Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- f -
- F : CompositionManifold< dim, spacedim, chartdim, intermediate_dim, dim1, dim2 >
- f : FunctionDerivative< dim >, internal::is_explicitly_convertible< From, To >
- f_cycle : Multigrid< VectorType >
- face() : CellAccessor< dim, spacedim >, DoFCellAccessor< dimension_, space_dimension_, level_dof_access >, internal::Helper< HelperType::constant, Number, VectorizationType, fe_degree, transpose >, internal::Helper< HelperType::dynamic, Number, VectorizationType, fe_degree, transpose >, internal::MFWorkerInterface, MeshWorker::DoFInfo< dim, spacedim, number >, MeshWorker::IntegrationInfoBox< dim, spacedim >, MeshWorker::LocalIntegrator< dim, spacedim, number >, OpenCASCADE::NURBSPatchManifold< dim, spacedim >, QProjector< dim >::DataSetDescriptor
- face_accessor : DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >
- face_array : internal::Helper< HelperType::dynamic, Number, VectorizationType, fe_degree, transpose >
- face_data : GridTools::internal::FaceDataHelper< dim >, internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::MappingInfo< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >, MeshWorker::IntegrationInfoBox< dim, spacedim >
- face_data_by_cells : internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::MappingInfo< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
- face_diameter_over_twice_max_degree : KellyErrorEstimator< dim, spacedim >, KellyErrorEstimator< 1, spacedim >
- face_fe_q_hierarchical_to_hierarchic_numbering() : FE_Q_Hierarchical< dim >
- face_flags : MeshWorker::IntegrationInfoBox< dim, spacedim >
- face_flip() : TriaAccessor< structdim, dim, spacedim >, TriaAccessor< 0, 1, spacedim >, TriaAccessor< 0, dim, spacedim >
- face_ids : FEEvaluationData< dim, Number, is_face >
- face_idx : GridTools::PeriodicFacePair< CellIterator >
- face_index() : CellAccessor< dim, spacedim >
- face_indices() : GeometryInfo< dim >, GeometryInfo< 0 >, ReferenceCell, TriaAccessor< structdim, dim, spacedim >
- face_info : internal::p4est::iter< 2 >, internal::p4est::iter< 3 >, MatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
- face_is_owned : internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::FaceSetup< dim >
- face_iter : internal::p4est::iter< 2 >, internal::p4est::iter< 3 >
- face_iterator : DoFCellAccessor< dimension_, space_dimension_, level_dof_access >, DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >, internal::DoFHandlerImplementation::Iterators< 1, spacedim, lda >, internal::DoFHandlerImplementation::Iterators< 2, spacedim, lda >, internal::DoFHandlerImplementation::Iterators< 3, spacedim, lda >, Triangulation< dim, spacedim >
- face_iterator_to_index() : CellAccessor< dim, spacedim >
- face_iterators() : CellAccessor< dim, spacedim >, DoFCellAccessor< dimension_, space_dimension_, level_dof_access >
- face_lambda_grads : FE_NedelecSZ< dim, spacedim >::InternalData
- face_lambda_values : FE_NedelecSZ< dim, spacedim >::InternalData
- face_locations : NonMatching::MeshClassifier< dim >
- face_number : DataPostprocessorInputs::CommonInputs< spacedim >, MeshWorker::DoFInfo< dim, spacedim, number >
- face_numbers : FEEvaluationData< dim, Number, is_face >
- face_orientation : internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::FaceToCellTopology< vectorization_width >, TriaAccessor< structdim, dim, spacedim >, TriaAccessor< 0, 1, spacedim >, TriaAccessor< 0, dim, spacedim >
- face_orientations : FEEvaluationData< dim, Number, is_face >, internal::TriangulationImplementation::TriaLevel
- face_orientations_dofs : internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::ShapeInfo< Number >
- face_orientations_quad : internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::ShapeInfo< Number >
- face_partition_data : internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::TaskInfo
- face_partition_data_hp : internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::TaskInfo
- face_partition_data_hp_ptr : internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::TaskInfo
- face_quadrature : MeshWorker::IntegrationInfoBox< dim, spacedim >, MeshWorker::ScratchData< dim, spacedim >
- face_quadrature_collection : MeshWorker::ScratchData< dim, spacedim >
- face_quadrature_generator : NonMatching::FEInterfaceValues< dim >
- face_reference_cell() : ReferenceCell
- face_refinement_case() : GeometryInfo< dim >
- face_renumber : FE_Q_Hierarchical< dim >
- face_rotation() : TriaAccessor< structdim, dim, spacedim >, TriaAccessor< 0, 1, spacedim >, TriaAccessor< 0, dim, spacedim >
- face_selector : MeshWorker::IntegrationInfoBox< dim, spacedim >
- face_side : internal::p4est::iter< 2 >, internal::p4est::iter< 3 >
- face_system_to_base_index() : FiniteElement< dim, spacedim >
- face_system_to_base_table : FiniteElement< dim, spacedim >
- face_system_to_component_index() : FiniteElement< dim, spacedim >
- face_system_to_component_table : FiniteElement< dim, spacedim >
- face_to_cell_index() : FE_Q_Base< dim, spacedim >, FESystem< dim, spacedim >, FiniteElement< dim, spacedim >
- face_to_cell_index_hermite : internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::ShapeInfo< Number >
- face_to_cell_index_nodal : internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::ShapeInfo< Number >
- face_to_cell_lines() : GeometryInfo< dim >, GeometryInfo< 0 >, ReferenceCell
- face_to_cell_vertices() : GeometryInfo< dim >, GeometryInfo< 0 >, ReferenceCell
- face_type : internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::FaceToCellTopology< vectorization_width >, internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::MappingInfo< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
- face_update_flags : MeshWorker::ScratchData< dim, spacedim >
- face_vertex_location() : ReferenceCell
- FaceAccessor : internal::DoFHandlerImplementation::Iterators< 1, spacedim, lda >, internal::DoFHandlerImplementation::Iterators< 2, spacedim, lda >, internal::DoFHandlerImplementation::Iterators< 3, spacedim, lda >
- FaceCategory : internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::FaceSetup< dim >
- FaceDescriptor : DataOutFaces< dim, spacedim >
- FaceIdentifier() : internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::FaceIdentifier
- FaceInfo2() : CGALWrappers::FaceInfo2
- FaceOption : MeshWorker::LoopControl
- FaceQuadratureGenerator() : NonMatching::FaceQuadratureGenerator< dim >, NonMatching::FaceQuadratureGenerator< 1 >
- faces : internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::FaceInfo< vectorization_width >, Triangulation< dim, spacedim >
- faces_by_cells_type : internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::MappingInfo< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
- faces_for_given_vertex() : ReferenceCell
- faces_per_cell : GeometryInfo< dim >, GeometryInfo< 0 >
- faces_to_ghost : MeshWorker::LoopControl
- FaceSetup() : internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::FaceSetup< dim >
- facet_angle : CGALWrappers::AdditionalData< dim >
- facet_distance : CGALWrappers::AdditionalData< dim >
- facet_size : CGALWrappers::AdditionalData< dim >
- facet_topology : CGALWrappers::AdditionalData< dim >
- FaceVertexNormals : Manifold< dim, spacedim >
- factor : GridTools::internal::Scale< spacedim >
- factorize() : SparseDirectUMFPACK
- factors : MGTransferBlock< number >
- failure : SolverControl
- failure_residual : SolverControl
- fast_evaluation_supported() : FEEvaluation< dim, fe_degree, n_q_points_1d, n_components_, Number, VectorizedArrayType >, FEFaceEvaluation< dim, fe_degree, n_q_points_1d, n_components_, Number, VectorizedArrayType >, internal::FEEvaluationFactory< dim, Number >, internal::FEFaceEvaluationFactory< dim, Number >
- fast_path : FEPointEvaluation< n_components_, dim, spacedim, Number >
- fast_polynomial_transfer_supported() : MGTwoLevelTransfer< dim, LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > >
- fe : FEPointEvaluation< n_components_, dim, spacedim, Number >, FEValuesBase< dim, spacedim >, MappingFE< dim, spacedim >, MappingFE< dim, spacedim >::InternalData, MeshWorker::ScratchData< dim, spacedim >
- FE_ABF : FE_ABF< dim >
- fe_base : ColorEnriched::Helper< dim, spacedim >
- FE_BDM() : FE_BDM< dim >
- FE_BernardiRaugel() : FE_BernardiRaugel< dim >
- FE_Bernstein() : FE_Bernstein< dim, spacedim >
- fe_coarse : MGTwoLevelTransferNonNested< dim, LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > >
- fe_collection : ColorEnriched::Helper< dim, spacedim >, DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >, FESeries::Fourier< dim, spacedim >, FESeries::Legendre< dim, spacedim >, hp::FEValuesBase< dim, q_dim, FEValuesType >, MeshWorker::ScratchData< dim, spacedim >, NonMatching::FEInterfaceValues< dim >, NonMatching::FEValues< dim >, NonMatching::internal::MeshClassifierImplementation::AnalyticLevelSetDescription< dim >
- fe_data : FEValuesBase< dim, spacedim >
- fe_degree : CUDAWrappers::MatrixFree< dim, Number >, internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::UnivariateShapeData< Number >, internal::MGTransfer::ElementInfo< Number >, MGTransferMatrixFree< dim, Number >
- fe_degree_ : internal::FEFaceEvaluationImplGatherEvaluateSelector< dim, Number2, VectorizedArrayType >::Processor< fe_degree >, internal::FEFaceEvaluationImplIntegrateScatterSelector< dim, Number2, VectorizedArrayType >::Processor< fe_degree >
- FE_DGBDM() : FE_DGBDM< dim, spacedim >
- FE_DGNedelec() : FE_DGNedelec< dim, spacedim >
- FE_DGP() : FE_DGP< dim, spacedim >
- FE_DGPMonomial() : FE_DGPMonomial< dim >
- FE_DGPNonparametric : FE_DGPNonparametric< dim, spacedim >
- FE_DGQ : FE_DGQ< dim, spacedim >
- FE_DGQArbitraryNodes() : FE_DGQArbitraryNodes< dim, spacedim >
- FE_DGQHermite() : FE_DGQHermite< dim, spacedim >
- FE_DGQLegendre() : FE_DGQLegendre< dim, spacedim >
- FE_DGRaviartThomas() : FE_DGRaviartThomas< dim, spacedim >
- FE_DGVector() : FE_DGVector< PolynomialType, dim, spacedim >
- fe_dummy : internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::MappingDataOnTheFly< dim, Number >
- fe_enriched : ColorEnriched::Helper< dim, spacedim >
- FE_Enriched() : FE_Enriched< dim, spacedim >
- FE_Enriched< dim, spacedim > : FESystem< dim, spacedim >
- fe_eval : MatrixFreeOperators::CellwiseInverseMassMatrix< dim, fe_degree, n_components, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
- fe_face_values : FEInterfaceValues< dim, spacedim >, MeshWorker::ScratchData< dim, spacedim >, NonMatching::internal::MeshClassifierImplementation::AnalyticLevelSetDescription< dim >
- fe_face_values_neighbor : FEInterfaceValues< dim, spacedim >
- FE_FaceP() : FE_FaceP< dim, spacedim >, FE_FaceP< 1, spacedim >
- FE_FaceQ() : FE_FaceQ< dim, spacedim >, FE_FaceQ< 1, spacedim >
- fe_index_conversion : internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::DoFInfo
- fe_index_from_degree() : internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::DoFInfo
- fe_index_is_active() : DoFAccessor< structdim, dim, spacedim, level_dof_access >, DoFAccessor< 0, 1, spacedim, level_dof_access >, internal::DoFHandlerImplementation::DoFObjects< dim >
- fe_index_valid : MatrixFreeTools::ElementActivationAndDeactivationMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
- fe_interface : FEInterfaceViews::Base< dim, spacedim >
- fe_mask : MappingFEField< dim, spacedim, VectorType >
- FE_Nedelec : FE_Nedelec< dim >
- FE_NedelecSZ() : FE_NedelecSZ< dim, spacedim >
- fe_nothing : ColorEnriched::Helper< dim, spacedim >
- FE_Nothing() : FE_Nothing< dim, spacedim >
- FE_P1NC() : FE_P1NC
- fe_pointer : MeshWorker::IntegrationInfo< dim, spacedim >
- FE_Poly() : FE_Poly< dim, spacedim >
- FE_PolyFace() : FE_PolyFace< PolynomialType, dim, spacedim >
- FE_PolyTensor() : FE_PolyTensor< dim, spacedim >
- FE_PyramidDGP() : FE_PyramidDGP< dim, spacedim >
- FE_PyramidP() : FE_PyramidP< dim, spacedim >
- FE_PyramidPoly() : FE_PyramidPoly< dim, spacedim >
- FE_Q() : FE_Q< dim, spacedim >
- fe_q : FE_TraceQ< dim, spacedim >
- FE_Q_Base() : FE_Q_Base< dim, spacedim >
- FE_Q_Base< dim, spacedim >::Implementation : FE_Q_Base< dim, spacedim >
- FE_Q_Bubbles() : FE_Q_Bubbles< dim, spacedim >
- FE_Q_DG0() : FE_Q_DG0< dim, spacedim >
- FE_Q_Hierarchical : FE_Q_Hierarchical< dim >
- FE_Q_iso_Q1() : FE_Q_iso_Q1< dim, spacedim >
- FE_RannacherTurek() : FE_RannacherTurek< dim >
- FE_RaviartThomas : FE_RaviartThomas< dim >
- FE_RaviartThomasNodal() : FE_RaviartThomasNodal< dim >
- FE_RT_Bubbles() : FE_RT_Bubbles< dim >
- fe_sets : ColorEnriched::Helper< dim, spacedim >
- FE_SimplexDGP() : FE_SimplexDGP< dim, spacedim >
- FE_SimplexP() : FE_SimplexP< dim, spacedim >
- FE_SimplexP_Bubbles() : FE_SimplexP_Bubbles< dim, spacedim >
- FE_SimplexPoly() : FE_SimplexPoly< dim, spacedim >
- fe_subface_values : MeshWorker::ScratchData< dim, spacedim >
- fe_system : FE_Enriched< dim, spacedim >
- fe_to_real : MappingFEField< dim, spacedim, VectorType >
- FE_TraceQ() : FE_TraceQ< dim, spacedim >, FE_TraceQ< 1, spacedim >
- fe_values : FEPointEvaluation< n_components_, dim, spacedim, Number >, FEValuesViews::Scalar< dim, spacedim >, FEValuesViews::SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, spacedim >, FEValuesViews::Tensor< 2, dim, spacedim >, FEValuesViews::Vector< dim, spacedim >, GridTools::MarchingCubeAlgorithm< dim, VectorType >, internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::MappingDataOnTheFly< dim, Number >, MappingFEField< dim, spacedim, VectorType >, MappingQEulerian< dim, VectorType, spacedim >, MeshWorker::IntegrationInfo< dim, spacedim >, MeshWorker::ScratchData< dim, spacedim >
- fe_values_inside : NonMatching::FEInterfaceValues< dim >, NonMatching::FEValues< dim >
- fe_values_inside_full_quadrature : NonMatching::FEInterfaceValues< dim >, NonMatching::FEValues< dim >
- fe_values_mutex : MappingFEField< dim, spacedim, VectorType >, MappingQEulerian< dim, VectorType, spacedim >
- fe_values_outside : NonMatching::FEInterfaceValues< dim >, NonMatching::FEValues< dim >
- fe_values_outside_full_quadrature : NonMatching::FEInterfaceValues< dim >, NonMatching::FEValues< dim >
- fe_values_surface : NonMatching::FEValues< dim >
- fe_values_table : hp::FEValuesBase< dim, q_dim, FEValuesType >
- fe_values_views_cache : FEValuesBase< dim, spacedim >
- FE_WedgeDGP() : FE_WedgeDGP< dim, spacedim >
- FE_WedgeP() : FE_WedgeP< dim, spacedim >
- FE_WedgePoly() : FE_WedgePoly< dim, spacedim >
- FECollection() : hp::FECollection< dim, spacedim >
- FEEvaluation() : CUDAWrappers::FEEvaluation< dim, fe_degree, n_q_points_1d, n_components_, Number >, FEEvaluation< dim, fe_degree, n_q_points_1d, n_components_, Number, VectorizedArrayType >, FEEvaluationData< dim, Number, is_face >
- FEEvaluationAccess() : FEEvaluationAccess< dim, n_components_, Number, is_face, VectorizedArrayType >, FEEvaluationAccess< 1, 1, Number, is_face, VectorizedArrayType >, FEEvaluationAccess< dim, 1, Number, is_face, VectorizedArrayType >, FEEvaluationAccess< dim, dim, Number, is_face, VectorizedArrayType >
- FEEvaluationBase() : FEEvaluationBase< dim, n_components_, Number, is_face, VectorizedArrayType >, FEEvaluationData< dim, Number, is_face >
- FEEvaluationData() : FEEvaluationData< dim, Number, is_face >
- FEFaceEvaluation() : FEFaceEvaluation< dim, fe_degree, n_q_points_1d, n_components_, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
- FEFaceValues() : FEFaceValues< dim, spacedim >, hp::FEFaceValues< dim, spacedim >
- FEFaceValues< dim, spacedim > : FiniteElement< dim, spacedim >, Mapping< dim, spacedim >
- FEFaceValuesBase() : FEFaceValuesBase< dim, spacedim >
- FEFieldFunction() : Functions::FEFieldFunction< dim, VectorType, spacedim >
- FEImmersedSurfaceValues() : NonMatching::FEImmersedSurfaceValues< dim >
- FEInterfaceValues() : FEInterfaceValues< dim, spacedim >, NonMatching::FEInterfaceValues< dim >
- FEInterfaceViews::Scalar : FEInterfaceValues< dim, spacedim >
- FEInterfaceViews::Vector : FEInterfaceValues< dim, spacedim >
- FEPointEvaluation() : FEPointEvaluation< n_components_, dim, spacedim, Number >
- FESubfaceValues() : FESubfaceValues< dim, spacedim >, hp::FESubfaceValues< dim, spacedim >
- FESubfaceValues< dim, spacedim > : FiniteElement< dim, spacedim >, Mapping< dim, spacedim >
- FESystem() : FESystem< dim, spacedim >
- FESystem< dim, spacedim > : FiniteElement< dim, spacedim >
- fesystem_data : FE_Enriched< dim, spacedim >::InternalData
- FEValues() : FEValues< dim, spacedim >, hp::FEValues< dim, spacedim >, NonMatching::FEValues< dim >
- FEValues< dim, spacedim > : FiniteElement< dim, spacedim >, Mapping< dim, spacedim >
- FEValuesBase() : FEValuesBase< dim, spacedim >, hp::FEValuesBase< dim, q_dim, FEValuesType >
- FEValuesBase< dim, spacedim > : FiniteElement< dim, spacedim >, Mapping< dim, spacedim >
- FEValuesViews::Scalar : FEValuesBase< dim, spacedim >
- FEValuesViews::SymmetricTensor : FEValuesBase< dim, spacedim >
- FEValuesViews::Tensor : FEValuesBase< dim, spacedim >
- FEValuesViews::Vector : FEValuesBase< dim, spacedim >
- fevalv : MeshWorker::IntegrationInfo< dim, spacedim >
- fgmres_data : SolverSelector< VectorType >
- FieldTransfer() : parallel::distributed::experimental::FieldTransfer< dim, VectorType, spacedim >
- file : ExceptionBase
- File() : HDF5::File
- file : LogStream
- file_depth : LogStream
- file_type : Patterns::FileName
- FileAccessMode : HDF5::File
- FileName() : Patterns::FileName
- filename_base : Algorithms::DoFOutputOperator< VectorType, dim, spacedim >
- FileType : Patterns::FileName
- fill() : AlignedVector< T >, FullMatrix< number >, LAPACKFullMatrix< number >, MeshWorker::VectorData< VectorType, dim, spacedim >, MeshWorker::VectorDataBase< dim, spacedim, Number >, TableBase< N, T >, Utilities::MPI::internal::ComputeIndexOwner::FlexibleIndexStorage
- fill_and_communicate_copy_indices() : MGLevelGlobalTransfer< VectorType >, MGLevelGlobalTransfer< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > >
- fill_binary_vector() : IndexSet
- fill_cell_data() : DataOutBase::DataOutFilter
- fill_edge_values() : FE_NedelecSZ< dim, spacedim >
- fill_entry_values() : MultipleParameterLoop
- fill_face_values() : FE_NedelecSZ< dim, spacedim >
- fill_fe_face_values() : FE_DGPNonparametric< dim, spacedim >, FE_Enriched< dim, spacedim >, FE_FaceQ< 1, spacedim >, FE_NedelecSZ< dim, spacedim >, FE_Nothing< dim, spacedim >, FE_P1NC, FE_Poly< dim, spacedim >, FE_PolyFace< PolynomialType, dim, spacedim >, FE_PolyTensor< dim, spacedim >, FESystem< dim, spacedim >, FiniteElement< dim, spacedim >, Mapping< dim, spacedim >, MappingCartesian< dim, spacedim >, MappingFE< dim, spacedim >, MappingFEField< dim, spacedim, VectorType >, MappingManifold< dim, spacedim >, MappingQ< dim, spacedim >
- fill_fe_immersed_surface_values() : Mapping< dim, spacedim >, MappingCartesian< dim, spacedim >, MappingFEField< dim, spacedim, VectorType >, MappingQ< dim, spacedim >
- fill_fe_subface_values() : FE_DGPNonparametric< dim, spacedim >, FE_Enriched< dim, spacedim >, FE_FaceQ< 1, spacedim >, FE_NedelecSZ< dim, spacedim >, FE_Nothing< dim, spacedim >, FE_P1NC, FE_Poly< dim, spacedim >, FE_PolyFace< PolynomialType, dim, spacedim >, FE_PolyTensor< dim, spacedim >, FESystem< dim, spacedim >, FiniteElement< dim, spacedim >, Mapping< dim, spacedim >, MappingCartesian< dim, spacedim >, MappingFE< dim, spacedim >, MappingFEField< dim, spacedim, VectorType >, MappingManifold< dim, spacedim >, MappingQ< dim, spacedim >
- fill_fe_values() : FE_DGPNonparametric< dim, spacedim >, FE_Enriched< dim, spacedim >, FE_FaceQ< 1, spacedim >, FE_NedelecSZ< dim, spacedim >, FE_Nothing< dim, spacedim >, FE_P1NC, FE_Poly< dim, spacedim >, FE_PolyFace< PolynomialType, dim, spacedim >, FE_PolyTensor< dim, spacedim >, FESystem< dim, spacedim >, FiniteElement< dim, spacedim >, Mapping< dim, spacedim >, MappingCartesian< dim, spacedim >, MappingFE< dim, spacedim >, MappingFEField< dim, spacedim, VectorType >, MappingManifold< dim, spacedim >, MappingQ1Eulerian< dim, VectorType, spacedim >, MappingQ< dim, spacedim >, MappingQEulerian< dim, VectorType, spacedim >
- fill_index_vector() : IndexSet
- fill_inverse_JxW_values() : MatrixFreeOperators::CellwiseInverseMassMatrix< dim, fe_degree, n_components, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
- fill_local_data() : MeshWorker::IntegrationInfo< dim, spacedim >
- fill_mapping_data_for_face_quadrature() : MappingQ< dim, spacedim >
- fill_mapping_data_for_generic_points() : MappingCartesian< dim, spacedim >, MappingQ< dim, spacedim >
- fill_node_data() : DataOutBase::DataOutFilter
- fill_permutation() : FullMatrix< number >
- fill_style : GridOutFlags::XFig
- filter : PETScWrappers::PreconditionParaSails::AdditionalData
- filter_duplicate_vertices : DataOutBase::DataOutFilterFlags
- filter_iterators() : FilteredIterator< BaseIterator >
- filtered_cells : DataOutBase::DataOutFilter
- filtered_points : DataOutBase::DataOutFilter
- FilteredIterator() : FilteredIterator< BaseIterator >
- final() : Algorithms::TimestepControl
- final_reduction() : SolverControl
- final_time : PETScWrappers::TimeStepperData, SUNDIALS::ARKode< VectorType >::AdditionalData, SUNDIALS::IDA< VectorType >::AdditionalData
- final_val : Algorithms::TimestepControl
- finalize() : internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::ConstraintInfo< dim, Number >, TensorProductMatrixSymmetricSumCollection< dim, Number, n_rows_1d >
- finalize_petscslepc : Utilities::MPI::MPI_InitFinalize
- finalize_sensitive_independent_variables() : Differentiation::AD::HelperBase< ADNumberTypeCode, ScalarType >
- finalize_setup() : GridTools::internal::DistributedComputePointLocationsInternal< dim, spacedim >
- find() : AnyData, PathSearch
- find_common_fes() : hp::FECollection< dim, spacedim >
- find_dominated_fe() : hp::FECollection< dim, spacedim >
- find_dominated_fe_extended() : hp::FECollection< dim, spacedim >
- find_dominating_fe() : hp::FECollection< dim, spacedim >
- find_dominating_fe_extended() : hp::FECollection< dim, spacedim >
- find_enclosing_fes() : hp::FECollection< dim, spacedim >
- find_point_owner_rank() : parallel::distributed::Triangulation< dim, spacedim >
- find_roots() : NonMatching::internal::QuadratureGeneratorImplementation::RootFinder
- fine_element_is_continuous : MGTwoLevelTransferBase< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > >
- finest_level : DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::MGVertexDoFs
- finish_integrate_fast() : FEPointEvaluation< n_components_, dim, spacedim, Number >
- finish_parameter_value() : DataOutStack< dim, spacedim >
- finite_difference_step : FunctionManifold< dim, spacedim, chartdim >
- finite_element() : MeshWorker::IntegrationInfo< dim, spacedim >
- finite_element_output : FEValuesBase< dim, spacedim >
- finite_elements : internal::DataOutImplementation::ParallelDataBase< dim, spacedim >
- FiniteElement() : FiniteElement< dim, spacedim >
- FiniteElementData() : FiniteElementData< dim >
- FiniteSizeHistory() : FiniteSizeHistory< T >
- first_block_of_base() : FiniteElement< dim, spacedim >
- first_cell() : DataOutRotation< dim, spacedim >
- first_cell_function : DataOut< dim, spacedim >
- first_component() : Differentiation::AD::internal::Extractor< dim, FEValuesExtractors::Scalar >, Differentiation::AD::internal::Extractor< dim, FEValuesExtractors::SymmetricTensor< 2 > >, Differentiation::AD::internal::Extractor< dim, FEValuesExtractors::Tensor< 1 > >, Differentiation::AD::internal::Extractor< dim, FEValuesExtractors::Tensor< 2 > >, Differentiation::AD::internal::Extractor< dim, FEValuesExtractors::Vector >
- first_face() : DataOutFaces< dim, spacedim >
- first_face_line_index : FiniteElementData< dim >
- first_face_quad_index : FiniteElementData< dim >
- first_hex_index : FiniteElementData< dim >
- first_index_of_quads : FiniteElementData< dim >
- first_invariant() : SymmetricTensor< rank_, dim, Number >
- first_line_index : FiniteElementData< dim >
- first_line_index_of_faces : FiniteElementData< dim >
- first_object_index_on_face : internal::GenericDoFsPerObject
- first_process_column : ScaLAPACKMatrix< NumberType >
- first_process_row : ScaLAPACKMatrix< NumberType >
- first_quad_index : FiniteElementData< dim >
- first_quad_index_of_faces : FiniteElementData< dim >
- first_selected_block() : BlockMask
- first_selected_component() : ComponentMask, FEEvaluationData< dim, Number, is_face >
- first_sweep_with_correction : TimeStepBase_Tria_Flags::RefinementFlags< dim >
- first_tensor_component : FEValuesExtractors::SymmetricTensor< rank >, FEValuesExtractors::Tensor< rank >, FEValuesViews::SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, spacedim >, FEValuesViews::Tensor< 2, dim, spacedim >
- first_vector_component : FEValuesExtractors::Vector, FEValuesViews::Vector< dim, spacedim >
- FirstCellFunctionType : DataOut< dim, spacedim >
- FirstChildPolicy() : RepartitioningPolicyTools::FirstChildPolicy< dim, spacedim >
- fix_coarsen_flags() : Triangulation< dim, spacedim >
- fixed_point : SUNDIALS::KINSOL< VectorType >::AdditionalData
- flag : TableHandler::Column
- flag_for_face_refinement() : CellAccessor< dim, spacedim >
- flag_for_line_refinement() : CellAccessor< dim, spacedim >
- flags : Algorithms::Event, DataOutBase::DataOutFilter, Differentiation::SD::BatchOptimizer< ReturnType >, internal::TriangulationImplementation::TriaObjectsOrientations, LogStream, TimeStepBase_Tria< dim >
- Flags : TimeStepBase_Tria< dim >, TimeStepBase_Tria_Flags::Flags< dim >
- FlatManifold() : FlatManifold< dim, spacedim >
- FlexibleIndexStorage() : Utilities::MPI::internal::ComputeIndexOwner::FlexibleIndexStorage
- flip_all_direction_flags() : Triangulation< dim, spacedim >
- FloatingPointComparator() : FloatingPointComparator< Number >
- FlowFunction() : Functions::FlowFunction< dim >
- flush_cells() : DataOutBase::DataOutFilter
- flush_points() : DataOutBase::DataOutFilter
- flux_down : MeshWorker::Assembler::MGMatrixLocalBlocksToGlobalBlocks< MatrixType, number >, MeshWorker::Assembler::MGMatrixSimple< MatrixType >
- flux_matrices_down : MGMatrixBlockVector< MatrixType >
- flux_matrices_up : MGMatrixBlockVector< MatrixType >
- flux_up : MeshWorker::Assembler::MGMatrixLocalBlocksToGlobalBlocks< MatrixType, number >, MeshWorker::Assembler::MGMatrixSimple< MatrixType >
- force_re_orthogonalization : SolverGMRES< VectorType >::AdditionalData
- forest : internal::p4est::types< 2 >, internal::p4est::types< 3 >
- forest_memory_used : internal::p4est::functions< 2 >, internal::p4est::functions< 3 >
- Format : GridIn< dim, spacedim >
- format_version : DataOutBase::Deal_II_IntermediateFlags
- formula : AutoDerivativeFunction< dim >, FunctionDerivative< dim >
- forward() : FullMatrix< number >, PreconditionBlockSOR< MatrixType, inverse_type >, TimeDependent
- forward_step() : PreconditionBlock< MatrixType, inverse_type >
- Fourier() : FESeries::Fourier< dim, spacedim >
- fourier_coefficients : Functions::FourierCosineFunction< dim >, Functions::FourierCosineSum< dim >, Functions::FourierSineFunction< dim >, Functions::FourierSineSum< dim >
- fourier_transform_matrices : FESeries::Fourier< dim, spacedim >
- FourierCosineFunction() : Functions::FourierCosineFunction< dim >
- FourierCosineSum() : Functions::FourierCosineSum< dim >
- FourierSineFunction() : Functions::FourierSineFunction< dim >
- FourierSineSum() : Functions::FourierSineSum< dim >
- fourth_derivative() : MappingFE< dim, spacedim >::InternalData, MappingFEField< dim, spacedim, VectorType >::InternalData
- FourthDerivativesType : BarycentricPolynomials< dim >
- FourthOrder : AutoDerivativeFunction< dim >
- fraction : QGaussLogR< dim >
- free() : GrowingVectorMemory< VectorType >, PrimitiveVectorMemory< VectorType >, VectorMemory< VectorType >
- free_memory() : TimeStepping::EmbeddedExplicitRungeKutta< VectorType >
- free_properties() : Particles::Particle< dim, spacedim >
- frobenius_norm() : BlockMatrixBase< MatrixType >, ChunkSparseMatrix< number >, CUDAWrappers::SparseMatrix< Number >, FullMatrix< number >, LAPACKFullMatrix< number >, PETScWrappers::MatrixBase, ScaLAPACKMatrix< NumberType >, SparseMatrix< number >, TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix
- front : PathSearch
- Full() : internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::VectorDataExchange::Full
- FullMatrix() : FullMatrix< number >, PETScWrappers::FullMatrix
- function : ExceptionBase
- Function() : Function< dim, RangeNumberType >
- function : Functions::CoordinateRestriction< dim >, Functions::PointRestriction< dim >, Functions::SymbolicFunction< dim, RangeNumberType >, Utilities::MutableBind< ReturnType, FunctionArgs >
- function_answer_request : Utilities::MPI::ConsensusAlgorithms::AnonymousProcess< RequestType, AnswerType >
- function_compute_targets : Utilities::MPI::ConsensusAlgorithms::AnonymousProcess< RequestType, AnswerType >
- function_create_request : Utilities::MPI::ConsensusAlgorithms::AnonymousProcess< RequestType, AnswerType >
- function_gradient : Functions::SymbolicFunction< dim, RangeNumberType >
- function_gradients : FunctionFromFunctionObjects< dim, RangeNumberType >
- function_hessian : Functions::SymbolicFunction< dim, RangeNumberType >
- function_laplacian : Functions::SymbolicFunction< dim, RangeNumberType >
- function_object : Functions::ParsedFunction< dim >, ScalarFunctionFromFunctionObject< dim, RangeNumberType >, VectorFunctionFromScalarFunctionObject< dim, RangeNumberType >
- function_ptr : PreconditionUseMatrix< MatrixType, VectorType >
- function_read_answer : Utilities::MPI::ConsensusAlgorithms::AnonymousProcess< RequestType, AnswerType >
- function_tolerance : NonlinearSolverSelector< VectorType >::AdditionalData, SUNDIALS::KINSOL< VectorType >::AdditionalData
- function_value_vector : Functions::ConstantFunction< dim, RangeNumberType >
- function_values : FunctionFromFunctionObjects< dim, RangeNumberType >
- FunctionDerivative() : FunctionDerivative< dim >
- FunctionFromFunctionObjects() : FunctionFromFunctionObjects< dim, RangeNumberType >
- FunctionManifold() : FunctionManifold< dim, spacedim, chartdim >
- FunctionParser() : FunctionParser< dim >
- FunctionTime() : FunctionTime< Number >
- functor : internal::VectorOperations::TBBForFunctor< Functor >, LinearAlgebra::ReadWriteVector< Number >::FunctorTemplate< Functor >
- FunctorTemplate() : LinearAlgebra::ReadWriteVector< Number >::FunctorTemplate< Functor >
- future : Threads::Task< RT >::TaskData
- Future() : Utilities::MPI::Future< T >
- future_fe_index() : DoFCellAccessor< dimension_, space_dimension_, level_dof_access >
- future_fe_index_set() : DoFCellAccessor< dimension_, space_dimension_, level_dof_access >