Reference documentation for deal.II version 9.0.0
1078  triangulation.set_manifold (0); /* ** */
1079  GridTools::transform (&warp<spacedim>, triangulation); /* ** */
1080  std::ofstream x("x"), y("y");
1081  GridOut().write_gnuplot (volume_mesh, x);
1082  GridOut().write_gnuplot (triangulation, y);
1083  }
1085  std::cout << "Surface mesh has " << triangulation.n_active_cells()
1086  << " cells."
1087  << std::endl;
1089  ...
1090 @endcode
1092 Note that the only essential addition has been the three lines marked with
1093 asterisks. It is worth pointing out one other thing here, though: because we
1094 detach the manifold description from the surface mesh, whenever we use a
1095 mapping object in the rest of the program, it has no curves boundary
1096 description to go on any more. Rather, it will have to use the implicit,
1097 FlatManifold class that is used on all parts of the domain not
1098 explicitly assigned a different manifold object. Consequently, whether we use
1099 MappingQ(2), MappingQ(15) or MappingQ1, each cell of our mesh will be mapped
1100 using a bilinear approximation.
1102 All these drawbacks aside, the resulting pictures are still pretty. The only
1103 other differences to what's in @ref step_38 "step-38" is that we changed the right hand side
1104 to @f$f(\mathbf x)=\sin x_3@f$ and the boundary values (through the
1105 <code>Solution</code> class) to @f$u(\mathbf x)|_{\partial\Omega}=\cos x_3@f$. Of
1106 course, we now non longer know the exact solution, so the computation of the
1107 error at the end of <code>LaplaceBeltrami::run</code> will yield a meaningless
1108 number.
1109 <a name="PlainProg"></a>
1110 <h1> The plain program</h1>
1111 @include ""
1112  */
void write_gnuplot(const Triangulation< dim, spacedim > &tria, std::ostream &out, const Mapping< dim, spacedim > *mapping=nullptr) const
VectorizedArray< Number > sin(const ::VectorizedArray< Number > &x)
void transform(const Transformation &transformation, Triangulation< dim, spacedim > &triangulation)
VectorizedArray< Number > cos(const ::VectorizedArray< Number > &x)