Reference documentation for deal.II version 9.1.1
Namespaces | Classes
Collaboration diagram for Input:




class  DataOutReader< dim, spacedim >
class  ParameterHandler
class  MultipleParameterLoop
class  PathSearch
class  GridIn< dim, spacedim >

Detailed Description

deal.II can read meshes in a number of different formats. However, all of them are constrained to so-called "coarse meshes", i.e. meshes that have no refinement hierarchy and in particular no hanging nodes. The GridIn class describes in detail what formats are supported.

In addition, deal.II can read an intermediate graphics format using the DataOutReader. This format is used as an intermediate step between data associated with a simulation and is written by the DataOutBase class (or through the more derived classes described in the Graphical output module). The DataOutReader class reads this data back in, and it can then be converted to any of a number of data formats supported by visualization programs.

Finally, the ParameterHandler and MultipleParameterLoop classes (and the associated Patterns namespace) are used to deal with parameter files describing run-time parameters to a program that one doesn't want to hard-code within the program source.

The PathSearch class

The PathSearch class is a helper class in input handling. It is used to find a file in a list of directories, in much the same way as unix systems find executables among the directories listed in the PATH environment variable.