681 *
const unsigned int component)
684 *
Assert(component == 0, ExcIndexRange(component, 0, 1));
693 * <a name=
699 * start with the constructor which selects a linear element, a time
700 * step constant at 1/500 (remember that one period of the source
701 * on the right hand side was set to 0.2 above, so we resolve each
702 * period with 100 time steps) and chooses the Crank Nicolson method
703 * by setting @f$\theta=1/2@f$.
707 * HeatEquation<dim>::HeatEquation()
709 * , dof_handler(triangulation)
710 * , time_step(1. / 500)
719 * <a name="step_26-codeHeatEquationsetup_systemcode"></a>
720 * <h4><code>HeatEquation::setup_system</code></h4>
724 * The next function is the one that sets up the DoFHandler object,
725 * computes the constraints, and sets the linear algebra objects
726 * to their correct sizes. We also compute the mass and Laplace
727 * matrix here by simply calling two functions in the library.
731 * Note that we do not take the hanging node constraints into account when
732 * assembling the matrices (both functions have an AffineConstraints argument
733 * that defaults to an empty object). This is because we are going to
734 * condense the constraints in run() after combining the matrices for the
739 * void HeatEquation<dim>::setup_system()
741 * dof_handler.distribute_dofs(fe);
743 * std::cout << std::endl
744 * << "===========================================" << std::endl
745 * << "Number of active cells: " << triangulation.n_active_cells()
747 * << "Number of degrees of freedom: " << dof_handler.n_dofs()
751 * constraints.clear();
752 * DoFTools::make_hanging_node_constraints(dof_handler, constraints);
753 * constraints.close();
755 * DynamicSparsityPattern dsp(dof_handler.n_dofs());
756 * DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern(dof_handler,
759 * /*keep_constrained_dofs = */ true);
760 * sparsity_pattern.copy_from(dsp);
762 * mass_matrix.reinit(sparsity_pattern);
763 * laplace_matrix.reinit(sparsity_pattern);
764 * system_matrix.reinit(sparsity_pattern);
766 * MatrixCreator::create_mass_matrix(dof_handler,
767 * QGauss<dim>(fe.degree + 1),
769 * MatrixCreator::create_laplace_matrix(dof_handler,
770 * QGauss<dim>(fe.degree + 1),
773 * solution.reinit(dof_handler.n_dofs());
774 * old_solution.reinit(dof_handler.n_dofs());
775 * system_rhs.reinit(dof_handler.n_dofs());
782 * <a name="step_26-codeHeatEquationsolve_time_stepcode"></a>
783 * <h4><code>HeatEquation::solve_time_step</code></h4>
787 * The next function is the one that solves the actual linear system
788 * for a single time step. There is nothing surprising here:
792 * void HeatEquation<dim>::solve_time_step()
794 * SolverControl solver_control(1000, 1e-8 * system_rhs.l2_norm());
795 * SolverCG<Vector<double>> cg(solver_control);
797 * PreconditionSSOR<SparseMatrix<double>> preconditioner;
798 * preconditioner.initialize(system_matrix, 1.0);
800 * cg.solve(system_matrix, solution, system_rhs, preconditioner);
802 * constraints.distribute(solution);
804 * std::cout << " " << solver_control.last_step() << " CG iterations."
813 * <a name="step_26-codeHeatEquationoutput_resultscode"></a>
814 * <h4><code>HeatEquation::output_results</code></h4>
818 * Neither is there anything new in generating graphical output other than the
819 * fact that we tell the DataOut object what the current time and time step
820 * number is, so that this can be written into the output file :
824 * void HeatEquation<dim>::output_results() const
826 * DataOut<dim> data_out;
828 * data_out.attach_dof_handler(dof_handler);
829 * data_out.add_data_vector(solution, "U");
831 * data_out.build_patches();
833 * data_out.set_flags(DataOutBase::VtkFlags(time, timestep_number));
835 * const std::string filename =
836 * "solution-" + Utilities::int_to_string(timestep_number, 3) + ".vtk";
837 * std::ofstream output(filename);
838 * data_out.write_vtk(output);
845 * <a name="step_26-codeHeatEquationrefine_meshcode"></a>
846 * <h4><code>HeatEquation::refine_mesh</code></h4>
850 * This function is the interesting part of the program. It takes care of
851 * the adaptive mesh refinement. The three tasks
852 * this function performs is to first find out which cells to
853 * refine/coarsen, then to actually do the refinement and eventually
854 * transfer the solution vectors between the two different grids. The first
855 * task is simply achieved by using the well-established Kelly error
856 * estimator on the solution. The second task is to actually do the
857 * remeshing. That involves only basic functions as well, such as the
858 * <code>refine_and_coarsen_fixed_fraction</code> that refines those cells
859 * with the largest estimated error that together make up 60 per cent of the
860 * error, and coarsens those cells with the smallest error that make up for
861 * a combined 40 per cent of the error. Note that for problems such as the
862 * current one where the areas where something is going on are shifting
863 * around, we want to aggressively coarsen so that we can move cells
864 * around to where it is necessary.
868 * As already discussed in the introduction, too small a mesh leads to
869 * too small a time step, whereas too large a mesh leads to too little
870 * resolution. Consequently, after the first two steps, we have two
871 * loops that limit refinement and coarsening to an allowable range of
876 * void HeatEquation<dim>::refine_mesh(const unsigned int min_grid_level,
877 * const unsigned int max_grid_level)
879 * Vector<float> estimated_error_per_cell(triangulation.n_active_cells());
881 * KellyErrorEstimator<dim>::estimate(
883 * QGauss<dim - 1>(fe.degree + 1),
884 * std::map<types::boundary_id, const Function<dim> *>(),
886 * estimated_error_per_cell);
888 * GridRefinement::refine_and_coarsen_fixed_fraction(triangulation,
889 * estimated_error_per_cell,
893 * if (triangulation.n_levels() > max_grid_level)
894 * for (const auto &cell :
895 * triangulation.active_cell_iterators_on_level(max_grid_level))
896 * cell->clear_refine_flag();
897 * for (const auto &cell :
898 * triangulation.active_cell_iterators_on_level(min_grid_level))
899 * cell->clear_coarsen_flag();
902 * These two loops above are slightly different but this is easily
903 * explained. In the first loop, instead of calling
904 * <code>triangulation.end()</code> we may as well have called
905 * <code>triangulation.end_active(max_grid_level)</code>. The two
906 * calls should yield the same iterator since iterators are sorted
907 * by level and there should not be any cells on levels higher than
908 * on level <code>max_grid_level</code>. In fact, this very piece
909 * of code makes sure that this is the case.
913 * As part of mesh refinement we need to transfer the solution vectors
914 * from the old mesh to the new one. To this end we use the
915 * SolutionTransfer class and we have to prepare the solution vectors that
916 * should be transferred to the new grid (we will lose the old grid once
917 * we have done the refinement so the transfer has to happen concurrently
918 * with refinement). At the point where we call this function, we will
919 * have just computed the solution, so we no longer need the old_solution
920 * variable (it will be overwritten by the solution just after the mesh
921 * may have been refined, i.e., at the end of the time step; see below).
922 * In other words, we only need the one solution vector, and we copy it
923 * to a temporary object where it is safe from being reset when we further
924 * down below call <code>setup_system()</code>.
928 * Consequently, we initialize a SolutionTransfer object by attaching
929 * it to the old DoF handler. We then prepare the triangulation and the
930 * data vector for refinement (in this order).
933 * SolutionTransfer<dim> solution_trans(dof_handler);
935 * Vector<double> previous_solution;
936 * previous_solution = solution;
937 * triangulation.prepare_coarsening_and_refinement();
938 * solution_trans.prepare_for_coarsening_and_refinement(previous_solution);
942 * Now everything is ready, so do the refinement and recreate the DoF
943 * structure on the new grid, and finally initialize the matrix structures
944 * and the new vectors in the <code>setup_system</code> function. Next, we
945 * actually perform the interpolation of the solution from old to new
946 * grid. The final step is to apply the hanging node constraints to the
947 * solution vector, i.e., to make sure that the values of degrees of
948 * freedom located on hanging nodes are so that the solution is
949 * continuous. This is necessary since SolutionTransfer only operates on
950 * cells locally, without regard to the neighborhood.
953 * triangulation.execute_coarsening_and_refinement();
956 * solution_trans.interpolate(solution);
957 * constraints.distribute(solution);
965 * <a name="step_26-codeHeatEquationruncode"></a>
966 * <h4><code>HeatEquation::run</code></h4>
970 * This is the main driver of the program, where we loop over all
971 * time steps. At the top of the function, we set the number of
972 * initial global mesh refinements and the number of initial cycles of
973 * adaptive mesh refinement by repeating the first time step a few
974 * times. Then we create a mesh, initialize the various objects we will
975 * work with, set a label for where we should start when re-running
976 * the first time step, and interpolate the initial solution onto
977 * out mesh (we choose the zero function here, which of course we could
978 * do in a simpler way by just setting the solution vector to zero). We
979 * also output the initial time step once.
988 * (
see <a
1000 *
template <
int dim>
1021 *
1042 *
const double end_time = 0.5;
1043 *
while (time <= end_time)
1096 *
1099 *
1160 *
std::cout << std::endl;
1169 *
1202 * the current mesh or would rather refine the mesh and start over on the
1203 * new mesh. We could of course replace the use of the <code>goto</code>
1205 * <div class=CodeFragmentInTutorialComment>
1213 * if (not happy with the result)
1214 * adjust some data structures;
1221 * for (timestep=2...)
1229 * This has the advantage of getting rid of the <code>goto</code>
1230 * but the disadvantage of having to duplicate the code that implements
1231 * the "solve timestep" and "postprocess" operations in two different
1232 * places. This could be countered by putting these parts of the code
1233 * (sizable chunks in the actual implementation above) into their
1234 * own functions, but a <code>while(true)</code> loop with a
1235 * <code>break</code> statement is not really all that much easier
1236 * to read or understand than a <code>goto</code>.
1240 * In the end, one might simply agree that <i>in general</i>
1241 * <code>goto</code> statements are a bad idea but be pragmatic and
1242 * state that there may be occasions where they can help avoid code
1243 * duplication and awkward control flow. This may be one of these
1244 * places, and it matches the position Steve McConnell takes in his
1245 * excellent book "Code Complete" @cite CodeComplete about good
1246 * programming practices (see the mention of this book in the
1247 * introduction of @ref step_1 "step-1") that spends a surprising ten pages on the
1248 * question of <code>goto</code> in general.
1256 * <a name="step_26-Thecodemaincodefunction"></a>
1257 * <h3>The <code>main</code> function</h3>
1261 * Having made it this far, there is, again, nothing
1262 * much to discuss for the main function of this
1263 * program: it looks like all such functions since @ref step_6 "step-6".
1270 * using namespace Step26;
1272 * HeatEquation<2> heat_equation_solver;
1273 * heat_equation_solver.run();
1275 * catch (std::exception &exc)
1277 * std::cerr << std::endl
1279 * << "----------------------------------------------------"
1281 * std::cerr << "Exception on processing: " << std::endl
1282 * << exc.what() << std::endl
1283 * << "Aborting!" << std::endl
1284 * << "----------------------------------------------------"
1291 * std::cerr << std::endl
1293 * << "----------------------------------------------------"
1295 * std::cerr << "Unknown exception!" << std::endl
1296 * << "Aborting!" << std::endl
1297 * << "----------------------------------------------------"
1305<a name="step_26-Results"></a><h1>Results</h1>
1308As in many of the tutorials, the actual output of the program matters less
1309than how we arrived there. Nonetheless, here it is:
1312Number of active cells: 48
1313Number of degrees of freedom: 65
1315Time step 1 at t=0.002
1319Number of active cells: 60
1320Number of degrees of freedom: 81
1323Time step 1 at t=0.002
1327Number of active cells: 105
1328Number of degrees of freedom: 136
1331Time step 1 at t=0.002
1336Time step 249 at t=0.498
1338Time step 250 at t=0.5
1342Number of active cells: 1803
1343Number of degrees of freedom: 2109
1346Maybe of more interest is a visualization of the solution and the mesh on which
1349<img src="https://www.dealii.org/images/steps/developer/step-26.movie.gif" alt="Animation of the solution of step 26.">
1351The movie shows how the two sources switch on and off and how the mesh reacts
1352to this. It is quite obvious that the mesh as is is probably not the best we
1356<a name=
1357<a name=
for extensions</
ref step_86
1433but they also don't help because so many of their additional degrees of
1434freedom are in fact constrained by hanging node constraints. That said,
1435this is easy to fix: the Triangulation class takes an argument to its
1436constructor indicating a level of "mesh smoothing". Passing one of many
1437possible flags, this instructs the triangulation to refine some additional
1438cells, or not to refine some cells, so that the resulting mesh does not have
1441The second problem is more severe: the mesh appears to lag the solution.
1442The underlying reason is that we only adapt the mesh once every fifth
1443time step, and only allow for a single refinement in these cases. Whenever a
1444source switches on, the solution had been very smooth in this area before and
1445the mesh was consequently rather coarse. This implies that the next time step
1446when we refine the mesh, we will get one refinement level more in this area,
1447and five time steps later another level, etc. But this is not enough: first,
1448we should refine immediately when a source switches on (after all, in the
1449current context we at least know what the right hand side is), and we should
1450allow for more than one refinement level. Of course, all of this can be done
1451using deal.II, it just requires a bit of algorithmic thinking in how to make
1455<a name="step_26-Positivitypreservation"></a><h4>Positivity preservation</h4>
1458To increase the accuracy and resolution of your simulation in time, one
1459typically decreases the time step size @f$k_n@f$. If you start playing around
1460with the time step in this particular example, you will notice that the
1461solution becomes partly negative, if @f$k_n@f$ is below a certain threshold.
1462This is not what we would expect to happen (in nature).
1464To get an idea of this behavior mathematically, let us consider a general,
1465fully discrete problem:
1467 A u^{n} = B u^{n-1}.
1469The general form of the @f$i@f$th equation then reads:
1471 a_{ii} u^{n}_i &= b_{ii} u^{n-1}_i +
1472 \sum\limits_{j \in S_i} \left( b_{ij} u^{n-1}_j - a_{ij} u^{n}_j \right),
1474where @f$S_i@f$ is the set of degrees of freedom that DoF @f$i@f$ couples with (i.e.,
1475for which either the matrix @f$A@f$ or matrix @f$B@f$ has a nonzero entry at position
1476@f$(i,j)@f$). If all coefficients
1477fulfill the following conditions:
1479 a_{ii} &> 0, & b_{ii} &\geq 0, & a_{ij} &\leq 0, & b_{ij} &\geq 0,
1483all solutions @f$u^{n}@f$ keep their sign from the previous ones @f$u^{n-1}@f$, and
1484consequently from the initial values @f$u^0@f$. See e.g.
1485<a href="http://bookstore.siam.org/cs14/">Kuzmin, Hämäläinen</a>
1486for more information on positivity preservation.
1488Depending on the PDE to solve and the time integration scheme used, one is
1489able to deduce conditions for the time step @f$k_n@f$. For the heat equation with
1490the Crank-Nicolson scheme,
1491<a href="https://doi.org/10.2478/cmam-2010-0025">Schatz et. al.</a> have
1492translated it to the following ones:
1494 (1 - \theta) k a_{ii} &\leq m_{ii},\qquad \forall i,
1496 \theta k \left| a_{ij} \right| &\geq m_{ij},\qquad j \neq i,
1498where @f$M = m_{ij}@f$ denotes the @ref GlossMassMatrix "mass matrix" and @f$A = a_{ij}@f$ the stiffness
1499matrix with @f$a_{ij} \leq 0@f$ for @f$j \neq i@f$, respectively. With
1500@f$a_{ij} \leq 0@f$, we can formulate bounds for the global time step @f$k@f$ as
1503 k_{\text{max}} &= \frac{ 1 }{ 1 - \theta }
1504 \min\left( \frac{ m_{ii} }{ a_{ii} } \right),~ \forall i,
1506 k_{\text{min}} &= \frac{ 1 }{ \theta }
1507 \max\left( \frac{ m_{ij} }{ \left|a_{ij}\right| } \right),~ j \neq i.
1509In other words, the time step is constrained by <i>both a lower
1510and upper bound</i> in case of a Crank-Nicolson scheme. These bounds should be
1511considered along with the CFL condition to ensure significance of the performed
1514Being unable to make the time step as small as we want to get more
1515accuracy without losing the positivity property is annoying. It raises
1516the question of whether we can at least <i>compute</i> the minimal time step
1517we can choose to ensure positivity preservation in this particular tutorial.
1519the SparseMatrix objects for both mass and stiffness that are created via
1520the MatrixCreator functions. Iterating through each entry via SparseMatrixIterators
1521lets us check for diagonal and off-diagonal entries to set a proper time step
1522dynamically. For quadratic matrices, the diagonal element is stored as the
1523first member of a row (see SparseMatrix documentation). An exemplary code
1524snippet on how to grab the entries of interest from the <code>mass_matrix</code>
1528Assert (mass_matrix.m() == mass_matrix.n(), ExcNotQuadratic());
1529const unsigned int num_rows = mass_matrix.m();
1530double mass_matrix_min_diag = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(),
1531 mass_matrix_max_offdiag = 0.;
1533SparseMatrixIterators::Iterator<double,true> row_it (&mass_matrix, 0);
1535for(unsigned int m = 0; m<num_rows; ++m)
1537 // check the diagonal element
1538 row_it = mass_matrix.begin(m);
1539 mass_matrix_min_diag = std::min(row_it->value(), mass_matrix_min_diag);
1542 // check the off-diagonal elements
1543 for(; row_it != mass_matrix.end(m); ++row_it)
1544 mass_matrix_max_offdiag = std::max(row_it->value(), mass_matrix_max_offdiag);
1548Using the information so computed, we can bound the time step via the formulas
1552<a name="step_26-PlainProg"></a>
1553<h1> The plain program</h1>
1554@include "step-26.cc"
#define Assert(cond, exc)
void loop(IteratorType begin, std_cxx20::type_identity_t< IteratorType > end, DOFINFO &dinfo, INFOBOX &info, const std::function< void(std_cxx20::type_identity_t< DOFINFO > &, typename INFOBOX::CellInfo &)> &cell_worker, const std::function< void(std_cxx20::type_identity_t< DOFINFO > &, typename INFOBOX::CellInfo &)> &boundary_worker, const std::function< void(std_cxx20::type_identity_t< DOFINFO > &, std_cxx20::type_identity_t< DOFINFO > &, typename INFOBOX::CellInfo &, typename INFOBOX::CellInfo &)> &face_worker, AssemblerType &assembler, const LoopControl &lctrl=LoopControl())
std::vector< index_type > data
void random(DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dof_handler)
void hyper_L(Triangulation< dim > &tria, const double left=-1., const double right=1., const bool colorize=false)
void refine(Triangulation< dim, spacedim > &tria, const Vector< Number > &criteria, const double threshold, const unsigned int max_to_mark=numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
@ matrix
Contents is actually a matrix.
@ general
No special properties.
constexpr types::blas_int one
void mass_matrix(FullMatrix< double > &M, const FEValuesBase< dim > &fe, const double factor=1.)
Point< spacedim > point(const gp_Pnt &p, const double tolerance=1e-10)
Tensor< 2, dim, Number > F(const Tensor< 2, dim, Number > &Grad_u)
VectorType::value_type * end(VectorType &V)
void run(const Iterator &begin, const std_cxx20::type_identity_t< Iterator > &end, Worker worker, Copier copier, const ScratchData &sample_scratch_data, const CopyData &sample_copy_data, const unsigned int queue_length, const unsigned int chunk_size)
const ::parallel::distributed::Triangulation< dim, spacedim > * triangulation
DEAL_II_HOST constexpr SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, Number > invert(const SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, Number > &)