Reference documentation for deal.II version 9.1.1
Table< 1, T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Table< 1, T >, including all inherited members.

el(const TableIndices< N > &indices)TableBase< 1, T >protected
el(const TableIndices< N > &indices) constTableBase< 1, T >protected
empty() constTableBase< 1, T >
ExcInUse(int arg1, std::string arg2, std::string arg3)Subscriptorstatic
ExcNoSubscriber(std::string arg1, std::string arg2)Subscriptorstatic
fill(InputIterator entries, const bool C_style_indexing=true)TableBase< 1, T >
fill(const T &value)TableBase< 1, T >
list_subscribers(StreamType &stream) constSubscriptorinline
list_subscribers() constSubscriptor
memory_consumption() constTableBase< 1, T >
n_elements() constTableBase< 1, T >
n_subscriptions() constSubscriptorinline
operator()(const size_type i) constTable< 1, T >
operator()(const size_type i)Table< 1, T >
operator()(const TableIndices< 1 > &indices)Table< 1, T >
operator()(const TableIndices< 1 > &indices) constTable< 1, T >
TableBase< 1, T >::operator()(const TableIndices< N > &indices)TableBase< 1, T >
TableBase< 1, T >::operator()(const TableIndices< N > &indices) constTableBase< 1, T >
operator=(const TableBase< N, T > &src)TableBase< 1, T >
operator=(const TableBase< N, T2 > &src)TableBase< 1, T >
operator=(TableBase< N, T > &&src) noexceptTableBase< 1, T >
Subscriptor::operator=(const Subscriptor &)Subscriptorinline
Subscriptor::operator=(Subscriptor &&) noexceptSubscriptor
operator==(const TableBase< N, T > &T2) constTableBase< 1, T >
operator[](const size_type i) constTable< 1, T >
operator[](const size_type i)Table< 1, T >
position(const TableIndices< N > &indices) constTableBase< 1, T >protected
reinit(const TableIndices< N > &new_size, const bool omit_default_initialization=false)TableBase< 1, T >
reset_values()TableBase< 1, T >
serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version)TableBase< 1, T >
size(const unsigned int i) constTableBase< 1, T >
size() constTableBase< 1, T >
size_type typedefTable< 1, T >
subscribe(std::atomic< bool > *const validity, const std::string &identifier="") constSubscriptor
Subscriptor(const Subscriptor &)Subscriptorinline
Subscriptor(Subscriptor &&) noexceptSubscriptor
swap(TableBase< N, T > &v)TableBase< 1, T >
Table()=defaultTable< 1, T >
Table(const size_type size)Table< 1, T >
Table(const size_type size, InputIterator entries, const bool C_style_indexing=true)Table< 1, T >
table_sizeTableBase< 1, T >protected
TableBase()=defaultTableBase< 1, T >
TableBase(const TableIndices< N > &sizes)TableBase< 1, T >
TableBase(const TableIndices< N > &sizes, InputIterator entries, const bool C_style_indexing=true)TableBase< 1, T >
TableBase(const TableBase< N, T > &src)TableBase< 1, T >
TableBase(const TableBase< N, T2 > &src)TableBase< 1, T >
TableBase(TableBase< N, T > &&src) noexceptTableBase< 1, T >
unsubscribe(std::atomic< bool > *const validity, const std::string &identifier="") constSubscriptor
valuesTableBase< 1, T >protected
~TableBase() override=defaultTableBase< 1, T >