Reference documentation for deal.II version 9.1.1
Enumerations | Functions
SparsityTools Namespace Reference


enum  Partitioner { Partitioner::metis = 0, Partitioner::zoltan }


void partition (const SparsityPattern &sparsity_pattern, const unsigned int n_partitions, std::vector< unsigned int > &partition_indices, const Partitioner partitioner=Partitioner::metis)
void partition (const SparsityPattern &sparsity_pattern, const std::vector< unsigned int > &cell_weights, const unsigned int n_partitions, std::vector< unsigned int > &partition_indices, const Partitioner partitioner=Partitioner::metis)
unsigned int color_sparsity_pattern (const SparsityPattern &sparsity_pattern, std::vector< unsigned int > &color_indices)
void reorder_Cuthill_McKee (const DynamicSparsityPattern &sparsity, std::vector< DynamicSparsityPattern::size_type > &new_indices, const std::vector< DynamicSparsityPattern::size_type > &starting_indices=std::vector< DynamicSparsityPattern::size_type >())
void reorder_hierarchical (const DynamicSparsityPattern &sparsity, std::vector< DynamicSparsityPattern::size_type > &new_indices)
void distribute_sparsity_pattern (DynamicSparsityPattern &dsp, const std::vector< DynamicSparsityPattern::size_type > &rows_per_cpu, const MPI_Comm &mpi_comm, const IndexSet &myrange)
void distribute_sparsity_pattern (BlockDynamicSparsityPattern &dsp, const std::vector< IndexSet > &owned_set_per_cpu, const MPI_Comm &mpi_comm, const IndexSet &myrange)
void gather_sparsity_pattern (DynamicSparsityPattern &dsp, const std::vector< IndexSet > &owned_rows_per_processor, const MPI_Comm &mpi_comm, const IndexSet &ghost_range)
static ::ExceptionBaseExcMETISNotInstalled ()
static ::ExceptionBaseExcInvalidNumberOfPartitions (int arg1)
static ::ExceptionBaseExcMETISError (int arg1)
static ::ExceptionBaseExcInvalidArraySize (int arg1, int arg2)
static ::ExceptionBaseExcZOLTANNotInstalled ()

Detailed Description

A namespace for functions that deal with things that one can do on sparsity patterns, such as renumbering rows and columns (or degrees of freedom if you want) according to the connectivity, or partitioning degrees of freedom.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ Partitioner

Enumerator with options for partitioner


Use METIS partitioner.


Use ZOLTAN partitioner.

Definition at line 55 of file sparsity_tools.h.

Function Documentation

◆ partition() [1/2]

void SparsityTools::partition ( const SparsityPattern sparsity_pattern,
const unsigned int  n_partitions,
std::vector< unsigned int > &  partition_indices,
const Partitioner  partitioner = Partitioner::metis 

Use a partitioning algorithm to generate a partitioning of the degrees of freedom represented by this sparsity pattern. In effect, we view this sparsity pattern as a graph of connections between various degrees of freedom, where each nonzero entry in the sparsity pattern corresponds to an edge between two nodes in the connection graph. The goal is then to decompose this graph into groups of nodes so that a minimal number of edges are cut by the boundaries between node groups. This partitioning is done by METIS or ZOLTAN, depending upon which partitioner is chosen in the fourth argument. The default is METIS. Note that METIS and ZOLTAN can only partition symmetric sparsity patterns, and that of course the sparsity pattern has to be square. We do not check for symmetry of the sparsity pattern, since this is an expensive operation, but rather leave this as the responsibility of caller of this function.

After calling this function, the output array will have values between zero and n_partitions-1 for each node (i.e. row or column of the matrix).

If deal.II was not installed with packages ZOLTAN or METIS, this function will generate an error when corresponding partition method is chosen, unless n_partitions is one. I.e., you can write a program so that it runs in the single-processor single-partition case without the packages installed, and only requires them installed when multiple partitions are required.

Note that the sparsity pattern itself is not changed by calling this function. However, you will likely use the information generated by calling this function to renumber degrees of freedom, after which you will of course have to regenerate the sparsity pattern.

This function will rarely be called separately, since in finite element methods you will want to partition the mesh, not the matrix. This can be done by calling GridTools::partition_triangulation.

Definition at line 400 of file

◆ partition() [2/2]

void SparsityTools::partition ( const SparsityPattern sparsity_pattern,
const std::vector< unsigned int > &  cell_weights,
const unsigned int  n_partitions,
std::vector< unsigned int > &  partition_indices,
const Partitioner  partitioner = Partitioner::metis 

This function performs the same operation as the one above, except that it takes into consideration a set of cell_weights, which allow the partitioner to balance the graph while taking into consideration the computational effort expended on each cell.

If the cell_weights vector is empty, then no weighting is taken into consideration. If not then the size of this vector must equal to the number of active cells in the triangulation.

Definition at line 417 of file

◆ color_sparsity_pattern()

unsigned int SparsityTools::color_sparsity_pattern ( const SparsityPattern sparsity_pattern,
std::vector< unsigned int > &  color_indices 

Using a coloring algorithm provided by ZOLTAN to color nodes whose connections are represented using a SparsityPattern object. In effect, we view this sparsity pattern as a graph of connections between nodes, where each nonzero entry in the sparsity_pattern corresponds to an edge between two nodes. The goal is to assign each node a color index such that no two directly connected nodes have the same color. The assigned colors are listed in color_indices indexed from one and the function returns total number of colors used. ZOLTAN coloring algorithm is run in serial by each processor. Hence all processors have coloring information of all the nodes. A wrapper function to this function is available in GraphColoring namespace as well.

Note that this function requires that SparsityPattern be symmetric (and hence square) i.e an undirected graph representation. We do not check for symmetry of the sparsity pattern, since this is an expensive operation, but rather leave this as the responsibility of caller of this function.


The usage of the function is illustrated by the image above, showing five nodes numbered from 0 to 4. The connections shown are bidirectional. After coloring, it is clear that no two directly connected nodes are assigned the same color.

If deal.II was not installed with package ZOLTAN, this function will generate an error.

The current function is an alternative to GraphColoring::make_graph_coloring() which is tailored to graph coloring arising in shared-memory parallel assembly of matrices.

Definition at line 456 of file

◆ reorder_Cuthill_McKee()

void SparsityTools::reorder_Cuthill_McKee ( const DynamicSparsityPattern sparsity,
std::vector< DynamicSparsityPattern::size_type > &  new_indices,
const std::vector< DynamicSparsityPattern::size_type > &  starting_indices = std::vector<DynamicSparsityPattern::size_type>() 

For a given sparsity pattern, compute a re-enumeration of row/column indices based on the algorithm by Cuthill-McKee.

This algorithm is a graph renumbering algorithm in which we attempt to find a new numbering of all nodes of a graph based on their connectivity to other nodes (i.e. the edges that connect nodes). This connectivity is here represented by the sparsity pattern. In many cases within the library, the nodes represent degrees of freedom and edges are nonzero entries in a matrix, i.e. pairs of degrees of freedom that couple through the action of a bilinear form.

The algorithms starts at a node, searches the other nodes for those which are coupled with the one we started with and numbers these in a certain way. It then finds the second level of nodes, namely those that couple with those of the previous level (which were those that coupled with the initial node) and numbers these. And so on. For the details of the algorithm, especially the numbering within each level, we refer the reader to the book of Schwarz (H. R. Schwarz: Methode der finiten Elemente).

These algorithms have one major drawback: they require a good starting node, i.e. node that will have number zero in the output array. A starting node forming the initial level of nodes can thus be given by the user, e.g. by exploiting knowledge of the actual topology of the domain. It is also possible to give several starting indices, which may be used to simulate a simple upstream numbering (by giving the inflow nodes as starting values) or to make preconditioning faster (by letting the Dirichlet boundary indices be starting points).

If no starting index is given, one is chosen automatically, namely one with the smallest coordination number (the coordination number is the number of other nodes this node couples with). This node is usually located on the boundary of the domain. There is, however, large ambiguity in this when using the hierarchical meshes used in this library, since in most cases the computational domain is not approximated by tilting and deforming elements and by plugging together variable numbers of elements at vertices, but rather by hierarchical refinement. There is therefore a large number of nodes with equal coordination numbers. The renumbering algorithms will therefore not give optimal results.

If the graph has two or more unconnected components and if no starting indices are given, the algorithm will number each component consecutively. However, this requires the determination of a starting index for each component; as a consequence, the algorithm will produce an exception if starting indices are given, taking the latter as an indication that the caller of the function would like to override the part of the algorithm that chooses starting indices.

Definition at line 580 of file

◆ reorder_hierarchical()

void SparsityTools::reorder_hierarchical ( const DynamicSparsityPattern sparsity,
std::vector< DynamicSparsityPattern::size_type > &  new_indices 

For a given sparsity pattern, compute a re-enumeration of row/column indices in a hierarchical way, similar to what DoFRenumbering::hierarchical does for degrees of freedom on hierarchically refined meshes.

This algorithm first selects a node with the minimum number of neighbors and puts that node and its direct neighbors into one chunk. Next, it selects one of the neighbors of the already selected nodes, adds the node and its direct neighbors that are not part of one of the previous chunks, into the next. After this sweep, neighboring nodes are grouped together. To ensure a similar grouping on a more global level, this grouping is called recursively on the groups so formed. The recursion stops when no further grouping is possible. Eventually, the ordering obtained by this method passes through the indices represented in the sparsity pattern in a z-like way.

If the graph has two or more unconnected components, the algorithm will number each component consecutively, starting with the components with the lowest number of nodes.

Definition at line 901 of file

◆ distribute_sparsity_pattern() [1/2]

void SparsityTools::distribute_sparsity_pattern ( DynamicSparsityPattern dsp,
const std::vector< DynamicSparsityPattern::size_type > &  rows_per_cpu,
const MPI_Comm &  mpi_comm,
const IndexSet myrange 

Communicate rows in a dynamic sparsity pattern over MPI.

dspA dynamic sparsity pattern that has been built locally and for which we need to exchange entries with other processors to make sure that each processor knows all the elements of the rows of a matrix it stores and that may eventually be written to. This sparsity pattern will be changed as a result of this function: All entries in rows that belong to a different processor are sent to them and added there.
rows_per_cpuA vector containing the number of of rows per CPU for determining ownership. This is typically the value returned by DoFHandler::n_locally_owned_dofs_per_processor.
mpi_commThe MPI communicator shared between the processors that participate in this operation.
myrangeThe range of elements stored locally. This should be the one used in the constructor of the DynamicSparsityPattern, and should also be the locally relevant set. Only rows contained in myrange are checked in dsp for transfer. This function needs to be used with PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix for it to work correctly in a parallel computation.

Definition at line 1027 of file

◆ distribute_sparsity_pattern() [2/2]

void SparsityTools::distribute_sparsity_pattern ( BlockDynamicSparsityPattern dsp,
const std::vector< IndexSet > &  owned_set_per_cpu,
const MPI_Comm &  mpi_comm,
const IndexSet myrange 

Similar to the function above, but for BlockDynamicSparsityPattern instead.

[in,out]dspThe locally built sparsity pattern to be modified.
owned_set_per_cpuTypically the value given by DoFHandler::locally_owned_dofs_per_processor.
mpi_commThe MPI communicator to use.
myrangeTypically the locally relevant DoFs.

Definition at line 1103 of file

◆ gather_sparsity_pattern()

void SparsityTools::gather_sparsity_pattern ( DynamicSparsityPattern dsp,
const std::vector< IndexSet > &  owned_rows_per_processor,
const MPI_Comm &  mpi_comm,
const IndexSet ghost_range 

Gather rows in a dynamic sparsity pattern over MPI. The function is similar to SparsityTools::distribute(), however instead of distributing sparsity stored in non-owned rows on this MPI process, this function will gather sparsity from other MPI processes and will add this to the local DynamicSparsityPattern.

dspA dynamic sparsity pattern that has been built locally and which we need to extend according to the sparsity of rows stored on other MPI processes.
owned_rows_per_processorA vector containing owned rows for each process in the MPI communicator. This input should be the same on all MPI processes.
mpi_commThe MPI communicator shared between the processors that participate in this operation.
ghost_rangeThe range of rows this MPI process needs to gather. Only a part which is not included in the locally owned rows will be used.

Definition at line 917 of file