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Particles::Particle< dim, spacedim > Class Template Reference

#include <deal.II/particles/particle.h>

Public Member Functions

 Particle ()
 Particle (const Point< spacedim > &location, const Point< dim > &reference_location, const types::particle_index id)
 Particle (const Particle< dim, spacedim > &particle)
 Particle (const void *&begin_data, PropertyPool *const property_pool=nullptr)
 Particle (Particle< dim, spacedim > &&particle) noexcept
Particle< dim, spacedim > & operator= (const Particle< dim, spacedim > &particle)
Particle< dim, spacedim > & operator= (Particle< dim, spacedim > &&particle) noexcept
 ~Particle ()
void write_data (void *&data) const
void set_location (const Point< spacedim > &new_location)
const Point< spacedim > & get_location () const
void set_reference_location (const Point< dim > &new_reference_location)
const Point< dim > & get_reference_location () const
types::particle_index get_id () const
void set_property_pool (PropertyPool &property_pool)
bool has_properties () const
void set_properties (const ArrayView< const double > &new_properties)
const ArrayView< double > get_properties ()
const ArrayView< const double > get_properties () const
std::size_t serialized_size_in_bytes () const
template<class Archive >
void save (Archive &ar, const unsigned int version) const
template<class Archive >
void load (Archive &ar, const unsigned int version)

Private Attributes

Point< spacedim > location
Point< dim > reference_location
types::particle_index id
PropertyPool::Handle properties

Detailed Description

template<int dim, int spacedim = dim>
class Particles::Particle< dim, spacedim >

Base class of particles - represents a particle with position, an ID number and a variable number of properties. This class can be extended to include data related to a particle by the property manager.

Rene Gassmoeller, 2017

Definition at line 101 of file particle.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Particle() [1/5]

template<int dim, int spacedim>
Particles::Particle< dim, spacedim >::Particle ( )

Empty constructor for Particle, creates a particle at the origin.

Definition at line 23 of file particle.cc.

◆ Particle() [2/5]

template<int dim, int spacedim>
Particles::Particle< dim, spacedim >::Particle ( const Point< spacedim > &  location,
const Point< dim > &  reference_location,
const types::particle_index  id 

Constructor for Particle, creates a particle with the specified ID at the specified location. Note that there is no check for duplicate particle IDs so the user must make sure the IDs are unique over all processes.

[in]locationInitial location of particle.
[in]reference_locationInitial location of the particle in the coordinate system of the reference cell.
[in]idGlobally unique ID number of particle.

Definition at line 34 of file particle.cc.

◆ Particle() [3/5]

template<int dim, int spacedim>
Particles::Particle< dim, spacedim >::Particle ( const Particle< dim, spacedim > &  particle)

Copy-Constructor for Particle, creates a particle with exactly the state of the input argument. Note that since each particle has a handle for a certain piece of the property memory, and is responsible for registering and freeing this memory in the property pool this constructor registers a new chunk, and copies the properties.

Definition at line 47 of file particle.cc.

◆ Particle() [4/5]

template<int dim, int spacedim>
Particles::Particle< dim, spacedim >::Particle ( const void *&  begin_data,
PropertyPool *const  property_pool = nullptr 

Constructor for Particle, creates a particle from a data vector. This constructor is usually called after serializing a particle by calling the write_data() function.

[in,out]begin_dataA pointer to a memory location from which to read the information that completely describes a particle. This class then de-serializes its data from this memory location and advance the pointer accordingly.
[in,out]property_poolAn optional pointer to a property pool that is used to manage the property data used by this particle. Note that if a non-null pointer is handed over this constructor assumes begin_data contains serialized data of the same length and type that is allocated by property_pool.

Definition at line 72 of file particle.cc.

◆ Particle() [5/5]

template<int dim, int spacedim>
Particles::Particle< dim, spacedim >::Particle ( Particle< dim, spacedim > &&  particle)

Move constructor for Particle, creates a particle from an existing one by stealing its state.

Definition at line 108 of file particle.cc.

◆ ~Particle()

template<int dim, int spacedim>
Particles::Particle< dim, spacedim >::~Particle ( )

Destructor. Releases the property handle if it is valid, and therefore frees that memory space for other particles. (Note: the memory is managed by the property pool, and the pool is responsible for what happens to the memory.

Definition at line 171 of file particle.cc.

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator=() [1/2]

template<int dim, int spacedim>
Particle< dim, spacedim > & Particles::Particle< dim, spacedim >::operator= ( const Particle< dim, spacedim > &  particle)

Copy assignment operator.

Definition at line 122 of file particle.cc.

◆ operator=() [2/2]

template<int dim, int spacedim>
Particle< dim, spacedim > & Particles::Particle< dim, spacedim >::operator= ( Particle< dim, spacedim > &&  particle)

Move assignment operator.

Definition at line 154 of file particle.cc.

◆ write_data()

template<int dim, int spacedim>
void Particles::Particle< dim, spacedim >::write_data ( void *&  data) const

Write particle data into a data array. The array is expected to be large enough to take the data, and the void pointer should point to the first entry of the array to which the data should be written. This function is meant for serializing all particle properties and later de-serializing the properties by calling the appropriate constructor Particle(void *&data, PropertyPool *property_pool = nullptr);

[in,out]dataThe memory location to write particle data into. This pointer points to the begin of the memory, in which the data will be written and it will be advanced by the serialized size of this particle.

Definition at line 181 of file particle.cc.

◆ set_location()

template<int dim, int spacedim>
void Particles::Particle< dim, spacedim >::set_location ( const Point< spacedim > &  new_location)

Set the location of this particle. Note that this does not check whether this is a valid location in the simulation domain.

[in]new_locationThe new location for this particle.

Definition at line 230 of file particle.cc.

◆ get_location()

template<int dim, int spacedim>
const Point< spacedim > & Particles::Particle< dim, spacedim >::get_location ( ) const

Get the location of this particle.

The location of this particle.

Definition at line 239 of file particle.cc.

◆ set_reference_location()

template<int dim, int spacedim>
void Particles::Particle< dim, spacedim >::set_reference_location ( const Point< dim > &  new_reference_location)

Set the reference location of this particle.

[in]new_reference_locationThe new reference location for this particle.

Definition at line 248 of file particle.cc.

◆ get_reference_location()

template<int dim, int spacedim>
const Point< dim > & Particles::Particle< dim, spacedim >::get_reference_location ( ) const

Return the reference location of this particle in its current cell.

Definition at line 257 of file particle.cc.

◆ get_id()

template<int dim, int spacedim>
types::particle_index Particles::Particle< dim, spacedim >::get_id ( ) const

Return the ID number of this particle.

Definition at line 266 of file particle.cc.

◆ set_property_pool()

template<int dim, int spacedim>
void Particles::Particle< dim, spacedim >::set_property_pool ( PropertyPool property_pool)

Tell the particle where to store its properties (even if it does not own properties). Usually this is only done once per particle, but since the particle does not know about the properties, we want to do it not at construction time. Another use for this function is after particle transfer to a new process.

Definition at line 275 of file particle.cc.

◆ has_properties()

template<int dim, int spacedim>
bool Particles::Particle< dim, spacedim >::has_properties ( ) const

Return whether this particle has a valid property pool and a valid handle to properties.

Definition at line 349 of file particle.cc.

◆ set_properties()

template<int dim, int spacedim>
void Particles::Particle< dim, spacedim >::set_properties ( const ArrayView< const double > &  new_properties)

Set the properties of this particle.

[in]new_propertiesAn ArrayView containing the new properties for this particle.

Definition at line 284 of file particle.cc.

◆ get_properties() [1/2]

template<int dim, int spacedim>
const ArrayView< double > Particles::Particle< dim, spacedim >::get_properties ( )

Get write-access to properties of this particle. If the particle has no properties yet, but has access to a PropertyPool object it will allocate properties to allow writing into them. If it has no properties and has no access to a PropertyPool this function will throw an exception.

An ArrayView of the properties of this particle.

Definition at line 327 of file particle.cc.

◆ get_properties() [2/2]

template<int dim, int spacedim>
const ArrayView< const double > Particles::Particle< dim, spacedim >::get_properties ( ) const

Get read-access to properties of this particle. If the particle has no properties this function throws an exception.

An ArrayView of the properties of this particle.

Definition at line 316 of file particle.cc.

◆ serialized_size_in_bytes()

template<int dim, int spacedim>
std::size_t Particles::Particle< dim, spacedim >::serialized_size_in_bytes ( ) const

Return the size in bytes this particle occupies if all of its data is serialized (i.e. the number of bytes that is written by the write_data function of this class).

Definition at line 212 of file particle.cc.

◆ save()

template<int dim, int spacedim>
template<class Archive >
void Particles::Particle< dim, spacedim >::save ( Archive &  ar,
const unsigned int  version 
) const

Write the data of this object to a stream for the purpose of serialization.

Definition at line 356 of file particle.h.

◆ load()

template<int dim, int spacedim>
template<class Archive >
void Particles::Particle< dim, spacedim >::load ( Archive &  ar,
const unsigned int  version 

Read the data of this object from a stream for the purpose of serialization.

Definition at line 340 of file particle.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ location

template<int dim, int spacedim = dim>
Point<spacedim> Particles::Particle< dim, spacedim >::location

Current particle location.

Definition at line 311 of file particle.h.

◆ reference_location

template<int dim, int spacedim = dim>
Point<dim> Particles::Particle< dim, spacedim >::reference_location

Current particle location in the reference cell.

Definition at line 316 of file particle.h.

◆ id

template<int dim, int spacedim = dim>
types::particle_index Particles::Particle< dim, spacedim >::id

Globally unique ID of particle.

Definition at line 321 of file particle.h.

◆ property_pool

template<int dim, int spacedim = dim>
PropertyPool* Particles::Particle< dim, spacedim >::property_pool

A pointer to the property pool. Necessary to translate from the handle to the actual memory locations.

Definition at line 327 of file particle.h.

◆ properties

template<int dim, int spacedim = dim>
PropertyPool::Handle Particles::Particle< dim, spacedim >::properties

A handle to all particle properties

Definition at line 332 of file particle.h.

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