Reference documentation for deal.II version 9.1.1
Deprecated List
Class BlockMatrixArray< number, BlockVectorType >
This class has been superseded by BlockLinearOperator.
Class BlockTrianglePrecondition< number, BlockVectorType >
This class has been superseded by block_back_substitution and block_forward_substitution, which build on BlockLinearOperator.
Class constraint_and_return_value< true, T >
Use std::enable_if instead.
Member contract (Tensor< 2, dim, Number > &dest, const Tensor< 2, dim, Number > &src1, const unsigned int index1, const Tensor< 2, dim, Number > &src2, const unsigned int index3)
Use the contract() function that takes indices as template arguments and returns its result instead.
Member contract (Tensor< 2, dim, Number > &dest, const Tensor< 3, dim, Number > &src1, const unsigned int index1, const Tensor< 1, dim, Number > &src2)
Use the contract() function that takes indices as template arguments and returns its result instead.
Member contract (Tensor< 3, dim, Number > &dest, const Tensor< 3, dim, Number > &src1, const unsigned int index1, const Tensor< 2, dim, Number > &src2, const unsigned int index2)
Use the contract() function that takes indices as template arguments and returns its result instead.
Member contract (Tensor< rank_1+rank_2 - 2, dim, Number > &dest, const Tensor< rank_1, dim, Number > &src1, const Tensor< rank_2, dim, Number > &src2)
Use operator* instead. It denotes a single contraction.
Member contract (const Tensor< 1, dim, Number > &src1, const Tensor< 1, dim, OtherNumber > &src2)
Use operator* instead. It denotes a single contraction.
Member contract (Tensor< 2, dim, Number > &dest, const Tensor< 2, dim, Number > &src1, const unsigned int index1, const Tensor< 2, dim, Number > &src2, const unsigned int index3)
Use the contract() function that takes indices as template arguments and returns its result instead.
Member contract (Tensor< 2, dim, Number > &dest, const Tensor< 3, dim, Number > &src1, const unsigned int index1, const Tensor< 1, dim, Number > &src2)
Use the contract() function that takes indices as template arguments and returns its result instead.
Member contract (Tensor< 3, dim, Number > &dest, const Tensor< 3, dim, Number > &src1, const unsigned int index1, const Tensor< 2, dim, Number > &src2, const unsigned int index2)
Use the contract() function that takes indices as template arguments and returns its result instead.
Member contract (Tensor< rank_1+rank_2 - 2, dim, Number > &dest, const Tensor< rank_1, dim, Number > &src1, const Tensor< rank_2, dim, Number > &src2)
Use operator* instead. It denotes a single contraction.
Member contract (const Tensor< 1, dim, Number > &src1, const Tensor< 1, dim, OtherNumber > &src2)
Use operator* instead. It denotes a single contraction.
Member cross_product (Tensor< 1, dim, Number > &dst, const Tensor< 1, dim, Number > &src)
Use the function cross_product_2d() that returns the value.
Member cross_product (Tensor< 1, dim, Number > &dst, const Tensor< 1, dim, Number > &src1, const Tensor< 1, dim, Number > &src2)
Use the function cross_product_3d() that returns the value.
Member cross_product (Tensor< 1, dim, Number > &dst, const Tensor< 1, dim, Number > &src)
Use the function cross_product_2d() that returns the value.
Member cross_product (Tensor< 1, dim, Number > &dst, const Tensor< 1, dim, Number > &src1, const Tensor< 1, dim, Number > &src2)
Use the function cross_product_3d() that returns the value.
Member DataOutBase::default_suffix (const OutputFormat output_format)
Using Tecplot binary output is deprecated.
Member DataOutBase::tecplot_binary
Using Tecplot binary output is deprecated.
Member DataOutBase::TecplotFlags::tecplot_binary_file_name
Using Tecplot binary output is deprecated.
Member DataOutBase::TecplotFlags::TecplotFlags (const char *tecplot_binary_file_name=nullptr, const char *zone_name=nullptr, const double solution_time=-1.0)
Using this constructor is deprecated. Set the member variables directly instead.
Member DataOutBase::write_deal_II_intermediate (const std::vector< Patch< dim, spacedim >> &patches, const std::vector< std::string > &data_names, const std::vector< std::tuple< unsigned int, unsigned int, std::string >> &nonscalar_data_ranges, const Deal_II_IntermediateFlags &flags, std::ostream &out)
Use the version using DataComponentInterpretation instead.
Member DataOutBase::write_dx (const std::vector< Patch< dim, spacedim >> &patches, const std::vector< std::string > &data_names, const std::vector< std::tuple< unsigned int, unsigned int, std::string >> &nonscalar_data_ranges, const DXFlags &flags, std::ostream &out)
Use the version using DataComponentInterpretation instead.
Member DataOutBase::write_eps (const std::vector< Patch< dim, spacedim >> &patches, const std::vector< std::string > &data_names, const std::vector< std::tuple< unsigned int, unsigned int, std::string >> &nonscalar_data_ranges, const EpsFlags &flags, std::ostream &out)

Use the version using DataComponentInterpretation instead.

Use the version using DataComponentInterpretation instead.

Use the version using DataComponentInterpretation instead.

Use the version using DataComponentInterpretation instead.

Member DataOutBase::write_eps (const std::vector< Patch< 2, spacedim >> &patches, const std::vector< std::string > &data_names, const std::vector< std::tuple< unsigned int, unsigned int, std::string >> &nonscalar_data_ranges, const EpsFlags &flags, std::ostream &out)
Use the version using DataComponentInterpretation instead.
Member DataOutBase::write_filtered_data (const std::vector< Patch< dim, spacedim >> &patches, const std::vector< std::string > &data_names, const std::vector< std::tuple< unsigned int, unsigned int, std::string >> &nonscalar_data_ranges, DataOutFilter &filtered_data)
Use the version using DataComponentInterpretation instead.
Member DataOutBase::write_gmv (const std::vector< Patch< dim, spacedim >> &patches, const std::vector< std::string > &data_names, const std::vector< std::tuple< unsigned int, unsigned int, std::string >> &nonscalar_data_ranges, const GmvFlags &flags, std::ostream &out)
Use the version using DataComponentInterpretation instead.
Member DataOutBase::write_gnuplot (const std::vector< Patch< dim, spacedim >> &patches, const std::vector< std::string > &data_names, const std::vector< std::tuple< unsigned int, unsigned int, std::string >> &nonscalar_data_ranges, const GnuplotFlags &flags, std::ostream &out)
Use the version using DataComponentInterpretation instead.
Member DataOutBase::write_povray (const std::vector< Patch< dim, spacedim >> &patches, const std::vector< std::string > &data_names, const std::vector< std::tuple< unsigned int, unsigned int, std::string >> &nonscalar_data_ranges, const PovrayFlags &flags, std::ostream &out)
Use the version using DataComponentInterpretation instead.
Member DataOutBase::write_pvtu_record (std::ostream &out, const std::vector< std::string > &piece_names, const std::vector< std::string > &data_names, const std::vector< std::tuple< unsigned int, unsigned int, std::string >> &nonscalar_data_ranges)
Use the version using DataComponentInterpretation instead.
Member DataOutBase::write_svg (const std::vector< Patch< 2, spacedim >> &patches, const std::vector< std::string > &data_names, const std::vector< std::tuple< unsigned int, unsigned int, std::string >> &nonscalar_data_ranges, const SvgFlags &flags, std::ostream &out)
Use the version using DataComponentInterpretation instead.
Member DataOutBase::write_tecplot (const std::vector< Patch< dim, spacedim >> &patches, const std::vector< std::string > &data_names, const std::vector< std::tuple< unsigned int, unsigned int, std::string >> &nonscalar_data_ranges, const TecplotFlags &flags, std::ostream &out)
Use the version using DataComponentInterpretation instead.
Member DataOutBase::write_tecplot_binary (const std::vector< Patch< dim, spacedim >> &patches, const std::vector< std::string > &data_names, const std::vector< std::tuple< unsigned int, unsigned int, std::string >> &nonscalar_data_ranges, const TecplotFlags &flags, std::ostream &out)
Using Tecplot binary output is deprecated.
Member DataOutBase::write_tecplot_binary (const std::vector< Patch< dim, spacedim >> &patches, const std::vector< std::string > &data_names, const std::vector< std::tuple< unsigned int, unsigned int, std::string, DataComponentInterpretation::DataComponentInterpretation >> &nonscalar_data_ranges, const TecplotFlags &flags, std::ostream &out)
Using Tecplot binary output is deprecated.
Member DataOutBase::write_ucd (const std::vector< Patch< dim, spacedim >> &patches, const std::vector< std::string > &data_names, const std::vector< std::tuple< unsigned int, unsigned int, std::string >> &nonscalar_data_ranges, const UcdFlags &flags, std::ostream &out)
Use the version using DataComponentInterpretation instead.
Member DataOutBase::write_vtk (const std::vector< Patch< dim, spacedim >> &patches, const std::vector< std::string > &data_names, const std::vector< std::tuple< unsigned int, unsigned int, std::string >> &nonscalar_data_ranges, const VtkFlags &flags, std::ostream &out)
Use the version using DataComponentInterpretation instead.
Member DataOutBase::write_vtu (const std::vector< Patch< dim, spacedim >> &patches, const std::vector< std::string > &data_names, const std::vector< std::tuple< unsigned int, unsigned int, std::string >> &nonscalar_data_ranges, const VtkFlags &flags, std::ostream &out)
Use the version using DataComponentInterpretation instead.
Member DataOutBase::write_vtu_main (const std::vector< Patch< dim, spacedim >> &patches, const std::vector< std::string > &data_names, const std::vector< std::tuple< unsigned int, unsigned int, std::string >> &nonscalar_data_ranges, const VtkFlags &flags, std::ostream &out)
Use the version using DataComponentInterpretation instead.
Member DataOutInterface< dim, spacedim >::get_vector_data_ranges () const
Use get_nonscalar_data_ranges instead.
Member DataOutInterface< dim, spacedim >::write_tecplot_binary (std::ostream &out) const
Using Tecplot binary output is deprecated.
Member determinant (const Tensor< rank, 1, Number > &t)
Do not use this function, evaluate the value manually.
Member determinant (const Tensor< 1, 1, Number > &t)
Do not use this function, evaluate the value manually.
Member determinant (const Tensor< rank, 1, Number > &t)
Do not use this function, evaluate the value manually.
Member determinant (const Tensor< 1, 1, Number > &t)
Do not use this function, evaluate the value manually.
Member DoFCellAccessor< DoFHandlerType, level_dof_access >::get_dof_indices (std::vector< types::global_dof_index > &dof_indices) const
Currently, this function can also be called for non-active cells, if all degrees of freedom of the FiniteElement are located in vertices. This functionality will vanish in a future release.
Member DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::distribute_mg_dofs (const FiniteElement< dim, spacedim > &fe)
Use the version without parameter instead.
Member DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::invalid_dof_index
Use numbers::invalid_dof_index instead.
Member DoFTools::extract_locally_owned_dofs (const DoFHandlerType &dof_handler, IndexSet &dof_set)
Use DoFHandler::locally_owned_dofs() directly instead of this function.
Member DoFTools::fe_is_primitive (const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dh)
Use dh.get_fe(0).is_primitive().
Member DoFTools::fe_is_primitive (const hp::DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dh)
Use dh.get_fe(0).is_primitive().
Member DoFTools::fe_is_primitive (const hp::DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dh)
Use dh.get_fe(0).is_primitive().
Member DoFTools::fe_is_primitive (const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dh)
Use dh.get_fe(0).is_primitive().
Member DoFTools::max_dofs_per_cell (const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dh)
Use dh.get_fe_collection().max_dofs_per_cell().
Member DoFTools::max_dofs_per_cell (const hp::DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dh)
Use dh.get_fe_collection().max_dofs_per_cell().
Member DoFTools::max_dofs_per_cell (const hp::DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dh)
Use dh.get_fe_collection().max_dofs_per_cell().
Member DoFTools::max_dofs_per_cell (const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dh)
Use dh.get_fe_collection().max_dofs_per_cell().
Member DoFTools::max_dofs_per_face (const hp::DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dh)
Use dh.get_fe_collection().max_dofs_per_face().
Member DoFTools::max_dofs_per_face (const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dh)
Use dh.get_fe_collection().max_dofs_per_face().
Member DoFTools::max_dofs_per_face (const hp::DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dh)
Use dh.get_fe_collection().max_dofs_per_face().
Member DoFTools::max_dofs_per_face (const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dh)
Use dh.get_fe_collection().max_dofs_per_face().
Member DoFTools::max_dofs_per_vertex (const hp::DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dh)
Use dh.get_fe_collection().max_dofs_per_vertex().
Member DoFTools::max_dofs_per_vertex (const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dh)
Use dh.get_fe_collection().max_dofs_per_vertex().
Member DoFTools::max_dofs_per_vertex (const hp::DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dh)
Use dh.get_fe_collection().max_dofs_per_vertex().
Member DoFTools::max_dofs_per_vertex (const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dh)
Use dh.get_fe_collection().max_dofs_per_vertex().
Member DoFTools::n_components (const hp::DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dh)
Use dh.get_fe_collection().n_components().
Member DoFTools::n_components (const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dh)
Use dh.get_fe_collection().n_components().
Member DoFTools::n_components (const hp::DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dh)
Use dh.get_fe_collection().n_components().
Member DoFTools::n_components (const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dh)
Use dh.get_fe_collection().n_components().
Member double_contract (const Tensor< 2, dim, Number > &src1, const Tensor< 2, dim, Number > &src2)
Use the double_contract() function that takes indices as template arguments and returns its result instead.
Member double_contract (Tensor< 2, dim, Number > &dest, const Tensor< 4, dim, Number > &src1, const Tensor< 2, dim, Number > &src2)
Use the double_contract() function that takes indices as template arguments and returns its result instead.
Member double_contract (const Tensor< 2, dim, Number > &src1, const Tensor< 2, dim, Number > &src2)
Use the double_contract() function that takes indices as template arguments and returns its result instead.
Member double_contract (Tensor< 2, dim, Number > &dest, const Tensor< 4, dim, Number > &src1, const Tensor< 2, dim, Number > &src2)
Use the double_contract() function that takes indices as template arguments and returns its result instead.
Member ExcInvalidTensorContractionIndex (int arg1)
Member FEEvaluationBase< dim, n_components_, Number, is_face >::fill_JxW_values (AlignedVector< VectorizedArray< Number >> &JxW_values) const
Use JxW() instead.
Member FEEvaluationBase< dim, n_components_, Number, is_face >::get_cell_data_number () const
Use get_mapping_data_index_offset() instead.
Member FETools::get_fe_from_name (const std::string &name)
Use get_fe_by_name() with two template parameters instead
Member FEValuesBase< dim, spacedim >::get_all_normal_vectors () const
Use get_normal_vectors() instead, which returns the exact same thing.
Class FilteredMatrix< VectorType >
Use LinearOperator instead. See the documentation of constrained_linear_operator().
Member FiniteElement< dim, spacedim >::compare_for_face_domination (const FiniteElement< dim, spacedim > &fe_other) const final
Use compare_for_domination() with codim=1 instead.
Member FiniteElement< dim, spacedim >::get_generalized_face_support_points () const
In general, it is not possible to associate a unique subset of generalized support points describing degrees of freedom for a given face. Don't use this function
Member FiniteElement< dim, spacedim >::has_generalized_face_support_points () const
In general, it is not possible to associate a unique subset of generalized support points describing degrees of freedom for a given face. Don't use this function
Member FunctionMap< dim, Number >::type
Use the alias type directly.
Member Functions::CutOffFunctionBase< dim >::new_center (const Point< dim > &p)
Use set_center() instead.
Member Functions::CutOffFunctionBase< dim >::new_radius (const double r)
Use set_radius() instead.
Member GridIn< dim, spacedim >::read_netcdf (const std::string &filename)
Support for NetCDF in deal.II is deprecated.
Member GridOutFlags::Gnuplot::n_boundary_face_points
Use n_extra_curved_line_points instead, which has a more precise name. For compatibility this is implemented as a reference to n_extra_curved_line_points.
Member hp::DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::get_fe () const
Use get_fe_collection() instead.
Member hp::DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::invalid_dof_index
Use numbers::invalid_dof_index instead.
Member hp::FECollection< dim, spacedim >::find_least_face_dominating_fe (const std::set< unsigned int > &fes) const
This function has been succeeded by hp::FECollection::find_dominating_fe_extended(fes, 1). To recreate its exact behavior, use code such as fe_collection.find_dominated_fe( fe_collection.find_common_fes(fes, 1), 1).
Class internal::bool2type< B >
Use std::integral_constant<bool, B> instead.
Class internal::int2type< N >
Use std::integral_constant<int, N> instead.
Class KDTree< dim >
This class has been deprecated in favor of RTree, which is based on boost::geometry::index::rtree.
Member LAPACKFullMatrix< number >::apply_lu_factorization (Vector< number > &v, const bool transposed) const
use solve() instead.
Member LAPACKFullMatrix< number >::apply_lu_factorization (LAPACKFullMatrix< number > &B, const bool transposed) const
use solve() instead.
Member LocalIntegrators::Divergence::grad_div_matrix (FullMatrix< double > &M, const FEValuesBase< dim > &fe, const double factor=1.)
Use LocalIntegrators::GradDiv::cell_matrix() instead.
Member LocalIntegrators::Divergence::grad_div_residual (Vector< number > &result, const FEValuesBase< dim > &fetest, const ArrayView< const std::vector< Tensor< 1, dim >>> &input, const double factor=1.)
Use LocalIntegrators::GradDiv::cell_residual() instead.
Member MatrixFree< dim, Number >::reinit (const Mapping< dim > &mapping, const DoFHandlerType &dof_handler, const AffineConstraints< number2 > &constraint, const IndexSet &locally_owned_dofs, const QuadratureType &quad, const AdditionalData additional_data=AdditionalData())
Setting the index set specifically is not supported any more. Use the reinit function without index set argument to choose the one provided by DoFHandler::locally_owned_dofs().
Member MatrixFree< dim, Number >::reinit (const Mapping< dim > &mapping, const std::vector< const DoFHandlerType *> &dof_handler, const std::vector< const AffineConstraints< number2 > *> &constraint, const std::vector< IndexSet > &locally_owned_set, const std::vector< QuadratureType > &quad, const AdditionalData additional_data=AdditionalData())
Setting the index set specifically is not supported any more. Use the reinit function without index set argument to choose the one provided by DoFHandler::locally_owned_dofs().
Class MeanValueFilter
Use a LinearOperator, or a BlockLinearOperator instead. you can construct such a filter by using mean_value_filter, or block_diagonal_operator (with a mean_value_filter block), respectively.
Member MeshWorker::Assembler::ResidualSimple< VectorType >::initialize_local_blocks (const BlockIndices &)
This function is of no effect. Only the block info structure in DoFInfo is being used.
Class MGCoarseGridLACIteration< SolverType, VectorType >
Use MGCoarseGridIterativeSolver instead.
Member MGConstrainedDoFs::get_level_constraint_matrix (const unsigned int level) const
Use get_level_constraints instead, which has a more descriptive name.
Member MGConstrainedDoFs::initialize (const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dof, const std::map< types::boundary_id, const Function< spacedim > *> &function_map, const ComponentMask &component_mask=ComponentMask())
Use initialize() followed by make_zero_boundary_constraints() instead
Member MGLevelObject< Object >::clear ()
Use clear_elements () instead
Member MGSmootherBlock< MatrixType, RelaxationType, number >::MGSmootherBlock (VectorMemory< BlockVector< number >> &mem, const unsigned int steps=1, const bool variable=false, const bool symmetric=false, const bool transpose=false, const bool reverse=false)
Since GrowingVectorMemory now uses a joint memory pool, it is recommended to use the constructor without the memory object.
Member MGTools::extract_non_interface_dofs (const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &mg_dof_handler, std::vector< std::set< types::global_dof_index >> &non_interface_dofs)
Use extract_inner_interface_dofs() for computing the complement of degrees of freedoms instead.
Member MGTransferBlockBase::MGTransferBlockBase (const AffineConstraints< double > &constraints, const MGConstrainedDoFs &mg_constrained_dofs)
constraints is unused.
Member MGTransferBlockSelect< number >::MGTransferBlockSelect (const AffineConstraints< double > &constraints, const MGConstrainedDoFs &mg_constrained_dofs)
constraints is unused.
Member MGTransferPrebuilt< VectorType >::initialize_constraints (const AffineConstraints< double > &constraints, const MGConstrainedDoFs &mg_constrained_dofs)
constraints is unused.
Member MGTransferPrebuilt< VectorType >::MGTransferPrebuilt (const AffineConstraints< double > &constraints, const MGConstrainedDoFs &mg_constrained_dofs)
constraints is unused.
Member Multigrid< VectorType >::Multigrid (const DoFHandler< dim > &mg_dof_handler, const MGMatrixBase< VectorType > &matrix, const MGCoarseGridBase< VectorType > &coarse, const MGTransferBase< VectorType > &transfer, const MGSmootherBase< VectorType > &pre_smooth, const MGSmootherBase< VectorType > &post_smooth, const unsigned int minlevel=0, const unsigned int maxlevel=numbers::invalid_unsigned_int, Cycle cycle=v_cycle)
Use the other constructor instead. The DoFHandler is actually not needed.
Member Multigrid< VectorType >::set_debug (const unsigned int)
Debug output will go away. Use signals instead.
Member numbers::invalid_manifold_id
Use flat_manifold_id instead.
Member numbers::is_nan (const double x)
This function has been deprecated in favor of the C++11 function std::isnan.
Class OpenCASCADE::DirectionalProjectionBoundary< dim, spacedim >
Use DirectionalProjectionManifold instead, which is identical to this class but satisfies the modern Manifold-based naming convention.
Class OpenCASCADE::NormalProjectionBoundary< dim, spacedim >
Use NormalProjectionManifold instead, which is identical to this class but satisfies the modern Manifold-based naming convention.
Class OpenCASCADE::NormalToMeshProjectionBoundary< dim, spacedim >
Use NormalToMeshProjectionManifold instead, which is identical to this class but satisfies the modern Manifold-based naming convention.
Member outer_product (Tensor< 1, dim, Number > &dst, const Number src1, const Tensor< 1, dim, Number > &src2)
Use operator* instead.
Member outer_product (Tensor< 1, dim, Number > &dst, const Tensor< 1, dim, Number > src1, const Number src2)
Use operator* instead.
Member outer_product (Tensor< rank_1+rank_2, dim, Number > &dst, const Tensor< rank_1, dim, Number > &src1, const Tensor< rank_2, dim, Number > &src2)
Use the generic version that returns its result instead.
Member outer_product (Tensor< 1, dim, Number > &dst, const Tensor< 1, dim, Number > src1, const Number src2)
Use operator* instead.
Member outer_product (Tensor< 1, dim, Number > &dst, const Number src1, const Tensor< 1, dim, Number > &src2)
Use operator* instead.
Member outer_product (Tensor< rank_1+rank_2, dim, Number > &dst, const Tensor< rank_1, dim, Number > &src1, const Tensor< rank_2, dim, Number > &src2)
Use the generic version that returns its result instead.
Member parallel::distributed::BlockVector
Use LinearAlgebra::distributed::BlockVector instead.
Member parallel::distributed::SolutionTransfer< dim, VectorType, DoFHandlerType >::prepare_serialization (const std::vector< const VectorType *> &all_in)
Use parallel::distributed::SolutionTransfer::prepare_for_serialization() instead.
Member parallel::distributed::SolutionTransfer< dim, VectorType, DoFHandlerType >::prepare_serialization (const VectorType &in)
Use parallel::distributed::SolutionTransfer::prepare_for_serialization() instead.
Member parallel::distributed::Vector
Use LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector instead.
Member ParameterHandler::print_parameters_section (std::ostream &out, const OutputStyle style, const unsigned int indent_level, const bool include_top_level_elements=false)
This function is deprecated because, even though it only outputs information, it is not a const function.
Class PArpackSolver< VectorType >::Shift< MatrixType >
: Use LinearOperator to create a shifted operator by hand: const auto shift = linear_operator(A) - sigma * linear_operator(B);
Member PETScWrappers::MatrixBase::add (const MatrixBase &other, const PetscScalar factor)
Use the function with order of arguments reversed instead.
Member PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix::do_reinit (const size_type m, const size_type n, const size_type local_rows, const size_type local_columns, const size_type n_nonzero_per_row, const bool is_symmetric=false, const size_type n_offdiag_nonzero_per_row=0)
This overload of do_reinit is deprecated: please use the overload with a sparsity pattern argument instead.
Member PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix::do_reinit (const size_type m, const size_type n, const size_type local_rows, const size_type local_columns, const std::vector< size_type > &row_lengths, const bool is_symmetric=false, const std::vector< size_type > &offdiag_row_lengths=std::vector< size_type >())
This overload of do_reinit is deprecated: please use the overload with a sparsity pattern argument instead.
Member PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix::reinit (const MPI_Comm &communicator, const size_type m, const size_type n, const size_type local_rows, const size_type local_columns, const std::vector< size_type > &row_lengths, const bool is_symmetric=false, const std::vector< size_type > &offdiag_row_lengths=std::vector< size_type >())
This overload of reinit is deprecated: please use the overload with a sparsity pattern argument instead.
Member PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix::reinit (const MPI_Comm &communicator, const size_type m, const size_type n, const size_type local_rows, const size_type local_columns, const size_type n_nonzero_per_row, const bool is_symmetric=false, const size_type n_offdiag_nonzero_per_row=0)
This overload of reinit is deprecated: please use the overload with a sparsity pattern argument instead.
Member PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix::SparseMatrix (const MPI_Comm &communicator, const size_type m, const size_type n, const size_type local_rows, const size_type local_columns, const std::vector< size_type > &row_lengths, const bool is_symmetric=false, const std::vector< size_type > &offdiag_row_lengths=std::vector< size_type >())
This constructor is deprecated: please use the constructor with a sparsity pattern argument instead.
Member PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix::SparseMatrix (const MPI_Comm &communicator, const size_type m, const size_type n, const size_type local_rows, const size_type local_columns, const size_type n_nonzero_per_row, const bool is_symmetric=false, const size_type n_offdiag_nonzero_per_row=0)
This constructor is deprecated: please use the constructor with a sparsity pattern argument instead.
Member PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector::Vector (const MPI_Comm &communicator, const VectorBase &v, const size_type local_size)
The use of objects that are explicitly of type VectorBase is deprecated: use PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector instead.
Class PointerMatrix< MatrixType, VectorType >
Use LinearOperator instead
Class PointerMatrixAux< MatrixType, VectorType >
Use LinearOperator instead
Class PointerMatrixBase< VectorType >
Use LinearOperator instead
Class PointerMatrixVector< number >
Use LinearOperator instead
Member PointValueHistory< dim >::get_points (std::vector< std::vector< Point< dim >>> &locations)
Member PreconditionChebyshev< MatrixType, VectorType, PreconditionerType >::AdditionalData::matrix_diagonal_inverse
Set the variable preconditioner defined below instead.
Member PreconditionChebyshev< MatrixType, VectorType, PreconditionerType >::AdditionalData::nonzero_starting
For non-zero starting, use the step() and Tstep() interfaces, whereas vmult() provides the preconditioner interface.
Member SolverFGMRES< VectorType >::AdditionalData::AdditionalData (const unsigned int max_basis_size, const bool use_default_residual)
: use the other constructor as the second argument is unused.
Member StandardExceptions::ExcNeedsNetCDF ()
Support for NetCDF in deal.II is deprecated.
Class SwappableVector< number >
The usage of this class is deprecated.
Member TableIndices< N >::TableIndices (const std::size_t index0, const std::size_t index1, const std::size_t index2, const std::size_t index3, const std::size_t index4, const std::size_t index5, const std::size_t index6=numbers::invalid_unsigned_int, const std::size_t index7=numbers::invalid_unsigned_int, const std::size_t index8=numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
Use the constructor with the appropriate number of arguments to initialize the N indices instead.
Member Threads::Barrier
Like the PosixThreadBarrier class, this using declaration is deprecated.
Class Threads::ConditionVariable
Use std::condition_variable instead.
Member Threads::Mutex::acquire ()
This function is deprecated. Use the std::mutex::lock() function of the base class instead.
Member Threads::Mutex::release ()
This function is deprecated. Use the std::mutex::unlock() function of the base class instead.
Member Threads::n_existing_threads ()
This function is a left-over from a time when deal.II was in charge of creating all threads itself. But this is no longer the case: Both deal.II itself and applications can create threads via C++11 functions, and deal.II also relies on libraries such as the Threading Building Blocks that can create threads when executing certain functionality. As a consequence, we can no longer compute an accurate number of threads currently operating, and whatever this function returns is not accurate.
Class Threads::PosixThreadBarrier
This class is deprecated. It is easily possible to implement its functionality with the facilities provided by C++11.
Member Threads::this_thread_id ()
Use std::thread::get_id() or std::this_thread::get_id() instead.
Member Timer::get_data () const
Use Timer::get_last_lap_wall_time_data() instead, which returns a reference to the same structure.
Member Timer::get_lap_time () const
Use last_wall_time() instead.
Member Timer::get_total_data () const
Use Timer::get_accumulated_wall_time_data() instead, which returns a reference the same structure.
Member Timer::operator() () const
Use cpu_time() instead.
Member Timer::print_data (StreamType &stream) const
Use Timer::print_last_lap_wall_time_data() instead, which prints the same information.
Member Timer::print_total_data (StreamType &stream) const
Use Timer::print_accumulated_wall_time_data() instead, which prints the same information.
Member Triangulation< dim, spacedim >::set_manifold (const types::manifold_id number)
This method has been deprecated. Use Triangulation::reset_manifold() instead.
Member TrilinosWrappers::BlockSparseMatrix::domain_partitioner () const
Use the methods of the individual matrices based on IndexSet arguments.
Member TrilinosWrappers::BlockSparseMatrix::range_partitioner () const
Use the methods of the individual matrices based on IndexSet arguments.
Member TrilinosWrappers::BlockSparseMatrix::reinit (const std::vector< Epetra_Map > &input_maps, const ::BlockSparseMatrix< double > &deal_ii_sparse_matrix, const double drop_tolerance=1e-13)
Use the respective method with IndexSet arguments instead.
Member TrilinosWrappers::BlockSparsityPattern::BlockSparsityPattern (const std::vector< Epetra_Map > &parallel_partitioning)
Use the respective method with IndexSet arguments instead.
Member TrilinosWrappers::BlockSparsityPattern::reinit (const std::vector< Epetra_Map > &parallel_partitioning)
Use the respective method with IndexSet arguments instead.
Member TrilinosWrappers::MPI::Vector::vector_partitioner () const
Use trilinos_partitioner() instead.
Member TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix::col_partitioner () const
Usually not necessary. If desired, access it via the Epetra_CrsMatrix.
Member TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix::domain_partitioner () const
Use locally_owned_domain_indices() instead.
Member TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix::range_partitioner () const
Use locally_owned_range_indices() instead.
Member TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix::reinit (const Epetra_Map &row_parallel_partitioning, const Epetra_Map &col_parallel_partitioning, const SparsityPatternType &sparsity_pattern, const bool exchange_data=false)
Use the respective method with IndexSet argument instead.
Member TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix::reinit (const Epetra_Map &parallel_partitioning, const SparsityPatternType &sparsity_pattern, const bool exchange_data=false)
Use the respective method with IndexSet argument instead.
Member TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix::reinit (const Epetra_Map &parallel_partitioning, const ::SparseMatrix< number > &dealii_sparse_matrix, const double drop_tolerance=1e-13, const bool copy_values=true, const SparsityPattern *use_this_sparsity=nullptr)
Use the respective method with IndexSet argument instead.
Member TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix::reinit (const Epetra_Map &row_parallel_partitioning, const Epetra_Map &col_parallel_partitioning, const ::SparseMatrix< number > &dealii_sparse_matrix, const double drop_tolerance=1e-13, const bool copy_values=true, const SparsityPattern *use_this_sparsity=nullptr)
Use the respective method with IndexSet argument instead.
Member TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix::row_partitioner () const
Use locally_owned_range_indices() instead.
Member TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix::SparseMatrix (const Epetra_Map &parallel_partitioning, const size_type n_max_entries_per_row=0)
Use the respective method with IndexSet argument instead.
Member TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix::SparseMatrix (const Epetra_Map &row_parallel_partitioning, const Epetra_Map &col_parallel_partitioning, const size_type n_max_entries_per_row=0)
Use the respective method with IndexSet argument instead.
Member TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix::SparseMatrix (const Epetra_Map &parallel_partitioning, const std::vector< unsigned int > &n_entries_per_row)
Use the respective method with IndexSet argument instead.
Member TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix::SparseMatrix (const Epetra_Map &row_parallel_partitioning, const Epetra_Map &col_parallel_partitioning, const std::vector< unsigned int > &n_entries_per_row)
Use the respective method with IndexSet argument instead.
Member TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern::col_partitioner () const
Usually not necessary. If desired, access via the Epetra_FECrsGraph.
Member TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern::domain_partitioner () const
Use locally_owned_domain_indices() instead.
Member TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern::range_partitioner () const
Use locally_owned_range_indices() instead.
Member TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern::reinit (const Epetra_Map &parallel_partitioning, const std::vector< size_type > &n_entries_per_row)
Use the respective method with IndexSet argument instead.
Member TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern::reinit (const Epetra_Map &row_parallel_partitioning, const Epetra_Map &col_parallel_partitioning, const SparsityPatternType &nontrilinos_sparsity_pattern, const bool exchange_data=false)
Use the respective method with IndexSet argument instead.
Member TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern::reinit (const Epetra_Map &row_parallel_partitioning, const Epetra_Map &col_parallel_partitioning, const size_type n_entries_per_row=0)
Use the respective method with IndexSet argument instead.
Member TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern::reinit (const Epetra_Map &parallel_partitioning, const SparsityPatternType &nontrilinos_sparsity_pattern, const bool exchange_data=false)
Use the respective method with IndexSet argument instead.
Member TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern::reinit (const Epetra_Map &parallel_partitioning, const size_type n_entries_per_row=0)
Use the respective method with IndexSet argument instead.
Member TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern::reinit (const Epetra_Map &row_parallel_partitioning, const Epetra_Map &col_parallel_partitioning, const std::vector< size_type > &n_entries_per_row)
Use the respective method with IndexSet argument instead.
Member TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern::row_partitioner () const
Use locally_owned_range_indices() instead.
Member TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern::SparsityPattern (const Epetra_Map &parallel_partitioning, const std::vector< size_type > &n_entries_per_row)
Use the respective method with IndexSet argument instead.
Member TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern::SparsityPattern (const Epetra_Map &parallel_partitioning, const size_type n_entries_per_row=0)
Use the respective method with IndexSet argument instead.
Member TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern::SparsityPattern (const Epetra_Map &row_parallel_partitioning, const Epetra_Map &col_parallel_partitioning, const size_type n_entries_per_row=0)
Use the respective method with IndexSet argument instead.
Member TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern::SparsityPattern (const Epetra_Map &row_parallel_partitioning, const Epetra_Map &col_parallel_partitioning, const std::vector< size_type > &n_entries_per_row)
Use the respective method with IndexSet argument instead.
Member TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern::trilinos_communicator () const
Use get_mpi_communicator instead.
Class types_are_equal< T, U >
Use the standard library type trait std::is_same instead of this class.
Member update_cell_normal_vectors
Use update_normal_vectors instead.
Member update_face_normal_vectors
Use update_normal_vectors instead.
Member update_q_points
Use update_quadrature_points instead.
Member update_second_derivatives
Use update_hessians instead.
Class Utilities::fixed_int_power< a, 0 >
This template is deprecated: see the note in the general version of this template for more information.
Class Utilities::fixed_int_power< a, N >
This template has been deprecated in favor of C++11's support for constexpr calculations, e.g., use
Class VectorSlice< VectorType >
Use the more general ArrayView class instead.
Member VectorTools::project_boundary_values_curl_conforming (const hp::DoFHandler< dim > &dof_handler, const unsigned int first_vector_component, const Function< dim, double > &boundary_function, const types::boundary_id boundary_component, AffineConstraints< double > &constraints, const hp::MappingCollection< dim, dim > &mapping_collection=hp::StaticMappingQ1< dim >::mapping_collection)
Use the project_boundary_values_curl_conforming_l2() function instead of this one.
Member VectorTools::project_boundary_values_curl_conforming (const DoFHandler< dim > &dof_handler, const unsigned int first_vector_component, const Function< dim, double > &boundary_function, const types::boundary_id boundary_component, AffineConstraints< double > &constraints, const Mapping< dim > &mapping=StaticMappingQ1< dim >::mapping)
Use the project_boundary_values_curl_conforming_l2() function instead of this one.