Reference documentation for deal.II version 9.1.1
KDTree< dim >::PointCloudAdaptor Member List

This is the complete list of members for KDTree< dim >::PointCloudAdaptor, including all inherited members.

coord_t typedefKDTree< dim >::PointCloudAdaptor
kdtree_distance(const coord_t *p1, const std::size_t idx_p2, const std::size_t size) constKDTree< dim >::PointCloudAdaptor
kdtree_get_bbox(BBOX &) constKDTree< dim >::PointCloudAdaptor
kdtree_get_point_count() constKDTree< dim >::PointCloudAdaptor
kdtree_get_pt(const std::size_t idx, const int d) constKDTree< dim >::PointCloudAdaptor
PointCloudAdaptor(const std::vector< Point< dim >> &_points)KDTree< dim >::PointCloudAdaptor
pointsKDTree< dim >::PointCloudAdaptor