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The deal.II code gallery

The deal.II code gallery contains a collection of programs based on deal.II that were contributed by others to serve as starting points for more complex applications. The code gallery is an extension of the tutorial in that the programs are intended to show how applications can be implemented with deal.II, but without the requirement to have these code documented at the same, extensive level as used in the tutorial. Instructions for obtaining the code gallery programs can be found at http://dealii.org/code-gallery.html .

The programs that form part of the code gallery are contributed by others and are not part of deal.II itself. The deal.II authors make no assurances that these programs are documented in any reasonable way, nor that the programs are in fact correct. Please contact the authors of the code gallery programs if you have questions.

The code gallery currently consists of the following programs (with connections to other programs shown in the graph on the tutorial page):

Convection Diffusion Reaction (by David R. Wells wells.nosp@m.d2@r.nosp@m.pi.ed.nosp@m.u)

Parallel convection-diffusion-reaction (CDR) solver with theta time stepping utilizing Trilinos.

Distributed LDG Method (by Michael Harmon mdh26.nosp@m.6@gm.nosp@m.ail.c.nosp@m.om)

Solving Poisson's equation using the local discontinuous Galerkin method and Trilinos

Elastoplastic Torsion (by Salvador Flores sflor.nosp@m.es@d.nosp@m.im.uc.nosp@m.hile.nosp@m..cl)

Solving variational problems with uniform gradient bounds by p-Laplacian approximation.

Goal-oriented mesh adaptivity in elastoplasticity problems (by Seyed Shahram Ghorashi s.sh..nosp@m.ghor.nosp@m.ashi@.nosp@m.gmai.nosp@m.l.com)

Solving 2d/3d elastoplasticity problem with linear isotropic hardening and adapting the mesh based on goal-oriented error estimation

Higher Order Multipoint Flux Mixed Finite Element (MFMFE) methods (by Eldar Khattatov elk58.nosp@m.@pit.nosp@m.t.edu, Ilona Ambartsumyan ila6@.nosp@m.pitt.nosp@m..edu)

Solving Darcy equation of flow in porous media using the multipoint flux mixed finite element method.

Linear Elastic Active Skeletal Muscle Model (by Jean-Paul Pelteret jppel.nosp@m.tere.nosp@m.t@gma.nosp@m.il.c.nosp@m.om, Tim Hamann tim.h.nosp@m.aman.nosp@m.n@onl.nosp@m.ine..nosp@m.de)

Linear elasticity including active skeletal muscle model solving the concentric contraction of an idealized biceps brachii.

MCMC for the Laplace equation (by Wolfgang Bangerth bange.nosp@m.rth@.nosp@m.colos.nosp@m.tate.nosp@m..edu)

An implementation of a Markov Chain Monte Carlo solver for an inverse problem involving the Laplace equation

Quasi-Static Finite-Strain Compressible Elasticity (by Jean-Paul Pelteret jppel.nosp@m.tere.nosp@m.t@gma.nosp@m.il.c.nosp@m.om, Andrew McBride mcbri.nosp@m.de.a.nosp@m.ndrew.nosp@m.@gma.nosp@m.il.co.nosp@m.m)

Classical quasi-static finite-strain elasticity solving the Cook membrane problem composed of a compressible Neo-Hookean material.

Quasi-Static Finite-Strain Quasi-incompressible Visco-elasticity (by Jean-Paul Pelteret jppel.nosp@m.tere.nosp@m.t@gma.nosp@m.il.c.nosp@m.om)

Quasi-static finite-strain quasi-incompressible rate-dependent elasticity computing the displacement history of a thin viscoelastic strip with a hole.

Two phase flow interaction (by Manuel Quezada de Luna manue.nosp@m.l.qu.nosp@m.ezada.nosp@m..dl@.nosp@m.gmail.nosp@m..com)

Simulating two-phase flow interaction via level set method and incompressible Navier-Stokes equations.

Viscoelastoplastic topography evolution (by Roger Fu roger.nosp@m.fu@f.nosp@m.as.ha.nosp@m.rvar.nosp@m.d.edu, Anton Ermakov eai@m.nosp@m.it.e.nosp@m.du)

Topographic evolution