Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- d -
- d_explicit : Algorithms::ThetaTimestepping< VectorType >
- d_implicit : Algorithms::ThetaTimestepping< VectorType >
- damping : PETScWrappers::PreconditionLU::AdditionalData
- data : AnyData, DataOutBase::Patch< dim, spacedim >, DataOutBase::Patch< 0, spacedim >, DataOutStack< dim, spacedim >::DataVector, FEEvaluationData< dim, Number, is_face >, FERemoteEvaluation< dim, n_components, value_type >, FEValuesViews::RenumberedView< ViewType >, FiniteSizeHistory< T >, GrowingVectorMemory< VectorType >::Pool, hp::CollectionIterator< T >, internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::ShapeInfo< Number >, internal::PrecomputedEvaluationDataAccessor< dim, n_components, value_type_ >, internal::SolverGMRESImplementation::TmpVectors< VectorType >, internal::SolverIDRImplementation::TmpVectors< VectorType >, internal::TableBaseAccessors::Accessor< N, T, C, P >, internal::TableBaseAccessors::Accessor< N, T, C, 1 >, LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number, MemorySpace >, MatrixFreeOperators::Base< dim, VectorType, VectorizedArrayType >, MeshWorker::VectorDataBase< dim, spacedim, Number >, Portable::FEEvaluation< dim, fe_degree, n_q_points_1d, n_components_, Number >, PreconditionChebyshev< MatrixType, VectorType, PreconditionerType >, PreconditionRelaxation< MatrixType, PreconditionerType >, SparseMatrixEZ< number >, SUNDIALS::ARKode< VectorType >, SUNDIALS::IDA< VectorType >, SUNDIALS::KINSOL< VectorType >, SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >, Threads::ThreadLocalStorage< T >, VectorizedArray< Number, width >, VectorizedArrayIterator< T >, WorkStream::internal::tbb_colored::WorkerAndCopier< Iterator, ScratchData, CopyData >
- data_access : internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::ShapeInfo< Number >
- data_binary : DataOutBase::DXFlags
- data_component_interpretation : internal::DataOutImplementation::DataEntryBase< dim, spacedim >
- data_component_interpretations : Particles::DataOut< dim, spacedim >
- data_double : DataOutBase::DXFlags
- data_index_offsets : internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::MappingInfoStorage< structdim, spacedim, Number >, NonMatching::MappingInfo< dim, spacedim, Number >
- data_offset : internal::PrecomputedEvaluationDataAccessor< dim, n_components, value_type_ >
- data_out : Algorithms::Newton< VectorType >
- data_serializer : Triangulation< dim, spacedim >
- data_set_dims : DataOutBase::DataOutFilter
- data_set_names : DataOutBase::DataOutFilter
- data_sets : DataOutBase::DataOutFilter
- data_size_in_bytes : parallel::distributed::ContinuousQuadratureDataTransfer< dim, DataType >
- data_storage : FEValuesViews::RenumberingData, parallel::distributed::ContinuousQuadratureDataTransfer< dim, DataType >
- data_store : PointValueHistory< dim >
- data_to_transfer : parallel::distributed::experimental::FieldTransfer< dim, VectorType, spacedim >
- data_values : Functions::InterpolatedTensorProductGridData< dim >, Functions::InterpolatedUniformGridData< dim >
- data_vector : Functions::FEFieldFunction< dim, VectorType, spacedim >
- dataset_key : PointValueHistory< dim >
- dataset_names : BoundingBoxDataOut< dim >, DataOutReader< dim, spacedim >, Particles::DataOut< dim, spacedim >
- dataset_offset : QProjector< dim >::DataSetDescriptor
- dataspace : HDF5::DataSet
- deal_II_intermediate_flags : DataOutInterface< dim, spacedim >
- debug : Algorithms::Newton< VectorType >, MGSmoother< VectorType >, PathSearch
- debug_output : SolverBFGS< VectorType >::AdditionalData
- debug_vectors : Algorithms::Newton< VectorType >
- decide_and_prepare_for_remeshing : PETScWrappers::TimeStepper< VectorType, PMatrixType, AMatrixType >
- decide_for_coarsening_and_refinement : PETScWrappers::TimeStepper< VectorType, PMatrixType, AMatrixType >
- declare_parameters_call_back : ParameterAcceptor
- default_correction_relaxations : TimeStepBase_Tria_Flags::RefinementFlags< dim >
- default_fe_index : DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >
- default_fmt : DataOutInterface< dim, spacedim >
- default_format : GridIn< dim, spacedim >, GridOut
- default_subdivisions : DataOutInterface< dim, spacedim >
- defect : Multigrid< VectorType >
- defect2 : Multigrid< VectorType >
- degree : FiniteElementData< dim >, internal::EigenvalueInformation, Polynomials::PolynomialsHermite, PreconditionChebyshev< MatrixType, VectorType, PreconditionerType >::AdditionalData, TrilinosWrappers::PreconditionChebyshev::AdditionalData
- degree_coarse : MGTwoLevelTransfer< dim, VectorType >::MGTransferScheme
- degree_fine : MGTwoLevelTransfer< dim, VectorType >::MGTransferScheme
- delayed_reorthogonalization : SLEPcWrappers::SolverArnoldi::AdditionalData
- delete_and_rebuild_tria : TimeStepBase_Tria_Flags::Flags< dim >
- deleter_action_object : AlignedVector< T >::Deleter
- delta : PreconditionChebyshev< MatrixType, VectorType, PreconditionerType >
- delta_t : Functions::IncrementalFunction< dim, RangeNumberType >
- delta_t_guess : TimeStepping::EmbeddedExplicitRungeKutta< VectorType >::Status
- dependent_functions : Differentiation::SD::internal::DictionarySubstitutionVisitor< ReturnType, ExpressionType >
- dependent_variables : Differentiation::AD::HelperBase< ADNumberTypeCode, ScalarType >
- dependent_variables_functions : Differentiation::SD::BatchOptimizer< ReturnType >
- dependent_variables_output : Differentiation::SD::BatchOptimizer< ReturnType >
- derivative_matrices : TensorProductMatrixSymmetricSumCollection< dim, Number, n_rows_1d >
- derivative_matrix : TensorProductMatrixSymmetricSum< dim, Number, n_rows_1d >
- description_init : Patterns::Anything, Patterns::Bool, Patterns::DirectoryName, Patterns::Double, Patterns::FileName, Patterns::Integer, Patterns::List, Patterns::Map, Patterns::MultipleSelection, Patterns::Selection, Patterns::Tuple
- descriptor : FEEvaluationData< dim, Number, is_face >, FEEvaluationData< dim, Number, is_face >::InitializationData, internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::MappingInfoStorage< structdim, spacedim, Number >, ScaLAPACKMatrix< NumberType >
- dest_data_fixed : internal::CellAttachedDataSerializer< dim, spacedim >
- dest_data_variable : internal::CellAttachedDataSerializer< dim, spacedim >
- dest_sizes_variable : internal::CellAttachedDataSerializer< dim, spacedim >
- destination_ : internal::AlignedVectorCopyConstruct< RandomAccessIterator, T >, internal::AlignedVectorDefaultInitialize< T, initialize_memory >, internal::AlignedVectorInitialize< T, initialize_memory >, internal::AlignedVectorMoveConstruct< RandomAccessIterator, T >
- destination_grid : InterGridMap< MeshType >
- destroy : internal::p4est::functions< 2 >, internal::p4est::functions< 3 >
- determine_beta_by_flexible_formula : SolverCG< VectorType >
- dev_P : Physics::Elasticity::StandardTensors< dim >
- dh : Functions::FEFieldFunction< dim, VectorType, spacedim >
- diag : SparseMIC< number >
- diagonal : DiagonalMatrix< VectorType >, Householder< number >, SparseMatrixEZ< number >::RowInfo, TridiagonalMatrix< number >
- diagonal_entries : MatrixFreeOperators::Base< dim, VectorType, VectorizedArrayType >
- different_values : MultipleParameterLoop::Entry
- differential_components : SUNDIALS::IDA< VectorType >
- digits : Algorithms::DoFOutputOperator< VectorType, dim, spacedim >
- dim : DoFCellAccessor< dimension_, space_dimension_, level_dof_access >, internal::TriangulationImplementation::Connectivity< T >, internal::TriangulationImplementation::TriaFaces, internal::TriangulationImplementation::TriaLevel
- dim_ : internal::FEFaceEvaluationImplGatherEvaluateSelector< dim, Number2, VectorizedArrayType >::Processor< fe_degree >, internal::FEFaceEvaluationImplIntegrateScatterSelector< dim, Number2, VectorizedArrayType >::Processor< fe_degree >
- dimension : BarycentricPolynomials< dim >, CellDataStorage< CellIteratorType, DataType >, Differentiation::AD::PointLevelFunctionsBase< dim, ADNumberTypeCode, ScalarType >, DoFAccessor< structdim, dim, spacedim, level_dof_access >, DoFAccessor< 0, 1, spacedim, level_dof_access >, DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >, FEEvaluation< dim, fe_degree, n_q_points_1d, n_components_, Number, VectorizedArrayType >, FEEvaluationBase< dim, n_components_, Number, is_face, VectorizedArrayType >, FEEvaluationData< dim, Number, is_face >, FEFaceEvaluation< dim, fe_degree, n_q_points_1d, n_components_, Number, VectorizedArrayType >, FEFacePointEvaluation< n_components_, dim, spacedim, Number >, FEFaceValues< dim, spacedim >, FEPointEvaluation< n_components_, dim, spacedim, Number >, FEPointEvaluationBase< n_components_, dim, spacedim, Number >, FESubfaceValues< dim, spacedim >, FEValuesBase< dim, spacedim >, FiniteElementData< dim >, Function< dim, RangeNumberType >, Functions::IncrementalFunction< dim, RangeNumberType >, hp::FEValues< dim, spacedim >, InvalidAccessor< structdim, dim, spacedim >, MatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >, MeshWorker::IntegrationInfo< dim, spacedim >, PersistentTriangulation< dim, spacedim >, PolynomialsP< dim >, PolynomialSpace< dim >, PolynomialsRannacherTurek< dim >, Portable::FEEvaluation< dim, fe_degree, n_q_points_1d, n_components_, Number >, ScalarLagrangePolynomialPyramid< dim >, ScalarLagrangePolynomialWedge< dim >, SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >, Tensor< rank_, dim, Number >, Tensor< 0, dim, Number >, TensorProductPolynomials< dim, PolynomialType >, TensorProductPolynomialsBubbles< dim >, TensorProductPolynomialsConst< dim >, TriaAccessor< 0, 1, spacedim >, TriaAccessor< 0, dim, spacedim >, TriaAccessorBase< structdim, dim, spacedim >, Triangulation< dim, spacedim >, XDMFEntry
- dimensions : HDF5::DataSet
- dir : DoFRenumbering::CompareDownstream< Iterator, dim >, DoFRenumbering::ComparePointwiseDownstream< dim >
- direction : CylindricalManifold< dim, spacedim >, EllipticalManifold< dim, spacedim >, Functions::JumpFunction< dim >, NonMatching::internal::QuadratureGeneratorImplementation::HeightDirectionData, NonMatching::internal::QuadratureGeneratorImplementation::QGenerator< 1, spacedim >, OpenCASCADE::DirectionalProjectionManifold< dim, spacedim >
- direction_flags : internal::TriangulationImplementation::TriaLevel
- dirichlet_indices : MGTransferMatrixFree< dim, Number >
- discontinuous : MatrixOut::Options
- distance_bound : CGALWrappers::AdditionalData< 2 >
- distorted_cells : Triangulation< dim, spacedim >::DistortedCellList
- distribute : PETScWrappers::TimeStepper< VectorType, PMatrixType, AMatrixType >
- distributed_tree : ArborXWrappers::DistributedTree
- distributed_tria : parallel::distributed::TemporarilyMatchRefineFlags< dim, spacedim >
- divergence_is_requested : FEEvaluationData< dim, Number, is_face >
- do_cell_index_compression : NonMatching::MappingInfo< dim, spacedim, Number >
- do_compress : internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::MPICommunication
- do_integrate : internal::FEFaceEvaluationImplGatherEvaluateSelector< dim, Number2, VectorizedArrayType >::Processor< fe_degree >, internal::FEFaceEvaluationImplIntegrateScatterSelector< dim, Number2, VectorizedArrayType >::Processor< fe_degree >
- do_reorthogonalization : internal::SolverGMRESImplementation::ArnoldiProcess< Number >
- dof : Algorithms::DoFOutputOperator< VectorType, dim, spacedim >
- dof_access_index : FEEvaluationData< dim, Number, is_face >
- dof_coupling_type : FECouplingValues< dim1, dim2, spacedim >
- dof_data : DataOut_DoFData< dim, patch_dim, spacedim, patch_spacedim >, DataOutStack< dim, spacedim >
- dof_handler : DataOutStack< dim, spacedim >, DoFAccessor< structdim, dim, spacedim, level_dof_access >, DoFAccessor< 0, 1, spacedim, level_dof_access >, FERemoteEvaluation< dim, n_components, value_type >, internal::DataOutImplementation::DataEntryBase< dim, spacedim >, internal::DoFHandlerImplementation::Policy::ParallelDistributed< dim, spacedim >, internal::DoFHandlerImplementation::Policy::ParallelShared< dim, spacedim >, internal::DoFHandlerImplementation::Policy::Sequential< dim, spacedim >, Legacy::SolutionTransfer< dim, VectorType, spacedim >, NonMatching::internal::DiscreteQuadratureGeneratorImplementation::RefSpaceFEFieldFunction< dim, Number >, NonMatching::internal::MeshClassifierImplementation::DiscreteLevelSetDescription< dim, VectorType >, parallel::distributed::experimental::FieldTransfer< dim, VectorType, spacedim >, PointValueHistory< dim >, Portable::MatrixFree< dim, Number >, SolutionTransfer< dim, VectorType, spacedim >
- dof_handler_fine : MGTwoLevelTransfer< dim, VectorType >, MGTwoLevelTransferNonNested< dim, VectorType >
- dof_handler_index_coarse : MGTwoLevelTransfer< dim, VectorType >::MatrixFreeRelatedData
- dof_handler_index_fine : MGTwoLevelTransfer< dim, VectorType >::MatrixFreeRelatedData
- dof_handler_vector : PreconditionMG< dim, VectorType, TransferType >
- dof_handler_vector_raw : PreconditionMG< dim, VectorType, TransferType >
- dof_handlers : MatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
- dof_index : MatrixFreeTools::ElementActivationAndDeactivationMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >::AdditionalData
- dof_indices : internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::ConstraintInfo< dim, Number, IndexType >, internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::DoFInfo
- dof_indices_contiguous : internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::DoFInfo
- dof_indices_contiguous_sm : internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::DoFInfo
- dof_indices_interleave_strides : internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::DoFInfo
- dof_indices_interleaved : internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::DoFInfo
- dof_indices_per_cell : internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::ConstraintInfo< dim, Number, IndexType >
- dof_info : FEEvaluationData< dim, Number, is_face >, FEEvaluationData< dim, Number, is_face >::InitializationData, MatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
- dof_masks : SparseBlockVanka< number >
- dof_numbers : MatrixFreeTools::internal::ComputeMatrixScratchData< dim, Number, is_face_ >
- dof_object : internal::DoFHandlerImplementation::DoFLevel< dim >
- dof_renumbering : FEValuesViews::RenumberingData
- dof_sign_change : FE_PolyTensor< dim, spacedim >::InternalData
- dof_values_initialized : FEEvaluationData< dim, Number, is_face >
- dof_values_on_cell : Legacy::SolutionTransfer< dim, VectorType, spacedim >
- dof_values_ptr : Legacy::SolutionTransfer< dim, VectorType, spacedim >::Pointerstruct
- dofmap : FEInterfaceValues< dim, spacedim >
- dofs : DataOut_DoFData< dim, patch_dim, spacedim, patch_spacedim >, internal::DoFHandlerImplementation::DoFObjects< dim >
- dofs_per_cell : DoFTools::internal::Assembler::CopyData< dim, spacedim >, FEEvaluation< dim, fe_degree, n_q_points_1d, n_components_, Number, VectorizedArrayType >, FEFaceEvaluation< dim, fe_degree, n_q_points_1d, n_components_, Number, VectorizedArrayType >, FEValuesBase< dim, spacedim >, FiniteElementData< dim >, internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::DoFInfo, Portable::MatrixFree< dim, Number >
- dofs_per_component : FEEvaluation< dim, fe_degree, n_q_points_1d, n_components_, Number, VectorizedArrayType >, FEFaceEvaluation< dim, fe_degree, n_q_points_1d, n_components_, Number, VectorizedArrayType >, FEPointEvaluationBase< n_components_, dim, spacedim, Number >
- dofs_per_component_face : FEPointEvaluationBase< n_components_, dim, spacedim, Number >
- dofs_per_component_on_cell : internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::ShapeInfo< Number >
- dofs_per_component_on_face : internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::ShapeInfo< Number >
- dofs_per_face : FiniteElementData< dim >, internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::DoFInfo
- dofs_per_face_max : FiniteElementData< dim >
- dofs_per_hex : FiniteElementData< dim >
- dofs_per_line : FiniteElementData< dim >
- dofs_per_object_exclusive : internal::GenericDoFsPerObject
- dofs_per_object_inclusive : internal::GenericDoFsPerObject
- dofs_per_quad : FiniteElementData< dim >
- dofs_per_quad_max : FiniteElementData< dim >
- dofs_per_vertex : FiniteElementData< dim >
- domain_map : TrilinosWrappers::internal::LinearOperatorImplementation::TrilinosPayload
- dominate : FE_Nothing< dim, spacedim >
- double_expansion : SLEPcWrappers::SolverGeneralizedDavidson::AdditionalData
- dq_relative_error : SUNDIALS::KINSOL< VectorType >::AdditionalData
- draw_boundary : GridOutFlags::XFig
- draw_bounding_box : GridOutFlags::MathGL
- draw_cells : DataOutBase::EpsFlags
- draw_colorbar : DataOutBase::SvgFlags, GridOutFlags::Svg
- draw_legend : GridOutFlags::Svg
- draw_mesh : DataOutBase::EpsFlags
- dst : internal::VectorOperations::Vector_copy< Number, OtherNumber >, internal::VectorOperations::Vector_set< Number >, PArpackSolver< VectorType >
- dummy : internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::color::PartitionWork, internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::partition::CellWork, internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::partition::PartitionWork
- dx : PolynomialsAdini< dim >
- dx_flags : DataOutInterface< dim, spacedim >, GridOut
- dx_to_deal : GeometryInfo< dim >, GeometryInfo< 0 >
- dxn : CylindricalManifold< dim, spacedim >
- dxx : PolynomialsAdini< dim >
- dxy : PolynomialsAdini< dim >
- dy : PolynomialsAdini< dim >
- dyy : PolynomialsAdini< dim >