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FESubfaceValues< dim, spacedim > Class Template Reference

#include <deal.II/fe/fe_values.h>

Inheritance diagram for FESubfaceValues< dim, spacedim >:

Public Member Functions

 FESubfaceValues (const Mapping< dim, spacedim > &mapping, const FiniteElement< dim, spacedim > &fe, const Quadrature< dim - 1 > &face_quadrature, const UpdateFlags update_flags)
 FESubfaceValues (const FiniteElement< dim, spacedim > &fe, const Quadrature< dim - 1 > &face_quadrature, const UpdateFlags update_flags)
template<template< int, int > class DoFHandlerType, bool level_dof_access>
void reinit (const TriaIterator< DoFCellAccessor< DoFHandlerType< dim, spacedim >, level_dof_access >> &cell, const unsigned int face_no, const unsigned int subface_no)
void reinit (const typename Triangulation< dim, spacedim >::cell_iterator &cell, const unsigned int face_no, const unsigned int subface_no)
const FESubfaceValues< dim, spacedim > & get_present_fe_values () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from FEFaceValuesBase< dim, spacedim >
 FEFaceValuesBase (const unsigned int n_q_points, const unsigned int dofs_per_cell, const UpdateFlags update_flags, const Mapping< dim, spacedim > &mapping, const FiniteElement< dim, spacedim > &fe, const Quadrature< dim - 1 > &quadrature)
const Tensor< 1, spacedim > & boundary_form (const unsigned int i) const
const std::vector< Tensor< 1, spacedim > > & get_boundary_forms () const
unsigned int get_face_index () const
const Quadrature< dim - 1 > & get_quadrature () const
std::size_t memory_consumption () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from FEValuesBase< dim, spacedim >
 FEValuesBase (const unsigned int n_q_points, const unsigned int dofs_per_cell, const UpdateFlags update_flags, const Mapping< dim, spacedim > &mapping, const FiniteElement< dim, spacedim > &fe)
FEValuesBaseoperator= (const FEValuesBase &)=delete
 FEValuesBase (const FEValuesBase &)=delete
virtual ~FEValuesBase () override
const double & shape_value (const unsigned int function_no, const unsigned int point_no) const
double shape_value_component (const unsigned int function_no, const unsigned int point_no, const unsigned int component) const
const Tensor< 1, spacedim > & shape_grad (const unsigned int function_no, const unsigned int quadrature_point) const
Tensor< 1, spacedim > shape_grad_component (const unsigned int function_no, const unsigned int point_no, const unsigned int component) const
const Tensor< 2, spacedim > & shape_hessian (const unsigned int function_no, const unsigned int point_no) const
Tensor< 2, spacedim > shape_hessian_component (const unsigned int function_no, const unsigned int point_no, const unsigned int component) const
const Tensor< 3, spacedim > & shape_3rd_derivative (const unsigned int function_no, const unsigned int point_no) const
Tensor< 3, spacedim > shape_3rd_derivative_component (const unsigned int function_no, const unsigned int point_no, const unsigned int component) const
template<class InputVector >
void get_function_values (const InputVector &fe_function, std::vector< typename InputVector::value_type > &values) const
template<class InputVector >
void get_function_values (const InputVector &fe_function, std::vector< Vector< typename InputVector::value_type >> &values) const
template<class InputVector >
void get_function_values (const InputVector &fe_function, const ArrayView< const types::global_dof_index > &indices, std::vector< typename InputVector::value_type > &values) const
template<class InputVector >
void get_function_values (const InputVector &fe_function, const ArrayView< const types::global_dof_index > &indices, std::vector< Vector< typename InputVector::value_type >> &values) const
template<class InputVector >
void get_function_values (const InputVector &fe_function, const ArrayView< const types::global_dof_index > &indices, ArrayView< std::vector< typename InputVector::value_type >> values, const bool quadrature_points_fastest) const
template<class InputVector >
void get_function_gradients (const InputVector &fe_function, std::vector< Tensor< 1, spacedim, typename InputVector::value_type >> &gradients) const
template<class InputVector >
void get_function_gradients (const InputVector &fe_function, std::vector< std::vector< Tensor< 1, spacedim, typename InputVector::value_type >>> &gradients) const
template<class InputVector >
void get_function_gradients (const InputVector &fe_function, const ArrayView< const types::global_dof_index > &indices, std::vector< Tensor< 1, spacedim, typename InputVector::value_type >> &gradients) const
template<class InputVector >
void get_function_gradients (const InputVector &fe_function, const ArrayView< const types::global_dof_index > &indices, ArrayView< std::vector< Tensor< 1, spacedim, typename InputVector::value_type >>> gradients, bool quadrature_points_fastest=false) const
template<class InputVector >
void get_function_hessians (const InputVector &fe_function, std::vector< Tensor< 2, spacedim, typename InputVector::value_type >> &hessians) const
template<class InputVector >
void get_function_hessians (const InputVector &fe_function, std::vector< std::vector< Tensor< 2, spacedim, typename InputVector::value_type >>> &hessians, bool quadrature_points_fastest=false) const
template<class InputVector >
void get_function_hessians (const InputVector &fe_function, const ArrayView< const types::global_dof_index > &indices, std::vector< Tensor< 2, spacedim, typename InputVector::value_type >> &hessians) const
template<class InputVector >
void get_function_hessians (const InputVector &fe_function, const ArrayView< const types::global_dof_index > &indices, ArrayView< std::vector< Tensor< 2, spacedim, typename InputVector::value_type >>> hessians, bool quadrature_points_fastest=false) const
template<class InputVector >
void get_function_laplacians (const InputVector &fe_function, std::vector< typename InputVector::value_type > &laplacians) const
template<class InputVector >
void get_function_laplacians (const InputVector &fe_function, std::vector< Vector< typename InputVector::value_type >> &laplacians) const
template<class InputVector >
void get_function_laplacians (const InputVector &fe_function, const ArrayView< const types::global_dof_index > &indices, std::vector< typename InputVector::value_type > &laplacians) const
template<class InputVector >
void get_function_laplacians (const InputVector &fe_function, const ArrayView< const types::global_dof_index > &indices, std::vector< Vector< typename InputVector::value_type >> &laplacians) const
template<class InputVector >
void get_function_laplacians (const InputVector &fe_function, const ArrayView< const types::global_dof_index > &indices, std::vector< std::vector< typename InputVector::value_type >> &laplacians, bool quadrature_points_fastest=false) const
template<class InputVector >
void get_function_third_derivatives (const InputVector &fe_function, std::vector< Tensor< 3, spacedim, typename InputVector::value_type >> &third_derivatives) const
template<class InputVector >
void get_function_third_derivatives (const InputVector &fe_function, std::vector< std::vector< Tensor< 3, spacedim, typename InputVector::value_type >>> &third_derivatives, bool quadrature_points_fastest=false) const
template<class InputVector >
void get_function_third_derivatives (const InputVector &fe_function, const ArrayView< const types::global_dof_index > &indices, std::vector< Tensor< 3, spacedim, typename InputVector::value_type >> &third_derivatives) const
template<class InputVector >
void get_function_third_derivatives (const InputVector &fe_function, const ArrayView< const types::global_dof_index > &indices, ArrayView< std::vector< Tensor< 3, spacedim, typename InputVector::value_type >>> third_derivatives, bool quadrature_points_fastest=false) const
const Point< spacedim > & quadrature_point (const unsigned int q) const
const std::vector< Point< spacedim > > & get_quadrature_points () const
double JxW (const unsigned int quadrature_point) const
const std::vector< double > & get_JxW_values () const
const DerivativeForm< 1, dim, spacedim > & jacobian (const unsigned int quadrature_point) const
const std::vector< DerivativeForm< 1, dim, spacedim > > & get_jacobians () const
const DerivativeForm< 2, dim, spacedim > & jacobian_grad (const unsigned int quadrature_point) const
const std::vector< DerivativeForm< 2, dim, spacedim > > & get_jacobian_grads () const
const Tensor< 3, spacedim > & jacobian_pushed_forward_grad (const unsigned int quadrature_point) const
const std::vector< Tensor< 3, spacedim > > & get_jacobian_pushed_forward_grads () const
const DerivativeForm< 3, dim, spacedim > & jacobian_2nd_derivative (const unsigned int quadrature_point) const
const std::vector< DerivativeForm< 3, dim, spacedim > > & get_jacobian_2nd_derivatives () const
const Tensor< 4, spacedim > & jacobian_pushed_forward_2nd_derivative (const unsigned int quadrature_point) const
const std::vector< Tensor< 4, spacedim > > & get_jacobian_pushed_forward_2nd_derivatives () const
const DerivativeForm< 4, dim, spacedim > & jacobian_3rd_derivative (const unsigned int quadrature_point) const
const std::vector< DerivativeForm< 4, dim, spacedim > > & get_jacobian_3rd_derivatives () const
const Tensor< 5, spacedim > & jacobian_pushed_forward_3rd_derivative (const unsigned int quadrature_point) const
const std::vector< Tensor< 5, spacedim > > & get_jacobian_pushed_forward_3rd_derivatives () const
const DerivativeForm< 1, spacedim, dim > & inverse_jacobian (const unsigned int quadrature_point) const
const std::vector< DerivativeForm< 1, spacedim, dim > > & get_inverse_jacobians () const
const Tensor< 1, spacedim > & normal_vector (const unsigned int i) const
const std::vector< Tensor< 1, spacedim > > & get_all_normal_vectors () const
const std::vector< Tensor< 1, spacedim > > & get_normal_vectors () const
const FEValuesViews::Scalar< dim, spacedim > & operator[] (const FEValuesExtractors::Scalar &scalar) const
const FEValuesViews::Vector< dim, spacedim > & operator[] (const FEValuesExtractors::Vector &vector) const
const FEValuesViews::SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, spacedim > & operator[] (const FEValuesExtractors::SymmetricTensor< 2 > &tensor) const
const FEValuesViews::Tensor< 2, dim, spacedim > & operator[] (const FEValuesExtractors::Tensor< 2 > &tensor) const
const Mapping< dim, spacedim > & get_mapping () const
const FiniteElement< dim, spacedim > & get_fe () const
UpdateFlags get_update_flags () const
const Triangulation< dim, spacedim >::cell_iterator get_cell () const
CellSimilarity::Similarity get_cell_similarity () const
std::size_t memory_consumption () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Subscriptor
 Subscriptor ()
 Subscriptor (const Subscriptor &)
 Subscriptor (Subscriptor &&) noexcept
virtual ~Subscriptor ()
Subscriptoroperator= (const Subscriptor &)
Subscriptoroperator= (Subscriptor &&) noexcept
void subscribe (std::atomic< bool > *const validity, const std::string &identifier="") const
void unsubscribe (std::atomic< bool > *const validity, const std::string &identifier="") const
unsigned int n_subscriptions () const
template<typename StreamType >
void list_subscribers (StreamType &stream) const
void list_subscribers () const
template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, const unsigned int version)

Static Public Member Functions

static ::ExceptionBaseExcReinitCalledWithBoundaryFace ()
static ::ExceptionBaseExcFaceHasNoSubfaces ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from FEValuesBase< dim, spacedim >
static ::ExceptionBaseExcAccessToUninitializedField (std::string arg1)
static ::ExceptionBaseExcFEDontMatch ()
static ::ExceptionBaseExcShapeFunctionNotPrimitive (int arg1)
static ::ExceptionBaseExcFENotPrimitive ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Subscriptor
static ::ExceptionBaseExcInUse (int arg1, std::string arg2, std::string arg3)
static ::ExceptionBaseExcNoSubscriber (std::string arg1, std::string arg2)

Static Public Attributes

static const unsigned int dimension = dim
static const unsigned int space_dimension = spacedim
static const unsigned int integral_dimension = dim - 1
- Static Public Attributes inherited from FEFaceValuesBase< dim, spacedim >
static const unsigned int integral_dimension = dim - 1
- Static Public Attributes inherited from FEValuesBase< dim, spacedim >
static const unsigned int dimension = dim
static const unsigned int space_dimension = spacedim

Private Member Functions

void initialize (const UpdateFlags update_flags)
void do_reinit (const unsigned int face_no, const unsigned int subface_no)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from FEValuesBase< dim, spacedim >
const unsigned int n_quadrature_points
const unsigned int dofs_per_cell
- Protected Member Functions inherited from FEValuesBase< dim, spacedim >
void invalidate_present_cell ()
void maybe_invalidate_previous_present_cell (const typename Triangulation< dim, spacedim >::cell_iterator &cell)
UpdateFlags compute_update_flags (const UpdateFlags update_flags) const
void check_cell_similarity (const typename Triangulation< dim, spacedim >::cell_iterator &cell)
- Protected Attributes inherited from FEFaceValuesBase< dim, spacedim >
unsigned int present_face_index
const Quadrature< dim - 1 > quadrature
- Protected Attributes inherited from FEValuesBase< dim, spacedim >
std::unique_ptr< const CellIteratorBase > present_cell
boost::signals2::connection tria_listener_refinement
boost::signals2::connection tria_listener_mesh_transform
const SmartPointer< const Mapping< dim, spacedim >, FEValuesBase< dim, spacedim > > mapping
std::unique_ptr< typename Mapping< dim, spacedim >::InternalDataBase > mapping_data
::internal::FEValuesImplementation::MappingRelatedData< dim, spacedim > mapping_output
const SmartPointer< const FiniteElement< dim, spacedim >, FEValuesBase< dim, spacedim > > fe
std::unique_ptr< typename FiniteElement< dim, spacedim >::InternalDataBase > fe_data
::internal::FEValuesImplementation::FiniteElementRelatedData< dim, spacedim > finite_element_output
UpdateFlags update_flags
CellSimilarity::Similarity cell_similarity

Detailed Description

template<int dim, int spacedim = dim>
class FESubfaceValues< dim, spacedim >

Finite element evaluated in quadrature points on a face.

This class adds the functionality of FEFaceValuesBase to FEValues; see there for more documentation.

This class is used for faces lying on a refinement edge. In this case, the neighboring cell is refined. To be able to compute differences between interior and exterior function values, the refinement of the neighboring cell must be simulated on this cell. This is achieved by applying a quadrature rule that simulates the refinement. The resulting data fields are split up to reflect the refinement structure of the neighbor: a subface number corresponds to the number of the child of the neighboring face.

Wolfgang Bangerth, 1998, Guido Kanschat, 2000, 2001

Definition at line 42 of file fe.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ FESubfaceValues() [1/2]

template<int dim, int spacedim>
FESubfaceValues< dim, spacedim >::FESubfaceValues ( const Mapping< dim, spacedim > &  mapping,
const FiniteElement< dim, spacedim > &  fe,
const Quadrature< dim - 1 > &  face_quadrature,
const UpdateFlags  update_flags 

Constructor. Gets cell independent data from mapping and finite element objects, matching the quadrature rule and update flags.

Definition at line 4855 of file fe_values.cc.

◆ FESubfaceValues() [2/2]

template<int dim, int spacedim>
FESubfaceValues< dim, spacedim >::FESubfaceValues ( const FiniteElement< dim, spacedim > &  fe,
const Quadrature< dim - 1 > &  face_quadrature,
const UpdateFlags  update_flags 

Constructor. This constructor is equivalent to the other one except that it makes the object use a Q_1 mapping (i.e., an object of type MappingQGeneric(1)) implicitly.

Definition at line 4873 of file fe_values.cc.

Member Function Documentation

◆ reinit() [1/2]

template<int dim, int spacedim>
template<template< int, int > class DoFHandlerType, bool lda>
void FESubfaceValues< dim, spacedim >::reinit ( const TriaIterator< DoFCellAccessor< DoFHandlerType< dim, spacedim >, lda >> &  cell,
const unsigned int  face_no,
const unsigned int  subface_no 

Reinitialize the gradients, Jacobi determinants, etc for the given cell of type "iterator into a DoFHandler object", and the finite element associated with this object. It is assumed that the finite element used by the given cell is also the one used by this FESubfaceValues object.

Definition at line 4940 of file fe_values.cc.

◆ reinit() [2/2]

template<int dim, int spacedim>
void FESubfaceValues< dim, spacedim >::reinit ( const typename Triangulation< dim, spacedim >::cell_iterator &  cell,
const unsigned int  face_no,
const unsigned int  subface_no 

Reinitialize the gradients, Jacobi determinants, etc for the given subface on given cell of type "iterator into a Triangulation object", and the given finite element. Since iterators into triangulation alone only convey information about the geometry of a cell, but not about degrees of freedom possibly associated with this cell, you will not be able to call some functions of this class if they need information about degrees of freedom. These functions are, above all, the get_function_value/gradients/hessians/third_derivatives functions. If you want to call these functions, you have to call the reinit variants that take iterators into DoFHandler or other DoF handler type objects.

Definition at line 4988 of file fe_values.cc.

◆ get_present_fe_values()

template<int dim, int spacedim = dim>
const FESubfaceValues<dim, spacedim>& FESubfaceValues< dim, spacedim >::get_present_fe_values ( ) const

Return a reference to this very object.

Though it seems that it is not very useful, this function is there to provide capability to the hp::FEValues class, in which case it provides the FEValues object for the present cell (remember that for hp finite elements, the actual FE object used may change from cell to cell, so we also need different FEValues objects for different cells; once you reinitialize the hp::FEValues object for a specific cell, it retrieves the FEValues object for the FE on that cell and returns it through a function of the same name as this one; this function here therefore only provides the same interface so that one can templatize on FEValues and hp::FEValues).

◆ initialize()

template<int dim, int spacedim>
void FESubfaceValues< dim, spacedim >::initialize ( const UpdateFlags  update_flags)

Do work common to the two constructors.

Definition at line 4891 of file fe_values.cc.

◆ do_reinit()

template<int dim, int spacedim>
void FESubfaceValues< dim, spacedim >::do_reinit ( const unsigned int  face_no,
const unsigned int  subface_no 

The reinit() functions do only that part of the work that requires knowledge of the type of iterator. After setting present_cell(), they pass on to this function, which does the real work, and which is independent of the actual type of the cell iterator.

Definition at line 5013 of file fe_values.cc.

Member Data Documentation

◆ dimension

template<int dim, int spacedim = dim>
const unsigned int FESubfaceValues< dim, spacedim >::dimension = dim

Dimension in which this object operates.

Definition at line 3835 of file fe_values.h.

◆ space_dimension

template<int dim, int spacedim = dim>
const unsigned int FESubfaceValues< dim, spacedim >::space_dimension = spacedim

Dimension of the space in which this object operates.

Definition at line 3840 of file fe_values.h.

◆ integral_dimension

template<int dim, int spacedim = dim>
const unsigned int FESubfaceValues< dim, spacedim >::integral_dimension = dim - 1

Dimension of the object over which we integrate. For the present class, this is equal to dim-1.

Definition at line 3846 of file fe_values.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: