Reference documentation for deal.II version 9.1.1
SparseMatrixEZ< number > Member List

This is the complete list of members for SparseMatrixEZ< number >, including all inherited members.

add(const size_type i, const size_type j, const number value)SparseMatrixEZ< number >inline
add(const std::vector< size_type > &indices, const FullMatrix< number2 > &full_matrix, const bool elide_zero_values=true)SparseMatrixEZ< number >
add(const std::vector< size_type > &row_indices, const std::vector< size_type > &col_indices, const FullMatrix< number2 > &full_matrix, const bool elide_zero_values=true)SparseMatrixEZ< number >
add(const size_type row, const std::vector< size_type > &col_indices, const std::vector< number2 > &values, const bool elide_zero_values=true)SparseMatrixEZ< number >
add(const size_type row, const size_type n_cols, const size_type *col_indices, const number2 *values, const bool elide_zero_values=true, const bool col_indices_are_sorted=false)SparseMatrixEZ< number >
add(const number factor, const MatrixType &matrix)SparseMatrixEZ< number >inline
allocate(const size_type row, const size_type col)SparseMatrixEZ< number >inlineprivate
begin() constSparseMatrixEZ< number >inline
begin(const size_type r) constSparseMatrixEZ< number >inline
block_read(std::istream &in)SparseMatrixEZ< number >
block_write(std::ostream &out) constSparseMatrixEZ< number >
clear()SparseMatrixEZ< number >
compute_statistics(size_type &used, size_type &allocated, size_type &reserved, std::vector< size_type > &used_by_line, const bool compute_by_line) constSparseMatrixEZ< number >
conjugate_add(const MatrixTypeA &A, const MatrixTypeB &B, const bool transpose=false)SparseMatrixEZ< number >inline
copy_from(const MatrixType &source, const bool elide_zero_values=true)SparseMatrixEZ< number >inline
dataSparseMatrixEZ< number >private
el(const size_type i, const size_type j) constSparseMatrixEZ< number >inline
empty() constSparseMatrixEZ< number >
end() constSparseMatrixEZ< number >inline
end(const size_type r) constSparseMatrixEZ< number >inline
ExcEntryAllocationFailure(int arg1, int arg2)SparseMatrixEZ< number >static
ExcInUse(int arg1, std::string arg2, std::string arg3)Subscriptorstatic
ExcInvalidEntry(int arg1, int arg2)SparseMatrixEZ< number >static
ExcNoDiagonal()SparseMatrixEZ< number >static
ExcNoSubscriber(std::string arg1, std::string arg2)Subscriptorstatic
get_row_length(const size_type row) constSparseMatrixEZ< number >
incrementSparseMatrixEZ< number >private
l2_norm() constSparseMatrixEZ< number >
list_subscribers(StreamType &stream) constSubscriptorinline
list_subscribers() constSubscriptor
locate(const size_type row, const size_type col) constSparseMatrixEZ< number >inlineprivate
locate(const size_type row, const size_type col)SparseMatrixEZ< number >inlineprivate
m() constSparseMatrixEZ< number >inline
memory_consumption() constSparseMatrixEZ< number >
n() constSparseMatrixEZ< number >inline
n_columnsSparseMatrixEZ< number >private
n_nonzero_elements() constSparseMatrixEZ< number >
n_subscriptions() constSubscriptorinline
operator()(const size_type i, const size_type j) constSparseMatrixEZ< number >inline
operator=(const SparseMatrixEZ< number > &)SparseMatrixEZ< number >
operator=(const double d)SparseMatrixEZ< number >
Subscriptor::operator=(const Subscriptor &)Subscriptorinline
Subscriptor::operator=(Subscriptor &&) noexceptSubscriptor
precondition_Jacobi(Vector< somenumber > &dst, const Vector< somenumber > &src, const number omega=1.) constSparseMatrixEZ< number >
precondition_SOR(Vector< somenumber > &dst, const Vector< somenumber > &src, const number om=1.) constSparseMatrixEZ< number >
precondition_SSOR(Vector< somenumber > &dst, const Vector< somenumber > &src, const number om=1., const std::vector< std::size_t > &pos_right_of_diagonal=std::vector< std::size_t >()) constSparseMatrixEZ< number >
precondition_TSOR(Vector< somenumber > &dst, const Vector< somenumber > &src, const number om=1.) constSparseMatrixEZ< number >
print(std::ostream &out) constSparseMatrixEZ< number >
print_formatted(std::ostream &out, const unsigned int precision=3, const bool scientific=true, const unsigned int width=0, const char *zero_string=" ", const double denominator=1.) constSparseMatrixEZ< number >
print_statistics(StreamType &s, bool full=false)SparseMatrixEZ< number >inline
reinit(const size_type n_rows, const size_type n_columns, size_type default_row_length=0, unsigned int default_increment=1, size_type reserve=0)SparseMatrixEZ< number >
row_infoSparseMatrixEZ< number >private
saved_default_row_lengthSparseMatrixEZ< number >private
serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version)Subscriptorinline
set(const size_type i, const size_type j, const number value, const bool elide_zero_values=true)SparseMatrixEZ< number >inline
size_type typedefSparseMatrixEZ< number >
SparseMatrixEZ()SparseMatrixEZ< number >
SparseMatrixEZ(const SparseMatrixEZ &)SparseMatrixEZ< number >
SparseMatrixEZ(const size_type n_rows, const size_type n_columns, const size_type default_row_length=0, const unsigned int default_increment=1)SparseMatrixEZ< number >explicit
subscribe(std::atomic< bool > *const validity, const std::string &identifier="") constSubscriptor
Subscriptor(const Subscriptor &)Subscriptorinline
Subscriptor(Subscriptor &&) noexceptSubscriptor
threaded_matrix_norm_square(const Vector< somenumber > &v, const size_type begin_row, const size_type end_row, somenumber *partial_sum) constSparseMatrixEZ< number >private
threaded_matrix_scalar_product(const Vector< somenumber > &u, const Vector< somenumber > &v, const size_type begin_row, const size_type end_row, somenumber *partial_sum) constSparseMatrixEZ< number >private
threaded_vmult(Vector< somenumber > &dst, const Vector< somenumber > &src, const size_type begin_row, const size_type end_row) constSparseMatrixEZ< number >private
Tvmult(Vector< somenumber > &dst, const Vector< somenumber > &src) constSparseMatrixEZ< number >
Tvmult_add(Vector< somenumber > &dst, const Vector< somenumber > &src) constSparseMatrixEZ< number >
unsubscribe(std::atomic< bool > *const validity, const std::string &identifier="") constSubscriptor
value_type typedefSparseMatrixEZ< number >
vmult(Vector< somenumber > &dst, const Vector< somenumber > &src) constSparseMatrixEZ< number >
vmult_add(Vector< somenumber > &dst, const Vector< somenumber > &src) constSparseMatrixEZ< number >
~SparseMatrixEZ() override=defaultSparseMatrixEZ< number >