Reference documentation for deal.II version 9.3.3
\(\newcommand{\dealvcentcolon}{\mathrel{\mathop{:}}}\) \(\newcommand{\dealcoloneq}{\dealvcentcolon\mathrel{\mkern-1.2mu}=}\) \(\newcommand{\jump}[1]{\left[\!\left[ #1 \right]\!\right]}\) \(\newcommand{\average}[1]{\left\{\!\left\{ #1 \right\}\!\right\}}\)
Static Public Attributes | List of all members
internal::p4est::functions< 3 > Struct Reference

#include <deal.II/distributed/p4est_wrappers.h>

Static Public Attributes

static int(&) quadrant_compare (const void *v1, const void *v2)
static void(&) quadrant_childrenv (const types< 3 >::quadrant *q, types< 3 >::quadrant c[])
static int(&) quadrant_overlaps_tree (types< 3 >::tree *tree, const types< 3 >::quadrant *q)
static void(&) quadrant_set_morton (types< 3 >::quadrant *quadrant, int level, uint64_t id)
static int(&) quadrant_is_equal (const types< 3 >::quadrant *q1, const types< 3 >::quadrant *q2)
static int(&) quadrant_is_sibling (const types< 3 >::quadrant *q1, const types< 3 >::quadrant *q2)
static int(&) quadrant_is_ancestor (const types< 3 >::quadrant *q1, const types< 3 >::quadrant *q2)
static int(&) quadrant_ancestor_id (const types< 3 >::quadrant *q, int level)
static int(&) comm_find_owner (types< 3 >::forest *p4est, const types< 3 >::locidx which_tree, const types< 3 >::quadrant *q, const int guess)
static types< 3 >::connectivity *(&) connectivity_new (types< 3 >::topidx num_vertices, types< 3 >::topidx num_trees, types< 3 >::topidx num_edges, types< 3 >::topidx num_ett, types< 3 >::topidx num_corners, types< 3 >::topidx num_ctt)
static types< 3 >::connectivity *(&) connectivity_new_copy (types< 3 >::topidx num_vertices, types< 3 >::topidx num_trees, types< 3 >::topidx num_edges, types< 3 >::topidx num_corners, const double *vertices, const types< 3 >::topidx *ttv, const types< 3 >::topidx *ttt, const int8_t *ttf, const types< 3 >::topidx *tte, const types< 3 >::topidx *eoff, const types< 3 >::topidx *ett, const int8_t *ete, const types< 3 >::topidx *ttc, const types< 3 >::topidx *coff, const types< 3 >::topidx *ctt, const int8_t *ctc)
static void(&) connectivity_join_faces (types< 3 >::connectivity *conn, types< 3 >::topidx tree_left, types< 3 >::topidx tree_right, int face_left, int face_right, int orientation)
static void(&) connectivity_destroy (p8est_connectivity_t *connectivity)
static types< 3 >::forest *(&) new_forest (MPI_Comm mpicomm, types< 3 >::connectivity *connectivity, types< 3 >::locidx min_quadrants, int min_level, int fill_uniform, std::size_t data_size, p8est_init_t init_fn, void *user_pointer)
static types< 3 >::forest *(&) copy_forest (types< 3 >::forest *input, int copy_data)
static void(&) destroy (types< 3 >::forest *p8est)
static void(&) refine (types< 3 >::forest *p8est, int refine_recursive, p8est_refine_t refine_fn, p8est_init_t init_fn)
static void(&) coarsen (types< 3 >::forest *p8est, int coarsen_recursive, p8est_coarsen_t coarsen_fn, p8est_init_t init_fn)
static void(&) balance (types< 3 >::forest *p8est, types< 3 >::balance_type btype, p8est_init_t init_fn)
static types< 3 >::gloidx(&) partition (types< 3 >::forest *p8est, int partition_for_coarsening, p8est_weight_t weight_fn)
static void(&) save (const char *filename, types< 3 >::forest *p4est, int save_data)
static types< 3 >::forest *(&) load_ext (const char *filename, MPI_Comm mpicomm, std::size_t data_size, int load_data, int autopartition, int broadcasthead, void *user_pointer, types< 3 >::connectivity **p4est)
static int(&) connectivity_save (const char *filename, types< 3 >::connectivity *connectivity)
static int(&) connectivity_is_valid (types< 3 >::connectivity *connectivity)
static types< 3 >::connectivity *(&) connectivity_load (const char *filename, std::size_t *length)
static unsigned int(&) checksum (types< 3 >::forest *p8est)
static void(&) vtk_write_file (types< 3 >::forest *p8est, p8est_geometry_t *, const char *baseName)
static types< 3 >::ghost *(&) ghost_new (types< 3 >::forest *p4est, types< 3 >::balance_type btype)
static void(&) ghost_destroy (types< 3 >::ghost *ghost)
static void(&) reset_data (types< 3 >::forest *p4est, std::size_t data_size, p8est_init_t init_fn, void *user_pointer)
static std::size_t(&) forest_memory_used (types< 3 >::forest *p4est)
static std::size_t(&) connectivity_memory_used (types< 3 >::connectivity *p4est)
static constexpr unsigned int max_level = P8EST_MAXLEVEL
static void(&) transfer_fixed (const types< 3 >::gloidx *dest_gfq, const types< 3 >::gloidx *src_gfq, MPI_Comm mpicomm, int tag, void *dest_data, const void *src_data, std::size_t data_size)
static types< 3 >::transfer_context *(&) transfer_fixed_begin (const types< 3 >::gloidx *dest_gfq, const types< 3 >::gloidx *src_gfq, MPI_Comm mpicomm, int tag, void *dest_data, const void *src_data, std::size_t data_size)
static void(&) transfer_fixed_end (types< 3 >::transfer_context *tc)
static void(&) transfer_custom (const types< 3 >::gloidx *dest_gfq, const types< 3 >::gloidx *src_gfq, MPI_Comm mpicomm, int tag, void *dest_data, const int *dest_sizes, const void *src_data, const int *src_sizes)
static types< 3 >::transfer_context *(&) transfer_custom_begin (const types< 3 >::gloidx *dest_gfq, const types< 3 >::gloidx *src_gfq, MPI_Comm mpicomm, int tag, void *dest_data, const int *dest_sizes, const void *src_data, const int *src_sizes)
static void(&) transfer_custom_end (types< 3 >::transfer_context *tc)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 313 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ quadrant_compare

int(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::quadrant_compare(const void *v1, const void *v2)

Definition at line 315 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ quadrant_childrenv

void(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::quadrant_childrenv(const types< 3 >::quadrant *q, types< 3 >::quadrant c[])

Definition at line 317 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ quadrant_overlaps_tree

int(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::quadrant_overlaps_tree(types< 3 >::tree *tree, const types< 3 >::quadrant *q)

Definition at line 320 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ quadrant_set_morton

void(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::quadrant_set_morton(types< 3 >::quadrant *quadrant, int level, uint64_t id)

Definition at line 323 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ quadrant_is_equal

int(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::quadrant_is_equal(const types< 3 >::quadrant *q1, const types< 3 >::quadrant *q2)

Definition at line 327 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ quadrant_is_sibling

int(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::quadrant_is_sibling(const types< 3 >::quadrant *q1, const types< 3 >::quadrant *q2)

Definition at line 330 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ quadrant_is_ancestor

int(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::quadrant_is_ancestor(const types< 3 >::quadrant *q1, const types< 3 >::quadrant *q2)

Definition at line 333 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ quadrant_ancestor_id

int(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::quadrant_ancestor_id(const types< 3 >::quadrant *q, int level)

Definition at line 335 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ comm_find_owner

int(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::comm_find_owner(types< 3 >::forest *p4est, const types< 3 >::locidx which_tree, const types< 3 >::quadrant *q, const int guess)

Definition at line 338 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ connectivity_new

types< 3 >::connectivity *(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::connectivity_new(types< 3 >::topidx num_vertices, types< 3 >::topidx num_trees, types< 3 >::topidx num_edges, types< 3 >::topidx num_ett, types< 3 >::topidx num_corners, types< 3 >::topidx num_ctt)

Definition at line 343 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ connectivity_new_copy

types< 3 >::connectivity *(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::connectivity_new_copy(types< 3 >::topidx num_vertices, types< 3 >::topidx num_trees, types< 3 >::topidx num_edges, types< 3 >::topidx num_corners, const double *vertices, const types< 3 >::topidx *ttv, const types< 3 >::topidx *ttt, const int8_t *ttf, const types< 3 >::topidx *tte, const types< 3 >::topidx *eoff, const types< 3 >::topidx *ett, const int8_t *ete, const types< 3 >::topidx *ttc, const types< 3 >::topidx *coff, const types< 3 >::topidx *ctt, const int8_t *ctc)

Definition at line 351 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ connectivity_join_faces

void(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::connectivity_join_faces(types< 3 >::connectivity *conn, types< 3 >::topidx tree_left, types< 3 >::topidx tree_right, int face_left, int face_right, int orientation)

Definition at line 369 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ connectivity_destroy

void(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::connectivity_destroy(p8est_connectivity_t *connectivity)

Definition at line 376 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ new_forest

types< 3 >::forest *(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::new_forest(MPI_Comm mpicomm, types< 3 >::connectivity *connectivity, types< 3 >::locidx min_quadrants, int min_level, int fill_uniform, std::size_t data_size, p8est_init_t init_fn, void *user_pointer)

Definition at line 378 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ copy_forest

types< 3 >::forest *(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::copy_forest(types< 3 >::forest *input, int copy_data)

Definition at line 388 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ destroy

void(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::destroy(types< 3 >::forest *p8est)

Definition at line 391 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ refine

void(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::refine(types< 3 >::forest *p8est, int refine_recursive, p8est_refine_t refine_fn, p8est_init_t init_fn)

Definition at line 393 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ coarsen

void(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::coarsen(types< 3 >::forest *p8est, int coarsen_recursive, p8est_coarsen_t coarsen_fn, p8est_init_t init_fn)

Definition at line 398 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ balance

void(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::balance(types< 3 >::forest *p8est, types< 3 >::balance_type btype, p8est_init_t init_fn)

Definition at line 403 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ partition

types< 3 >::gloidx(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::partition(types< 3 >::forest *p8est, int partition_for_coarsening, p8est_weight_t weight_fn)

Definition at line 407 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ save

void(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::save(const char *filename, types< 3 >::forest *p4est, int save_data)

Definition at line 411 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ load_ext

types< 3 >::forest *(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::load_ext(const char *filename, MPI_Comm mpicomm, std::size_t data_size, int load_data, int autopartition, int broadcasthead, void *user_pointer, types< 3 >::connectivity **p4est)

Definition at line 415 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ connectivity_save

int(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::connectivity_save(const char *filename, types< 3 >::connectivity *connectivity)

Definition at line 424 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ connectivity_is_valid

int(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::connectivity_is_valid(types< 3 >::connectivity *connectivity)

Definition at line 427 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ connectivity_load

types< 3 >::connectivity *(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::connectivity_load(const char *filename, std::size_t *length)

Definition at line 429 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ checksum

unsigned int(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::checksum(types< 3 >::forest *p8est)

Definition at line 432 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ vtk_write_file

void(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::vtk_write_file(types< 3 >::forest *p8est, p8est_geometry_t *, const char *baseName)

Definition at line 434 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ ghost_new

types< 3 >::ghost *(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::ghost_new(types< 3 >::forest *p4est, types< 3 >::balance_type btype)

Definition at line 437 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ ghost_destroy

void(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::ghost_destroy(types< 3 >::ghost *ghost)

Definition at line 440 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ reset_data

void(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::reset_data(types< 3 >::forest *p4est, std::size_t data_size, p8est_init_t init_fn, void *user_pointer)

Definition at line 442 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ forest_memory_used

std::size_t(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::forest_memory_used(types< 3 >::forest *p4est)

Definition at line 447 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ connectivity_memory_used

std::size_t(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::connectivity_memory_used(types< 3 >::connectivity *p4est)

Definition at line 449 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ max_level

constexpr unsigned int internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::max_level = P8EST_MAXLEVEL

Definition at line 452 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ transfer_fixed

void(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::transfer_fixed(const types< 3 >::gloidx *dest_gfq, const types< 3 >::gloidx *src_gfq, MPI_Comm mpicomm, int tag, void *dest_data, const void *src_data, std::size_t data_size)

Definition at line 454 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ transfer_fixed_begin

types< 3 >::transfer_context *(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::transfer_fixed_begin(const types< 3 >::gloidx *dest_gfq, const types< 3 >::gloidx *src_gfq, MPI_Comm mpicomm, int tag, void *dest_data, const void *src_data, std::size_t data_size)

Definition at line 462 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ transfer_fixed_end

void(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::transfer_fixed_end(types< 3 >::transfer_context *tc)

Definition at line 471 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ transfer_custom

void(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::transfer_custom(const types< 3 >::gloidx *dest_gfq, const types< 3 >::gloidx *src_gfq, MPI_Comm mpicomm, int tag, void *dest_data, const int *dest_sizes, const void *src_data, const int *src_sizes)

Definition at line 473 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ transfer_custom_begin

types< 3 >::transfer_context *(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::transfer_custom_begin(const types< 3 >::gloidx *dest_gfq, const types< 3 >::gloidx *src_gfq, MPI_Comm mpicomm, int tag, void *dest_data, const int *dest_sizes, const void *src_data, const int *src_sizes)

Definition at line 482 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

◆ transfer_custom_end

void(&) internal::p4est::functions< 3 >::transfer_custom_end(types< 3 >::transfer_context *tc)

Definition at line 492 of file p4est_wrappers.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files: