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internal::EvaluatorTensorProduct< variant, dim, n_rows, n_columns, Number, Number2 > Struct Template Reference

#include <deal.II/matrix_free/tensor_product_kernels.h>

Detailed Description

template<EvaluatorVariant variant, int dim, int n_rows, int n_columns, typename Number, typename Number2 = Number>
struct internal::EvaluatorTensorProduct< variant, dim, n_rows, n_columns, Number, Number2 >

Generic evaluator framework that valuates the given shape data in general dimensions using the tensor product form. Depending on the particular layout in the matrix entries, this corresponds to a usual matrix-matrix product or a matrix-matrix product including some symmetries.

Template Parameters
variantVariant of evaluation used for creating template specializations
dimDimension of the function
n_rowsNumber of rows in the transformation matrix, which corresponds to the number of 1d shape functions in the usual tensor contraction setting
n_columnsNumber of columns in the transformation matrix, which corresponds to the number of 1d shape functions in the usual tensor contraction setting
NumberAbstract number type for input and output arrays
Number2Abstract number type for coefficient arrays (defaults to same type as the input/output arrays); must implement operator* with Number to be valid

Definition at line 96 of file tensor_product_kernels.h.

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