Reference documentation for deal.II version 9.3.3
\(\newcommand{\dealvcentcolon}{\mathrel{\mathop{:}}}\) \(\newcommand{\dealcoloneq}{\dealvcentcolon\mathrel{\mkern-1.2mu}=}\) \(\newcommand{\jump}[1]{\left[\!\left[ #1 \right]\!\right]}\) \(\newcommand{\average}[1]{\left\{\!\left\{ #1 \right\}\!\right\}}\)
Namespaces | Classes | Enumerations | Functions | Variables


namespace  AffineConstraints
namespace  ArrayViewHelper
namespace  BlockLinearOperatorImplementation
namespace  BlockVectorIterators
namespace  DataOutFacesImplementation
namespace  DataOutImplementation
namespace  DataOutRotationImplementation
namespace  DoFAccessorImplementation
namespace  DoFHandlerImplementation
namespace  FE_BDM
namespace  FE_DGPMonomial
namespace  FE_DGQ
namespace  FE_Enriched
namespace  FE_FaceQImplementation
namespace  FE_Nedelec
namespace  FE_PolyTensor
namespace  FE_Q
namespace  FE_Q_Base
namespace  FE_Q_Bubbles
namespace  FE_Q_Hierarchical
namespace  FEPointEvaluation
namespace  FEValuesImplementation
namespace  FEValuesViews
namespace  FilteredIteratorImplementation
namespace  FunctionParser
namespace  GrowingVectorMemoryImplementation
namespace  hp
namespace  LAPACKFullMatrixImplementation
namespace  LinearOperatorImplementation
namespace  Local
namespace  MappingFEFieldImplementation
namespace  MappingFEImplementation
namespace  MappingManifoldImplementation
namespace  MappingQ1
namespace  MappingQGenericImplementation
namespace  MatrixFreeFunctions
namespace  MatrixOutImplementation
namespace  MGTransfer
namespace  p4est
namespace  PackagedOperationImplementation
namespace  parallel
namespace  PointValueHistoryImplementation
namespace  PolynomialsRannacherTurekImplementation
namespace  QGaussChebyshev
namespace  QGaussLobatto
namespace  QGaussLobattoChebyshev
namespace  QGaussRadauChebyshev
namespace  QIteratedImplementation
namespace  QProjector
namespace  QRImplementation
namespace  ReferenceCell
namespace  SD
namespace  SolverGMRESImplementation
namespace  SolverIDRImplementation
namespace  SparseMatrixImplementation
namespace  SymmetricTensorAccessors
namespace  SymmetricTensorImplementation
namespace  TableBaseAccessors
namespace  TemplateConstraints
namespace  TensorImplementation
namespace  TensorProductManifoldImplementation
namespace  TimerImplementation
namespace  TriaAccessorImplementation
namespace  TriangulationImplementation
namespace  UtilitiesImplementation
namespace  VectorImplementation
namespace  VectorOperations


class  ActiveCellIterator
class  AlignedVectorCopy
class  AlignedVectorDefaultInitialize
class  AlignedVectorMove
class  AlignedVectorSet
struct  argument_type
struct  argument_type< T(U)>
struct  CellwiseInverseMassFactory
struct  CellwiseInverseMassMatrixImplBasic
struct  CellwiseInverseMassMatrixImplFlexible
struct  CellwiseInverseMassMatrixImplTransformFromQPoints
struct  CurlType
struct  CurlType< 1, NumberType >
struct  CurlType< 2, NumberType >
struct  CurlType< 3, NumberType >
struct  ElementAccess
struct  ElementAccess< LinearAlgebra::TpetraWrappers::Vector< NumberType > >
struct  EvaluatorSelector
struct  EvaluatorSelector< MatrixFreeFunctions::tensor_general, is_long >
struct  EvaluatorSelector< MatrixFreeFunctions::tensor_symmetric, false >
struct  EvaluatorSelector< MatrixFreeFunctions::tensor_symmetric, true >
struct  EvaluatorSelector< MatrixFreeFunctions::tensor_symmetric_collocation, is_long >
struct  EvaluatorSelector< MatrixFreeFunctions::tensor_symmetric_plus_dg0, false >
struct  EvaluatorSelector< MatrixFreeFunctions::tensor_symmetric_plus_dg0, true >
struct  EvaluatorSelector< MatrixFreeFunctions::truncated_tensor, is_long >
struct  EvaluatorTensorProduct
struct  EvaluatorTensorProduct< evaluate_evenodd, dim, n_rows, n_columns, Number, Number2 >
struct  EvaluatorTensorProduct< evaluate_general, dim, 0, 0, Number, Number2 >
struct  EvaluatorTensorProduct< evaluate_general, dim, n_rows, n_columns, Number, Number2 >
struct  EvaluatorTensorProduct< evaluate_symmetric, dim, n_rows, n_columns, Number, Number2 >
struct  EvaluatorTensorProduct< evaluate_symmetric_hierarchical, dim, n_rows, n_columns, Number, Number2 >
struct  FEEvaluationFactory
struct  FEEvaluationImpl
struct  FEEvaluationImpl< MatrixFreeFunctions::tensor_none, dim, fe_degree, n_q_points_1d, Number >
struct  FEEvaluationImplBasisChange
struct  FEEvaluationImplCollocation
struct  FEEvaluationImplEvaluateSelector
struct  FEEvaluationImplIntegrateSelector
struct  FEEvaluationImplTransformToCollocation
struct  FEFaceEvaluationFactory
struct  FEFaceEvaluationImpl
struct  FEFaceEvaluationImplEvaluateSelector
struct  FEFaceEvaluationImplGatherEvaluateSelector
struct  FEFaceEvaluationImplIntegrateScatterSelector
struct  FEFaceEvaluationImplIntegrateSelector
struct  FEFaceNormalEvaluationImpl
struct  GenericDoFsPerObject
struct  is_explicitly_convertible
struct  MatrixSelector
struct  MatrixSelector< LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number > >
struct  MatrixSelector<::LinearAlgebra::EpetraWrappers::Vector >
struct  MatrixSelector<::LinearAlgebra::TpetraWrappers::Vector< Number > >
struct  MatrixSelector<::PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector >
struct  MatrixSelector<::TrilinosWrappers::MPI::Vector >
struct  MFWorkerInterface
class  NoPermutation
struct  NumberType
struct  NumberType< cuComplex >
struct  NumberType< cuDoubleComplex >
struct  NumberType< std::complex< T > >
struct  ProductTypeImpl
struct  ProductTypeImpl< adouble, adouble >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< adouble, adub >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< adouble, double >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< adouble, float >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< adtl::adouble, adtl::adouble >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< adtl::adouble, double >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< adtl::adouble, float >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< adub, adouble >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< adub, double >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< adub, float >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< Differentiation::SD::Expression, Differentiation::SD::Expression >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< Differentiation::SD::Expression, T >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< double, adouble >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< double, adtl::adouble >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< double, adub >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< double, Sacado::Fad::DFad< T > >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< double, Sacado::Rad::ADvar< T > >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< double, Sacado::Rad::ADvari< T > >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< double, std::complex< U > >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< float, adouble >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< float, adtl::adouble >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< float, adub >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< float, Sacado::Fad::DFad< T > >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< float, Sacado::Rad::ADvar< T > >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< float, Sacado::Rad::ADvari< T > >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< float, std::complex< U > >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< int, Sacado::Fad::DFad< T > >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< int, Sacado::Rad::ADvar< T > >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< int, Sacado::Rad::ADvari< T > >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< Sacado::Fad::DFad< T >, double >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< Sacado::Fad::DFad< T >, float >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< Sacado::Fad::DFad< T >, int >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< Sacado::Fad::DFad< T >, Sacado::Fad::DFad< U > >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< Sacado::Fad::Expr< T >, Sacado::Fad::Expr< U > >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< Sacado::Fad::Expr< T >, U >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< Sacado::Rad::ADvar< T >, double >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< Sacado::Rad::ADvar< T >, float >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< Sacado::Rad::ADvar< T >, int >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< Sacado::Rad::ADvar< T >, Sacado::Rad::ADvar< U > >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< Sacado::Rad::ADvar< T >, Sacado::Rad::ADvari< U > >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< Sacado::Rad::ADvari< T >, double >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< Sacado::Rad::ADvari< T >, float >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< Sacado::Rad::ADvari< T >, int >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< Sacado::Rad::ADvari< T >, Sacado::Rad::ADvar< U > >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< Sacado::Rad::ADvari< T >, Sacado::Rad::ADvari< U > >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< std::complex< adouble >, std::complex< adouble > >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< std::complex< adouble >, std::complex< adub > >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< std::complex< adouble >, std::complex< double > >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< std::complex< adouble >, std::complex< float > >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< std::complex< adtl::adouble >, std::complex< adtl::adouble > >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< std::complex< adtl::adouble >, std::complex< double > >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< std::complex< adtl::adouble >, std::complex< float > >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< std::complex< adub >, std::complex< adouble > >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< std::complex< double >, std::complex< adouble > >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< std::complex< double >, std::complex< adtl::adouble > >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< std::complex< float >, std::complex< adouble > >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< std::complex< float >, std::complex< adtl::adouble > >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< std::complex< T >, double >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< std::complex< T >, float >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< std::complex< T >, std::complex< U > >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< std::complex< T >, SymmetricTensor< rank, dim, std::complex< U > > >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< std::complex< T >, SymmetricTensor< rank, dim, U > >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< SymmetricTensor< rank, dim, std::complex< T > >, std::complex< U > >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< SymmetricTensor< rank, dim, T >, std::complex< U > >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< T, Differentiation::SD::Expression >
struct  ProductTypeImpl< T, Sacado::Fad::Expr< U > >
struct  ProductTypeNoPoint
struct  ProductTypeNoPoint< Point< dim, Number >, Number2 >
class  SolverBicgstabData
class  SubfaceCase
struct  SubfacePossibilities
struct  SubfacePossibilities< 0 >
struct  SubfacePossibilities< 1 >
struct  SubfacePossibilities< 2 >
struct  SubfacePossibilities< 3 >
struct  TableEntry
struct  VectorDistributorLocalToGlobal
struct  VectorizedArrayWidthSpecifier
struct  VectorizedArrayWidthSpecifier< double >
struct  VectorizedArrayWidthSpecifier< float >
struct  VectorReader
struct  VectorSetter


enum  EvaluatorVariant { evaluate_general , evaluate_symmetric , evaluate_evenodd , evaluate_symmetric_hierarchical }
enum class  EvaluatorQuantity { value , gradient , hessian }


template<int dim>
Point< dim+1 > create_higher_dim_point (const Point< dim > &point, const unsigned int component_in_dim_plus_1, const double coordinate_value)
internal::GenericDoFsPerObject expand (const unsigned int dim, const std::vector< unsigned int > &dofs_per_object, const ::ReferenceCell reference_cell)
template<typename MatrixType >
void reinit (MatrixBlock< MatrixType > &v, const BlockSparsityPattern &p)
template<typename number >
void reinit (MatrixBlock<::SparseMatrix< number > > &v, const BlockSparsityPattern &p)
template<typename VectorizedArrayType , typename Number2 >
void do_vectorized_read (const Number2 *src_ptr, VectorizedArrayType &dst)
template<typename Number , unsigned int width>
void do_vectorized_read (const Number *src_ptr, VectorizedArray< Number, width > &dst)
template<typename VectorizedArrayType , typename Number2 >
void do_vectorized_gather (const Number2 *src_ptr, const unsigned int *indices, VectorizedArrayType &dst)
template<typename Number , unsigned int width>
void do_vectorized_gather (const Number *src_ptr, const unsigned int *indices, VectorizedArray< Number, width > &dst)
template<typename VectorizedArrayType , typename Number2 >
void do_vectorized_add (const VectorizedArrayType src, Number2 *dst_ptr)
template<typename Number , unsigned int width>
void do_vectorized_add (const VectorizedArray< Number, width > src, Number *dst_ptr)
template<typename VectorizedArrayType , typename Number2 >
void do_vectorized_scatter_add (const VectorizedArrayType src, const unsigned int *indices, Number2 *dst_ptr)
template<typename Number , unsigned int width>
void do_vectorized_scatter_add (const VectorizedArray< Number, width > src, const unsigned int *indices, Number *dst_ptr)
template<typename Number >
void adjust_for_face_orientation (const unsigned int dim, const unsigned int n_components, const unsigned int face_orientation, const Table< 2, unsigned int > &orientation_map, const bool integrate, const bool values, const bool gradients, const unsigned int n_q_points, Number *tmp_values, Number *values_quad, Number *gradients_quad)
template<int n_face_orientations, typename Processor >
static bool fe_face_evaluation_process_and_io (Processor &proc)
static ::ExceptionBaseExcAccessToUninitializedField ()
static ::ExceptionBaseExcMatrixFreeAccessToUninitializedMappingField (std::string arg1)
template<int dim, typename Number , typename Number2 >
std::pair< typename ProductTypeNoPoint< Number, Number2 >::type, Tensor< 1, dim, typename ProductTypeNoPoint< Number, Number2 >::type > > evaluate_tensor_product_value_and_gradient (const std::vector< Polynomials::Polynomial< double > > &poly, const std::vector< Number > &values, const Point< dim, Number2 > &p, const bool d_linear=false, const std::vector< unsigned int > &renumber={})
template<int dim, typename Number , typename Number2 >
void integrate_add_tensor_product_value_and_gradient (const std::vector< Polynomials::Polynomial< double > > &poly, const Number2 &value, const Tensor< 1, dim, Number2 > &gradient, const Point< dim, Number > &p, AlignedVector< Number2 > &values, const std::vector< unsigned int > &renumber={})
template<typename VectorType , typename std::enable_if<!has_local_element< VectorType >::value, VectorType >::type * = nullptr>
VectorType::value_type vector_access (const VectorType &vec, const unsigned int entry)
template<typename VectorType , typename std::enable_if<!has_local_element< VectorType >::value, VectorType >::type * = nullptr>
VectorType::value_type & vector_access (VectorType &vec, const unsigned int entry)
template<typename VectorType , typename std::enable_if< has_add_local_element< VectorType >::value, VectorType >::type * = nullptr>
void vector_access_add (VectorType &vec, const unsigned int entry, const typename VectorType::value_type &val)
template<typename VectorType , typename std::enable_if< has_add_local_element< VectorType >::value, VectorType >::type * = nullptr>
void vector_access_add_global (VectorType &vec, const types::global_dof_index entry, const typename VectorType::value_type &val)
template<typename VectorType , typename std::enable_if< has_set_local_element< VectorType >::value, VectorType >::type * = nullptr>
void vector_access_set (VectorType &vec, const unsigned int entry, const typename VectorType::value_type &val)
template<typename VectorType , typename std::enable_if<!has_partitioners_are_compatible< VectorType >::value, VectorType >::type * = nullptr>
void check_vector_compatibility (const VectorType &vec, const internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::DoFInfo &dof_info)
template<class DI >
bool is_active_iterator (const DI &)
template<class ACCESSOR >
bool is_active_iterator (const TriaActiveIterator< ACCESSOR > &)
template<class ACCESSOR >
bool is_active_iterator (const ::FilteredIterator< TriaActiveIterator< ACCESSOR > > &)
template<int dim, class DOFINFO , class A >
void assemble (const MeshWorker::DoFInfoBox< dim, DOFINFO > &dinfo, A *assembler)
template<int dim>
unsigned int get_degree (const std::vector< BarycentricPolynomial< dim > > &polys)
template<int dim, int spacedim>
std::string policy_to_string (const ::internal::DoFHandlerImplementation::Policy::PolicyBase< dim, spacedim > &policy)
template<class VectorType >
VectorType::value_type get_vector_element (const VectorType &vector, const types::global_dof_index cell_number)
IndexSet::value_type get_vector_element (const IndexSet &is, const types::global_dof_index cell_number)
template<int dim, int spacedim>
std::vector< unsigned intmake_shape_function_to_row_table (const FiniteElement< dim, spacedim > &fe)
template<typename Number , typename Number2 >
void do_function_values (const Number2 *dof_values_ptr, const ::Table< 2, double > &shape_values, std::vector< Number > &values)
template<int dim, int spacedim, typename VectorType >
void do_function_values (const typename VectorType::value_type *dof_values_ptr, const ::Table< 2, double > &shape_values, const FiniteElement< dim, spacedim > &fe, const std::vector< unsigned int > &shape_function_to_row_table, ArrayView< VectorType > values, const bool quadrature_points_fastest=false, const unsigned int component_multiple=1)
template<int order, int spacedim, typename Number >
void do_function_derivatives (const Number *dof_values_ptr, const ::Table< 2, Tensor< order, spacedim > > &shape_derivatives, std::vector< Tensor< order, spacedim, Number > > &derivatives)
template<int order, int dim, int spacedim, typename Number >
void do_function_derivatives (const Number *dof_values_ptr, const ::Table< 2, Tensor< order, spacedim > > &shape_derivatives, const FiniteElement< dim, spacedim > &fe, const std::vector< unsigned int > &shape_function_to_row_table, ArrayView< std::vector< Tensor< order, spacedim, Number > > > derivatives, const bool quadrature_points_fastest=false, const unsigned int component_multiple=1)
template<int spacedim, typename Number , typename Number2 >
void do_function_laplacians (const Number2 *dof_values_ptr, const ::Table< 2, Tensor< 2, spacedim > > &shape_hessians, std::vector< Number > &laplacians)
template<int dim, int spacedim, typename VectorType , typename Number >
void do_function_laplacians (const Number *dof_values_ptr, const ::Table< 2, Tensor< 2, spacedim > > &shape_hessians, const FiniteElement< dim, spacedim > &fe, const std::vector< unsigned int > &shape_function_to_row_table, std::vector< VectorType > &laplacians, const bool quadrature_points_fastest=false, const unsigned int component_multiple=1)
Tensor< 1, 3 > apply_exponential_map (const Tensor< 1, 3 > &u, const Tensor< 1, 3 > &dir)
Tensor< 1, 3 > projected_direction (const Tensor< 1, 3 > &u, const Tensor< 1, 3 > &v)
template<int spacedim>
Point< spacedim > compute_normal (const Tensor< 1, spacedim > &, bool=false)
Point< 3 > compute_normal (const Tensor< 1, 3 > &vector, bool normalize=false)
template<int dim, int spacedim>
void extract_interpolation_matrices (const ::DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dof, ::Table< 2, FullMatrix< double > > &matrices)
template<int dim, int spacedim>
void restriction_additive (const FiniteElement< dim, spacedim > &, std::vector< std::vector< bool > > &)
template<int dim, int spacedim>
void restriction_additive (const ::hp::FECollection< dim, spacedim > &fe, std::vector< std::vector< bool > > &restriction_is_additive)


static constexpr double invalid_pull_back_coordinate = 20.0

Detailed Description

This namespace defines the copy and set functions used in AlignedVector. These functions operate in parallel when there are enough elements in the vector.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ EvaluatorVariant

In this namespace, the evaluator routines that evaluate the tensor products are implemented.


Do not use anything more than the tensor product structure of the finite element.


Perform evaluation by exploiting symmetry in the finite element: i.e., skip some computations by utilizing the symmetry in the shape functions and quadrature points.


Use symmetry to apply the operator to even and odd parts of the input vector separately: see the documentation of the EvaluatorTensorProduct specialization for more information.


Use symmetry in Legendre and similar polynomial spaces where the shape functions with even number are symmetric about the center of the quadrature points (think about even polynomial degrees) and the shape functions with odd number are anti-symmetric about the center of the quadrature points (think about odd polynomial degrees). This allows to use a strategy similar to the even-odd technique but without separate coefficient arrays. See the documentation of the EvaluatorTensorProduct specialization for more information.

Definition at line 37 of file tensor_product_kernels.h.

◆ EvaluatorQuantity

enum class internal::EvaluatorQuantity

Determine which quantity should be computed via the tensor product kernels.


Evaluate/integrate by shape functions.


Evaluate/integrate by gradients of the shape functions.


Evaluate/integrate by hessians of the shape functions.

Definition at line 74 of file tensor_product_kernels.h.

Function Documentation

◆ create_higher_dim_point()

template<int dim>
Point< dim+1 > internal::create_higher_dim_point ( const Point< dim > &  point,
const unsigned int  component_in_dim_plus_1,
const double  coordinate_value 

Creates a (dim + 1)-dimensional point by copying over the coordinates of the incoming dim-dimensional point and setting the "missing" (dim + 1)-dimensional component to the incoming coordinate value.

For example, given the input \(\{(x, y), 2, z \}\) this function creates the point \((x, y, z)\).

The coordinates of the dim-dimensional point are written to the coordinates of the (dim + 1)-dimensional point in the order of the convention given by the function coordinate_to_one_dim_higher. Thus, the order of coordinates on the lower-dimensional point are not preserved: \(\{(z, x), 1, y \}\) creates the point \((x, y, z)\).

Definition at line 24 of file

◆ expand()

internal::GenericDoFsPerObject internal::expand ( const unsigned int  dim,
const std::vector< unsigned int > &  dofs_per_object,
const ::ReferenceCell  reference_cell 

Utility function to convert "dofs per object" information of a dim dimensional reference cell reference_cell.

Definition at line 25 of file

◆ reinit() [1/2]

template<typename MatrixType >
void internal::reinit ( MatrixBlock< MatrixType > &  v,
const BlockSparsityPattern p 

Definition at line 618 of file matrix_block.h.

◆ reinit() [2/2]

template<typename number >
void internal::reinit ( MatrixBlock<::SparseMatrix< number > > &  v,
const BlockSparsityPattern p 

Definition at line 627 of file matrix_block.h.

◆ do_vectorized_read() [1/2]

template<typename VectorizedArrayType , typename Number2 >
void internal::do_vectorized_read ( const Number2 *  src_ptr,
VectorizedArrayType &  dst 

Definition at line 2381 of file evaluation_kernels.h.

◆ do_vectorized_read() [2/2]

template<typename Number , unsigned int width>
void internal::do_vectorized_read ( const Number *  src_ptr,
VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  dst 

Definition at line 2393 of file evaluation_kernels.h.

◆ do_vectorized_gather() [1/2]

template<typename VectorizedArrayType , typename Number2 >
void internal::do_vectorized_gather ( const Number2 *  src_ptr,
const unsigned int indices,
VectorizedArrayType &  dst 

Definition at line 2403 of file evaluation_kernels.h.

◆ do_vectorized_gather() [2/2]

template<typename Number , unsigned int width>
void internal::do_vectorized_gather ( const Number *  src_ptr,
const unsigned int indices,
VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  dst 

Definition at line 2417 of file evaluation_kernels.h.

◆ do_vectorized_add() [1/2]

template<typename VectorizedArrayType , typename Number2 >
void internal::do_vectorized_add ( const VectorizedArrayType  src,
Number2 *  dst_ptr 

Definition at line 2429 of file evaluation_kernels.h.

◆ do_vectorized_add() [2/2]

template<typename Number , unsigned int width>
void internal::do_vectorized_add ( const VectorizedArray< Number, width >  src,
Number *  dst_ptr 

Definition at line 2441 of file evaluation_kernels.h.

◆ do_vectorized_scatter_add() [1/2]

template<typename VectorizedArrayType , typename Number2 >
void internal::do_vectorized_scatter_add ( const VectorizedArrayType  src,
const unsigned int indices,
Number2 *  dst_ptr 

Definition at line 2453 of file evaluation_kernels.h.

◆ do_vectorized_scatter_add() [2/2]

template<typename Number , unsigned int width>
void internal::do_vectorized_scatter_add ( const VectorizedArray< Number, width >  src,
const unsigned int indices,
Number *  dst_ptr 

Definition at line 2467 of file evaluation_kernels.h.

◆ adjust_for_face_orientation()

template<typename Number >
void internal::adjust_for_face_orientation ( const unsigned int  dim,
const unsigned int  n_components,
const unsigned int  face_orientation,
const Table< 2, unsigned int > &  orientation_map,
const bool  integrate,
const bool  values,
const bool  gradients,
const unsigned int  n_q_points,
Number *  tmp_values,
Number *  values_quad,
Number *  gradients_quad 

Definition at line 2485 of file evaluation_kernels.h.

◆ fe_face_evaluation_process_and_io()

template<int n_face_orientations, typename Processor >
static bool internal::fe_face_evaluation_process_and_io ( Processor &  proc)

Definition at line 2850 of file evaluation_kernels.h.

◆ evaluate_tensor_product_value_and_gradient()

template<int dim, typename Number , typename Number2 >
std::pair< typename ProductTypeNoPoint< Number, Number2 >::type, Tensor< 1, dim, typename ProductTypeNoPoint< Number, Number2 >::type > > internal::evaluate_tensor_product_value_and_gradient ( const std::vector< Polynomials::Polynomial< double > > &  poly,
const std::vector< Number > &  values,
const Point< dim, Number2 > &  p,
const bool  d_linear = false,
const std::vector< unsigned int > &  renumber = {} 

Compute the polynomial interpolation of a tensor product shape function \(\varphi_i\) given a vector of coefficients \(u_i\) in the form \(u_h(\mathbf{x}) = \sum_{i=1}^{k^d} \varphi_i(\mathbf{x}) u_i\). The shape functions \(\varphi_i(\mathbf{x}) = \prod_{d=1}^{\text{dim}}\varphi_{i_d}^\text{1D}(x_d)\) represent a tensor product. The function returns a pair with the value of the interpolation as the first component and the gradient in reference coordinates as the second component. Note that for compound types (e.g. the values field begin a Point<spacedim> argument), the components of the gradient are sorted as Tensor<1, dim, Tensor<1, spacedim>> with the derivatives as the first index; this is a consequence of the generic arguments in the function.

polyThe underlying one-dimensional polynomial basis \(\{\varphi^{1D}_{i_1}\}\) given as a vector of polynomials.
valuesThe expansion coefficients \(u_i\) of type Number in the polynomial interpolation. The coefficients can be simply double variables but e.g. also Point<spacedim> in case they define arithmetic operations with the type Number2.
pThe position in reference coordinates where the interpolation should be evaluated.
d_linearFlag to specify whether a d-linear (linear in 1D, bi-linear in 2D, tri-linear in 3D) interpolation should be made, which allows to unroll loops and considerably speed up evaluation.
renumberOptional parameter to specify a renumbering in the coefficient vector, assuming that values[renumber[i]] returns the lexicographic (tensor product) entry of the coefficients. If the vector is entry, the values are assumed to be sorted lexicographically.

Definition at line 2389 of file tensor_product_kernels.h.

◆ integrate_add_tensor_product_value_and_gradient()

template<int dim, typename Number , typename Number2 >
void internal::integrate_add_tensor_product_value_and_gradient ( const std::vector< Polynomials::Polynomial< double > > &  poly,
const Number2 &  value,
const Tensor< 1, dim, Number2 > &  gradient,
const Point< dim, Number > &  p,
AlignedVector< Number2 > &  values,
const std::vector< unsigned int > &  renumber = {} 

Same as evaluate_tensor_product_value_and_gradient() but for integration.

Definition at line 2531 of file tensor_product_kernels.h.

◆ vector_access() [1/2]

template<typename VectorType , typename std::enable_if<!has_local_element< VectorType >::value, VectorType >::type * = nullptr>
VectorType::value_type internal::vector_access ( const VectorType &  vec,
const unsigned int  entry 

Definition at line 42 of file vector_access_internal.h.

◆ vector_access() [2/2]

template<typename VectorType , typename std::enable_if<!has_local_element< VectorType >::value, VectorType >::type * = nullptr>
VectorType::value_type & internal::vector_access ( VectorType &  vec,
const unsigned int  entry 

Definition at line 56 of file vector_access_internal.h.

◆ vector_access_add()

template<typename VectorType , typename std::enable_if< has_add_local_element< VectorType >::value, VectorType >::type * = nullptr>
void internal::vector_access_add ( VectorType &  vec,
const unsigned int  entry,
const typename VectorType::value_type &  val 

Definition at line 93 of file vector_access_internal.h.

◆ vector_access_add_global()

template<typename VectorType , typename std::enable_if< has_add_local_element< VectorType >::value, VectorType >::type * = nullptr>
void internal::vector_access_add_global ( VectorType &  vec,
const types::global_dof_index  entry,
const typename VectorType::value_type &  val 

Definition at line 119 of file vector_access_internal.h.

◆ vector_access_set()

template<typename VectorType , typename std::enable_if< has_set_local_element< VectorType >::value, VectorType >::type * = nullptr>
void internal::vector_access_set ( VectorType &  vec,
const unsigned int  entry,
const typename VectorType::value_type &  val 

Definition at line 145 of file vector_access_internal.h.

◆ check_vector_compatibility()

template<typename VectorType , typename std::enable_if<!has_partitioners_are_compatible< VectorType >::value, VectorType >::type * = nullptr>
void internal::check_vector_compatibility ( const VectorType &  vec,
const internal::MatrixFreeFunctions::DoFInfo dof_info 

Definition at line 176 of file vector_access_internal.h.

◆ is_active_iterator() [1/3]

template<class DI >
bool internal::is_active_iterator ( const DI &  )

Find out if an iterator supports inactive cells.

Definition at line 49 of file loop.h.

◆ is_active_iterator() [2/3]

template<class ACCESSOR >
bool internal::is_active_iterator ( const TriaActiveIterator< ACCESSOR > &  )

Definition at line 56 of file loop.h.

◆ is_active_iterator() [3/3]

template<class ACCESSOR >
bool internal::is_active_iterator ( const ::FilteredIterator< TriaActiveIterator< ACCESSOR > > &  )

Definition at line 63 of file loop.h.

◆ assemble()

template<int dim, class DOFINFO , class A >
void internal::assemble ( const MeshWorker::DoFInfoBox< dim, DOFINFO > &  dinfo,
A *  assembler 

Definition at line 71 of file loop.h.

◆ get_degree()

template<int dim>
unsigned int internal::get_degree ( const std::vector< BarycentricPolynomial< dim > > &  polys)

Get the highest degree of the barycentric polynomial (in Cartesian coordinates).

Definition at line 29 of file

◆ policy_to_string()

template<int dim, int spacedim>
std::string internal::policy_to_string ( const ::internal::DoFHandlerImplementation::Policy::PolicyBase< dim, spacedim > &  policy)

Definition at line 51 of file

◆ get_vector_element() [1/2]

template<class VectorType >
VectorType::value_type internal::get_vector_element ( const VectorType &  vector,
const types::global_dof_index  cell_number 

Definition at line 61 of file

◆ get_vector_element() [2/2]

IndexSet::value_type internal::get_vector_element ( const IndexSet is,
const types::global_dof_index  cell_number 

Definition at line 70 of file

◆ make_shape_function_to_row_table()

template<int dim, int spacedim>
std::vector< unsigned int > internal::make_shape_function_to_row_table ( const FiniteElement< dim, spacedim > &  fe)

Definition at line 81 of file

◆ do_function_values() [1/2]

template<typename Number , typename Number2 >
void internal::do_function_values ( const Number2 *  dof_values_ptr,
const ::Table< 2, double > &  shape_values,
std::vector< Number > &  values 

Definition at line 3073 of file

◆ do_function_values() [2/2]

template<int dim, int spacedim, typename VectorType >
void internal::do_function_values ( const typename VectorType::value_type *  dof_values_ptr,
const ::Table< 2, double > &  shape_values,
const FiniteElement< dim, spacedim > &  fe,
const std::vector< unsigned int > &  shape_function_to_row_table,
ArrayView< VectorType >  values,
const bool  quadrature_points_fastest = false,
const unsigned int  component_multiple = 1 

Definition at line 3113 of file

◆ do_function_derivatives() [1/2]

template<int order, int spacedim, typename Number >
void internal::do_function_derivatives ( const Number *  dof_values_ptr,
const ::Table< 2, Tensor< order, spacedim > > &  shape_derivatives,
std::vector< Tensor< order, spacedim, Number > > &  derivatives 

Definition at line 3224 of file

◆ do_function_derivatives() [2/2]

template<int order, int dim, int spacedim, typename Number >
void internal::do_function_derivatives ( const Number *  dof_values_ptr,
const ::Table< 2, Tensor< order, spacedim > > &  shape_derivatives,
const FiniteElement< dim, spacedim > &  fe,
const std::vector< unsigned int > &  shape_function_to_row_table,
ArrayView< std::vector< Tensor< order, spacedim, Number > > >  derivatives,
const bool  quadrature_points_fastest = false,
const unsigned int  component_multiple = 1 

Definition at line 3264 of file

◆ do_function_laplacians() [1/2]

template<int spacedim, typename Number , typename Number2 >
void internal::do_function_laplacians ( const Number2 *  dof_values_ptr,
const ::Table< 2, Tensor< 2, spacedim > > &  shape_hessians,
std::vector< Number > &  laplacians 

Definition at line 3371 of file

◆ do_function_laplacians() [2/2]

template<int dim, int spacedim, typename VectorType , typename Number >
void internal::do_function_laplacians ( const Number *  dof_values_ptr,
const ::Table< 2, Tensor< 2, spacedim > > &  shape_hessians,
const FiniteElement< dim, spacedim > &  fe,
const std::vector< unsigned int > &  shape_function_to_row_table,
std::vector< VectorType > &  laplacians,
const bool  quadrature_points_fastest = false,
const unsigned int  component_multiple = 1 

Definition at line 3408 of file

◆ apply_exponential_map()

Tensor< 1, 3 > internal::apply_exponential_map ( const Tensor< 1, 3 > &  u,
const Tensor< 1, 3 > &  dir 

Definition at line 51 of file

◆ projected_direction()

Tensor< 1, 3 > internal::projected_direction ( const Tensor< 1, 3 > &  u,
const Tensor< 1, 3 > &  v 

Definition at line 71 of file

◆ compute_normal() [1/2]

template<int spacedim>
Point< spacedim > internal::compute_normal ( const Tensor< 1, spacedim > &  ,
bool  = false 

Definition at line 82 of file

◆ compute_normal() [2/2]

Point< 3 > internal::compute_normal ( const Tensor< 1, 3 > &  vector,
bool  normalize = false 

Definition at line 89 of file

◆ extract_interpolation_matrices()

template<int dim, int spacedim>
void internal::extract_interpolation_matrices ( const ::DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &  dof,
::Table< 2, FullMatrix< double > > &  matrices 

Generate a table that contains interpolation matrices between each combination of finite elements used in a DoFHandler of some kind. Since not all elements can be interpolated onto each other, the table may contain empty matrices for those combinations of elements for which no such interpolation is implemented.

Definition at line 220 of file

◆ restriction_additive() [1/2]

template<int dim, int spacedim>
void internal::restriction_additive ( const FiniteElement< dim, spacedim > &  ,
std::vector< std::vector< bool > > &   

Definition at line 257 of file

◆ restriction_additive() [2/2]

template<int dim, int spacedim>
void internal::restriction_additive ( const ::hp::FECollection< dim, spacedim > &  fe,
std::vector< std::vector< bool > > &  restriction_is_additive 

Definition at line 263 of file

Variable Documentation

◆ invalid_pull_back_coordinate

constexpr double internal::invalid_pull_back_coordinate = 20.0

Definition at line 45 of file