Referencing the deal.II online documentation from your project

deal.II has an extensive reference documentation generated by Doxygen. One of the many features of Doxygen is, that all class names, function names and so on are cross-linked in the documentation, and a single click suffices to jump to the documentation of an object.

When you write online documentation for your own code, it might come pretty handy if you could provide links directly into the deal.II documentation. And indeed, you can. Here is how:

  1. Download the tag file for Doxygen. As of now, the link to the tag file can be found on the main documentation page generated by Doxygen, if the online documentation is available, here. For older revisions, links are provided here by revision number: 9.6.0, 9.5.0, 9.4.0, 9.3.3, 9.2.0, 9.1.1, 9.0.0, 8.5.0.
  2. Once your deal.tag file is in a location where Doxygen can find it, add the following line to your Doxygen configuration file:
    TAGFILES = deal.tag=
    where X.Y.Z refers to the release number for which you downloaded the tag file.

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