Reference documentation for deal.II version 9.1.1
Public Member Functions | List of all members
CUDAWrappers::FEEvaluation< dim, fe_degree, n_q_points_1d, n_components_, Number > Class Template Reference

#include <deal.II/matrix_free/cuda_fe_evaluation.h>

Public Member Functions

 FEEvaluation (const unsigned int cell_id, const data_type *data, SharedData< dim, Number > *shdata)
void read_dof_values (const Number *src)
void distribute_local_to_global (Number *dst) const
void evaluate (const bool evaluate_val, const bool evaluate_grad)
void integrate (const bool integrate_val, const bool integrate_grad)
value_type get_value (const unsigned int q_point) const
void submit_value (const value_type &val_in, const unsigned int q_point)
gradient_type get_gradient (const unsigned int q_point) const
void submit_gradient (const gradient_type &grad_in, const unsigned int q_point)
template<typename Functor >
void apply_quad_point_operations (const Functor &func)

Detailed Description

template<int dim, int fe_degree, int n_q_points_1d = fe_degree + 1, int n_components_ = 1, typename Number = double>
class CUDAWrappers::FEEvaluation< dim, fe_degree, n_q_points_1d, n_components_, Number >

This class provides all the functions necessary to evaluate functions at quadrature points and cell integrations. In functionality, this class is similar to FEValues<dim>.

This class has five template arguments:

Template Parameters
dimDimension in which this class is to be used
fe_degreeDegree of the tensor prodict finite element with fe_degree+1 degrees of freedom per coordinate direction
n_q_points_1dNumber of points in the quadrature formular in 1D, defaults to fe_degree+1
n_componentsNumber of vector components when solving a system of PDEs. If the same operation is applied to several components of a PDE (e.g. a vector Laplace equation), they can be applied simultaneously with one call (and often more efficiently). Defaults to 1
NumberNumber format, double or float. Defaults to double.
Karl Ljungkvist, Bruno Turcksin, 2016

Definition at line 72 of file cuda_fe_evaluation.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ FEEvaluation()

template<int dim, int fe_degree, int n_q_points_1d, int n_components_, typename Number >
FEEvaluation< dim, fe_degree, n_q_points_1d, n_components_, Number >::FEEvaluation ( const unsigned int  cell_id,
const data_type *  data,
SharedData< dim, Number > *  shdata 


Definition at line 203 of file cuda_fe_evaluation.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ read_dof_values()

template<int dim, int fe_degree, int n_q_points_1d, int n_components_, typename Number >
void FEEvaluation< dim, fe_degree, n_q_points_1d, n_components_, Number >::read_dof_values ( const Number *  src)

For the vector src, read out the values on the degrees of freedom of the current cell, and store them internally. Similar functionality as the function DoFAccessor::get_interpolated_dof_values when no constraints are present, but it also includes constraints from hanging nodes, so once can see it as a similar function to AffineConstraints::read_dof_valuess as well.

Definition at line 228 of file cuda_fe_evaluation.h.

◆ distribute_local_to_global()

template<int dim, int fe_degree, int n_q_points_1d, int n_components_, typename Number >
void FEEvaluation< dim, fe_degree, n_q_points_1d, n_components_, Number >::distribute_local_to_global ( Number *  dst) const

Take the value stored internally on dof values of the current cell and sum them into the vector dst. The function also applies constraints during the write operation. The functionality is hence similar to the function AffineConstraints::distribute_local_to_global.

Definition at line 257 of file cuda_fe_evaluation.h.

◆ evaluate()

template<int dim, int fe_degree, int n_q_points_1d, int n_components_, typename Number >
void FEEvaluation< dim, fe_degree, n_q_points_1d, n_components_, Number >::evaluate ( const bool  evaluate_val,
const bool  evaluate_grad 

Evaluate the function values and the gradients of the FE function given at the DoF values in the input vector at the quadrature points on the unit cell. The function arguments specify which parts shall actually be computed. This function needs to be called before the functions get_value() or get_gradient() give useful information.

Definition at line 282 of file cuda_fe_evaluation.h.

◆ integrate()

template<int dim, int fe_degree, int n_q_points_1d, int n_components_, typename Number >
void FEEvaluation< dim, fe_degree, n_q_points_1d, n_components_, Number >::integrate ( const bool  integrate_val,
const bool  integrate_grad 

This function takes the values and/or gradients that are stored on quadrature points, tests them by all the basis functions/gradients on the cell and performs the cell integration. The two function arguments integrate_val and integrate_grad are used to enable/disable some of the values or the gradients.

Definition at line 316 of file cuda_fe_evaluation.h.

◆ get_value()

template<int dim, int fe_degree, int n_q_points_1d, int n_components_, typename Number >
FEEvaluation< dim, fe_degree, n_q_points_1d, n_components_, Number >::value_type FEEvaluation< dim, fe_degree, n_q_points_1d, n_components_, Number >::get_value ( const unsigned int  q_point) const

Return the value of a finite element function at quadrature point number q_point after a call to evalue(true,...).

Definition at line 357 of file cuda_fe_evaluation.h.

◆ submit_value()

template<int dim, int fe_degree, int n_q_points_1d, int n_components_, typename Number >
void FEEvaluation< dim, fe_degree, n_q_points_1d, n_components_, Number >::submit_value ( const value_type &  val_in,
const unsigned int  q_point 

Write a value to the field containing the values on quadrature points with component q_point. Access to the same fields as through get_value(), This specifies the value which is tested by all basis function on the current cell and integrated over.

Definition at line 372 of file cuda_fe_evaluation.h.

◆ get_gradient()

template<int dim, int fe_degree, int n_q_points_1d, int n_components_, typename Number >
FEEvaluation< dim, fe_degree, n_q_points_1d, n_components_, Number >::gradient_type FEEvaluation< dim, fe_degree, n_q_points_1d, n_components_, Number >::get_gradient ( const unsigned int  q_point) const

Return the gradient of a finite element function at quadrature point number q_point after a call to evaluate(...,true).

Definition at line 390 of file cuda_fe_evaluation.h.

◆ submit_gradient()

template<int dim, int fe_degree, int n_q_points_1d, int n_components_, typename Number >
void FEEvaluation< dim, fe_degree, n_q_points_1d, n_components_, Number >::submit_gradient ( const gradient_type grad_in,
const unsigned int  q_point 

Write a contribution that is tested by the gradient to the field containing the values on quadrature points with component q_point

Definition at line 418 of file cuda_fe_evaluation.h.

◆ apply_quad_point_operations()

template<int dim, int fe_degree, int n_q_points_1d, int n_components_, typename Number >
template<typename Functor >
void FEEvaluation< dim, fe_degree, n_q_points_1d, n_components_, Number >::apply_quad_point_operations ( const Functor &  func)

Apply the functor func on every quadrature point.

func needs to define

__device__ void operator()(
const unsigned int q_point) const;

Definition at line 442 of file cuda_fe_evaluation.h.

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