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OpenCASCADE::NormalToMeshProjectionBoundary< dim, spacedim > Class Template Reference

#include <deal.II/opencascade/boundary_lib.h>

Inheritance diagram for OpenCASCADE::NormalToMeshProjectionBoundary< dim, spacedim >:

Public Member Functions

virtual std::unique_ptr< Manifold< dim, spacedim > > clone () const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from OpenCASCADE::NormalToMeshProjectionManifold< dim, spacedim >
 NormalToMeshProjectionManifold (const TopoDS_Shape &sh, const double tolerance=1e-7)
virtual Point< spacedim > project_to_manifold (const ArrayView< const Point< spacedim >> &surrounding_points, const Point< spacedim > &candidate) const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from FlatManifold< dim, spacedim >
 FlatManifold (const Tensor< 1, spacedim > &periodicity=Tensor< 1, spacedim >(), const double tolerance=1e-10)
virtual Point< spacedim > get_new_point (const ArrayView< const Point< spacedim >> &surrounding_points, const ArrayView< const double > &weights) const override
virtual void get_new_points (const ArrayView< const Point< spacedim >> &surrounding_points, const Table< 2, double > &weights, ArrayView< Point< spacedim >> new_points) const override
virtual Tensor< 1, spacedim > get_tangent_vector (const Point< spacedim > &x1, const Point< spacedim > &x2) const override
virtual Tensor< 1, spacedim > normal_vector (const typename Triangulation< dim, spacedim >::face_iterator &face, const Point< spacedim > &p) const override
virtual void get_normals_at_vertices (const typename Triangulation< dim, spacedim >::face_iterator &face, typename Manifold< dim, spacedim >::FaceVertexNormals &face_vertex_normals) const override
const Tensor< 1, spacedim > & get_periodicity () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Manifold< dim, spacedim >
virtual ~Manifold () override=default
virtual Point< spacedim > get_intermediate_point (const Point< spacedim > &p1, const Point< spacedim > &p2, const double w) const
virtual Point< spacedim > get_new_point_on_line (const typename Triangulation< dim, spacedim >::line_iterator &line) const
virtual Point< spacedim > get_new_point_on_quad (const typename Triangulation< dim, spacedim >::quad_iterator &quad) const
virtual Point< spacedim > get_new_point_on_hex (const typename Triangulation< dim, spacedim >::hex_iterator &hex) const
Point< spacedim > get_new_point_on_face (const typename Triangulation< dim, spacedim >::face_iterator &face) const
Point< spacedim > get_new_point_on_cell (const typename Triangulation< dim, spacedim >::cell_iterator &cell) const
virtual void get_normals_at_vertices (const typename Triangulation< dim, spacedim >::face_iterator &face, FaceVertexNormals &face_vertex_normals) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Subscriptor
 Subscriptor ()
 Subscriptor (const Subscriptor &)
 Subscriptor (Subscriptor &&) noexcept
virtual ~Subscriptor ()
Subscriptoroperator= (const Subscriptor &)
Subscriptoroperator= (Subscriptor &&) noexcept
void subscribe (std::atomic< bool > *const validity, const std::string &identifier="") const
void unsubscribe (std::atomic< bool > *const validity, const std::string &identifier="") const
unsigned int n_subscriptions () const
template<typename StreamType >
void list_subscribers (StreamType &stream) const
void list_subscribers () const
template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, const unsigned int version)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Manifold< dim, spacedim >
using FaceVertexNormals = std::array< Tensor< 1, spacedim >, GeometryInfo< dim >::vertices_per_face >
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Subscriptor
static ::ExceptionBaseExcInUse (int arg1, std::string arg2, std::string arg3)
static ::ExceptionBaseExcNoSubscriber (std::string arg1, std::string arg2)
- Protected Attributes inherited from OpenCASCADE::NormalToMeshProjectionManifold< dim, spacedim >
const TopoDS_Shape sh
const double tolerance

Detailed Description

template<int dim, int spacedim>
class OpenCASCADE::NormalToMeshProjectionBoundary< dim, spacedim >

A Manifold object based on OpenCASCADE TopoDS_Shape where new points are first computed by averaging the surrounding points in the same way as FlatManifold does, and then projecting them using OpenCASCADE utilities onto the manifold along a direction which is an estimation of the surrounding points (hence mesh cell) normal.

The direction normal to the mesh is particularly useful because it is the direction in which the mesh is missing nodes. For instance, during the refinement of a cell a new node is initially created around the baricenter of the cell. This location somehow ensures a uniform distance from the nodes of the old cell. Projecting such cell baricenter onto the CAD surface in the direction normal to the original cell will then retain uniform distance from the points of the original cell. Of course, at the stage of mesh generation, no dof handler nor finite element are defined, and such direction has to be estimated. For the case in which 8 surrounding points are present, 4 different triangles are identified with the points assigned, and the normals of such triangles are averaged to obtain the approximation of the normal to the cell.

The case in which 2 surrounding points are present (i.e.:a cell edge is being refined) is of course more tricky. The average of the CAD surface normals at the 2 surrounding points is first computed, and then projected onto the plane normal to the segment linking the surrounding points. This again is an attempt to have the new point with equal distance with respect to the surrounding points

This class only operates with CAD faces and makes the assumption that the shape you pass to it contains at least one face. If that is not the case, an Exception is thrown. In debug mode there is a sanity check to make sure that the surrounding points (the ones used in project_to_manifold()) actually live on the Manifold, i.e., calling OpenCASCADE::closest_point() on those points leaves them untouched. If this is not the case, an ExcPointNotOnManifold is thrown.

Notice that this type of Manifold descriptor may fail to give results if the triangulation to be refined is close to the boundary of the given TopoDS_Shape, or when the normal direction estimated from the surrounding points does not intersect the shape. An exception is thrown when this happens.

Luca Heltai, Andrea Mola, 2011–2014.
Use NormalToMeshProjectionManifold instead, which is identical to this class but satisfies the modern Manifold-based naming convention.

Definition at line 167 of file boundary_lib.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ clone()

template<int dim, int spacedim>
std::unique_ptr< Manifold< dim, spacedim > > OpenCASCADE::NormalToMeshProjectionBoundary< dim, spacedim >::clone ( ) const

Clone the current Manifold.

Reimplemented from OpenCASCADE::NormalToMeshProjectionManifold< dim, spacedim >.

Definition at line 49 of file boundary_lib.cc.

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