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SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number > Class Template Reference

#include <deal.II/base/symmetric_tensor.h>

Inheritance diagram for SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >:

Public Member Functions

 SymmetricTensor ()
template<typename OtherNumber >
 SymmetricTensor (const Tensor< 2, dim, OtherNumber > &t)
 SymmetricTensor (const Number(&array)[n_independent_components])
template<typename OtherNumber >
 SymmetricTensor (const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, OtherNumber > &initializer)
Number * begin_raw ()
const Number * begin_raw () const
Number * end_raw ()
const Number * end_raw () const
template<typename OtherNumber >
SymmetricTensoroperator= (const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, OtherNumber > &rhs)
SymmetricTensoroperator= (const Number &d)
 operator Tensor< rank_, dim, Number > () const
bool operator== (const SymmetricTensor &) const
bool operator!= (const SymmetricTensor &) const
template<typename OtherNumber >
SymmetricTensoroperator+= (const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, OtherNumber > &)
template<typename OtherNumber >
SymmetricTensoroperator-= (const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, OtherNumber > &)
template<typename OtherNumber >
SymmetricTensoroperator*= (const OtherNumber &factor)
template<typename OtherNumber >
SymmetricTensoroperator/= (const OtherNumber &factor)
SymmetricTensor operator- () const
template<typename OtherNumber >
internal::SymmetricTensorAccessors::double_contraction_result< rank_, 2, dim, Number, OtherNumber >::type operator* (const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, OtherNumber > &s) const
template<typename OtherNumber >
internal::SymmetricTensorAccessors::double_contraction_result< rank_, 4, dim, Number, OtherNumber >::type operator* (const SymmetricTensor< 4, dim, OtherNumber > &s) const
Number & operator() (const TableIndices< rank_ > &indices)
const Number & operator() (const TableIndices< rank_ > &indices) const
internal::SymmetricTensorAccessors::Accessor< rank_, dim, true, rank_ - 1, Number > operator[] (const unsigned int row) const
internal::SymmetricTensorAccessors::Accessor< rank_, dim, false, rank_ - 1, Number > operator[] (const unsigned int row)
const Number & operator[] (const TableIndices< rank_ > &indices) const
Number & operator[] (const TableIndices< rank_ > &indices)
const Number & access_raw_entry (const unsigned int unrolled_index) const
Number & access_raw_entry (const unsigned int unrolled_index)
numbers::NumberTraits< Number >::real_type norm () const
void clear ()
template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, const unsigned int version)

Static Public Member Functions

static unsigned int component_to_unrolled_index (const TableIndices< rank_ > &indices)
static TableIndices< rank_ > unrolled_to_component_indices (const unsigned int i)
static std::size_t memory_consumption ()

Static Public Attributes

static const unsigned int dimension = dim
static const unsigned int rank = rank_
static constexpr unsigned int n_independent_components

Private Types

using base_tensor_descriptor = internal::SymmetricTensorAccessors::StorageType< rank_, dim, Number >
using base_tensor_type = typename base_tensor_descriptor::base_tensor_type

Private Attributes

base_tensor_type data


template<int , int , typename >
class SymmetricTensor
struct internal::SymmetricTensorImplementation::Inverse< 2, dim, Number >
struct internal::SymmetricTensorImplementation::Inverse< 4, dim, Number >
template<int dim2, typename Number2 >
Number2 trace (const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim2, Number2 > &d)
template<int dim2, typename Number2 >
SymmetricTensor< 2, dim2, Number2 > unit_symmetric_tensor ()
template<int dim2, typename Number2 >
SymmetricTensor< 4, dim2, Number2 > deviator_tensor ()
template<int dim2, typename Number2 >
SymmetricTensor< 4, dim2, Number2 > identity_tensor ()

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

template<int rank, int dim, typename Number >
SymmetricTensor< rank, dim, Number > sum (const SymmetricTensor< rank, dim, Number > &local, const MPI_Comm &mpi_communicator)
template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, typename ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type > operator+ (const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number > &left, const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, OtherNumber > &right)
template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, typename ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type > operator- (const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number > &left, const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, OtherNumber > &right)
template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
Tensor< rank_, dim, typename ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type > operator+ (const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number > &left, const Tensor< rank_, dim, OtherNumber > &right)
template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
Tensor< rank_, dim, typename ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type > operator+ (const Tensor< rank_, dim, Number > &left, const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, OtherNumber > &right)
template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
Tensor< rank_, dim, typename ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type > operator- (const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number > &left, const Tensor< rank_, dim, OtherNumber > &right)
template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
Tensor< rank_, dim, typename ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type > operator- (const Tensor< rank_, dim, Number > &left, const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, OtherNumber > &right)
template<int dim, typename Number >
Number determinant (const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, Number > &t)
template<int dim, typename Number >
Number third_invariant (const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, Number > &t)
template<int dim, typename Number >
Number trace (const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, Number > &d)
template<int dim, typename Number >
Number first_invariant (const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, Number > &t)
template<typename Number >
Number second_invariant (const SymmetricTensor< 2, 1, Number > &)
template<typename Number >
Number second_invariant (const SymmetricTensor< 2, 2, Number > &t)
template<typename Number >
Number second_invariant (const SymmetricTensor< 2, 3, Number > &t)
template<typename Number >
std::array< Number, 1 > eigenvalues (const SymmetricTensor< 2, 1, Number > &T)
template<typename Number >
std::array< Number, 2 > eigenvalues (const SymmetricTensor< 2, 2, Number > &T)
template<typename Number >
std::array< Number, 3 > eigenvalues (const SymmetricTensor< 2, 3, Number > &T)
template<int dim, typename Number >
std::array< std::pair< Number, Tensor< 1, dim, Number > >, std::integral_constant< int, dim >::value > eigenvectors (const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, Number > &T, const SymmetricTensorEigenvectorMethod method=SymmetricTensorEigenvectorMethod::ql_implicit_shifts)
template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number >
SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number > transpose (const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number > &t)
template<int dim, typename Number >
SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, Number > deviator (const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, Number > &t)
template<int dim, typename Number >
SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, Number > invert (const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, Number > &t)
template<int dim, typename Number >
SymmetricTensor< 4, dim, Number > invert (const SymmetricTensor< 4, dim, Number > &t)
template<int dim, typename Number >
SymmetricTensor< 4, dim, Number > outer_product (const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, Number > &t1, const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, Number > &t2)
template<int dim, typename Number >
SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, Number > symmetrize (const Tensor< 2, dim, Number > &t)
template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number >
SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number > operator* (const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number > &t, const Number &factor)
template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number >
SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number > operator* (const Number &factor, const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number > &t)
template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, typename ProductType< Number, typename EnableIfScalar< OtherNumber >::type >::type > operator/ (const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number > &t, const OtherNumber &factor)
template<int rank_, int dim>
SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim > operator* (const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim > &t, const double factor)
template<int rank_, int dim>
SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim > operator* (const double factor, const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim > &t)
template<int rank_, int dim>
SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim > operator/ (const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim > &t, const double factor)
template<int dim, typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type scalar_product (const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, Number > &t1, const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, OtherNumber > &t2)
template<int dim, typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type scalar_product (const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, Number > &t1, const Tensor< 2, dim, OtherNumber > &t2)
template<int dim, typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type scalar_product (const Tensor< 2, dim, Number > &t1, const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, OtherNumber > &t2)
template<typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
void double_contract (SymmetricTensor< 2, 1, typename ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type > &tmp, const SymmetricTensor< 4, 1, Number > &t, const SymmetricTensor< 2, 1, OtherNumber > &s)
template<typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
void double_contract (SymmetricTensor< 2, 1, typename ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type > &tmp, const SymmetricTensor< 2, 1, Number > &s, const SymmetricTensor< 4, 1, OtherNumber > &t)
template<typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
void double_contract (SymmetricTensor< 2, 2, typename ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type > &tmp, const SymmetricTensor< 4, 2, Number > &t, const SymmetricTensor< 2, 2, OtherNumber > &s)
template<typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
void double_contract (SymmetricTensor< 2, 2, typename ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type > &tmp, const SymmetricTensor< 2, 2, Number > &s, const SymmetricTensor< 4, 2, OtherNumber > &t)
template<typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
void double_contract (SymmetricTensor< 2, 3, typename ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type > &tmp, const SymmetricTensor< 4, 3, Number > &t, const SymmetricTensor< 2, 3, OtherNumber > &s)
template<typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
void double_contract (SymmetricTensor< 2, 3, typename ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type > &tmp, const SymmetricTensor< 2, 3, Number > &s, const SymmetricTensor< 4, 3, OtherNumber > &t)
template<int dim, typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
Tensor< 1, dim, typename ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type > operator* (const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, Number > &src1, const Tensor< 1, dim, OtherNumber > &src2)
template<int dim, typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
Tensor< 1, dim, typename ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type > operator* (const Tensor< 1, dim, Number > &src1, const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, OtherNumber > &src2)
template<int rank_1, int rank_2, int dim, typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
Tensor< rank_1+rank_2 - 2, dim, typename ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type >::tensor_type operator* (const Tensor< rank_1, dim, Number > &src1, const SymmetricTensor< rank_2, dim, OtherNumber > &src2s)
template<int rank_1, int rank_2, int dim, typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
Tensor< rank_1+rank_2 - 2, dim, typename ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type >::tensor_type operator* (const SymmetricTensor< rank_1, dim, Number > &src1s, const Tensor< rank_2, dim, OtherNumber > &src2)
template<int dim, typename Number >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, Number > &t)
template<int dim, typename Number >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const SymmetricTensor< 4, dim, Number > &t)

Detailed Description

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
class SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >

Provide a class that stores symmetric tensors of rank 2,4,... efficiently, i.e. only store those off-diagonal elements of the full tensor that are not redundant. For example, for symmetric 2x2 tensors, this would be the elements 11, 22, and 12, while the element 21 is equal to the 12 element.

Using this class for symmetric tensors of rank 2 has advantages over matrices in many cases since the dimension is known to the compiler as well as the location of the data. It is therefore possible to produce far more efficient code than for matrices with runtime-dependent dimension. It is also more efficient than using the more general Tensor class, since fewer elements are stored, and the class automatically makes sure that the tensor represents a symmetric object.

For tensors of higher rank, the savings in storage are even higher. For example for the 3x3x3x3 tensors of rank 4, only 36 instead of the full 81 entries have to be stored.

While the definition of a symmetric rank-2 tensor is obvious, tensors of rank 4 are considered symmetric if they are operators mapping symmetric rank-2 tensors onto symmetric rank-2 tensors. This entails certain symmetry properties on the elements in their 4-dimensional index space, in particular that Cijkl=Cjikl=Cijlk. However, it does not imply the relation Cijkl=Cklij. Consequently, symmetric tensors of rank 4 as understood here are only tensors that map symmetric tensors onto symmetric tensors, but they do not necessarily induce a symmetric scalar product a:C:b=b:C:a or even a positive (semi-)definite form a:C:a, where a,b are symmetric rank-2 tensors and the colon indicates the common double-index contraction that acts as a product for symmetric tensors.

Symmetric tensors are most often used in structural and fluid mechanics, where strains and stresses are usually symmetric tensors, and the stress-strain relationship is given by a symmetric rank-4 tensor.

Symmetric tensors only exist with even numbers of indices. In other words, the only objects that you can use are SymmetricTensor<2,dim>, SymmetricTensor<4,dim>, etc, but SymmetricTensor<1,dim> and SymmetricTensor<3,dim> do not exist and their use will most likely lead to compiler errors.

Accessing elements

The elements of a tensor t can be accessed using the bracket operator, i.e. for a tensor of rank 4, t[0][1][0][1] accesses the element t0101. This access can be used for both reading and writing (if the tensor is non-constant at least). You may also perform other operations on it, although that may lead to confusing situations because several elements of the tensor are stored at the same location. For example, for a rank-2 tensor that is assumed to be zero at the beginning, writing t[0][1]+=1; t[1][0]+=1; will lead to the same element being increased by one twice, because even though the accesses use different indices, the elements that are accessed are symmetric and therefore stored at the same location. It may therefore be useful in application programs to restrict operations on individual elements to simple reads or writes.

Wolfgang Bangerth, 2005

Definition at line 92 of file mpi.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ base_tensor_descriptor

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
using SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::base_tensor_descriptor = internal::SymmetricTensorAccessors::StorageType<rank_, dim, Number>

A structure that describes properties of the base tensor.

Definition at line 882 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ base_tensor_type

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
using SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::base_tensor_type = typename base_tensor_descriptor::base_tensor_type

Data storage type for a symmetric tensor.

Definition at line 887 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SymmetricTensor() [1/4]

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::SymmetricTensor ( )

Default constructor. Creates a tensor with all entries equal to zero.

◆ SymmetricTensor() [2/4]

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
template<typename OtherNumber >
SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::SymmetricTensor ( const Tensor< 2, dim, OtherNumber > &  t)

Constructor. Generate a symmetric tensor from a general one. Assumes that t is already symmetric, and in debug mode this is in fact checked. Note that no provision is made to assure that the tensor is symmetric only up to round-off error: if the incoming tensor is not exactly symmetric, then an exception is thrown. If you know that incoming tensor is symmetric only up to round-off, then you may want to call the symmetrize function first. If you aren't sure, it is good practice to check before calling symmetrize.

◆ SymmetricTensor() [3/4]

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::SymmetricTensor ( const Number(&)  array[n_independent_components])

A constructor that creates a symmetric tensor from an array holding its independent elements. Using this constructor assumes that the caller knows the order in which elements are stored in symmetric tensors; its use is therefore discouraged, but if you think you want to use it anyway you can query the order of elements using the unrolled_index() function.

This constructor is currently only implemented for symmetric tensors of rank 2.

The size of the array passed is equal to SymmetricTensor<rank_,dim>::n_independent_component; the reason for using the object from the internal namespace is to work around bugs in some older compilers.

◆ SymmetricTensor() [4/4]

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
template<typename OtherNumber >
SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::SymmetricTensor ( const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, OtherNumber > &  initializer)

Copy constructor from tensors with different underlying scalar type. This obviously requires that the OtherNumber type is convertible to Number.

Member Function Documentation

◆ begin_raw() [1/2]

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
Number* SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::begin_raw ( )

Return a pointer to the first element of the underlying storage.

◆ begin_raw() [2/2]

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
const Number* SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::begin_raw ( ) const

Return a const pointer to the first element of the underlying storage.

◆ end_raw() [1/2]

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
Number* SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::end_raw ( )

Return a pointer to the element past the end of the underlying storage.

◆ end_raw() [2/2]

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
const Number* SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::end_raw ( ) const

Return a const pointer to the element past the end of the underlying storage.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
template<typename OtherNumber >
SymmetricTensor& SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::operator= ( const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, OtherNumber > &  rhs)

Assignment operator from symmetric tensors with different underlying scalar type. This obviously requires that the OtherNumber type is convertible to Number.

◆ operator=() [2/2]

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
SymmetricTensor& SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::operator= ( const Number &  d)

This operator assigns a scalar to a tensor. To avoid confusion with what exactly it means to assign a scalar value to a tensor, zero is the only value allowed for d, allowing the intuitive notation t=0 to reset all elements of the tensor to zero.

◆ operator Tensor< rank_, dim, Number >()

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::operator Tensor< rank_, dim, Number > ( ) const

Convert the present symmetric tensor into a full tensor with the same elements, but using the different storage scheme of full tensors.

◆ operator==()

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
bool SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::operator== ( const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number > &  ) const

Test for equality of two tensors.

◆ operator!=()

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
bool SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::operator!= ( const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number > &  ) const

Test for inequality of two tensors.

◆ operator+=()

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
template<typename OtherNumber >
SymmetricTensor& SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::operator+= ( const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, OtherNumber > &  )

Add another tensor.

◆ operator-=()

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
template<typename OtherNumber >
SymmetricTensor& SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::operator-= ( const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, OtherNumber > &  )

Subtract another tensor.

◆ operator*=()

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
template<typename OtherNumber >
SymmetricTensor& SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::operator*= ( const OtherNumber &  factor)

Scale the tensor by factor, i.e. multiply all components by factor.

◆ operator/=()

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
template<typename OtherNumber >
SymmetricTensor& SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::operator/= ( const OtherNumber &  factor)

Scale the tensor by 1/factor.

◆ operator-()

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
SymmetricTensor SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::operator- ( ) const

Unary minus operator. Negate all entries of a tensor.

◆ operator*() [1/2]

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
template<typename OtherNumber >
internal::SymmetricTensorAccessors:: double_contraction_result<rank_, 2, dim, Number, OtherNumber>::type SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::operator* ( const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, OtherNumber > &  s) const

Product between the present symmetric tensor and a tensor of rank 2. For example, if the present object is also a rank-2 tensor, then this is the scalar-product double contraction aijbij over all indices i,j. In this case, the return value evaluates to a single scalar. While it is possible to define other scalar product (and associated induced norms), this one seems to be the most appropriate one.

If the present object is a rank-4 tensor, then the result is a rank-2 tensor, i.e., the operation contracts over the last two indices of the present object and the indices of the argument, and the result is a tensor of rank 2.

Note that the multiplication operator for symmetric tensors is defined to be a double contraction over two indices, while it is defined as a single contraction over only one index for regular Tensor objects. For symmetric tensors it therefore acts in a way that is commonly denoted by a "colon multiplication" in the mathematical literature.

There are global functions double_contract that do the same work as this operator, but rather than returning the result as a return value, they write it into the first argument to the function.

◆ operator*() [2/2]

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
template<typename OtherNumber >
internal::SymmetricTensorAccessors:: double_contraction_result<rank_, 4, dim, Number, OtherNumber>::type SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::operator* ( const SymmetricTensor< 4, dim, OtherNumber > &  s) const

Contraction over two indices of the present object with the rank-4 symmetric tensor given as argument.

◆ operator()() [1/2]

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
Number& SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::operator() ( const TableIndices< rank_ > &  indices)

Return a read-write reference to the indicated element.

◆ operator()() [2/2]

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
const Number& SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::operator() ( const TableIndices< rank_ > &  indices) const

Return a const reference to the value referred to by the argument.

◆ operator[]() [1/4]

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
internal::SymmetricTensorAccessors:: Accessor<rank_, dim, true, rank_ - 1, Number> SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::operator[] ( const unsigned int  row) const

Access the elements of a row of this symmetric tensor. This function is called for constant tensors.

◆ operator[]() [2/4]

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
internal::SymmetricTensorAccessors:: Accessor<rank_, dim, false, rank_ - 1, Number> SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::operator[] ( const unsigned int  row)

Access the elements of a row of this symmetric tensor. This function is called for non-constant tensors.

◆ operator[]() [3/4]

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
const Number& SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::operator[] ( const TableIndices< rank_ > &  indices) const

Return a const reference to the value referred to by the argument.

Exactly the same as operator().

◆ operator[]() [4/4]

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
Number& SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::operator[] ( const TableIndices< rank_ > &  indices)

Return a read-write reference to the indicated element.

Exactly the same as operator().

◆ access_raw_entry() [1/2]

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
const Number& SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::access_raw_entry ( const unsigned int  unrolled_index) const

Access to an element according to unrolled index. The function s.access_raw_entry(unrolled_index) does the same as s[s.unrolled_to_component_indices(i)], but more efficiently.

◆ access_raw_entry() [2/2]

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
Number& SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::access_raw_entry ( const unsigned int  unrolled_index)

Access to an element according to unrolled index. The function s.access_raw_entry(unrolled_index) does the same as s[s.unrolled_to_component_indices(i)], but more efficiently.

◆ norm()

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
numbers::NumberTraits<Number>::real_type SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::norm ( ) const

Return the Frobenius-norm of a tensor, i.e. the square root of the sum of squares of all entries. This norm is induced by the scalar product defined above for two symmetric tensors. Note that it includes all entries of the tensor, counting symmetry, not only the unique ones (for example, for rank-2 tensors, this norm includes adding up the squares of upper right as well as lower left entries, not just one of them, although they are equal for symmetric tensors).

◆ component_to_unrolled_index()

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
static unsigned int SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::component_to_unrolled_index ( const TableIndices< rank_ > &  indices)

Tensor objects can be unrolled by simply pasting all elements into one long vector, but for this an order of elements has to be defined. For symmetric tensors, this function returns which index within the range [0,n_independent_components) the given entry in a symmetric tensor has.

◆ unrolled_to_component_indices()

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
static TableIndices<rank_> SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::unrolled_to_component_indices ( const unsigned int  i)

The opposite of the previous function: given an index i in the unrolled form of the tensor, return what set of indices (k,l) (for rank-2 tensors) or (k,l,m,n) (for rank-4 tensors) corresponds to it.

◆ clear()

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
void SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::clear ( )

Reset all values to zero.

Note that this is partly inconsistent with the semantics of the clear() member functions of the standard library containers and of several other classes within deal.II, which not only reset the values of stored elements to zero, but release all memory and return the object into a virginial state. However, since the size of objects of the present type is determined by its template parameters, resizing is not an option, and indeed the state where all elements have a zero value is the state right after construction of such an object.

◆ memory_consumption()

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
static std::size_t SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::memory_consumption ( )

Determine an estimate for the memory consumption (in bytes) of this object.

◆ serialize()

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
template<class Archive >
void SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::serialize ( Archive &  ar,
const unsigned int  version 

Read or write the data of this object to or from a stream for the purpose of serialization

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ SymmetricTensor

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
template<int , int , typename >
friend class SymmetricTensor

Make all other symmetric tensors friends.

Definition at line 898 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ internal::SymmetricTensorImplementation::Inverse< 2, dim, Number >

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
friend struct internal::SymmetricTensorImplementation:: Inverse< 2, dim, Number >

Make a few helper classes friends as well.

Definition at line 932 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ trace [1/2]

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
template<int dim2, typename Number2 >
Number2 trace ( const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim2, Number2 > &  d)

Make a few more functions friends.

◆ unit_symmetric_tensor

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
template<int dim2, typename Number2 >
SymmetricTensor< 2, dim > unit_symmetric_tensor ( )

Return a unit symmetric tensor of rank 2, i.e., the dim-by-dim identity matrix.

Wolfgang Bangerth, 2005

Return a unit symmetric tensor of rank 2, i.e., the dim-by-dim identity matrix. This specialization of the function uses double as the data type for the elements.

Wolfgang Bangerth, 2005

Definition at line 3288 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ deviator_tensor

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
template<int dim2, typename Number2 >
SymmetricTensor< 4, dim > deviator_tensor ( )

Return the tensor of rank 4 that, when multiplied by a symmetric rank 2 tensor t returns the deviator \textrm{dev}\ t. It is the operator representation of the linear deviator operator.

For every tensor t, there holds the identity deviator(t)==deviator_tensor<dim>()*t, up to numerical round-off. The reason this operator representation is provided is that one sometimes needs to invert operators like identity_tensor<dim>() + delta_t*deviator_tensor<dim>() or similar.

Wolfgang Bangerth, 2005

Return the tensor of rank 4 that, when multiplied by a symmetric rank 2 tensor t returns the deviator dev t. It is the operator representation of the linear deviator operator.

For every tensor t, there holds the identity deviator(t)==deviator_tensor<dim>()*t, up to numerical round-off. The reason this operator representation is provided is that one sometimes needs to invert operators like identity_tensor<dim>() + delta_t*deviator_tensor<dim>() or similar.

Wolfgang Bangerth, 2005

Definition at line 3346 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ identity_tensor

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
template<int dim2, typename Number2 >
SymmetricTensor< 4, dim > identity_tensor ( )

Return the fourth-order symmetric identity tensor which maps symmetric second-order tensors to themselves.

Note that this tensor, even though it is the identity, has a somewhat funny form, and in particular does not only consist of zeros and ones. For example, for dim=2, the identity tensor has all zero entries except for id[0][0][0][0]=id[1][1][1][1]=1 and id[0][1][0][1]=id[0][1][1][0]=id[1][0][0][1]=id[1][0][1][0]=1/2. To see why this factor of 1/2 is necessary, consider computing A=Id : B. For the element a_01 we have a_01=id_0100 b_00 + id_0111 b_11 + id_0101 b_01 + id_0110 b_10. On the other hand, we need to have a_01=b_01, and symmetry implies b_01=b_10, leading to a_01=(id_0101+id_0110) b_01, or, again by symmetry, id_0101=id_0110=1/2. Similar considerations hold for the three- dimensional case.

This issue is also explained in the introduction to step-44.

Wolfgang Bangerth, 2005

Return the tensor of rank 4 that, when multiplied by a symmetric rank 2 tensor t returns the deviator dev t. It is the operator representation of the linear deviator operator.

Note that this tensor, even though it is the identity, has a somewhat funny form, and in particular does not only consist of zeros and ones. For example, for dim=2, the identity tensor has all zero entries except for id[0][0][0][0]=id[1][1][1][1]=1 and id[0][1][0][1]=id[0][1][1][0]=id[1][0][0][1]=id[1][0][1][0]=1/2. To see why this factor of 1/2 is necessary, consider computing A=Id . B. For the element a_01 we have a_01=id_0100 b_00 + id_0111 b_11 + id_0101 b_01 + id_0110 b_10. On the other hand, we need to have a_01=b_01, and symmetry implies b_01=b_10, leading to a_01=(id_0101+id_0110) b_01, or, again by symmetry, id_0101=id_0110=1/2. Similar considerations hold for the three- dimensional case.

Wolfgang Bangerth, 2005

Definition at line 3418 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ sum()

template<int rank, int dim, typename Number >
SymmetricTensor< rank, dim, Number > sum ( const SymmetricTensor< rank, dim, Number > &  local,
const MPI_Comm &  mpi_communicator 

Perform an MPI sum of the entries of a symmetric tensor.

◆ operator+() [1/3]

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, typename ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type > operator+ ( const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number > &  left,
const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, OtherNumber > &  right 

Addition of two symmetric tensors of equal rank. The result is another SymmetricTensor that has a number type that is compatible with the operation.

If possible (e.g. when Number and OtherNumber are of the same type, or if the result of Number() + OtherNumber() is another Number), you should use operator += instead since this does not require the creation of a temporary variable.

Definition at line 2572 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ operator-() [1/3]

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, typename ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type > operator- ( const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number > &  left,
const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, OtherNumber > &  right 

Subtraction of two symmetric tensors of equal rank. The result is another SymmetricTensor that has a number type that is compatible with the operation.

If possible (e.g. when Number and OtherNumber are of the same type, or if the result of Number() + OtherNumber() is another Number), you should use operator += instead since this does not require the creation of a temporary variable.

Definition at line 2598 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ operator+() [2/3]

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
Tensor< rank_, dim, typename ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type > operator+ ( const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number > &  left,
const Tensor< rank_, dim, OtherNumber > &  right 

Addition of a SymmetricTensor and a general Tensor of equal rank. The result is a general Tensor that has a number type that is compatible with the operation.

Definition at line 2617 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ operator+() [3/3]

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
Tensor< rank_, dim, typename ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type > operator+ ( const Tensor< rank_, dim, Number > &  left,
const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, OtherNumber > &  right 

Addition of a general Tensor with a SymmetricTensor of equal rank. The result is a general Tensor that has a number type that is compatible with the operation.

Definition at line 2633 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ operator-() [2/3]

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
Tensor< rank_, dim, typename ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type > operator- ( const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number > &  left,
const Tensor< rank_, dim, OtherNumber > &  right 

Subtraction of a general Tensor from a SymmetricTensor of equal rank. The result is a general Tensor that has a number type that is compatible with the operation.

Definition at line 2649 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ operator-() [3/3]

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
Tensor< rank_, dim, typename ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type > operator- ( const Tensor< rank_, dim, Number > &  left,
const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, OtherNumber > &  right 

Subtraction of a SymmetricTensor from a general Tensor of equal rank. The result is a general Tensor that has a number type that is compatible with the operation.

Definition at line 2665 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ determinant()

template<int dim, typename Number >
Number determinant ( const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, Number > &  t)

Compute the determinant of a tensor or rank 2. The determinant is also commonly referred to as the third invariant of rank-2 tensors.

For a one-dimensional tensor, the determinant equals the only element and is therefore equivalent to the trace.

For greater notational simplicity, there is also a third_invariant function that returns the determinant of a tensor.

Wolfgang Bangerth, 2005

Definition at line 2688 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ third_invariant()

template<int dim, typename Number >
Number third_invariant ( const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, Number > &  t)

Compute the determinant of a tensor or rank 2. This function therefore computes the same value as the determinant() functions and is only provided for greater notational simplicity (since there are also functions first_invariant() and second_invariant()).

Wolfgang Bangerth, 2005

Definition at line 2726 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ trace() [2/2]

template<int dim, typename Number >
Number trace ( const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, Number > &  d)

Compute and return the trace of a tensor of rank 2, i.e. the sum of its diagonal entries. The trace is the first invariant of a rank-2 tensor.

Wolfgang Bangerth, 2005

Definition at line 2742 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ first_invariant()

template<int dim, typename Number >
Number first_invariant ( const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, Number > &  t)

Compute the trace of a tensor or rank 2. This function therefore computes the same value as the trace() functions and is only provided for greater notational simplicity (since there are also functions second_invariant() and third_invariant()).

Wolfgang Bangerth, 2005

Definition at line 2762 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ second_invariant() [1/3]

template<typename Number >
Number second_invariant ( const SymmetricTensor< 2, 1, Number > &  )

Compute the second invariant of a tensor of rank 2. The second invariant of a tensor \sigma is defined as II(\sigma) = \frac 12 \left[ (\text{trace}\ \sigma)^2 -\text{trace}\ (\sigma^2) \right].

For the kind of arguments to this function, i.e., a rank-2 tensor of size 1, the result is simply zero.

Wolfgang Bangerth, 2005, 2010

Definition at line 2782 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ second_invariant() [2/3]

template<typename Number >
Number second_invariant ( const SymmetricTensor< 2, 2, Number > &  t)

Compute the second invariant of a tensor of rank 2. The second invariant of a tensor \sigma is defined as II(\sigma) = \frac 12 \left[ (\text{trace}\ \sigma)^2 -\text{trace}\ (\sigma^2) \right].

For the kind of arguments to this function, i.e., a rank-2 tensor of size 2, the result is (counting indices starting at one) II(\sigma) = \frac 12 \left[ (\sigma_{11} + \sigma_{22})^2 -(\sigma_{11}^2+2\sigma_{12}^2+\sigma_{22}^2) \right] = \sigma_{11}\sigma_{22} - \sigma_{12}^2. As expected, for the 2\times 2 symmetric tensors this function handles, this equals the determinant of the tensor. (This is so because for 2\times 2 symmetric tensors, there really are only two invariants, so the second and third invariant are the same; the determinant is the third invariant.)

Wolfgang Bangerth, 2005, 2010

Definition at line 2810 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ second_invariant() [3/3]

template<typename Number >
Number second_invariant ( const SymmetricTensor< 2, 3, Number > &  t)

Compute the second invariant of a tensor of rank 2. The second invariant of a tensor \sigma is defined as II(\sigma) = \frac 12 \left[ (\text{trace}\ \sigma)^2 -\text{trace}\ (\sigma^2) \right].

Wolfgang Bangerth, 2005, 2010

Definition at line 2828 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ eigenvalues() [1/3]

template<typename Number >
std::array< Number, 1 > eigenvalues ( const SymmetricTensor< 2, 1, Number > &  T)

Return the eigenvalues of a symmetric 1x1 tensor of rank 2. The (single) entry of the tensor is, of course, equal to the (single) eigenvalue.

Jean-Paul Pelteret, 2017

◆ eigenvalues() [2/3]

template<typename Number >
std::array< Number, 2 > eigenvalues ( const SymmetricTensor< 2, 2, Number > &  T)

Return the eigenvalues of a symmetric 2x2 tensor of rank 2. The array of eigenvalues is sorted in descending order.

For 2x2 tensors, the eigenvalues of tensor T are the roots of the characteristic polynomial 0 = \lambda^{2} - \lambda\textrm{tr}(T) + \textrm{det}(T) as given by \lambda = \frac{\textrm{tr}(T) \pm \sqrt{[\textrm{tr}(T)]^{2} - 4\textrm{det}(T)}}{2}.

The algorithm employed here determines the eigenvalues by computing the roots of the characteristic polynomial. In the case that there exists a common root (the eigenvalues are equal), the computation is subject to round-off errors of order \sqrt{\epsilon}. As an alternative, the eigenvectors() function provides a more robust, but costly, method to compute the eigenvalues of a symmetric tensor.
Jean-Paul Pelteret, 2017

◆ eigenvalues() [3/3]

template<typename Number >
std::array< Number, 3 > eigenvalues ( const SymmetricTensor< 2, 3, Number > &  T)

Return the eigenvalues of a symmetric 3x3 tensor of rank 2. The array of eigenvalues is sorted in descending order.

For 3x3 tensors, the eigenvalues of tensor T are the roots of the characteristic polynomial 0 = \lambda^{3} - \lambda^{2}\textrm{tr}(T) - \frac{1}{2} \lambda (\textrm{tr}(T^{2}) - [\textrm{tr}(T)]^{2}) - \textrm{det}(T).

The algorithm employed here determines the eigenvalues by computing the roots of the characteristic polynomial. In the case that there exists a common root (the eigenvalues are equal), the computation is subject to round-off errors of order \sqrt{\epsilon}. As an alternative, the eigenvectors() function provides a more robust, but costly, method to compute the eigenvalues of a symmetric tensor.
Jean-Paul Pelteret, 2017

◆ eigenvectors()

template<int dim, typename Number >
std::array< std::pair< Number, Tensor< 1, dim, Number > >, std::integral_constant< int, dim >::value > eigenvectors ( const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, Number > &  T,
const SymmetricTensorEigenvectorMethod  method = SymmetricTensorEigenvectorMethod::ql_implicit_shifts 

Return the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real-valued rank-2 symmetric tensor T. The array of matched eigenvalue and eigenvector pairs is sorted in descending order (determined by the eigenvalues).

The specialized algorithms utilized in computing the eigenvectors are presented in

title = {Efficient numerical diagonalization of hermitian 3x3
author = {Kopp, J.},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Physics C},
year = {2008},
volume = {19},
number = {3},
pages = {523--548},
doi = {10.1142/S0129183108012303},
eprinttype = {arXiv},
eprint = {physics/0610206v3},
eprintclass = {physics.comp-ph},
url =
Joachim Kopp, Jean-Paul Pelteret, 2017

◆ transpose()

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number >
SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number > transpose ( const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number > &  t)

Return the transpose of the given symmetric tensor. Since we are working with symmetric objects, the transpose is of course the same as the original tensor. This function mainly exists for compatibility with the Tensor class.

Wolfgang Bangerth, 2005

Definition at line 3247 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ deviator()

template<int dim, typename Number >
SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, Number > deviator ( const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, Number > &  t)

Compute the deviator of a symmetric tensor, which is defined as dev[s] = s - 1/dim*tr[s]*I, where I is the identity operator. This quantity equals the original tensor minus its contractive or dilative component and refers to the shear in, for example, elasticity.

Wolfgang Bangerth, 2005

Definition at line 3265 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ invert() [1/2]

template<int dim, typename Number >
SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, Number > invert ( const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, Number > &  t)

Invert a symmetric rank-2 tensor.

If a tensor is not invertible, then the result is unspecified, but will likely contain the results of a division by zero or a very small number at the very least.
Jean-Paul Pelteret, 2016

Definition at line 3484 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ invert() [2/2]

template<int dim, typename Number >
SymmetricTensor< 4, dim, Number > invert ( const SymmetricTensor< 4, dim, Number > &  t)

Invert a symmetric rank-4 tensor. Since symmetric rank-4 tensors are mappings from and to symmetric rank-2 tensors, they can have an inverse.

If a tensor is not invertible, then the result is unspecified, but will likely contain the results of a division by zero or a very small number at the very least.

Wolfgang Bangerth, 2005

Definition at line 3505 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ outer_product()

template<int dim, typename Number >
SymmetricTensor< 4, dim, Number > outer_product ( const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, Number > &  t1,
const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, Number > &  t2 

Return the tensor of rank 4 that is the outer product of the two tensors given as arguments, i.e. the result T=t1 \otimes t2 satisfies T phi = t1 (t2 : phi) for all symmetric tensors phi.

For example, the deviator tensor can be computed as identity_tensor<dim,Number>() - 1/d*outer_product(unit_symmetric_tensor<dim,Number>(), unit_symmetric_tensor<dim,Number>()), since the (double) contraction with the unit tensor yields the trace of a symmetric tensor.

Wolfgang Bangerth, 2005

Definition at line 3529 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ symmetrize()

template<int dim, typename Number >
SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, Number > symmetrize ( const Tensor< 2, dim, Number > &  t)

Return the symmetrized version of a full rank-2 tensor, i.e. (t+transpose(t))/2, as a symmetric rank-2 tensor. This is the version for general dimensions.

Wolfgang Bangerth, 2005

Definition at line 3556 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ operator*() [1/8]

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number >
SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number > operator* ( const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number > &  t,
const Number &  factor 

Multiplication of a symmetric tensor of general rank with a scalar from the right. This version of the operator is used if the scalar has the same data type as is used to store the elements of the symmetric tensor.

Definition at line 3578 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ operator*() [2/8]

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number >
SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number > operator* ( const Number &  factor,
const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number > &  t 

Multiplication of a symmetric tensor of general rank with a scalar from the left. This version of the operator is used if the scalar has the same data type as is used to store the elements of the symmetric tensor.

Definition at line 3596 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ operator/() [1/2]

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, typename ProductType< Number, typename EnableIfScalar< OtherNumber >::type >::type > operator/ ( const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number > &  t,
const OtherNumber &  factor 

Division of a symmetric tensor of general rank by a scalar.

Definition at line 3694 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ operator*() [3/8]

template<int rank_, int dim>
SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim > operator* ( const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim > &  t,
const double  factor 

Multiplication of a symmetric tensor of general rank with a scalar from the right.

Definition at line 3713 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ operator*() [4/8]

template<int rank_, int dim>
SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim > operator* ( const double  factor,
const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim > &  t 

Multiplication of a symmetric tensor of general rank with a scalar from the left.

Definition at line 3730 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ operator/() [2/2]

template<int rank_, int dim>
SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim > operator/ ( const SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim > &  t,
const double  factor 

Division of a symmetric tensor of general rank by a scalar.

Definition at line 3746 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ scalar_product() [1/3]

template<int dim, typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type scalar_product ( const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, Number > &  t1,
const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, OtherNumber > &  t2 

Compute the scalar product a:b=\sum_{i,j} a_{ij}b_{ij} between two tensors a,b of rank 2. In the current case where both arguments are symmetric tensors, this is equivalent to calling the expression t1*t2 which uses the overloaded operator* between two symmetric tensors of rank 2.

Definition at line 3764 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ scalar_product() [2/3]

template<int dim, typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type scalar_product ( const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, Number > &  t1,
const Tensor< 2, dim, OtherNumber > &  t2 

Compute the scalar product a:b=\sum_{i,j} a_{ij}b_{ij} between two tensors a,b of rank 2. We don't use operator* for this operation since the product between two tensors is usually assumed to be the contraction over the last index of the first tensor and the first index of the second tensor, for example (a\cdot b)_{ij}=\sum_k a_{ik}b_{kj}.

Definition at line 3782 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ scalar_product() [3/3]

template<int dim, typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type scalar_product ( const Tensor< 2, dim, Number > &  t1,
const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, OtherNumber > &  t2 

Compute the scalar product a:b=\sum_{i,j} a_{ij}b_{ij} between two tensors a,b of rank 2. We don't use operator* for this operation since the product between two tensors is usually assumed to be the contraction over the last index of the first tensor and the first index of the second tensor, for example (a\cdot b)_{ij}=\sum_k a_{ik}b_{kj}.

Definition at line 3805 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ double_contract() [1/6]

template<typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
void double_contract ( SymmetricTensor< 2, 1, typename ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type > &  tmp,
const SymmetricTensor< 4, 1, Number > &  t,
const SymmetricTensor< 2, 1, OtherNumber > &  s 

Double contraction between a rank-4 and a rank-2 symmetric tensor, resulting in the symmetric tensor of rank 2 that is given as first argument to this function. This operation is the symmetric tensor analogon of a matrix-vector multiplication.

This function does the same as the member operator* of the SymmetricTensor class. It should not be used, however, since the member operator has knowledge of the actual data storage format and is at least 2 orders of magnitude faster. This function mostly exists for compatibility purposes with the general tensor class.

Wolfgang Bangerth, 2005

Definition at line 3828 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ double_contract() [2/6]

template<typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
void double_contract ( SymmetricTensor< 2, 1, typename ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type > &  tmp,
const SymmetricTensor< 2, 1, Number > &  s,
const SymmetricTensor< 4, 1, OtherNumber > &  t 

Double contraction between a rank-4 and a rank-2 symmetric tensor, resulting in the symmetric tensor of rank 2 that is given as first argument to this function. This operation is the symmetric tensor analogon of a matrix-vector multiplication.

This function does the same as the member operator* of the SymmetricTensor class. It should not be used, however, since the member operator has knowledge of the actual data storage format and is at least 2 orders of magnitude faster. This function mostly exists for compatibility purposes with the general tensor class.

Wolfgang Bangerth, 2005

Definition at line 3854 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ double_contract() [3/6]

template<typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
void double_contract ( SymmetricTensor< 2, 2, typename ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type > &  tmp,
const SymmetricTensor< 4, 2, Number > &  t,
const SymmetricTensor< 2, 2, OtherNumber > &  s 

Double contraction between a rank-4 and a rank-2 symmetric tensor, resulting in the symmetric tensor of rank 2 that is given as first argument to this function. This operation is the symmetric tensor analogon of a matrix-vector multiplication.

This function does the same as the member operator* of the SymmetricTensor class. It should not be used, however, since the member operator has knowledge of the actual data storage format and is at least 2 orders of magnitude faster. This function mostly exists for compatibility purposes with the general tensor class.

Wolfgang Bangerth, 2005

Definition at line 3879 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ double_contract() [4/6]

template<typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
void double_contract ( SymmetricTensor< 2, 2, typename ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type > &  tmp,
const SymmetricTensor< 2, 2, Number > &  s,
const SymmetricTensor< 4, 2, OtherNumber > &  t 

Double contraction between a rank-4 and a rank-2 symmetric tensor, resulting in the symmetric tensor of rank 2 that is given as first argument to this function. This operation is the symmetric tensor analogon of a matrix-vector multiplication.

This function does the same as the member operator* of the SymmetricTensor class. It should not be used, however, since the member operator has knowledge of the actual data storage format and is at least 2 orders of magnitude faster. This function mostly exists for compatibility purposes with the general tensor class.

Wolfgang Bangerth, 2005

Definition at line 3910 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ double_contract() [5/6]

template<typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
void double_contract ( SymmetricTensor< 2, 3, typename ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type > &  tmp,
const SymmetricTensor< 4, 3, Number > &  t,
const SymmetricTensor< 2, 3, OtherNumber > &  s 

Double contraction between a rank-4 and a rank-2 symmetric tensor, resulting in the symmetric tensor of rank 2 that is given as first argument to this function. This operation is the symmetric tensor analogon of a matrix-vector multiplication.

This function does the same as the member operator* of the SymmetricTensor class. It should not be used, however, since the member operator has knowledge of the actual data storage format and is at least 2 orders of magnitude faster. This function mostly exists for compatibility purposes with the general tensor class.

Wolfgang Bangerth, 2005

Definition at line 3941 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ double_contract() [6/6]

template<typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
void double_contract ( SymmetricTensor< 2, 3, typename ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type > &  tmp,
const SymmetricTensor< 2, 3, Number > &  s,
const SymmetricTensor< 4, 3, OtherNumber > &  t 

Double contraction between a rank-4 and a rank-2 symmetric tensor, resulting in the symmetric tensor of rank 2 that is given as first argument to this function. This operation is the symmetric tensor analogon of a matrix-vector multiplication.

This function does the same as the member operator* of the SymmetricTensor class. It should not be used, however, since the member operator has knowledge of the actual data storage format and is at least 2 orders of magnitude faster. This function mostly exists for compatibility purposes with the general tensor class.

Wolfgang Bangerth, 2005

Definition at line 3973 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ operator*() [5/8]

template<int dim, typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
Tensor< 1, dim, typename ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type > operator* ( const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, Number > &  src1,
const Tensor< 1, dim, OtherNumber > &  src2 

Multiply a symmetric rank-2 tensor (i.e., a matrix) by a rank-1 tensor (i.e., a vector). The result is a rank-1 tensor (i.e., a vector).

Wolfgang Bangerth, 2005

Definition at line 3998 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ operator*() [6/8]

template<int dim, typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
Tensor< 1, dim, typename ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type > operator* ( const Tensor< 1, dim, Number > &  src1,
const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, OtherNumber > &  src2 

Multiply a rank-1 tensor (i.e., a vector) by a symmetric rank-2 tensor (i.e., a matrix). The result is a rank-1 tensor (i.e., a vector).

Wolfgang Bangerth, 2005

Definition at line 4018 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ operator*() [7/8]

template<int rank_1, int rank_2, int dim, typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
Tensor< rank_1+rank_2 - 2, dim, typename ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type >::tensor_type operator* ( const Tensor< rank_1, dim, Number > &  src1,
const SymmetricTensor< rank_2, dim, OtherNumber > &  src2s 

The dot product (single contraction) for tensors: Return a tensor of rank (\text{rank}_1 + \text{rank}_2 - 2) that is the contraction of the last index of a tensor src1 of rank rank_1 with the first index of a tensor src2 of rank rank_2:

\text{result}_{i_1,\ldots,i_{r1},j_1,\ldots,j_{r2}} = \sum_{k} \text{left}_{i_1,\ldots,i_{r1}, k} \text{right}_{k, j_1,\ldots,j_{r2}}

As one operand is a Tensor, the multiplication operator only performs a contraction over a single pair of indices. This is in contrast to the multiplication operator for SymmetricTensor, which does the double contraction.
Matthias Maier, Jean-Paul Pelteret, 2017

Definition at line 4056 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ operator*() [8/8]

template<int rank_1, int rank_2, int dim, typename Number , typename OtherNumber >
Tensor< rank_1+rank_2 - 2, dim, typename ProductType< Number, OtherNumber >::type >::tensor_type operator* ( const SymmetricTensor< rank_1, dim, Number > &  src1s,
const Tensor< rank_2, dim, OtherNumber > &  src2 

The dot product (single contraction) for tensors: Return a tensor of rank (\text{rank}_1 + \text{rank}_2 - 2) that is the contraction of the last index of a tensor src1 of rank rank_1 with the first index of a tensor src2 of rank rank_2:

\text{result}_{i_1,\ldots,i_{r1},j_1,\ldots,j_{r2}} = \sum_{k} \text{left}_{i_1,\ldots,i_{r1}, k} \text{right}_{k, j_1,\ldots,j_{r2}}

As one operand is a Tensor, the multiplication operator only performs a contraction over a single pair of indices. This is in contrast to the multiplication operator for SymmetricTensor, which does the double contraction.
Matthias Maier, Jean-Paul Pelteret, 2017

Definition at line 4098 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ operator<<() [1/2]

template<int dim, typename Number >
std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, Number > &  t 

Output operator for symmetric tensors of rank 2. Print the elements consecutively, with a space in between, two spaces between rank 1 subtensors, three between rank 2 and so on. No special amends are made to represents the symmetry in the output, for example by outputting only the unique entries.

Definition at line 4122 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ operator<<() [2/2]

template<int dim, typename Number >
std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const SymmetricTensor< 4, dim, Number > &  t 

Output operator for symmetric tensors of rank 4. Print the elements consecutively, with a space in between, two spaces between rank 1 subtensors, three between rank 2 and so on. No special amends are made to represents the symmetry in the output, for example by outputting only the unique entries.

Definition at line 4149 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ dimension

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
const unsigned int SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::dimension = dim

Provide a way to get the dimension of an object without explicit knowledge of it's data type. Implementation is this way instead of providing a function dimension() because now it is possible to get the dimension at compile time without the expansion and preevaluation of an inlined function; the compiler may therefore produce more efficient code and you may use this value to declare other data types.

Definition at line 564 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ rank

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
const unsigned int SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::rank = rank_

Publish the rank of this tensor to the outside world.

Definition at line 569 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ n_independent_components

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
constexpr unsigned int SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::n_independent_components
Initial value:

An integer denoting the number of independent components that fully describe a symmetric tensor. In d space dimensions, this number equals \frac 12 (d^2+d) for symmetric tensors of rank 2.

Definition at line 576 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

◆ data

template<int rank_, int dim, typename Number>
base_tensor_type SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >::data

The place where we store the data of the tensor.

Definition at line 892 of file symmetric_tensor.h.

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