deal.II version GIT relicensing-2017-g7ae82fad8b 2024-10-22 19:20:00+00:00
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MeshWorker::Assembler::CellsAndFaces< number > Class Template Reference

#include <deal.II/meshworker/functional.h>

Public Member Functions

 CellsAndFaces ()
void initialize (AnyData &results, bool separate_faces=true)
template<class DOFINFO >
void initialize_info (DOFINFO &info, bool face) const
template<class DOFINFO >
void assemble (const DOFINFO &info)
template<class DOFINFO >
void assemble (const DOFINFO &info1, const DOFINFO &info2)
number operator() (const unsigned int i) const

Private Attributes

AnyData results
bool separate_faces

Detailed Description

template<typename number = double>
class MeshWorker::Assembler::CellsAndFaces< number >

Compute cell and face contributions of one or several functionals, typically for error estimates. The information in which component the result is stored for a given cell or face is transmitted by its user_index variable. Hence, you need to make sure to set these variables appropriately before using this class.

Definition at line 105 of file functional.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CellsAndFaces()

template<typename number >
MeshWorker::Assembler::CellsAndFaces< number >::CellsAndFaces ( )

Constructor. Initialize the member variables.

Definition at line 222 of file functional.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ initialize()

template<typename number >
void MeshWorker::Assembler::CellsAndFaces< number >::initialize ( AnyData results,
bool  separate_faces = true 

The initialization function, specifying the results vectors and whether face data should be collected separately.

results should contain two block vectors named "cells" and "faces" (the latter only if separate_faces is true). In each of the two, each block should have equal size and be large enough to accommodate all user indices set in the cells and faces covered by the loop it is used in. Typically, for estimators, this is Triangulation::n_active_cells() and Triangulation::n_faces(), respectively.

The use of BlockVector may seem cumbersome, but it allows us to assemble several functionals at the same time, one in each block. The typical situation for error estimate is just having a single block in each vector.

Definition at line 230 of file functional.h.

◆ initialize_info()

template<typename number >
template<class DOFINFO >
void MeshWorker::Assembler::CellsAndFaces< number >::initialize_info ( DOFINFO &  info,
bool  face 
) const

Initialize the local data in the DoFInfo object used later for assembling.

The info object refers to a cell if !face, or else to an interior or boundary face.

Definition at line 247 of file functional.h.

◆ assemble() [1/2]

template<typename number >
template<class DOFINFO >
void MeshWorker::Assembler::CellsAndFaces< number >::assemble ( const DOFINFO &  info)

Assemble the local values into the global vectors.

Definition at line 257 of file functional.h.

◆ assemble() [2/2]

template<typename number >
template<class DOFINFO >
void MeshWorker::Assembler::CellsAndFaces< number >::assemble ( const DOFINFO &  info1,
const DOFINFO &  info2 

Assemble both local values into the global vectors.

Definition at line 273 of file functional.h.

◆ operator()()

template<typename number = double>
number MeshWorker::Assembler::CellsAndFaces< number >::operator() ( const unsigned int  i) const

The value of the ith entry in results.

Member Data Documentation

◆ results

template<typename number = double>
AnyData MeshWorker::Assembler::CellsAndFaces< number >::results

Definition at line 165 of file functional.h.

◆ separate_faces

template<typename number = double>
bool MeshWorker::Assembler::CellsAndFaces< number >::separate_faces

Definition at line 166 of file functional.h.

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