | |
CSerial | |
►Ninternal | |
NCollectiveMutexImplementation | |
NMPIDataTypes | |
NTags | |
NLargeCount | |
►CCollectiveMutex | |
CScopedLock | |
CCommunicationPatternBase | |
CDuplicatedCommunicator | |
CFuture | |
CMinMaxAvg | |
CMPI_InitFinalize | |
CNoncontiguousPartitioner | |
CPartitioner | |
CProcessGrid | |
►CRemotePointEvaluation | |
CAdditionalData | |
CCellData | |
►NSystem | |
CMemoryStats | |
►NTrilinos | |
Ninternal | |
CMutableBind | |
►NVectorTools | |
NEvaluationFlags | |
NVTKCellType | |
NVTKWrappers | |
►NWorkStream | |
►Ninternal | |
Nsequential | |
Ntaskflow_colored | |
Ntaskflow_no_coloring | |
►Ntbb_colored | |
CWorkerAndCopier | |
►Ntbb_no_coloring | |
►CIteratorRangeToItemStream | |
CItemType | |
CScratchAndCopyDataObjects | |
CScratchDataObject | |