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AffineConstraints< number > Class Template Reference

#include <deal.II/lac/affine_constraints.h>

Inheritance diagram for AffineConstraints< number >:


struct  ConstraintLine

Public Types

enum  MergeConflictBehavior { no_conflicts_allowed, left_object_wins, right_object_wins }
using size_type = types::global_dof_index
using const_iterator = typename std::vector< ConstraintLine >::const_iterator
using LineRange = boost::iterator_range< const_iterator >

Public Member Functions

 AffineConstraints (const IndexSet &local_constraints=IndexSet())
 AffineConstraints (const AffineConstraints &affine_constraints)
 AffineConstraints (AffineConstraints &&affine_constraints)=default
AffineConstraintsoperator= (const AffineConstraints &)=delete
AffineConstraintsoperator= (AffineConstraints &&affine_constraints)=default
void copy_from (const AffineConstraints &other)
void reinit (const IndexSet &local_constraints=IndexSet())
bool can_store_line (const size_type line_n) const
const IndexSetget_local_lines () const
void add_selected_constraints (const AffineConstraints &constraints_in, const IndexSet &filter)
const LineRange get_lines () const
bool is_consistent_in_parallel (const std::vector< IndexSet > &locally_owned_dofs, const IndexSet &locally_active_dofs, const MPI_Comm mpi_communicator, const bool verbose=false) const
Adding constraints
void add_line (const size_type line_n)
void add_lines (const std::vector< bool > &lines)
void add_lines (const std::set< size_type > &lines)
void add_lines (const IndexSet &lines)
void add_entry (const size_type line_n, const size_type column, const number value)
void add_entries (const size_type line_n, const std::vector< std::pair< size_type, number >> &col_val_pairs)
void set_inhomogeneity (const size_type line_n, const number value)
void close ()
void merge (const AffineConstraints &other_constraints, const MergeConflictBehavior merge_conflict_behavior=no_conflicts_allowed, const bool allow_different_local_lines=false)
void shift (const size_type offset)
void clear ()
Querying constraints
size_type n_constraints () const
bool is_constrained (const size_type line_n) const
bool is_identity_constrained (const size_type line_n) const
bool are_identity_constrained (const size_type line_n_1, const size_type line_n_2) const
size_type max_constraint_indirections () const
bool is_inhomogeneously_constrained (const size_type index) const
bool has_inhomogeneities () const
const std::vector< std::pair< size_type, number > > * get_constraint_entries (const size_type line_n) const
number get_inhomogeneity (const size_type line_n) const
void print (std::ostream &out) const
void write_dot (std::ostream &) const
std::size_t memory_consumption () const
void resolve_indices (std::vector< types::global_dof_index > &indices) const
Eliminating constraints from linear systems after their creation
void condense (SparsityPattern &sparsity) const
void condense (BlockSparsityPattern &sparsity) const
void condense (DynamicSparsityPattern &sparsity) const
void condense (BlockDynamicSparsityPattern &sparsity) const
void condense (SparseMatrix< number > &matrix) const
void condense (BlockSparseMatrix< number > &matrix) const
template<class VectorType >
void condense (VectorType &vec) const
template<class VectorType >
void condense (const VectorType &vec_ghosted, VectorType &output) const
template<class VectorType >
void condense (SparseMatrix< number > &matrix, VectorType &vector) const
template<class BlockVectorType >
void condense (BlockSparseMatrix< number > &matrix, BlockVectorType &vector) const
template<class VectorType >
void set_zero (VectorType &vec) const
Eliminating constraints from linear systems during their creation
template<class InVector , class OutVector >
void distribute_local_to_global (const InVector &local_vector, const std::vector< size_type > &local_dof_indices, OutVector &global_vector) const
template<typename VectorType >
void distribute_local_to_global (const Vector< number > &local_vector, const std::vector< size_type > &local_dof_indices, VectorType &global_vector, const FullMatrix< number > &local_matrix) const
template<typename VectorType >
void distribute_local_to_global (const Vector< number > &local_vector, const std::vector< size_type > &local_dof_indices_row, const std::vector< size_type > &local_dof_indices_col, VectorType &global_vector, const FullMatrix< number > &local_matrix, bool diagonal=false) const
template<class VectorType >
void distribute_local_to_global (const size_type index, const number value, VectorType &global_vector) const
template<typename ForwardIteratorVec , typename ForwardIteratorInd , class VectorType >
void distribute_local_to_global (ForwardIteratorVec local_vector_begin, ForwardIteratorVec local_vector_end, ForwardIteratorInd local_indices_begin, VectorType &global_vector) const
template<typename MatrixType >
void distribute_local_to_global (const FullMatrix< number > &local_matrix, const std::vector< size_type > &local_dof_indices, MatrixType &global_matrix) const
template<typename MatrixType >
void distribute_local_to_global (const FullMatrix< number > &local_matrix, const std::vector< size_type > &row_indices, const std::vector< size_type > &col_indices, MatrixType &global_matrix) const
template<typename MatrixType >
void distribute_local_to_global (const FullMatrix< number > &local_matrix, const std::vector< size_type > &row_indices, const AffineConstraints &column_affine_constraints, const std::vector< size_type > &column_indices, MatrixType &global_matrix) const
template<typename MatrixType , typename VectorType >
void distribute_local_to_global (const FullMatrix< number > &local_matrix, const Vector< number > &local_vector, const std::vector< size_type > &local_dof_indices, MatrixType &global_matrix, VectorType &global_vector, bool use_inhomogeneities_for_rhs=false) const
template<typename SparsityPatternType >
void add_entries_local_to_global (const std::vector< size_type > &local_dof_indices, SparsityPatternType &sparsity_pattern, const bool keep_constrained_entries=true, const Table< 2, bool > &dof_mask=Table< 2, bool >()) const
template<typename SparsityPatternType >
void add_entries_local_to_global (const std::vector< size_type > &row_indices, const std::vector< size_type > &col_indices, SparsityPatternType &sparsity_pattern, const bool keep_constrained_entries=true, const Table< 2, bool > &dof_mask=Table< 2, bool >()) const
template<typename ForwardIteratorVec , typename ForwardIteratorInd , class VectorType >
void get_dof_values (const VectorType &global_vector, ForwardIteratorInd local_indices_begin, ForwardIteratorVec local_vector_begin, ForwardIteratorVec local_vector_end) const
Dealing with constraints after solving a linear system
template<class VectorType >
void distribute (VectorType &vec) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Subscriptor
 Subscriptor ()
 Subscriptor (const Subscriptor &)
 Subscriptor (Subscriptor &&) noexcept
virtual ~Subscriptor ()
Subscriptoroperator= (const Subscriptor &)
Subscriptoroperator= (Subscriptor &&) noexcept
void subscribe (std::atomic< bool > *const validity, const std::string &identifier="") const
void unsubscribe (std::atomic< bool > *const validity, const std::string &identifier="") const
unsigned int n_subscriptions () const
template<typename StreamType >
void list_subscribers (StreamType &stream) const
void list_subscribers () const
template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, const unsigned int version)

Static Public Member Functions

static ::ExceptionBaseExcMatrixIsClosed ()
static ::ExceptionBaseExcMatrixNotClosed ()
static ::ExceptionBaseExcLineInexistant (size_type arg1)
static ::ExceptionBaseExcEntryAlreadyExists (size_type arg1, size_type arg2, number arg3, number arg4)
static ::ExceptionBaseExcDoFConstrainedToConstrainedDoF (int arg1, int arg2)
static ::ExceptionBaseExcDoFIsConstrainedFromBothObjects (size_type arg1)
static ::ExceptionBaseExcDoFIsConstrainedToConstrainedDoF (size_type arg1)
static ::ExceptionBaseExcRowNotStoredHere (size_type arg1)
static ::ExceptionBaseExcColumnNotStoredHere (size_type arg1, size_type arg2)
static ::ExceptionBaseExcIncorrectConstraint (int arg1, int arg2)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Subscriptor
static ::ExceptionBaseExcInUse (int arg1, std::string arg2, std::string arg3)
static ::ExceptionBaseExcNoSubscriber (std::string arg1, std::string arg2)

Private Member Functions

size_type calculate_line_index (const size_type line_n) const
template<typename MatrixType , typename VectorType >
void distribute_local_to_global (const FullMatrix< number > &local_matrix, const Vector< number > &local_vector, const std::vector< size_type > &local_dof_indices, MatrixType &global_matrix, VectorType &global_vector, bool use_inhomogeneities_for_rhs, std::integral_constant< bool, false >) const
template<typename MatrixType , typename VectorType >
void distribute_local_to_global (const FullMatrix< number > &local_matrix, const Vector< number > &local_vector, const std::vector< size_type > &local_dof_indices, MatrixType &global_matrix, VectorType &global_vector, bool use_inhomogeneities_for_rhs, std::integral_constant< bool, true >) const
template<typename SparsityPatternType >
void add_entries_local_to_global (const std::vector< size_type > &local_dof_indices, SparsityPatternType &sparsity_pattern, const bool keep_constrained_entries, const Table< 2, bool > &dof_mask, std::integral_constant< bool, false >) const
template<typename SparsityPatternType >
void add_entries_local_to_global (const std::vector< size_type > &local_dof_indices, SparsityPatternType &sparsity_pattern, const bool keep_constrained_entries, const Table< 2, bool > &dof_mask, std::integral_constant< bool, true >) const
void make_sorted_row_list (const std::vector< size_type > &local_dof_indices, internals::GlobalRowsFromLocal< number > &global_rows) const
void make_sorted_row_list (const std::vector< size_type > &local_dof_indices, std::vector< size_type > &active_dofs) const
template<typename MatrixScalar , typename VectorScalar >
ProductType< VectorScalar, MatrixScalar >::type resolve_vector_entry (const size_type i, const internals::GlobalRowsFromLocal< number > &global_rows, const Vector< VectorScalar > &local_vector, const std::vector< size_type > &local_dof_indices, const FullMatrix< MatrixScalar > &local_matrix) const

Private Attributes

std::vector< ConstraintLinelines
std::vector< size_typelines_cache
IndexSet local_lines
bool sorted

Detailed Description

template<typename number = double>
class AffineConstraints< number >

This class implements dealing with linear (possibly inhomogeneous) constraints on degrees of freedom. The concept and origin of such constraints is extensively described in the Constraints on degrees of freedom module. The class is meant to deal with a limited number of constraints relative to the total number of degrees of freedom, for example a few per cent up to maybe 30 per cent; and with a linear combination of M other degrees of freedom where M is also relatively small (no larger than at most around the average number of entries per row of a linear system). It is not meant to describe full rank linear systems.

The algorithms used in the implementation of this class are described in some detail in the hp paper. There is also a significant amount of documentation on how to use this class in the Constraints on degrees of freedom module.

Description of constraints

Each "line" in objects of this class corresponds to one constrained degree of freedom, with the number of the line being i, entered by using add_line() or add_lines(). The entries in this line are pairs of the form (j,aij), which are added by add_entry() or add_entries(). The organization is essentially a SparsityPattern, but with only a few lines containing nonzero elements, and therefore no data wasted on the others. For each line, which has been added by the mechanism above, an elimination of the constrained degree of freedom of the form

x_i = \sum_j a_{ij} x_j + b_i

is performed, where bi is optional and set by set_inhomogeneity(). Thus, if a constraint is formulated for instance as a zero mean value of several degrees of freedom, one of the degrees has to be chosen to be eliminated.

Note that the constraints are linear in the xi, and that there might be a constant (non-homogeneous) term in the constraint. This is exactly the form we need for hanging node constraints, where we need to constrain one degree of freedom in terms of others. There are other conditions of this form possible, for example for implementing mean value conditions as is done in the step-11 tutorial program. The name of the class stems from the fact that these constraints can be represented in matrix form as X x = b, and this object then describes the matrix X and the vector b. The most frequent way to create/fill objects of this type is using the DoFTools::make_hanging_node_constraints() function. The use of these objects is first explained in step-6.

Objects of the present type are organized in lines (rows), but only those lines are stored where constraints are present. New constraints are added by adding new lines using the add_line() function, and then populating it using the add_entry() function to a given line, or add_entries() to add more than one entry at a time. The right hand side element, if nonzero, can be set using the set_inhomogeneity() function. After all constraints have been added, you need to call close(), which compresses the storage format and sorts the entries.

Many of the algorithms this class implements are discussed in the hp_paper. The algorithms are also related to those shown in M. S. Shephard: Linear multipoint constraints applied via transformation as part of a direct stiffness assembly process. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engrg., vol. 20 (1984), pp. 2107-2112., with the difference that the algorithms shown there completely eliminated constrained degrees of freedom, whereas we usually keep them as part of the linear system.
Wolfgang Bangerth, Martin Kronbichler, 1998, 2004, 2008, 2009

Definition at line 37 of file dof_accessor.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ size_type

template<typename number = double>
using AffineConstraints< number >::size_type = types::global_dof_index

Declare the type for container size.

Definition at line 162 of file affine_constraints.h.

◆ const_iterator

template<typename number = double>
using AffineConstraints< number >::const_iterator = typename std::vector<ConstraintLine>::const_iterator

Alias for the iterator type that is used in the LineRange container.

Definition at line 1254 of file affine_constraints.h.

◆ LineRange

template<typename number = double>
using AffineConstraints< number >::LineRange = boost::iterator_range<const_iterator>

Alias for the return type used by get_lines().

Definition at line 1259 of file affine_constraints.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ MergeConflictBehavior

template<typename number = double>
enum AffineConstraints::MergeConflictBehavior

An enum that describes what should happen if the two AffineConstraints objects involved in a call to the merge() function happen to have constraints on the same degrees of freedom.


Throw an exception if the two objects concerned have conflicting constraints on the same degree of freedom.


In an operation cm1.merge(cm2), if cm1 and cm2 have constraints on the same degree of freedom, take the one from cm1.


In an operation cm1.merge(cm2), if cm1 and cm2 have constraints on the same degree of freedom, take the one from cm2.

Definition at line 169 of file affine_constraints.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ AffineConstraints() [1/3]

template<typename number >
AffineConstraints< number >::AffineConstraints ( const IndexSet local_constraints = IndexSet())

Constructor. The supplied IndexSet defines which indices might be constrained inside this AffineConstraints container. In a calculation with a DoFHandler object based on parallel::distributed::Triangulation or parallel::shared::Triangulation, one should use the set of locally relevant dofs (see GlossLocallyRelevantDof).

The given IndexSet allows the AffineConstraints container to save memory by just not caring about degrees of freedom that are not of importance to the current processor. Alternatively, if no such IndexSet is provided, internal data structures for all possible indices will be created, leading to memory consumption on every processor that is proportional to the overall size of the problem, not just proportional to the size of the portion of the overall problem that is handled by the current processor.

Definition at line 1570 of file affine_constraints.h.

◆ AffineConstraints() [2/3]

template<typename number >
AffineConstraints< number >::AffineConstraints ( const AffineConstraints< number > &  affine_constraints)

Copy constructor

Definition at line 1583 of file affine_constraints.h.

◆ AffineConstraints() [3/3]

template<typename number = double>
AffineConstraints< number >::AffineConstraints ( AffineConstraints< number > &&  affine_constraints)

Move constructor

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator=() [1/2]

template<typename number = double>
AffineConstraints& AffineConstraints< number >::operator= ( const AffineConstraints< number > &  )

Copy operator. Like for many other large objects, this operator is deleted to avoid its inadvertent use in places such as accidentally declaring a AffineConstraints object as a function argument by value, rather than by reference.

However, you can use the copy_from() function to explicitly copy AffineConstraints objects.

◆ operator=() [2/2]

template<typename number = double>
AffineConstraints& AffineConstraints< number >::operator= ( AffineConstraints< number > &&  affine_constraints)

Move assignment operator

◆ copy_from()

template<typename number = double>
void AffineConstraints< number >::copy_from ( const AffineConstraints< number > &  other)

Copy the given object to the current one.

This function exists because operator=() is explicitly disabled.

◆ reinit()

template<typename number = double>
void AffineConstraints< number >::reinit ( const IndexSet local_constraints = IndexSet())

clear() the AffineConstraints object and supply an IndexSet with lines that may be constrained. This function is only relevant in the distributed case to supply a different IndexSet. Otherwise this routine is equivalent to calling clear(). See the constructor for details.

◆ can_store_line()

template<typename number >
bool AffineConstraints< number >::can_store_line ( const size_type  line_n) const

Determines if we can store a constraint for the given line_n. This routine only matters in the distributed case and checks if the IndexSet allows storage of this line. Always returns true if not in the distributed case.

Definition at line 1752 of file affine_constraints.h.

◆ get_local_lines()

template<typename number >
const IndexSet & AffineConstraints< number >::get_local_lines ( ) const

Return the index set describing locally relevant lines if any are present. Note that if no local lines were given, this represents an empty IndexSet, whereas otherwise it contains the global problem size and the local range.

Definition at line 1759 of file affine_constraints.h.

◆ add_selected_constraints()

template<typename number = double>
void AffineConstraints< number >::add_selected_constraints ( const AffineConstraints< number > &  constraints_in,
const IndexSet filter 

This function copies the content of constraints_in with DoFs that are element of the IndexSet filter. Elements that are not present in the IndexSet are ignored. All DoFs will be transformed to local index space of the filter, both the constrained DoFs and the other DoFs these entries are constrained to. The local index space of the filter is a contiguous numbering of all (global) DoFs that are elements in the filter.

If, for example, the filter represents the range [10,20), and the constraints object constraints_in includes the global indices {7,13,14}, the indices {3,4} are added to the calling constraints object (since 13 and 14 are elements in the filter and element 13 is the fourth element in the index, and 14 is the fifth).

This function provides an easy way to create a AffineConstraints for certain vector components in a vector-valued problem from a full AffineConstraints, i.e. extracting a diagonal subblock from a larger AffineConstraints. The block is specified by the IndexSet argument.

◆ add_line()

template<typename number >
void AffineConstraints< number >::add_line ( const size_type  line_n)

Add a new line to the matrix. If the line already exists, then the function simply returns without doing anything.

Definition at line 1594 of file affine_constraints.h.

◆ add_lines() [1/3]

template<typename number = double>
void AffineConstraints< number >::add_lines ( const std::vector< bool > &  lines)

Call the first add_line() function for every index i for which lines[i] is true.

This function essentially exists to allow adding several constraints of the form xi=0 all at once, where the set of indices i for which these constraints should be added are given by the argument of this function. On the other hand, just as if the single- argument add_line() function were called repeatedly, the constraints can later be modified to include linear dependencies using the add_entry() function as well as inhomogeneities using set_inhomogeneity().

◆ add_lines() [2/3]

template<typename number = double>
void AffineConstraints< number >::add_lines ( const std::set< size_type > &  lines)

Call the first add_line() function for every index i that appears in the argument.

This function essentially exists to allow adding several constraints of the form xi=0 all at once, where the set of indices i for which these constraints should be added are given by the argument of this function. On the other hand, just as if the single- argument add_line() function were called repeatedly, the constraints can later be modified to include linear dependencies using the add_entry() function as well as inhomogeneities using set_inhomogeneity().

◆ add_lines() [3/3]

template<typename number = double>
void AffineConstraints< number >::add_lines ( const IndexSet lines)

Call the first add_line() function for every index i that appears in the argument.

This function essentially exists to allow adding several constraints of the form xi=0 all at once, where the set of indices i for which these constraints should be added are given by the argument of this function. On the other hand, just as if the single- argument add_line() function were called repeatedly, the constraints can later be modified to include linear dependencies using the add_entry() function as well as inhomogeneities using set_inhomogeneity().

◆ add_entry()

template<typename number>
void AffineConstraints< number >::add_entry ( const size_type  line_n,
const size_type  column,
const number  value 

Add an entry to a given line. The list of lines is searched from the back to the front, so clever programming would add a new line (which is pushed to the back) and immediately afterwards fill the entries of that line. This way, no expensive searching is needed.

If an entry with the same indices as the one this function call denotes already exists, then this function simply returns provided that the value of the entry is the same. Thus, it does no harm to enter a constraint twice.

Definition at line 1624 of file affine_constraints.h.

◆ add_entries()

template<typename number = double>
void AffineConstraints< number >::add_entries ( const size_type  line_n,
const std::vector< std::pair< size_type, number >> &  col_val_pairs 

Add a whole series of entries, denoted by pairs of column indices and values, to a line of constraints. This function is equivalent to calling the preceding function several times, but is faster.

◆ set_inhomogeneity()

template<typename number>
void AffineConstraints< number >::set_inhomogeneity ( const size_type  line_n,
const number  value 

Set an inhomogeneity to the constraint line line_n, according to the discussion in the general class description.

the line needs to be added with one of the add_line() calls first.

Definition at line 1663 of file affine_constraints.h.

◆ close()

template<typename number = double>
void AffineConstraints< number >::close ( )

Close the filling of entries. Since the lines of a matrix of this type are usually filled in an arbitrary order and since we do not want to use associative constrainers to store the lines, we need to sort the lines and within the lines the columns before usage of the matrix. This is done through this function.

Also, zero entries are discarded, since they are not needed.

After closing, no more entries are accepted. If the object was already closed, then this function returns immediately.

This function also resolves chains of constraints. For example, degree of freedom 13 may be constrained to u_{13} = \frac{u_3}{2} + \frac{u_7}{2} while degree of freedom 7 is itself constrained as u_{7} = \frac{u_2}{2} + \frac{u_4}{2}. Then, the resolution will be that u_{13} = \frac{u_3}{2} + \frac{u_2}{4} + \frac{u_4}{4}. Note, however, that cycles in this graph of constraints are not allowed, i.e. for example u_4 may not be constrained, directly or indirectly, to u_{13} again.

◆ merge()

template<typename number = double>
void AffineConstraints< number >::merge ( const AffineConstraints< number > &  other_constraints,
const MergeConflictBehavior  merge_conflict_behavior = no_conflicts_allowed,
const bool  allow_different_local_lines = false 

Merge the constraints represented by the object given as argument into the constraints represented by this object. Both objects may or may not be closed (by having their function close() called before). If this object was closed before, then it will be closed afterwards as well. Note, however, that if the other argument is closed, then merging may be significantly faster.

Using the default value of the second arguments, the constraints in each of the two objects (the old one represented by this object and the argument) may not refer to the same degree of freedom, i.e. a degree of freedom that is constrained in one object may not be constrained in the second. If this is nevertheless the case, an exception is thrown. However, this behavior can be changed by providing a different value for the second argument.

By default, merging two AffineConstraints objects that are initialized with different IndexSet objects is not allowed. This behavior can be altered by setting allow_different_local_lines appropriately.

Merging a AffineConstraints that is initialized with an IndexSet and one that is not initialized with an IndexSet is not yet implemented.

◆ shift()

template<typename number = double>
void AffineConstraints< number >::shift ( const size_type  offset)

Shift all entries of this matrix down offset rows and over offset columns. If this object is initialized with an IndexSet, local_lines are shifted as well.

This function is useful if you are building block matrices, where all blocks are built by the same DoFHandler object, i.e. the matrix size is larger than the number of degrees of freedom. Since several matrix rows and columns correspond to the same degrees of freedom, you'd generate several constraint objects, then shift them, and finally merge() them together again.

◆ clear()

template<typename number = double>
void AffineConstraints< number >::clear ( )

Clear all entries of this matrix. Reset the flag determining whether new entries are accepted or not.

This function may be called also on objects which are empty or already cleared.

◆ n_constraints()

template<typename number >
types::global_dof_index AffineConstraints< number >::n_constraints ( ) const

Return number of constraints stored in this matrix.

Definition at line 1677 of file affine_constraints.h.

◆ is_constrained()

template<typename number >
bool AffineConstraints< number >::is_constrained ( const size_type  line_n) const

Return whether the degree of freedom with number line_n is a constrained one.

Note that if close() was called before, then this function is significantly faster, since then the constrained degrees of freedom are sorted and we can do a binary search, while before close() was called, we have to perform a linear search through all entries.

Definition at line 1684 of file affine_constraints.h.

◆ is_identity_constrained()

template<typename number = double>
bool AffineConstraints< number >::is_identity_constrained ( const size_type  line_n) const

Return whether the dof is constrained, and whether it is constrained to only one other degree of freedom with weight one. The function therefore returns whether the degree of freedom would simply be eliminated in favor of exactly one other degree of freedom.

The function returns false if either the degree of freedom is not constrained at all, or if it is constrained to more than one other degree of freedom, or if it is constrained to only one degree of freedom but with a weight different from one.

◆ are_identity_constrained()

template<typename number = double>
bool AffineConstraints< number >::are_identity_constrained ( const size_type  line_n_1,
const size_type  line_n_2 
) const

Return whether the two given degrees of freedom are linked by an equality constraint that either constrains index1 to be so that index1=index2 or constrains index2 so that index2=index1.

◆ max_constraint_indirections()

template<typename number = double>
size_type AffineConstraints< number >::max_constraint_indirections ( ) const

Return the maximum number of other dofs that one dof is constrained to. For example, in 2d a hanging node is constrained only to its two neighbors, so the returned value would be 2. However, for higher order elements and/or higher dimensions, or other types of constraints, this number is no more obvious.

The name indicates that within the system matrix, references to a constrained node are indirected to the nodes it is constrained to.

◆ is_inhomogeneously_constrained()

template<typename number >
bool AffineConstraints< number >::is_inhomogeneously_constrained ( const size_type  index) const

Return true in case the dof is constrained and there is a non- trivial inhomogeneous values set to the dof.

Definition at line 1693 of file affine_constraints.h.

◆ has_inhomogeneities()

template<typename number = double>
bool AffineConstraints< number >::has_inhomogeneities ( ) const

Return false if all constraints in the AffineConstraints are homogeneous ones, and true if there is at least one inhomogeneity.

◆ get_constraint_entries()

template<typename number >
const std::vector< std::pair< types::global_dof_index, number > > * AffineConstraints< number >::get_constraint_entries ( const size_type  line_n) const

Return a pointer to the vector of entries if a line is constrained, and a zero pointer in case the dof is not constrained.

Definition at line 1711 of file affine_constraints.h.

◆ get_inhomogeneity()

template<typename number >
number AffineConstraints< number >::get_inhomogeneity ( const size_type  line_n) const

Return the value of the inhomogeneity stored in the constrained dof line_n. Unconstrained dofs also return a zero value.

Definition at line 1725 of file affine_constraints.h.

◆ print()

template<typename number = double>
void AffineConstraints< number >::print ( std::ostream &  out) const

Print the constraints represented by the current object to the given stream.

For each constraint of the form

x_{42} = 0.5 x_2 + 0.25 x_{14} + 2.75

this function will write a sequence of lines that look like this:

42 2 : 0.5
42 14 : 0.25
42 : 2.75

The last line is only shown if the inhomogeneity (here: 2.75) is nonzero.

A block of lines such as the one above is repeated for each constrained degree of freedom.

◆ write_dot()

template<typename number = double>
void AffineConstraints< number >::write_dot ( std::ostream &  ) const

Write the graph of constraints in 'dot' format. 'dot' is a program that can take a list of nodes and produce a graphical representation of the graph of constrained degrees of freedom and the degrees of freedom they are constrained to.

The output of this function can be used as input to the 'dot' program that can convert the graph into a graphical representation in postscript, png, xfig, and a number of other formats.

This function exists mostly for debugging purposes.

◆ memory_consumption()

template<typename number = double>
std::size_t AffineConstraints< number >::memory_consumption ( ) const

Determine an estimate for the memory consumption (in bytes) of this object.

◆ resolve_indices()

template<typename number = double>
void AffineConstraints< number >::resolve_indices ( std::vector< types::global_dof_index > &  indices) const

Add the constraint indices associated to the indices in the given vector. After a call to this function, the indices vector contains the initial elements and all the associated constrained indices. This function sorts the elements and suppresses duplicates.

◆ condense() [1/10]

template<typename number = double>
void AffineConstraints< number >::condense ( SparsityPattern sparsity) const

Condense a sparsity pattern. The name of the function mimics the name of the function we use to condense linear systems, but it is a bit of a misnomer for the current context. This is because in the context of linear systems, we eliminate certain rows and columns of the linear system, i.e., we "reduce" or "condense" the linear system. On the other hand, in the current context, the functions does not remove nonzero entries from the sparsity pattern. Rather, it adds those nonzero entry locations to the sparsity pattern that will later be needed for the process of condensation of constrained degrees of freedom from a linear system.

Since this function adds new nonzero entries to the sparsity pattern, the given sparsity pattern must not be compressed. The current object must be closed. The sparsity pattern is compressed at the end of the function.

◆ condense() [2/10]

template<typename number = double>
void AffineConstraints< number >::condense ( BlockSparsityPattern sparsity) const

Same function as above, but condenses square block sparsity patterns.

◆ condense() [3/10]

template<typename number = double>
void AffineConstraints< number >::condense ( DynamicSparsityPattern sparsity) const

Same function as above, but condenses square compressed sparsity patterns.

◆ condense() [4/10]

template<typename number = double>
void AffineConstraints< number >::condense ( BlockDynamicSparsityPattern sparsity) const

Same function as above, but condenses square compressed sparsity patterns.

◆ condense() [5/10]

template<typename number = double>
void AffineConstraints< number >::condense ( SparseMatrix< number > &  matrix) const

Condense a given matrix, i.e., eliminate the rows and columns of the matrix that correspond to constrained degrees of freedom.

See the general documentation of this class for more detailed information.

◆ condense() [6/10]

template<typename number = double>
void AffineConstraints< number >::condense ( BlockSparseMatrix< number > &  matrix) const

Same function as above, but condenses square block sparse matrices.

◆ condense() [7/10]

template<typename number = double>
template<class VectorType >
void AffineConstraints< number >::condense ( VectorType &  vec) const

Condense the given vector in-place. The VectorType may be a Vector<float>, Vector<number>, BlockVector<...>, a PETSc or Trilinos vector wrapper class, or any other type having the same interface. Note that this function does not take any inhomogeneity into account and throws an exception in case there are any inhomogeneities. Use the function using both a matrix and vector for that case.

This function does not work for MPI vectors. Use condense() with two vector arguments instead.

◆ condense() [8/10]

template<typename number = double>
template<class VectorType >
void AffineConstraints< number >::condense ( const VectorType &  vec_ghosted,
VectorType &  output 
) const

The function copies and condenses values from vec_ghosted into output. In a serial code it is equivalent to calling condense (vec). If called in parallel, vec_ghosted is supposed to contain ghost elements while output should not.

◆ condense() [9/10]

template<typename number = double>
template<class VectorType >
void AffineConstraints< number >::condense ( SparseMatrix< number > &  matrix,
VectorType &  vector 
) const

Condense a given matrix and a given vector by eliminating rows and columns of the linear system that correspond to constrained degrees of freedom. The sparsity pattern associated with the matrix needs to be condensed and compressed. This function is the appropriate choice for applying inhomogeneous constraints.

The current object must be closed to call this function.

See the general documentation of this class for more detailed information.

◆ condense() [10/10]

template<typename number = double>
template<class BlockVectorType >
void AffineConstraints< number >::condense ( BlockSparseMatrix< number > &  matrix,
BlockVectorType &  vector 
) const

Same function as above, but condenses square block sparse matrices and vectors.

◆ set_zero()

template<typename number = double>
template<class VectorType >
void AffineConstraints< number >::set_zero ( VectorType &  vec) const

Set the values of all constrained DoFs in a vector to zero. The VectorType may be a Vector<float>, Vector<number>, BlockVector<...>, a PETSc or Trilinos vector wrapper class, or any other type having the same interface.

◆ distribute_local_to_global() [1/11]

template<typename number >
template<class InVector , class OutVector >
void AffineConstraints< number >::distribute_local_to_global ( const InVector &  local_vector,
const std::vector< size_type > &  local_dof_indices,
OutVector &  global_vector 
) const

This function takes a vector of local contributions (local_vector) corresponding to the degrees of freedom indices given in local_dof_indices and distributes them to the global vector. In most cases, these local contributions will be the result of an integration over a cell or face of a cell. However, as long as local_vector and local_dof_indices have the same number of elements, this function is happy with whatever it is given.

In contrast to the similar function in the DoFAccessor class, this function also takes care of constraints, i.e. if one of the elements of local_dof_indices belongs to a constrained node, then rather than writing the corresponding element of local_vector into global_vector, the element is distributed to the entries in the global vector to which this particular degree of freedom is constrained.

Thus, by using this function to distribute local contributions to the global object, one saves the call to the condense function after the vectors and matrices are fully assembled. On the other hand, by consequence, the function does not only write into the entries enumerated by the local_dof_indices array, but also (possibly) others as necessary.

Note that this function will apply all constraints as if they were homogeneous. For correctly setting inhomogeneous constraints, use the similar function with a matrix argument or the function with both matrix and vector arguments.

This function in itself is thread-safe, i.e., it works properly also when several threads call it simultaneously. However, the function call is only thread-safe if the underlying global vector allows for simultaneous access and the access is not to rows with the same global index at the same time. This needs to be made sure from the caller's site. There is no locking mechanism inside this method to prevent data races.
[in]local_vectorVector of local contributions.
[in]local_dof_indicesLocal degrees of freedom indices corresponding to the vector of local contributions.
[out]global_vectorThe global vector to which all local contributions will be added.

Definition at line 1821 of file affine_constraints.h.

◆ distribute_local_to_global() [2/11]

template<typename number = double>
template<typename VectorType >
void AffineConstraints< number >::distribute_local_to_global ( const Vector< number > &  local_vector,
const std::vector< size_type > &  local_dof_indices,
VectorType &  global_vector,
const FullMatrix< number > &  local_matrix 
) const

This function takes a vector of local contributions (local_vector) corresponding to the degrees of freedom indices given in local_dof_indices and distributes them to the global vector. In most cases, these local contributions will be the result of an integration over a cell or face of a cell. However, as long as local_vector and local_dof_indices have the same number of elements, this function is happy with whatever it is given.

In contrast to the similar function in the DoFAccessor class, this function also takes care of constraints, i.e. if one of the elements of local_dof_indices belongs to a constrained node, then rather than writing the corresponding element of local_vector into global_vector, the element is distributed to the entries in the global vector to which this particular degree of freedom is constrained.

Thus, by using this function to distribute local contributions to the global object, one saves the call to the condense function after the vectors and matrices are fully assembled. On the other hand, by consequence, the function does not only write into the entries enumerated by the local_dof_indices array, but also (possibly) others as necessary. This includes writing into diagonal elements of the matrix if the corresponding degree of freedom is constrained.

The fourth argument local_matrix is intended to be used in case one wants to apply inhomogeneous constraints on the vector only. Such a situation could be where one wants to assemble of a right hand side vector on a problem with inhomogeneous constraints, but the global matrix has been assembled previously. A typical example of this is a time stepping algorithm where the stiffness matrix is assembled once, and the right hand side updated every time step. Note that, however, the entries in the columns of the local matrix have to be exactly the same as those that have been written into the global matrix. Otherwise, this function will not be able to correctly handle inhomogeneities.

This function in itself is thread-safe, i.e., it works properly also when several threads call it simultaneously. However, the function call is only thread-safe if the underlying global vector allows for simultaneous access and the access is not to rows with the same global index at the same time. This needs to be made sure from the caller's site. There is no locking mechanism inside this method to prevent data races.

◆ distribute_local_to_global() [3/11]

template<typename number = double>
template<typename VectorType >
void AffineConstraints< number >::distribute_local_to_global ( const Vector< number > &  local_vector,
const std::vector< size_type > &  local_dof_indices_row,
const std::vector< size_type > &  local_dof_indices_col,
VectorType &  global_vector,
const FullMatrix< number > &  local_matrix,
bool  diagonal = false 
) const

Same as the previous function, except that it uses two (possibly) different index sets to correctly handle inhomogeneities when the local matrix is computed from a combination of two neighboring elements, for example for an edge integral term in DG. Note that in the case that these two elements have different polynomial degree, the local matrix is rectangular.

local_dof_indices_row is the set of row indices and local_dof_indices_col is the set of column indices of the local matrix. diagonal=false says whether the two index sets are equal or not.

If both index sets are equal, diagonal must be set to true or we simply use the previous function. If both index sets are different (diagonal=false) the global_vector is modified to handle inhomogeneities but no entries from local_vector are added. Note that the edge integrals for inner edged for DG do not contribute any values to the right hand side.

◆ distribute_local_to_global() [4/11]

template<typename number>
template<class VectorType >
void AffineConstraints< number >::distribute_local_to_global ( const size_type  index,
const number  value,
VectorType &  global_vector 
) const

Enter a single value into a result vector, obeying constraints.

Definition at line 1767 of file affine_constraints.h.

◆ distribute_local_to_global() [5/11]

template<typename number>
template<typename ForwardIteratorVec , typename ForwardIteratorInd , class VectorType >
void AffineConstraints< number >::distribute_local_to_global ( ForwardIteratorVec  local_vector_begin,
ForwardIteratorVec  local_vector_end,
ForwardIteratorInd  local_indices_begin,
VectorType &  global_vector 
) const

This function takes a pointer to a vector of local contributions (local_vector) corresponding to the degrees of freedom indices given in local_dof_indices and distributes them to the global vector. In most cases, these local contributions will be the result of an integration over a cell or face of a cell. However, as long as the entries in local_dof_indices indicate reasonable global vector entries, this function is happy with whatever it is given.

If one of the elements of local_dof_indices belongs to a constrained node, then rather than writing the corresponding element of local_vector into global_vector, the element is distributed to the entries in the global vector to which this particular degree of freedom is constrained.

Thus, by using this function to distribute local contributions to the global object, one saves the call to the condense function after the vectors and matrices are fully assembled. Note that this function completely ignores inhomogeneous constraints.

This function in itself is thread-safe, i.e., it works properly also when several threads call it simultaneously. However, the function call is only thread-safe if the underlying global vector allows for simultaneous access and the access is not to rows with the same global index at the same time. This needs to be made sure from the caller's site. There is no locking mechanism inside this method to prevent data races.

Definition at line 1791 of file affine_constraints.h.

◆ distribute_local_to_global() [6/11]

template<typename number>
template<typename MatrixType >
void AffineConstraints< number >::distribute_local_to_global ( const FullMatrix< number > &  local_matrix,
const std::vector< size_type > &  local_dof_indices,
MatrixType &  global_matrix 
) const

This function takes a matrix of local contributions (local_matrix) corresponding to the degrees of freedom indices given in local_dof_indices and distributes them to the global matrix. In most cases, these local contributions will be the result of an integration over a cell or face of a cell. However, as long as local_matrix and local_dof_indices have the same number of elements, this function is happy with whatever it is given.

In contrast to the similar function in the DoFAccessor class, this function also takes care of constraints, i.e. if one of the elements of local_dof_indices belongs to a constrained node, then rather than writing the corresponding element of local_matrix into global_matrix, the element is distributed to the entries in the global matrix to which this particular degree of freedom is constrained.

With this scheme, we never write into rows or columns of constrained degrees of freedom. In order to make sure that the resulting matrix can still be inverted, we need to do something with the diagonal elements corresponding to constrained nodes. Thus, if a degree of freedom in local_dof_indices is constrained, we distribute the corresponding entries in the matrix, but also add the absolute value of the diagonal entry of the local matrix to the corresponding entry in the global matrix. Assuming the discretized operator is positive definite, this guarantees that the diagonal entry is always non-zero, positive, and of the same order of magnitude as the other entries of the matrix. On the other hand, when solving a source problem Au=f the exact value of the diagonal element is not important, since the value of the respective degree of freedom will be overwritten by the distribute() call later on anyway.

The procedure described above adds an unforeseeable number of artificial eigenvalues to the spectrum of the matrix. Therefore, it is recommended to use the equivalent function with two local index vectors in such a case.

By using this function to distribute local contributions to the global object, one saves the call to the condense function after the vectors and matrices are fully assembled.

This function in itself is thread-safe, i.e., it works properly also when several threads call it simultaneously. However, the function call is only thread-safe if the underlying global matrix allows for simultaneous access and the access is not to rows with the same global index at the same time. This needs to be made sure from the caller's site. There is no locking mechanism inside this method to prevent data races.

Definition at line 1952 of file affine_constraints.h.

◆ distribute_local_to_global() [7/11]

template<typename number = double>
template<typename MatrixType >
void AffineConstraints< number >::distribute_local_to_global ( const FullMatrix< number > &  local_matrix,
const std::vector< size_type > &  row_indices,
const std::vector< size_type > &  col_indices,
MatrixType &  global_matrix 
) const

Does almost the same as the function above but can treat general rectangular matrices. The main difference to achieve this is that the diagonal entries in constrained rows are left untouched instead of being filled with arbitrary values.

Since the diagonal entries corresponding to eliminated degrees of freedom are not set, the result may have a zero eigenvalue, if applied to a square matrix. This has to be considered when solving the resulting problems. For solving a source problem Au=f, it is possible to set the diagonal entry after building the matrix by a piece of code of the form

for (unsigned int i=0;i<matrix.m();++i)
if (constraints.is_constrained(i))
matrix.diag_element(i) = 1.;

The value of one which is used here is arbitrary, but in the context of Krylov space methods uncritical, since it corresponds to an invariant subspace. If the other matrix entries are smaller or larger by a factor close to machine accuracy, it may be advisable to adjust it.

For solving eigenvalue problems, this will only add one spurious zero eigenvalue (with a multiplicity that is possibly greater than one). Taking this into account, nothing else has to be changed.

◆ distribute_local_to_global() [8/11]

template<typename number = double>
template<typename MatrixType >
void AffineConstraints< number >::distribute_local_to_global ( const FullMatrix< number > &  local_matrix,
const std::vector< size_type > &  row_indices,
const AffineConstraints< number > &  column_affine_constraints,
const std::vector< size_type > &  column_indices,
MatrixType &  global_matrix 
) const

Does almost the same as the function above for general rectangular matrices but uses different AffineConstraints objects on the row and column indices. The convention is that row indices are constrained according to the calling AffineConstraints *this, whereas column indices are constrained according to the given AffineConstraints column_affine_constraints. This function allows to handle the case where rows and columns of a matrix are represented by different function spaces with their own enumeration of indices, as e.g. in mixed finite element problems with separate DoFHandler objects or for flux matrices between different levels in multigrid methods.

Like the other method with separate slots for row and column indices, this method does not add diagonal entries to eliminated degrees of freedom. See there for a more elaborate description.

◆ distribute_local_to_global() [9/11]

template<typename number>
template<typename MatrixType , typename VectorType >
void AffineConstraints< number >::distribute_local_to_global ( const FullMatrix< number > &  local_matrix,
const Vector< number > &  local_vector,
const std::vector< size_type > &  local_dof_indices,
MatrixType &  global_matrix,
VectorType &  global_vector,
bool  use_inhomogeneities_for_rhs = false 
) const

This function simultaneously writes elements into matrix and vector, according to the constraints specified by the calling AffineConstraints. This function can correctly handle inhomogeneous constraints as well. For the parameter use_inhomogeneities_for_rhs see the documentation in Constraints on degrees of freedom module.

This function in itself is thread-safe, i.e., it works properly also when several threads call it simultaneously. However, the function call is only thread-safe if the underlying global matrix and vector allow for simultaneous access and the access is not to rows with the same global index at the same time. This needs to be made sure from the caller's site. There is no locking mechanism inside this method to prevent data races.

Definition at line 1973 of file affine_constraints.h.

◆ add_entries_local_to_global() [1/4]

template<typename number >
template<typename SparsityPatternType >
void AffineConstraints< number >::add_entries_local_to_global ( const std::vector< size_type > &  local_dof_indices,
SparsityPatternType &  sparsity_pattern,
const bool  keep_constrained_entries = true,
const Table< 2, bool > &  dof_mask = Table<2, bool>() 
) const

Do a similar operation as the distribute_local_to_global() function that distributes writing entries into a matrix for constrained degrees of freedom, except that here we don't write into a matrix but only allocate sparsity pattern entries.

As explained in the hp paper and in step-27, first allocating a sparsity pattern and later coming back and allocating additional entries for those matrix entries that will be written to due to the elimination of constrained degrees of freedom (using AffineConstraints::condense() ), can be a very expensive procedure. It is cheaper to allocate these entries right away without having to do a second pass over the sparsity pattern object. This function does exactly that.

Because the function only allocates entries in a sparsity pattern, all it needs to know are the degrees of freedom that couple to each other. Unlike the previous function, no actual values are written, so the second input argument is not necessary here.

The third argument to this function, keep_constrained_entries determines whether the function shall allocate entries in the sparsity pattern at all for entries that will later be set to zero upon condensation of the matrix. These entries are necessary if the matrix is built unconstrained, and only later condensed. They are not necessary if the matrix is built using the distribute_local_to_global() function of this class which distributes entries right away when copying a local matrix into a global object. The default of this argument is true, meaning to allocate the few entries that may later be set to zero.

By default, the function adds entries for all pairs of indices given in the first argument to the sparsity pattern (unless keep_constrained_entries is false). However, sometimes one would like to only add a subset of all of these pairs. In that case, the last argument can be used which specifies a boolean mask which of the pairs of indices should be considered. If the mask is false for a pair of indices, then no entry will be added to the sparsity pattern for this pair, irrespective of whether one or both of the indices correspond to constrained degrees of freedom.

This function is not typically called from user code, but is used in the DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern() function when passed an AffineConstraints object.

This function in itself is thread-safe, i.e., it works properly also when several threads call it simultaneously. However, the function call is only thread-safe if the underlying global sparsity pattern allows for simultaneous access and the access is not to rows with the same global index at the same time. This needs to be made sure from the caller's site. There is no locking mechanism inside this method to prevent data races.

Definition at line 1996 of file affine_constraints.h.

◆ add_entries_local_to_global() [2/4]

template<typename number = double>
template<typename SparsityPatternType >
void AffineConstraints< number >::add_entries_local_to_global ( const std::vector< size_type > &  row_indices,
const std::vector< size_type > &  col_indices,
SparsityPatternType &  sparsity_pattern,
const bool  keep_constrained_entries = true,
const Table< 2, bool > &  dof_mask = Table< 2, bool >() 
) const

Similar to the other function, but for non-quadratic sparsity patterns.

◆ get_dof_values()

template<typename number >
template<typename ForwardIteratorVec , typename ForwardIteratorInd , class VectorType >
void AffineConstraints< number >::get_dof_values ( const VectorType &  global_vector,
ForwardIteratorInd  local_indices_begin,
ForwardIteratorVec  local_vector_begin,
ForwardIteratorVec  local_vector_end 
) const

This function imports values from a global vector (global_vector) by applying the constraints to a vector of local values, expressed in iterator format. In most cases, the local values will be identified by the local dof values on a cell. However, as long as the entries in local_dof_indices indicate reasonable global vector entries, this function is happy with whatever it is given.

If one of the elements of local_dof_indices belongs to a constrained node, then rather than writing the corresponding element of global_vector into local_vector, the constraints are resolved as the respective distribute function does, i.e., the local entry is constructed from the global entries to which this particular degree of freedom is constrained.

In contrast to the similar function get_dof_values in the DoFAccessor class, this function does not need the constrained values to be correctly set (i.e., distribute to be called).

Definition at line 1839 of file affine_constraints.h.

◆ distribute()

template<typename number = double>
template<class VectorType >
void AffineConstraints< number >::distribute ( VectorType &  vec) const

Given a vector, set all constrained degrees of freedom to values so that the constraints are satisfied. For example, if the current object stores the constraint x_3=\frac 12 x_1 + \frac 12 x_2, then this function will read the values of x_1 and x_2 from the given vector and set the element x_3 according to this constraints. Similarly, if the current object stores the constraint x_{42}=208, then this function will set the 42nd element of the given vector to 208.

If this function is called with a parallel vector vec, then the vector must not contain ghost elements.

◆ get_lines()

template<typename number = double>
const LineRange AffineConstraints< number >::get_lines ( ) const

Return a range object containing (const) iterators to all line entries stored in the AffineConstraints container. Such a range is useful to initialize range-based for loops as supported by C++11.

A range object for the half open range [this->begin(), this->end()) of line entries.

◆ is_consistent_in_parallel()

template<typename number = double>
bool AffineConstraints< number >::is_consistent_in_parallel ( const std::vector< IndexSet > &  locally_owned_dofs,
const IndexSet locally_active_dofs,
const MPI_Comm  mpi_communicator,
const bool  verbose = false 
) const

Check if the current object is consistent on all processors in a distributed computation.

This method checks if all processors agree on the constraints for their local lines as given by locally_active_dofs. This method is a collective operation and will return true only if all processors are consistent.

Please supply the owned DoFs per processor as returned by DoFHandler::locally_owned_dofs_per_processor() as locally_owned_dofs and the result of DoFTools::extract_locally_active_dofs() as locally_active_dofs. The former is used to determine ownership of the specific DoF, while the latter is used as the set of rows that need to be checked.

If verbose is set to true, additional debug information is written to std::cout.

This method exchanges all constraint information of locally active lines and is as such slow for large computations and should probably only be used in debug mode. We do not check all lines returned by get_local_lines() but only the locally active ones, as we allow processors to not know about some locally relevant rows.
Whether all AffineConstraints objects are consistent. Returns the same value on all processors.

◆ calculate_line_index()

template<typename number >
types::global_dof_index AffineConstraints< number >::calculate_line_index ( const size_type  line_n) const

Internal function to calculate the index of line line_n in the vector lines_cache using local_lines.

Definition at line 1739 of file affine_constraints.h.

◆ distribute_local_to_global() [10/11]

template<typename number = double>
template<typename MatrixType , typename VectorType >
void AffineConstraints< number >::distribute_local_to_global ( const FullMatrix< number > &  local_matrix,
const Vector< number > &  local_vector,
const std::vector< size_type > &  local_dof_indices,
MatrixType &  global_matrix,
VectorType &  global_vector,
bool  use_inhomogeneities_for_rhs,
std::integral_constant< bool, false >   
) const

This function actually implements the local_to_global function for standard (non-block) matrices.

◆ distribute_local_to_global() [11/11]

template<typename number = double>
template<typename MatrixType , typename VectorType >
void AffineConstraints< number >::distribute_local_to_global ( const FullMatrix< number > &  local_matrix,
const Vector< number > &  local_vector,
const std::vector< size_type > &  local_dof_indices,
MatrixType &  global_matrix,
VectorType &  global_vector,
bool  use_inhomogeneities_for_rhs,
std::integral_constant< bool, true >   
) const

This function actually implements the local_to_global function for block matrices.

◆ add_entries_local_to_global() [3/4]

template<typename number = double>
template<typename SparsityPatternType >
void AffineConstraints< number >::add_entries_local_to_global ( const std::vector< size_type > &  local_dof_indices,
SparsityPatternType &  sparsity_pattern,
const bool  keep_constrained_entries,
const Table< 2, bool > &  dof_mask,
std::integral_constant< bool, false >   
) const

This function actually implements the local_to_global function for standard (non-block) sparsity types.

◆ add_entries_local_to_global() [4/4]

template<typename number = double>
template<typename SparsityPatternType >
void AffineConstraints< number >::add_entries_local_to_global ( const std::vector< size_type > &  local_dof_indices,
SparsityPatternType &  sparsity_pattern,
const bool  keep_constrained_entries,
const Table< 2, bool > &  dof_mask,
std::integral_constant< bool, true >   
) const

This function actually implements the local_to_global function for block sparsity types.

◆ make_sorted_row_list() [1/2]

template<typename number = double>
void AffineConstraints< number >::make_sorted_row_list ( const std::vector< size_type > &  local_dof_indices,
internals::GlobalRowsFromLocal< number > &  global_rows 
) const

Internal helper function for distribute_local_to_global function.

Creates a list of affected global rows for distribution, including the local rows where the entries come from. The list is sorted according to the global row indices.

◆ make_sorted_row_list() [2/2]

template<typename number = double>
void AffineConstraints< number >::make_sorted_row_list ( const std::vector< size_type > &  local_dof_indices,
std::vector< size_type > &  active_dofs 
) const

Internal helper function for add_entries_local_to_global function.

Creates a list of affected rows for distribution without any additional information, otherwise similar to the other make_sorted_row_list() function.

◆ resolve_vector_entry()

template<typename number = double>
template<typename MatrixScalar , typename VectorScalar >
ProductType<VectorScalar, MatrixScalar>::type AffineConstraints< number >::resolve_vector_entry ( const size_type  i,
const internals::GlobalRowsFromLocal< number > &  global_rows,
const Vector< VectorScalar > &  local_vector,
const std::vector< size_type > &  local_dof_indices,
const FullMatrix< MatrixScalar > &  local_matrix 
) const

Internal helper function for distribute_local_to_global function.

Member Data Documentation

◆ lines

template<typename number = double>
std::vector<ConstraintLine> AffineConstraints< number >::lines

Store the lines of the matrix. Entries are usually appended in an arbitrary order and insertion into a vector is done best at the end, so the order is unspecified after all entries are inserted. Sorting of the entries takes place when calling the close() function.

We could, instead of using a vector, use an associative array, like a map to store the lines. This, however, would mean a much more fragmented heap since it allocates many small objects, and would additionally make usage of this matrix much slower.

Definition at line 1424 of file affine_constraints.h.

◆ lines_cache

template<typename number = double>
std::vector<size_type> AffineConstraints< number >::lines_cache

A list of size_type that contains the position of the ConstraintLine of a constrained degree of freedom, or numbers::invalid_size_type if the degree of freedom is not constrained. The numbers::invalid_size_type return value returns thus whether there is a constraint line for a given degree of freedom index. Note that this class has no notion of how many degrees of freedom there really are, so if we check whether there is a constraint line for a given degree of freedom, then this vector may actually be shorter than the index of the DoF we check for.

This field exists since when adding a new constraint line we have to figure out whether it already exists. Previously, we would simply walk the unsorted list of constraint lines until we either hit the end or found it. This algorithm is O(N) if N is the number of constraints, which makes it O(N^2) when inserting all constraints. For large problems with many constraints, this could easily take 5-10 per cent of the total run time. With this field, we can save this time since we find any constraint in O(1) time or get to know that it a certain degree of freedom is not constrained.

To make things worse, traversing the list of existing constraints requires reads from many different places in memory. Thus, in large 3d applications, the add_line() function showed up very prominently in the overall compute time, mainly because it generated a lot of cache misses. This should also be fixed by using the O(1) algorithm to access the fields of this array.

The field is useful in a number of other contexts as well, e.g. when one needs random access to the constraints as in all the functions that apply constraints on the fly while add cell contributions into vectors and matrices.

Definition at line 1458 of file affine_constraints.h.

◆ local_lines

template<typename number = double>
IndexSet AffineConstraints< number >::local_lines

This IndexSet is used to limit the lines to save in the AffineConstraints to a subset. This is necessary, because the lines_cache vector would become too big in a distributed calculation.

Definition at line 1465 of file affine_constraints.h.

◆ sorted

template<typename number = double>
bool AffineConstraints< number >::sorted

Store whether the arrays are sorted. If so, no new entries can be added.

Definition at line 1470 of file affine_constraints.h.

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