deal.II version GIT relicensing-2013-g7f3fb24d6c 2024-10-21 19:30:00+00:00
\(\newcommand{\dealvcentcolon}{\mathrel{\mathop{:}}}\) \(\newcommand{\dealcoloneq}{\dealvcentcolon\mathrel{\mkern-1.2mu}=}\) \(\newcommand{\jump}[1]{\left[\!\left[ #1 \right]\!\right]}\) \(\newcommand{\average}[1]{\left\{\!\left\{ #1 \right\}\!\right\}}\)
No Matches
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MGTransferMF< dim, Number > Class Template Reference

#include <deal.II/multigrid/mg_transfer_global_coarsening.h>

Inheritance diagram for MGTransferMF< dim, Number >:
Inheritance graph

Public Types

using VectorType = LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number >

Public Member Functions

 MGTransferMF ()
template<int dim, typename Number2 , int spacedim>
void copy_to_mg (const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dof_handler, MGLevelObject< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > > &dst, const LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number2 > &src) const
template<int dim, typename Number2 , int spacedim>
void copy_from_mg (const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dof_handler, LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number2 > &dst, const MGLevelObject< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > > &src) const
template<int dim, typename Number2 , int spacedim>
void copy_from_mg_add (const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dof_handler, LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number2 > &dst, const MGLevelObject< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > > &src) const
void set_component_to_block_map (const std::vector< unsigned int > &map)
void print_indices (std::ostream &os) const
template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, const unsigned int version)
Global coarsening.
template<typename MGTwoLevelTransferObject >
 MGTransferMF (const MGLevelObject< MGTwoLevelTransferObject > &transfer, const std::function< void(const unsigned int, VectorType &)> &initialize_dof_vector={})
template<typename MGTwoLevelTransferObject >
void initialize_two_level_transfers (const MGLevelObject< MGTwoLevelTransferObject > &transfer)
void build (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const Utilities::MPI::Partitioner > > &external_partitioners={})
void build (const std::function< void(const unsigned int, VectorType &)> &initialize_dof_vector)
Local smoothing.
 MGTransferMF (const MGConstrainedDoFs &mg_constrained_dofs)
void initialize_constraints (const MGConstrainedDoFs &mg_constrained_dofs)
Global coarsening and local smoothing.
void build (const DoFHandler< dim > &dof_handler, const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const Utilities::MPI::Partitioner > > &external_partitioners={})
void build (const DoFHandler< dim > &dof_handler, const std::function< void(const unsigned int, VectorType &)> &initialize_dof_vector)
Transfer functions.
void prolongate (const unsigned int to_level, VectorType &dst, const VectorType &src) const override
void prolongate_and_add (const unsigned int to_level, VectorType &dst, const VectorType &src) const override
virtual void restrict_and_add (const unsigned int from_level, VectorType &dst, const VectorType &src) const override
template<class InVector >
void copy_to_mg (const DoFHandler< dim > &dof_handler, MGLevelObject< VectorType > &dst, const InVector &src) const
template<class OutVector >
void copy_from_mg (const DoFHandler< dim > &dof_handler, OutVector &dst, const MGLevelObject< VectorType > &src) const
template<class InVector >
void interpolate_to_mg (const DoFHandler< dim > &dof_handler, MGLevelObject< VectorType > &dst, const InVector &src) const
template<class InVector >
void interpolate_to_mg (MGLevelObject< VectorType > &dst, const InVector &src) const
Utility functions.
std::size_t memory_consumption () const
unsigned int min_level () const
unsigned int max_level () const
void clear ()
EnableObserverPointer functionality

Classes derived from EnableObserverPointer provide a facility to subscribe to this object. This is mostly used by the ObserverPointer class.

void subscribe (std::atomic< bool > *const validity, const std::string &identifier="") const
void unsubscribe (std::atomic< bool > *const validity, const std::string &identifier="") const
unsigned int n_subscriptions () const
template<typename StreamType >
void list_subscribers (StreamType &stream) const
void list_subscribers () const

Static Public Member Functions

static ::ExceptionBaseExcInUse (int arg1, std::string arg2, std::string arg3)
static ::ExceptionBaseExcNoSubscriber (std::string arg1, std::string arg2)

Protected Member Functions

template<int dim, typename Number2 , int spacedim>
void copy_to_mg (const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dof_handler, MGLevelObject< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > > &dst, const LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number2 > &src, const bool solution_transfer) const
template<int dim, int spacedim>
void fill_and_communicate_copy_indices (const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dof_handler)

Protected Attributes

std::vector< types::global_dof_indexsizes
std::vector< Table< 2, unsigned int > > copy_indices
std::vector< Table< 2, unsigned int > > solution_copy_indices
std::vector< Table< 2, unsigned int > > copy_indices_global_mine
std::vector< Table< 2, unsigned int > > copy_indices_level_mine
std::vector< Table< 2, unsigned int > > solution_copy_indices_level_mine
bool perform_plain_copy
bool perform_renumbered_plain_copy
std::vector< unsigned intcomponent_to_block_map
ObserverPointer< const MGConstrainedDoFsmg_constrained_dofs
LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > ghosted_global_vector
LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > solution_ghosted_global_vector
MGLevelObject< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > > ghosted_level_vector
std::function< void(const unsigned int, LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > &)> initialize_dof_vector

Private Types

using map_value_type = decltype(counter_map)::value_type
using map_iterator = decltype(counter_map)::iterator

Private Member Functions

void initialize_internal_transfer (const DoFHandler< dim > &dof_handler, const ObserverPointer< const MGConstrainedDoFs > &mg_constrained_dofs)
std::pair< const DoFHandler< dim > *, unsigned intget_dof_handler_fine () const
void fill_and_communicate_copy_indices_global_coarsening (const DoFHandler< dim > &dof_handler)
template<typename MGTwoLevelTransferObject >
void initialize_transfer_references (const MGLevelObject< MGTwoLevelTransferObject > &transfer)
template<class InVector >
void initialize_dof_vector (const unsigned int level, VectorType &vector, const InVector &vector_reference, const bool omit_zeroing_entries) const
void assert_dof_handler (const DoFHandler< dim > &dof_handler_out) const
template<int dim, int spacedim>
void assert_built (const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dof_handler) const
void check_no_subscribers () const noexcept

Private Attributes

MGLevelObject< MGTwoLevelTransfer< dim, VectorType > > internal_transfer
MGLevelObject< ObserverPointer< MGTwoLevelTransferBase< VectorType > > > transfer
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const Utilities::MPI::Partitioner > > external_partitioners
std::atomic< unsigned intcounter
std::map< std::string, unsigned intcounter_map
std::vector< std::atomic< bool > * > validity_pointers
const std::type_info * object_info

Static Private Attributes

static std::mutex mutex

Detailed Description

template<int dim, typename Number>
class MGTransferMF< dim, Number >

Implementation of the MGTransferBase. In contrast to other multigrid transfer operators, the user can provide separate transfer operators of type MGTwoLevelTransfer between each level. The sequence of functions calls for setup is:

void build(const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const Utilities::MPI::Partitioner > > &external_partitioners={})
void initialize_two_level_transfers(const MGLevelObject< MGTwoLevelTransferObject > &transfer)

Alternatively, this class can also be set up as in the case of MGTransferMatrixFree:, partitioners);
ObserverPointer< const MGConstrainedDoFs > mg_constrained_dofs
void initialize_constraints(const MGConstrainedDoFs &mg_constrained_dofs)

However, this is way to set up is currently only working for globally refined meshes.

This class currently only works for the tensor-product finite elements FE_Q, FE_DGQ, and FE_DGP and simplex elements FE_SimplexP and FE_SimplexDGP as well as for systems involving multiple components of one of these elements. Other elements are currently not implemented.

The implementation of this class is explained in detail in [163].

Definition at line 988 of file mg_transfer_global_coarsening.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ VectorType

template<int dim, typename Number >
using MGTransferMF< dim, Number >::VectorType = LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<Number>

Value type.

Definition at line 995 of file mg_transfer_global_coarsening.h.

◆ map_value_type

using EnableObserverPointer::map_value_type = decltype(counter_map)::value_type

The data type used in counter_map.

Definition at line 231 of file enable_observer_pointer.h.

◆ map_iterator

using EnableObserverPointer::map_iterator = decltype(counter_map)::iterator

The iterator type used in counter_map.

Definition at line 236 of file enable_observer_pointer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MGTransferMF() [1/3]

template<int dim, typename Number >
MGTransferMF< dim, Number >::MGTransferMF ( )

Default constructor.

See also MGTransferMatrixFree.

◆ MGTransferMF() [2/3]

template<int dim, typename Number >
template<typename MGTwoLevelTransferObject >
MGTransferMF< dim, Number >::MGTransferMF ( const MGLevelObject< MGTwoLevelTransferObject > &  transfer,
const std::function< void(const unsigned int, VectorType &)> &  initialize_dof_vector = {} 

Constructor taking a collection of transfer operators (with the coarsest level kept empty in transfer) and an optional function that initializes the internal level vectors within the function call copy_to_mg() if used in the context of PreconditionMG. The template parameter MGTwoLevelTransferObject should derive from MGTwoLevelTransferBase and implement the transfer operation (see for instance MGTwoLevelTransfer). It can also be a std::shared_ptr or std::unique_ptr to the actual transfer operator.

◆ MGTransferMF() [3/3]

template<int dim, typename Number >
MGTransferMF< dim, Number >::MGTransferMF ( const MGConstrainedDoFs mg_constrained_dofs)

Constructor with constraints. Equivalent to the default constructor followed by initialize_constraints().

See also MGTransferMatrixFree.

Member Function Documentation

◆ initialize_two_level_transfers()

template<int dim, typename Number >
template<typename MGTwoLevelTransferObject >
void MGTransferMF< dim, Number >::initialize_two_level_transfers ( const MGLevelObject< MGTwoLevelTransferObject > &  transfer)

Set two-level transfers.

◆ build() [1/4]

template<int dim, typename Number >
void MGTransferMF< dim, Number >::build ( const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const Utilities::MPI::Partitioner > > &  external_partitioners = {})

Similar function to MGTransferMatrixFree::build() with the difference that the information for the prolongation for each level has already been built. So this function only tries to optimize the data structures of the two-level transfer operators, e.g., by enabling inplace vector operations, by checking if external_partitioners and the internal ones are compatible.

◆ build() [2/4]

template<int dim, typename Number >
void MGTransferMF< dim, Number >::build ( const std::function< void(const unsigned int, VectorType &)> &  initialize_dof_vector)

Same as above but taking a lambda for initializing vector instead of partitioners.

◆ initialize_constraints()

template<int dim, typename Number >
void MGTransferMF< dim, Number >::initialize_constraints ( const MGConstrainedDoFs mg_constrained_dofs)

Initialize the constraints to be used in build().

See also MGTransferMatrixFree.

◆ build() [3/4]

template<int dim, typename Number >
void MGTransferMF< dim, Number >::build ( const DoFHandler< dim > &  dof_handler,
const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const Utilities::MPI::Partitioner > > &  external_partitioners = {} 

Actually build the information for the prolongation for each level.

In the case of global coarsening, you can pass a dof_handler with different DoF numbering as the one used within the provided two-level transfer objects into this function. In this case, vector entries are permuted during copy_to_mg(), copy_from_mg(), and interpolate_to_mg().

◆ build() [4/4]

template<int dim, typename Number >
void MGTransferMF< dim, Number >::build ( const DoFHandler< dim > &  dof_handler,
const std::function< void(const unsigned int, VectorType &)> &  initialize_dof_vector 

Same as above but taking a lambda for initializing vector instead of partitioners.

In the case of global coarsening, you can pass into this function a dof_handler with different DoF numbering as the one used within the provided two-level transfer objects. In this case, vector entries are permuted during copy_to_mg(), copy_from_mg(), and interpolate_to_mg().

◆ prolongate()

template<int dim, typename Number >
void MGTransferMF< dim, Number >::prolongate ( const unsigned int  to_level,
VectorType dst,
const VectorType src 
) const

◆ prolongate_and_add()

template<int dim, typename Number >
void MGTransferMF< dim, Number >::prolongate_and_add ( const unsigned int  to_level,
VectorType dst,
const VectorType src 
) const

Perform prolongation.

Reimplemented from MGTransferBase< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > >.

◆ restrict_and_add()

template<int dim, typename Number >
virtual void MGTransferMF< dim, Number >::restrict_and_add ( const unsigned int  from_level,
VectorType dst,
const VectorType src 
) const

◆ copy_to_mg() [1/3]

template<int dim, typename Number >
template<class InVector >
void MGTransferMF< dim, Number >::copy_to_mg ( const DoFHandler< dim > &  dof_handler,
MGLevelObject< VectorType > &  dst,
const InVector &  src 
) const

Initialize internal vectors and copy src vector (associated to dof_handler) to the finest multigrid level.

The dof_handler object needs to be the same as the DoFHandler passed directly to the function build() or indirectly to the function initialize_two_level_transfers(). Alternatively, the numbering of the DoFs need to be same.

◆ copy_from_mg() [1/2]

template<int dim, typename Number >
template<class OutVector >
void MGTransferMF< dim, Number >::copy_from_mg ( const DoFHandler< dim > &  dof_handler,
OutVector &  dst,
const MGLevelObject< VectorType > &  src 
) const

Copy the values on the finest multigrid level to dst vector (associated to dof_handler).

The dof_handler object needs to be the same as the DoFHandler passed directly to the function build() or indirectly to the function initialize_two_level_transfers(). Alternatively, the numbering of the DoFs need to be same.

◆ interpolate_to_mg() [1/2]

template<int dim, typename Number >
template<class InVector >
void MGTransferMF< dim, Number >::interpolate_to_mg ( const DoFHandler< dim > &  dof_handler,
MGLevelObject< VectorType > &  dst,
const InVector &  src 
) const

Interpolate fine-mesh field src (associated to dof_handler) to each multigrid level and store the result in dst. This function is different from restriction, where a weighted residual is transferred to a coarser level (transposition of prolongation matrix).

The argument dst has to be initialized with the correct size according to the number of levels of the triangulation.

If an inner vector of dst is empty or has incorrect locally owned size, it will be resized to locally relevant degrees of freedom on each level.

The dof_handler object needs to be the same as the DoFHandler passed directly to the function build() or indirectly to the function initialize_two_level_transfers(). Alternatively, the numbering of the DoFs need to be same.

◆ interpolate_to_mg() [2/2]

template<int dim, typename Number >
template<class InVector >
void MGTransferMF< dim, Number >::interpolate_to_mg ( MGLevelObject< VectorType > &  dst,
const InVector &  src 
) const

Interpolate fine-mesh field src to each multigrid level and store the result in dst.

In contrast to the last function, no dof_handler object needs passed. This function used the DoFHandler passed directly to the function build() or indirectly to the function initialize_two_level_transfers().

◆ memory_consumption()

template<int dim, typename Number >
std::size_t MGTransferMF< dim, Number >::memory_consumption ( ) const

Return the memory consumption of the allocated memory in this class.

Counts also the memory consumption of the underlying two-level transfer operators.

◆ min_level()

template<int dim, typename Number >
unsigned int MGTransferMF< dim, Number >::min_level ( ) const

Minimum level.

◆ max_level()

template<int dim, typename Number >
unsigned int MGTransferMF< dim, Number >::max_level ( ) const

Maximum level.

◆ clear()

template<int dim, typename Number >
void MGTransferMF< dim, Number >::clear ( )

Clear all data fields and brings the class into a condition similar to after having called the default constructor.

◆ initialize_internal_transfer()

template<int dim, typename Number >
void MGTransferMF< dim, Number >::initialize_internal_transfer ( const DoFHandler< dim > &  dof_handler,
const ObserverPointer< const MGConstrainedDoFs > &  mg_constrained_dofs 

Initial internal transfer operator.

See also MGTransferMatrixFree.

◆ get_dof_handler_fine()

template<int dim, typename Number >
std::pair< const DoFHandler< dim > *, unsigned int > MGTransferMF< dim, Number >::get_dof_handler_fine ( ) const

Retrieve finest DoFHandler from two-level transfer objects.

◆ fill_and_communicate_copy_indices_global_coarsening()

template<int dim, typename Number >
void MGTransferMF< dim, Number >::fill_and_communicate_copy_indices_global_coarsening ( const DoFHandler< dim > &  dof_handler)

Initialize copy indices for MGTransferMF::copy_to_mg(), MGTransferMF::copy_to_mg(), and MGTransferMF::interpolate_to_mg() in the case of global coarsening.

◆ initialize_transfer_references()

template<int dim, typename Number >
template<typename MGTwoLevelTransferObject >
void MGTransferMF< dim, Number >::initialize_transfer_references ( const MGLevelObject< MGTwoLevelTransferObject > &  transfer)

Set references to two-level transfer operators to be used.

◆ initialize_dof_vector()

template<int dim, typename Number >
template<class InVector >
void MGTransferMF< dim, Number >::initialize_dof_vector ( const unsigned int  level,
VectorType vector,
const InVector &  vector_reference,
const bool  omit_zeroing_entries 
) const

Function to initialize internal level vectors.

◆ assert_dof_handler()

template<int dim, typename Number >
void MGTransferMF< dim, Number >::assert_dof_handler ( const DoFHandler< dim > &  dof_handler_out) const

Check that the internal DoFHandler is compatible with the external one provided by copy_to_mg(), copy_from_mg() and interpolate_to_mg() used, e.g., by PreconditionMG.

◆ copy_to_mg() [2/3]

template<typename Number >
template<int dim, typename Number2 , int spacedim>
void MGLevelGlobalTransfer< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > >::copy_to_mg ( const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &  dof_handler,
MGLevelObject< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > > &  dst,
const LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number2 > &  src 
) const

Transfer from a vector on the global grid to vectors defined on each of the levels separately for the active degrees of freedom. In particular, for a globally refined mesh only the finest level in dst is filled as a plain copy of src. All the other level objects are left untouched.

◆ copy_to_mg() [3/3]

template<typename Number >
template<int dim, typename Number2 , int spacedim>
void MGLevelGlobalTransfer< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > >::copy_to_mg ( const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &  dof_handler,
MGLevelObject< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > > &  dst,
const LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number2 > &  src,
const bool  solution_transfer 
) const

Internal function to perform transfer of residuals or solutions basesd on the flag solution_transfer.

◆ copy_from_mg() [2/2]

template<typename Number >
template<int dim, typename Number2 , int spacedim>
void MGLevelGlobalTransfer< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > >::copy_from_mg ( const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &  dof_handler,
LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number2 > &  dst,
const MGLevelObject< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > > &  src 
) const

Transfer from multi-level vector to normal vector.

Copies data from active portions of an MGVector into the respective positions of a Vector<number>. In order to keep the result consistent, constrained degrees of freedom are set to zero.

◆ copy_from_mg_add()

template<typename Number >
template<int dim, typename Number2 , int spacedim>
void MGLevelGlobalTransfer< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > >::copy_from_mg_add ( const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &  dof_handler,
LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number2 > &  dst,
const MGLevelObject< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > > &  src 
) const

Add a multi-level vector to a normal vector.

Works as the previous function, but probably not for continuous elements.

◆ set_component_to_block_map()

template<typename Number >
void MGLevelGlobalTransfer< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > >::set_component_to_block_map ( const std::vector< unsigned int > &  map)

If this object operates on BlockVector objects, we need to describe how the individual vector components are mapped to the blocks of a vector. For example, for a Stokes system, we have dim+1 vector components for velocity and pressure, but we may want to use block vectors with only two blocks for all velocities in one block, and the pressure variables in the other.

By default, if this function is not called, block vectors have as many blocks as the finite element has vector components. However, this can be changed by calling this function with an array that describes how vector components are to be grouped into blocks. The meaning of the argument is the same as the one given to the DoFTools::count_dofs_per_component function.

◆ print_indices()

template<typename Number >
void MGLevelGlobalTransfer< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > >::print_indices ( std::ostream &  os) const

Print the copy index fields for debugging purposes.

Definition at line 409 of file

◆ fill_and_communicate_copy_indices()

template<typename Number >
template<int dim, int spacedim>
void MGLevelGlobalTransfer< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > >::fill_and_communicate_copy_indices ( const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &  dof_handler)

Internal function to fill copy_indices*. Called by derived classes.

Definition at line 281 of file

◆ assert_built()

template<typename Number >
template<int dim, int spacedim>
void MGLevelGlobalTransfer< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > >::assert_built ( const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &  dof_handler) const

This function is called to make sure that build() has been invoked.

◆ subscribe()

void EnableObserverPointer::subscribe ( std::atomic< bool > *const  validity,
const std::string &  identifier = "" 
) const

Subscribes a user of the object by storing the pointer validity. The subscriber may be identified by text supplied as identifier.

Definition at line 131 of file

◆ unsubscribe()

void EnableObserverPointer::unsubscribe ( std::atomic< bool > *const  validity,
const std::string &  identifier = "" 
) const

Unsubscribes a user from the object.

The identifier and the validity pointer must be the same as the one supplied to subscribe().

Definition at line 151 of file

◆ n_subscriptions()

unsigned int EnableObserverPointer::n_subscriptions ( ) const

Return the present number of subscriptions to this object. This allows to use this class for reference counted lifetime determination where the last one to unsubscribe also deletes the object.

Definition at line 315 of file enable_observer_pointer.h.

◆ list_subscribers() [1/2]

template<typename StreamType >
void EnableObserverPointer::list_subscribers ( StreamType &  stream) const

List the subscribers to the input stream.

Definition at line 332 of file enable_observer_pointer.h.

◆ list_subscribers() [2/2]

void EnableObserverPointer::list_subscribers ( ) const

List the subscribers to deallog.

Definition at line 199 of file

◆ serialize()

template<class Archive >
void EnableObserverPointer::serialize ( Archive &  ar,
const unsigned int  version 

Read or write the data of this object to or from a stream for the purpose of serialization using the BOOST serialization library.

This function does not actually serialize any of the member variables of this class. The reason is that what this class stores is only who subscribes to this object, but who does so at the time of storing the contents of this object does not necessarily have anything to do with who subscribes to the object when it is restored. Consequently, we do not want to overwrite the subscribers at the time of restoring, and then there is no reason to write the subscribers out in the first place.

Definition at line 324 of file enable_observer_pointer.h.

◆ check_no_subscribers()

void EnableObserverPointer::check_no_subscribers ( ) const

Check that there are no objects subscribing to this object. If this check passes then it is safe to destroy the current object. It this check fails then this function will either abort or print an error message to deallog (by using the AssertNothrow mechanism), but will not throw an exception.

Since this function is just a consistency check it does nothing in release mode.
If this function is called when there is an uncaught exception then, rather than aborting, this function prints an error message to the standard error stream and returns.

Definition at line 53 of file

Member Data Documentation

◆ internal_transfer

template<int dim, typename Number >
MGLevelObject<MGTwoLevelTransfer<dim, VectorType> > MGTransferMF< dim, Number >::internal_transfer

Internal transfer operator.

See also MGTransferMatrixFree.

Definition at line 1300 of file mg_transfer_global_coarsening.h.

◆ transfer

template<int dim, typename Number >
MGLevelObject<ObserverPointer<MGTwoLevelTransferBase<VectorType> > > MGTransferMF< dim, Number >::transfer

Collection of the two-level transfer operators.

Definition at line 1305 of file mg_transfer_global_coarsening.h.

◆ external_partitioners

template<int dim, typename Number >
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Utilities::MPI::Partitioner> > MGTransferMF< dim, Number >::external_partitioners

External partitioners used during initialize_dof_vector().

Definition at line 1311 of file mg_transfer_global_coarsening.h.

◆ sizes

template<typename Number >
std::vector<types::global_dof_index> MGLevelGlobalTransfer< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > >::sizes

Sizes of the multi-level vectors.

Definition at line 512 of file mg_transfer.h.

◆ copy_indices

template<typename Number >
std::vector<Table<2, unsigned int> > MGLevelGlobalTransfer< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > >::copy_indices

Mapping for the copy_to_mg() and copy_from_mg() functions. Here only index pairs locally owned is stored.

The data is organized as follows: one table per level. This table has two rows. The first row contains the global index, the second one the level index.

Definition at line 522 of file mg_transfer.h.

◆ solution_copy_indices

template<typename Number >
std::vector<Table<2, unsigned int> > MGLevelGlobalTransfer< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > >::solution_copy_indices

Same as above, but used to transfer solution vectors.

Definition at line 527 of file mg_transfer.h.

◆ copy_indices_global_mine

template<typename Number >
std::vector<Table<2, unsigned int> > MGLevelGlobalTransfer< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > >::copy_indices_global_mine

Additional degrees of freedom for the copy_to_mg() function. These are the ones where the global degree of freedom is locally owned and the level degree of freedom is not.

Organization of the data is like for copy_indices.

Definition at line 536 of file mg_transfer.h.

◆ copy_indices_level_mine

template<typename Number >
std::vector<Table<2, unsigned int> > MGLevelGlobalTransfer< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > >::copy_indices_level_mine

Additional degrees of freedom for the copy_from_mg() function. These are the ones where the level degree of freedom is locally owned and the global degree of freedom is not.

Organization of the data is like for copy_indices.

Definition at line 545 of file mg_transfer.h.

◆ solution_copy_indices_level_mine

template<typename Number >
std::vector<Table<2, unsigned int> > MGLevelGlobalTransfer< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > >::solution_copy_indices_level_mine

Same as above, but used to transfer solution vectors.

Definition at line 550 of file mg_transfer.h.

◆ perform_plain_copy

template<typename Number >
bool MGLevelGlobalTransfer< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > >::perform_plain_copy

This variable stores whether the copy operation from the global to the level vector is actually a plain copy to the finest level. This means that the grid has no adaptive refinement and the numbering on the finest multigrid level is the same as in the global case.

Definition at line 558 of file mg_transfer.h.

◆ perform_renumbered_plain_copy

template<typename Number >
bool MGLevelGlobalTransfer< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > >::perform_renumbered_plain_copy

This variable stores whether the copy operation from the global to the level vector is actually a plain copy to the finest level except for a renumbering within the finest level of the degrees of freedom. This means that the grid has no adaptive refinement.

Definition at line 566 of file mg_transfer.h.

◆ component_to_block_map

template<typename Number >
std::vector<unsigned int> MGLevelGlobalTransfer< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > >::component_to_block_map

The vector that stores what has been given to the set_component_to_block_map() function.

Definition at line 572 of file mg_transfer.h.

◆ mg_constrained_dofs

template<typename Number >
ObserverPointer<const MGConstrainedDoFs> MGLevelGlobalTransfer< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > >::mg_constrained_dofs

The mg_constrained_dofs of the level systems.

Definition at line 577 of file mg_transfer.h.

◆ ghosted_global_vector

template<typename Number >
LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<Number> MGLevelGlobalTransfer< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > >::ghosted_global_vector

In the function copy_to_mg, we need to access ghosted entries of the global vector for inserting into the level vectors. This vector is populated with those entries.

Definition at line 584 of file mg_transfer.h.

◆ solution_ghosted_global_vector

template<typename Number >
LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<Number> MGLevelGlobalTransfer< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > >::solution_ghosted_global_vector

Same as above but used when working with solution vectors.

Definition at line 590 of file mg_transfer.h.

◆ ghosted_level_vector

template<typename Number >
MGLevelObject<LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<Number> > MGLevelGlobalTransfer< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > >::ghosted_level_vector

In the function copy_from_mg, we access all level vectors with certain ghost entries for inserting the result into a global vector.

Definition at line 597 of file mg_transfer.h.

◆ initialize_dof_vector

template<typename Number >
std::function<void(const unsigned int, LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<Number> &)> MGLevelGlobalTransfer< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > >::initialize_dof_vector

Function to initialize internal level vectors.

Definition at line 604 of file mg_transfer.h.

◆ counter

std::atomic<unsigned int> EnableObserverPointer::counter

Store the number of objects which subscribed to this object. Initially, this number is zero, and upon destruction it shall be zero again (i.e. all objects which subscribed should have unsubscribed again).

The creator (and owner) of an object is counted in the map below if HE manages to supply identification.

We use the mutable keyword in order to allow subscription to constant objects also.

This counter may be read from and written to concurrently in multithreaded code: hence we use the std::atomic class template.

Definition at line 220 of file enable_observer_pointer.h.

◆ counter_map

std::map<std::string, unsigned int> EnableObserverPointer::counter_map

In this map, we count subscriptions for each different identification string supplied to subscribe().

Definition at line 226 of file enable_observer_pointer.h.

◆ validity_pointers

std::vector<std::atomic<bool> *> EnableObserverPointer::validity_pointers

In this vector, we store pointers to the validity bool in the ObserverPointer objects that subscribe to this class.

Definition at line 242 of file enable_observer_pointer.h.

◆ object_info

const std::type_info* EnableObserverPointer::object_info

Pointer to the typeinfo object of this object, from which we can later deduce the class name. Since this information on the derived class is neither available in the destructor, nor in the constructor, we obtain it in between and store it here.

Definition at line 250 of file enable_observer_pointer.h.

◆ mutex

std::mutex EnableObserverPointer::mutex

A mutex used to ensure data consistency when accessing the mutable members of this class. This lock is used in the subscribe() and unsubscribe() functions, as well as in list_subscribers().

Definition at line 273 of file enable_observer_pointer.h.

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