deal.II version GIT relicensing-2392-g6e04ac39aa 2025-01-20 09:10:00+00:00
Classes | |
class | EmbeddedExplicitRungeKutta |
class | ExplicitRungeKutta |
class | ImplicitRungeKutta |
class | LowStorageRungeKutta |
class | RungeKutta |
class | TimeStepping |
Namespace containing the time stepping methods.
The following Runge-Kutta methods are available:
Enumerator | |
FORWARD_EULER | Forward Euler method, first order. |
RK_THIRD_ORDER | Third order Runge-Kutta method. |
SSP_THIRD_ORDER | Third order Strong Stability Preserving (SSP) Runge-Kutta method (SSP time discretizations are also called Total Variation Diminishing (TVD) methods in the literature, see [103]). |
RK_CLASSIC_FOURTH_ORDER | Classical fourth order Runge-Kutta method. |
LOW_STORAGE_RK_STAGE3_ORDER3 | Three-stage scheme of order three by Kennedy et al. [131]. Its stability region is significantly smaller than the higher order schemes, but due to three stages only, it is very competitive in terms of the work per stage. |
LOW_STORAGE_RK_STAGE5_ORDER4 | Five-stage scheme of order four, defined in the paper by Kennedy et al. [131]. |
LOW_STORAGE_RK_STAGE7_ORDER4 | Seven-stage scheme of order four defined in the paper by Tselios and Simos [205]. |
LOW_STORAGE_RK_STAGE9_ORDER5 | Nine-stage scheme of order five defined in the paper by Kennedy et al. [131]. |
BACKWARD_EULER | Backward Euler method, first order. |
IMPLICIT_MIDPOINT | Implicit midpoint method, second order. |
CRANK_NICOLSON | Crank-Nicolson method, second order. |
SDIRK_TWO_STAGES | Two stage SDIRK method (short for "singly diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta"), second order. |
HEUN_EULER | Heun's method (improved Euler's method), second order. |
BOGACKI_SHAMPINE | Bogacki–Shampine method, third-order. |
DOPRI | Dormand-Prince method, fifth order; this is the method used by ode45 in MATLAB. |
FEHLBERG | Fehlberg method, fifth order. |
CASH_KARP | Cash–Karp method, fifth order. |
invalid | Invalid. |
Definition at line 59 of file time_stepping.h.
Reason for exiting evolve_one_time_step when using an embedded method: DELTA_T, MIN_DELTA_T, MAX_DELTA_T.
Definition at line 151 of file time_stepping.h.