Reference documentation for deal.II version 9.6.0
\(\newcommand{\dealvcentcolon}{\mathrel{\mathop{:}}}\) \(\newcommand{\dealcoloneq}{\dealvcentcolon\mathrel{\mkern-1.2mu}=}\) \(\newcommand{\jump}[1]{\left[\!\left[ #1 \right]\!\right]}\) \(\newcommand{\average}[1]{\left\{\!\left\{ #1 \right\}\!\right\}}\)
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743) const
744 *   {
745 *   std::ofstream out(output_name_base + "-" +
746 *   std::to_string(this->refinement_cycle) + ".svg");
747 *   GridOut().write_svg(dof_handler.get_triangulation(), out);
748 *   }
749 *   } // namespace Evaluation
750 *  
751 *  
752 * @endcode
753 *
754 *
755 * <a name="step_14-TheLaplacesolverclasses"></a>
756 * <h3>The Laplace solver classes</h3>
757 *
759 *
760 * Next are the actual solver classes. Again, we discuss only the
761 * differences to the previous program.
762 *
763 * @code
764 *   namespace LaplaceSolver
765 *   {
766 * @endcode
767 *
768 *
769 * <a name="step_14-TheLaplacesolverbaseclass"></a>
770 * <h4>The Laplace solver base class</h4>
771 *
773 *
774 * This class is almost unchanged, with the exception that it declares two
775 * more functions: <code>output_solution</code> will be used to generate
776 * output files from the actual solutions computed by derived classes, and
777 * the <code>set_refinement_cycle</code> function by which the testing
778 * framework sets the number of the refinement cycle to a local variable
779 * in this class; this number is later used to generate filenames for the
780 * solution output.
781 *
782 * @code
783 *   template <int dim>
784 *   class Base
785 *   {
786 *   public:
787 *   Base(Triangulation<dim> &coarse_grid);
788 *   virtual ~Base() = default;
789 *  
790 *   virtual void solve_problem() = 0;
791 *   virtual void postprocess(
792 *   const Evaluation::EvaluationBase<dim> &postprocessor) const = 0;
793 *   virtual void refine_grid() = 0;
794 *   virtual unsigned int n_dofs() const = 0;
795 *  
796 *   virtual void set_refinement_cycle(const unsigned int cycle);
797 *  
798 *   virtual void output_solution() const = 0;
799 *  
800 *   protected:
802 *  
803 *   unsigned int refinement_cycle;
804 *   };
805 *  
806 *  
807 *   template <int dim>
808 *   Base<dim>::Base(Triangulation<dim> &coarse_grid)
809 *   : triangulation(&coarse_grid)
810 *   , refinement_cycle(numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
811 *   {}
812 *  
813 *  
814 *  
815 *   template <int dim>
816 *   void Base<dim>::set_refinement_cycle(const unsigned int cycle)
817 *   {
818 *   refinement_cycle = cycle;
819 *   }
820 *  
821 *  
822 * @endcode
823 *
824 *
825 * <a name="step_14-TheLaplaceSolverclass"></a>
826 * <h4>The Laplace Solver class</h4>
827 *
829 *
830 * Likewise, the <code>Solver</code> class is entirely unchanged and will
831 * thus not be discussed.
832 *
833 * @code
834 *   template <int dim>
835 *   class Solver : public virtual Base<dim>
836 *   {
837 *   public:
839 *   const FiniteElement<dim> &fe,
840 *   const Quadrature<dim> &quadrature,
841 *   const Quadrature<dim - 1> &face_quadrature,
842 *   const Function<dim> &boundary_values);
843 *   virtual ~Solver() override;
844 *  
845 *   virtual void solve_problem() override;
846 *  
847 *   virtual void postprocess(
848 *   const Evaluation::EvaluationBase<dim> &postprocessor) const override;
849 *  
850 *   virtual unsigned int n_dofs() const override;
851 *  
852 *   protected:
854 *   const SmartPointer<const Quadrature<dim>> quadrature;
855 *   const SmartPointer<const Quadrature<dim - 1>> face_quadrature;
856 *   DoFHandler<dim> dof_handler;
857 *   Vector<double> solution;
858 *   const SmartPointer<const Function<dim>> boundary_values;
859 *  
860 *   virtual void assemble_rhs(Vector<double> &rhs) const = 0;
861 *  
862 *   private:
863 *   struct LinearSystem
864 *   {
865 *   LinearSystem(const DoFHandler<dim> &dof_handler);
866 *  
867 *   void solve(Vector<double> &solution) const;
868 *  
869 *   AffineConstraints<double> hanging_node_constraints;
870 *   SparsityPattern sparsity_pattern;
872 *   Vector<double> rhs;
873 *   };
874 *  
875 *  
876 * @endcode
877 *
878 * The remainder of the class is essentially a copy of @ref step_13 "step-13"
879 * as well, including the data structures and functions
880 * necessary to compute the linear system in parallel using the
881 * WorkStream framework:
882 *
883 * @code
884 *   struct AssemblyScratchData
885 *   {
886 *   AssemblyScratchData(const FiniteElement<dim> &fe,
887 *   const Quadrature<dim> &quadrature);
888 *   AssemblyScratchData(const AssemblyScratchData &scratch_data);
889 *  
890 *   FEValues<dim> fe_values;
891 *   };
892 *  
893 *   struct AssemblyCopyData
894 *   {
896 *   std::vector<types::global_dof_index> local_dof_indices;
897 *   };
898 *  
899 *  
900 *   void assemble_linear_system(LinearSystem &linear_system);
901 *  
902 *   void local_assemble_matrix(
903 *   const typename DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator &cell,
904 *   AssemblyScratchData &scratch_data,
905 *   AssemblyCopyData &copy_data) const;
906 *  
907 *  
908 *   void copy_local_to_global(const AssemblyCopyData &copy_data,
909 *   LinearSystem &linear_system) const;
910 *   };
911 *  
912 *  
913 *  
914 *   template <int dim>
915 *   Solver<dim>::Solver(Triangulation<dim> &triangulation,
916 *   const FiniteElement<dim> &fe,
917 *   const Quadrature<dim> &quadrature,
918 *   const Quadrature<dim - 1> &face_quadrature,
919 *   const Function<dim> &boundary_values)
920 *   : Base<dim>(triangulation)
921 *   , fe(&fe)
922 *   , quadrature(&quadrature)
923 *   , face_quadrature(&face_quadrature)
924 *   , dof_handler(triangulation)
925 *   , boundary_values(&boundary_values)
926 *   {}
927 *  
928 *  
929 *   template <int dim>
930 *   Solver<dim>::~Solver()
931 *   {
932 *   dof_handler.clear();
933 *   }
934 *  
935 *  
936 *   template <int dim>
937 *   void Solver<dim>::solve_problem()
938 *   {
939 *   dof_handler.distribute_dofs(*fe);
940 *   solution.reinit(dof_handler.n_dofs());
941 *  
942 *   LinearSystem linear_system(dof_handler);
943 *   assemble_linear_system(linear_system);
944 *   linear_system.solve(solution);
945 *   }
946 *  
947 *  
948 *   template <int dim>
949 *   void Solver<dim>::postprocess(
950 *   const Evaluation::EvaluationBase<dim> &postprocessor) const
951 *   {
952 *   postprocessor(dof_handler, solution);
953 *   }
954 *  
955 *  
956 *   template <int dim>
957 *   unsigned int Solver<dim>::n_dofs() const
958 *   {
959 *   return dof_handler.n_dofs();
960 *   }
961 *  
962 *  
963 * @endcode
964 *
965 * The following few functions and constructors are verbatim
966 * copies taken from @ref step_13 "step-13":
967 *
968 * @code
969 *   template <int dim>
970 *   void Solver<dim>::assemble_linear_system(LinearSystem &linear_system)
971 *   {
972 *   Threads::Task<void> rhs_task =
973 *   Threads::new_task(&Solver<dim>::assemble_rhs, *this, linear_system.rhs);
974 *  
975 *   auto worker =
976 *   [this](const typename DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator &cell,
977 *   AssemblyScratchData &scratch_data,
978 *   AssemblyCopyData &copy_data) {
979 *   this->local_assemble_matrix(cell, scratch_data, copy_data);
980 *   };
981 *  
982 *   auto copier = [this, &linear_system](const AssemblyCopyData &copy_data) {
983 *   this->copy_local_to_global(copy_data, linear_system);
984 *   };
985 *  
986 *   WorkStream::run(dof_handler.begin_active(),
987 *   dof_handler.end(),
988 *   worker,
989 *   copier,
990 *   AssemblyScratchData(*fe, *quadrature),
991 *   AssemblyCopyData());
992 *   linear_system.hanging_node_constraints.condense(linear_system.matrix);
993 *  
994 *   std::map<types::global_dof_index, double> boundary_value_map;
996 *   0,
997 *   *boundary_values,
998 *   boundary_value_map);
999 *  
1000 *   rhs_task.join();
1001 *   linear_system.hanging_node_constraints.condense(linear_system.rhs);
1002 *  
1003 *   MatrixTools::apply_boundary_values(boundary_value_map,
1004 *   linear_system.matrix,
1005 *   solution,
1006 *   linear_system.rhs);
1007 *   }
1008 *  
1009 *  
1010 *   template <int dim>
1011 *   Solver<dim>::AssemblyScratchData::AssemblyScratchData(
1012 *   const FiniteElement<dim> &fe,
1013 *   const Quadrature<dim> &quadrature)
1014 *   : fe_values(fe, quadrature, update_gradients | update_JxW_values)
1015 *   {}
1016 *  
1017 *  
1018 *   template <int dim>
1019 *   Solver<dim>::AssemblyScratchData::AssemblyScratchData(
1020 *   const AssemblyScratchData &scratch_data)
1021 *   : fe_values(scratch_data.fe_values.get_fe(),
1022 *   scratch_data.fe_values.get_quadrature(),
1024 *   {}
1025 *  
1026 *  
1027 *   template <int dim>
1028 *   void Solver<dim>::local_assemble_matrix(
1029 *   const typename DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator &cell,
1030 *   AssemblyScratchData &scratch_data,
1031 *   AssemblyCopyData &copy_data) const
1032 *   {
1033 *   const unsigned int dofs_per_cell = fe->n_dofs_per_cell();
1034 *   const unsigned int n_q_points = quadrature->size();
1035 *  
1036 *   copy_data.cell_matrix.reinit(dofs_per_cell, dofs_per_cell);
1037 *  
1038 *   copy_data.local_dof_indices.resize(dofs_per_cell);
1039 *  
1040 *   scratch_data.fe_values.reinit(cell);
1041 *  
1042 *   for (unsigned int q_point = 0; q_point < n_q_points; ++q_point)
1043 *   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dofs_per_cell; ++i)
1044 *   for (unsigned int j = 0; j < dofs_per_cell; ++j)
1045 *   copy_data.cell_matrix(i, j) +=
1046 *   (scratch_data.fe_values.shape_grad(i, q_point) *
1047 *   scratch_data.fe_values.shape_grad(j, q_point) *
1048 *   scratch_data.fe_values.JxW(q_point));
1049 *  
1050 *   cell->get_dof_indices(copy_data.local_dof_indices);
1051 *   }
1052 *  
1053 *  
1054 *  
1055 *   template <int dim>
1056 *   void Solver<dim>::copy_local_to_global(const AssemblyCopyData &copy_data,
1057 *   LinearSystem &linear_system) const
1058 *   {
1059 *   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < copy_data.local_dof_indices.size(); ++i)
1060 *   for (unsigned int j = 0; j < copy_data.local_dof_indices.size(); ++j)
1061 *   linear_system.matrix.add(copy_data.local_dof_indices[i],
1062 *   copy_data.local_dof_indices[j],
1063 *   copy_data.cell_matrix(i, j));
1064 *   }
1065 *  
1066 *  
1067 * @endcode
1068 *
1069 * Now for the functions that implement actions in the linear
1070 * system class. First, the constructor initializes all data
1071 * elements to their correct sizes, and sets up a number of
1072 * additional data structures, such as constraints due to hanging
1073 * nodes. Since setting up the hanging nodes and finding out about
1074 * the nonzero elements of the matrix is independent, we do that
1075 * in parallel (if the library was configured to use concurrency,
1076 * at least; otherwise, the actions are performed
1077 * sequentially). Note that we start only one thread, and do the
1078 * second action in the main thread. Since only one thread is
1079 * generated, we don't use the <code>Threads::TaskGroup</code>
1080 * class here, but rather use the one created task object
1081 * directly to wait for this particular task's exit. The
1082 * approach is generally the same as the one we have used in
1083 * <code>Solver::assemble_linear_system()</code> above.
1084 *
1086 *
1087 * Note that taking the address of the
1088 * <code>DoFTools::make_hanging_node_constraints</code> function
1089 * is a little tricky, since there are actually three functions of
1090 * this name, one for each supported space dimension. Taking
1091 * addresses of overloaded functions is somewhat complicated in
1092 * C++, since the address-of operator <code>&</code> in that case
1093 * returns a set of values (the addresses of all
1094 * functions with that name), and selecting the right one is then
1095 * the next step. If the context dictates which one to take (for
1096 * example by assigning to a function pointer of known type), then
1097 * the compiler can do that by itself, but if this set of pointers
1098 * shall be given as the argument to a function that takes a
1099 * template, the compiler could choose all without having a
1100 * preference for one. We therefore have to make it clear to the
1101 * compiler which one we would like to have; for this, we could
1102 * use a cast, but for more clarity, we assign it to a temporary
1103 * <code>mhnc_p</code> (short for <code>pointer to
1104 * make_hanging_node_constraints</code>) with the right type, and
1105 * using this pointer instead.
1106 *
1107 * @code
1108 *   template <int dim>
1109 *   Solver<dim>::LinearSystem::LinearSystem(const DoFHandler<dim> &dof_handler)
1110 *   {
1111 *   hanging_node_constraints.clear();
1112 *  
1113 *   void (*mhnc_p)(const DoFHandler<dim> &, AffineConstraints<double> &) =
1115 *  
1116 * @endcode
1117 *
1118 * Start a side task then continue on the main thread
1119 *
1120 * @code
1121 *   Threads::Task<void> side_task =
1122 *   Threads::new_task(mhnc_p, dof_handler, hanging_node_constraints);
1123 *  
1124 *   DynamicSparsityPattern dsp(dof_handler.n_dofs(), dof_handler.n_dofs());
1125 *   DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern(dof_handler, dsp);
1126 *  
1127 *  
1128 *  
1129 * @endcode
1130 *
1131 * Wait for the side task to be done before going further
1132 *
1133 * @code
1134 *   side_task.join();
1135 *  
1136 *   hanging_node_constraints.close();
1137 *   hanging_node_constraints.condense(dsp);
1138 *   sparsity_pattern.copy_from(dsp);
1139 *  
1140 *   matrix.reinit(sparsity_pattern);
1141 *   rhs.reinit(dof_handler.n_dofs());
1142 *   }
1143 *  
1144 *  
1145 *  
1146 *   template <int dim>
1147 *   void Solver<dim>::LinearSystem::solve(Vector<double> &solution) const
1148 *   {
1149 *   SolverControl solver_control(5000, 1e-12);
1150 *   SolverCG<Vector<double>> cg(solver_control);
1151 *  
1152 *   PreconditionSSOR<SparseMatrix<double>> preconditioner;
1153 *   preconditioner.initialize(matrix, 1.2);
1154 *  
1155 *   cg.solve(matrix, solution, rhs, preconditioner);
1156 *  
1157 *   hanging_node_constraints.distribute(solution);
1158 *   }
1159 *  
1160 *  
1161 *  
1162 * @endcode
1163 *
1164 *
1165 * <a name="step_14-ThePrimalSolverclass"></a>
1166 * <h4>The PrimalSolver class</h4>
1167 *
1169 *
1170 * The <code>PrimalSolver</code> class is also mostly unchanged except for
1171 * implementing the <code>output_solution</code> function. We keep the
1172 * <code>GlobalRefinement</code> and <code>RefinementKelly</code> classes
1173 * in this program, and they can then rely on the default implementation
1174 * of this function which simply outputs the primal solution. The class
1175 * implementing dual weighted error estimators will overload this function
1176 * itself, to also output the dual solution.
1177 *
1178 * @code
1179 *   template <int dim>
1180 *   class PrimalSolver : public Solver<dim>
1181 *   {
1182 *   public:
1183 *   PrimalSolver(Triangulation<dim> &triangulation,
1184 *   const FiniteElement<dim> &fe,
1185 *   const Quadrature<dim> &quadrature,
1186 *   const Quadrature<dim - 1> &face_quadrature,
1187 *   const Function<dim> &rhs_function,
1188 *   const Function<dim> &boundary_values);
1189 *  
1190 *   virtual void output_solution() const override;
1191 *  
1192 *   protected:
1193 *   const SmartPointer<const Function<dim>> rhs_function;
1194 *   virtual void assemble_rhs(Vector<double> &rhs) const override;
1195 *   };
1196 *  
1197 *  
1198 *   template <int dim>
1199 *   PrimalSolver<dim>::PrimalSolver(Triangulation<dim> &triangulation,
1200 *   const FiniteElement<dim> &fe,
1201 *   const Quadrature<dim> &quadrature,
1202 *   const Quadrature<dim - 1> &face_quadrature,
1203 *   const Function<dim> &rhs_function,
1204 *   const Function<dim> &boundary_values)
1205 *   : Base<dim>(triangulation)
1206 *   , Solver<dim>(triangulation,
1207 *   fe,
1208 *   quadrature,
1209 *   face_quadrature,
1210 *   boundary_values)
1211 *   , rhs_function(&rhs_function)
1212 *   {}
1213 *  
1214 *  
1215 *  
1216 *   template <int dim>
1217 *   void PrimalSolver<dim>::output_solution() const
1218 *   {
1219 *   DataOut<dim> data_out;
1220 *   data_out.attach_dof_handler(this->dof_handler);
1221 *   data_out.add_data_vector(this->solution, "solution");
1222 *   data_out.build_patches();
1223 *  
1224 *   std::ofstream out("solution-" + std::to_string(this->refinement_cycle) +
1225 *   ".vtu");
1226 *   data_out.write(out, DataOutBase::vtu);
1227 *   }
1228 *  
1229 *  
1230 *  
1231 *   template <int dim>
1232 *   void PrimalSolver<dim>::assemble_rhs(Vector<double> &rhs) const
1233 *   {
1234 *   FEValues<dim> fe_values(*this->fe,
1235 *   *this->quadrature,
1237 *   update_JxW_values);
1238 *  
1239 *   const unsigned int dofs_per_cell = this->fe->n_dofs_per_cell();
1240 *   const unsigned int n_q_points = this->quadrature->size();
1241 *  
1242 *   Vector<double> cell_rhs(dofs_per_cell);
1243 *   std::vector<double> rhs_values(n_q_points);
1244 *   std::vector<types::global_dof_index> local_dof_indices(dofs_per_cell);
1245 *  
1246 *   for (const auto &cell : this->dof_handler.active_cell_iterators())
1247 *   {
1248 *   cell_rhs = 0;
1249 *  
1250 *   fe_values.reinit(cell);
1251 *  
1252 *   rhs_function->value_list(fe_values.get_quadrature_points(),
1253 *   rhs_values);
1254 *  
1255 *   for (unsigned int q_point = 0; q_point < n_q_points; ++q_point)
1256 *   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dofs_per_cell; ++i)
1257 *   cell_rhs(i) += (fe_values.shape_value(i, q_point) * // phi_i(x_q)
1258 *   rhs_values[q_point] * // f((x_q)
1259 *   fe_values.JxW(q_point)); // dx
1260 *  
1261 *   cell->get_dof_indices(local_dof_indices);
1262 *   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dofs_per_cell; ++i)
1263 *   rhs(local_dof_indices[i]) += cell_rhs(i);
1264 *   }
1265 *   }
1266 *  
1267 *  
1268 * @endcode
1269 *
1270 *
1271 * <a name="step_14-TheRefinementGlobalandRefinementKellyclasses"></a>
1272 * <h4>The RefinementGlobal and RefinementKelly classes</h4>
1273 *
1275 *
1276 * For the following two classes, the same applies as for most of the
1277 * above: the class is taken from the previous example as-is:
1278 *
1279 * @code
1280 *   template <int dim>
1281 *   class RefinementGlobal : public PrimalSolver<dim>
1282 *   {
1283 *   public:
1284 *   RefinementGlobal(Triangulation<dim> &coarse_grid,
1285 *   const FiniteElement<dim> &fe,
1286 *   const Quadrature<dim> &quadrature,
1287 *   const Quadrature<dim - 1> &face_quadrature,
1288 *   const Function<dim> &rhs_function,
1289 *   const Function<dim> &boundary_values);
1290 *  
1291 *   virtual void refine_grid() override;
1292 *   };
1293 *  
1294 *  
1295 *  
1296 *   template <int dim>
1297 *   RefinementGlobal<dim>::RefinementGlobal(
1298 *   Triangulation<dim> &coarse_grid,
1299 *   const FiniteElement<dim> &fe,
1300 *   const Quadrature<dim> &quadrature,
1301 *   const Quadrature<dim - 1> &face_quadrature,
1302 *   const Function<dim> &rhs_function,
1303 *   const Function<dim> &boundary_values)
1304 *   : Base<dim>(coarse_grid)
1305 *   , PrimalSolver<dim>(coarse_grid,
1306 *   fe,
1307 *   quadrature,
1308 *   face_quadrature,
1309 *   rhs_function,
1310 *   boundary_values)
1311 *   {}
1312 *  
1313 *  
1314 *  
1315 *   template <int dim>
1316 *   void RefinementGlobal<dim>::refine_grid()
1317 *   {
1318 *   this->triangulation->refine_global(1);
1319 *   }
1320 *  
1321 *  
1322 *  
1323 *   template <int dim>
1324 *   class RefinementKelly : public PrimalSolver<dim>
1325 *   {
1326 *   public:
1327 *   RefinementKelly(Triangulation<dim> &coarse_grid,
1328 *   const FiniteElement<dim> &fe,
1329 *   const Quadrature<dim> &quadrature,
1330 *   const Quadrature<dim - 1> &face_quadrature,
1331 *   const Function<dim> &rhs_function,
1332 *   const Function<dim> &boundary_values);
1333 *  
1334 *   virtual void refine_grid() override;
1335 *   };
1336 *  
1337 *  
1338 *  
1339 *   template <int dim>
1340 *   RefinementKelly<dim>::RefinementKelly(
1341 *   Triangulation<dim> &coarse_grid,
1342 *   const FiniteElement<dim> &fe,
1343 *   const Quadrature<dim> &quadrature,
1344 *   const Quadrature<dim - 1> &face_quadrature,
1345 *   const Function<dim> &rhs_function,
1346 *   const Function<dim> &boundary_values)
1347 *   : Base<dim>(coarse_grid)
1348 *   , PrimalSolver<dim>(coarse_grid,
1349 *   fe,
1350 *   quadrature,
1351 *   face_quadrature,
1352 *   rhs_function,
1353 *   boundary_values)
1354 *   {}
1355 *  
1356 *  
1357 *  
1358 *   template <int dim>
1359 *   void RefinementKelly<dim>::refine_grid()
1360 *   {
1361 *   Vector<float> estimated_error_per_cell(
1362 *   this->triangulation->n_active_cells());
1364 *   this->dof_handler,
1365 *   QGauss<dim - 1>(this->fe->degree + 1),
1366 *   std::map<types::boundary_id, const Function<dim> *>(),
1367 *   this->solution,
1368 *   estimated_error_per_cell);
1370 *   estimated_error_per_cell,
1371 *   0.3,
1372 *   0.03);
1374 *   }
1375 *  
1376 *  
1377 *  
1378 * @endcode
1379 *
1380 *
1381 * <a name="step_14-TheRefinementWeightedKellyclass"></a>
1382 * <h4>The RefinementWeightedKelly class</h4>
1383 *
1385 *
1386 * This class is a variant of the previous one, in that it allows to
1387 * weight the refinement indicators we get from the library's Kelly
1388 * indicator by some function. We include this class since the goal of
1389 * this example program is to demonstrate automatic refinement criteria
1390 * even for complex output quantities such as point values or stresses. If
1391 * we did not solve a dual problem and compute the weights thereof, we
1392 * would probably be tempted to give a hand-crafted weighting to the
1393 * indicators to account for the fact that we are going to evaluate these
1394 * quantities. This class accepts such a weighting function as argument to
1395 * its constructor:
1396 *
1397 * @code
1398 *   template <int dim>
1399 *   class RefinementWeightedKelly : public PrimalSolver<dim>
1400 *   {
1401 *   public:
1402 *   RefinementWeightedKelly(Triangulation<dim> &coarse_grid,
1403 *   const FiniteElement<dim> &fe,
1404 *   const Quadrature<dim> &quadrature,
1405 *   const Quadrature<dim - 1> &face_quadrature,
1406 *   const Function<dim> &rhs_function,
1407 *   const Function<dim> &boundary_values,
1408 *   const Function<dim> &weighting_function);
1409 *  
1410 *   virtual void refine_grid() override;
1411 *  
1412 *   private:
1413 *   const SmartPointer<const Function<dim>> weighting_function;
1414 *   };
1415 *  
1416 *  
1417 *  
1418 *   template <int dim>
1419 *   RefinementWeightedKelly<dim>::RefinementWeightedKelly(
1420 *   Triangulation<dim> &coarse_grid,
1421 *   const FiniteElement<dim> &fe,
1422 *   const Quadrature<dim> &quadrature,
1423 *   const Quadrature<dim - 1> &face_quadrature,
1424 *   const Function<dim> &rhs_function,
1425 *   const Function<dim> &boundary_values,
1426 *   const Function<dim> &weighting_function)
1427 *   : Base<dim>(coarse_grid)
1428 *   , PrimalSolver<dim>(coarse_grid,
1429 *   fe,
1430 *   quadrature,
1431 *   face_quadrature,
1432 *   rhs_function,
1433 *   boundary_values)
1434 *   , weighting_function(&weighting_function)
1435 *   {}
1436 *  
1437 *  
1438 *  
1439 * @endcode
1440 *
1441 * Now, here comes the main function, including the weighting:
1442 *
1443 * @code
1444 *   template <int dim>
1445 *   void RefinementWeightedKelly<dim>::refine_grid()
1446 *   {
1447 * @endcode
1448 *
1449 * First compute some residual based error indicators for all cells by a
1450 * method already implemented in the library. What exactly we compute
1451 * here is described in more detail in the documentation of that class.
1452 *
1453 * @code
1454 *   Vector<float> estimated_error_per_cell(
1455 *   this->triangulation->n_active_cells());
1456 *   std::map<types::boundary_id, const Function<dim> *> dummy_function_map;
1457 *   KellyErrorEstimator<dim>::estimate(this->dof_handler,
1458 *   *this->face_quadrature,
1459 *   dummy_function_map,
1460 *   this->solution,
1461 *   estimated_error_per_cell);
1462 *  
1463 * @endcode
1464 *
1465 * Next weigh each entry in the vector of indicators by the value of the
1466 * function given to the constructor, evaluated at the cell center. We
1467 * need to write the result into the vector entry that corresponds to the
1468 * current cell, which we can obtain by asking the cell what its index
1469 * among all active cells is using CellAccessor::active_cell_index(). (In
1470 * reality, this index is zero for the first cell we handle in the loop,
1471 * one for the second cell, etc., and we could as well just keep track of
1472 * this index using an integer counter; but using
1473 * CellAccessor::active_cell_index() makes this more explicit.)
1474 *
1475 * @code
1476 *   for (const auto &cell : this->dof_handler.active_cell_iterators())
1477 *   estimated_error_per_cell(cell->active_cell_index()) *=
1478 *   weighting_function->value(cell->center());
1479 *  
1480 *   GridRefinement::refine_and_coarsen_fixed_number(*this->triangulation,
1481 *   estimated_error_per_cell,
1482 *   0.3,
1483 *   0.03);
1484 *   this->triangulation->execute_coarsening_and_refinement();
1485 *   }
1486 *  
1487 *   } // namespace LaplaceSolver
1488 *  
1489 *  
1490 * @endcode
1491 *
1492 *
1493 * <a name="step_14-Equationdata"></a>
1494 * <h3>Equation data</h3>
1495 *
1497 *
1498 * In this example program, we work with the same data sets as in the
1499 * previous one, but as it may so happen that someone wants to run the
1500 * program with different boundary values and right hand side functions, or
1501 * on a different grid, we show a simple technique to do exactly that. For
1502 * more clarity, we furthermore pack everything that has to do with equation
1503 * data into a namespace of its own.
1504 *
1506 *
1507 * The underlying assumption is that this is a research program, and that
1508 * there we often have a number of test cases that consist of a domain, a
1509 * right hand side, boundary values, possibly a specified coefficient, and a
1510 * number of other parameters. They often vary all at the same time when
1511 * shifting from one example to another. To make handling such sets of
1512 * problem description parameters simple is the goal of the following.
1513 *
1515 *
1516 * Basically, the idea is this: let us have a structure for each set of
1517 * data, in which we pack everything that describes a test case: here, these
1518 * are two subclasses, one called <code>BoundaryValues</code> for the
1519 * boundary values of the exact solution, and one called
1520 * <code>RightHandSide</code>, and then a way to generate the coarse
1521 * grid. Since the solution of the previous example program looked like
1522 * curved ridges, we use this name here for the enclosing class. Note that
1523 * the names of the two inner classes have to be the same for all enclosing
1524 * test case classes, and also that we have attached the dimension template
1525 * argument to the enclosing class rather than to the inner ones, to make
1526 * further processing simpler. (From a language viewpoint, a namespace
1527 * would be better to encapsulate these inner classes, rather than a
1528 * structure. However, namespaces cannot be given as template arguments, so
1529 * we use a structure to allow a second object to select from within its
1530 * given argument. The enclosing structure, of course, has no member
1531 * variables apart from the classes it declares, and a static function to
1532 * generate the coarse mesh; it will in general never be instantiated.)
1533 *
1535 *
1536 * The idea is then the following (this is the right time to also take a
1537 * brief look at the code below): we can generate objects for boundary
1538 * values and right hand side by simply giving the name of the outer class
1539 * as a template argument to a class which we call here
1540 * <code>Data::SetUp</code>, and it then creates objects for the inner
1541 * classes. In this case, to get all that characterizes the curved ridge
1542 * solution, we would simply generate an instance of
1543 * <code>Data::SetUp@<Data::CurvedRidge@></code>, and everything we need to
1544 * know about the solution would be static member variables and functions of
1545 * that object.
1546 *
1548 *
1549 * This approach might seem like overkill in this case, but will become very
1550 * handy once a certain set up is not only characterized by Dirichlet
1551 * boundary values and a right hand side function, but in addition by
1552 * material properties, Neumann values, different boundary descriptors,
1553 * etc. In that case, the <code>SetUp</code> class might consist of a dozen
1554 * or more objects, and each descriptor class (like the
1555 * <code>CurvedRidges</code> class below) would have to provide them. Then,
1556 * you will be happy to be able to change from one set of data to another by
1557 * only changing the template argument to the <code>SetUp</code> class at
1558 * one place, rather than at many.
1559 *
1561 *
1562 * With this framework for different test cases, we are almost finished, but
1563 * one thing remains: by now we can select statically, by changing one
1564 * template argument, which data set to choose. In order to be able to do
1565 * that dynamically, i.e. at run time, we need a base class. This we provide
1566 * in the obvious way, see below, with virtual abstract functions. It forces
1567 * us to introduce a second template parameter <code>dim</code> which we
1568 * need for the base class (which could be avoided using some template
1569 * magic, but we omit that), but that's all.
1570 *
1572 *
1573 * Adding new testcases is now simple, you don't have to touch the framework
1574 * classes, only a structure like the <code>CurvedRidges</code> one is
1575 * needed.
1576 *
1577 * @code
1578 *   namespace Data
1579 *   {
1580 * @endcode
1581 *
1582 *
1583 * <a name="step_14-TheSetUpBaseandSetUpclasses"></a>
1584 * <h4>The SetUpBase and SetUp classes</h4>
1585 *
1587 *
1588 * Based on the above description, the <code>SetUpBase</code> class then
1589 * looks as follows. To allow using the <code>SmartPointer</code> class
1590 * with this class, we derived from the <code>Subscriptor</code> class.
1591 *
1592 * @code
1593 *   template <int dim>
1594 *   struct SetUpBase : public Subscriptor
1595 *   {
1596 *   virtual const Function<dim> &get_boundary_values() const = 0;
1597 *  
1598 *   virtual const Function<dim> &get_right_hand_side() const = 0;
1599 *  
1600 *   virtual void
1601 *   create_coarse_grid(Triangulation<dim> &coarse_grid) const = 0;
1602 *   };
1603 *  
1604 *  
1605 * @endcode
1606 *
1607 * And now for the derived class that takes the template argument as
1608 * explained above.
1609 *
1611 *
1612 * Here we pack the data elements into private variables, and allow access
1613 * to them through the methods of the base class.
1614 *
1615 * @code
1616 *   template <class Traits, int dim>
1617 *   struct SetUp : public SetUpBase<dim>
1618 *   {
1619 *   virtual const Function<dim> &get_boundary_values() const override;
1620 *  
1621 *   virtual const Function<dim> &get_right_hand_side() const override;
1622 *  
1623 *  
1624 *   virtual void
1625 *   create_coarse_grid(Triangulation<dim> &coarse_grid) const override;
1626 *  
1627 *   private:
1628 *   static const typename Traits::BoundaryValues boundary_values;
1629 *   static const typename Traits::RightHandSide right_hand_side;
1630 *   };
1631 *  
1632 * @endcode
1633 *
1634 * We have to provide definitions for the static member variables of the
1635 * above class:
1636 *
1637 * @code
1638 *   template <class Traits, int dim>
1639 *   const typename Traits::BoundaryValues SetUp<Traits, dim>::boundary_values;
1640 *   template <class Traits, int dim>
1641 *   const typename Traits::RightHandSide SetUp<Traits, dim>::right_hand_side;
1642 *  
1643 * @endcode
1644 *
1645 * And definitions of the member functions:
1646 *
1647 * @code
1648 *   template <class Traits, int dim>
1649 *   const Function<dim> &SetUp<Traits, dim>::get_boundary_values() const
1650 *   {
1651 *   return boundary_values;
1652 *   }
1653 *  
1654 *  
1655 *   template <class Traits, int dim>
1656 *   const Function<dim> &SetUp<Traits, dim>::get_right_hand_side() const
1657 *   {
1658 *   return right_hand_side;
1659 *   }
1660 *  
1661 *  
1662 *   template <class Traits, int dim>
1663 *   void SetUp<Traits, dim>::create_coarse_grid(
1664 *   Triangulation<dim> &coarse_grid) const
1665 *   {
1666 *   Traits::create_coarse_grid(coarse_grid);
1667 *   }
1668 *  
1669 *  
1670 * @endcode
1671 *
1672 *
1673 * <a name="step_14-TheCurvedRidgesclass"></a>
1674 * <h4>The CurvedRidges class</h4>
1675 *
1677 *
1678 * The class that is used to describe the boundary values and right hand
1679 * side of the <code>curved ridge</code> problem already used in the
1680 * @ref step_13 "step-13" example program is then like so:
1681 *
1682 * @code
1683 *   template <int dim>
1684 *   struct CurvedRidges
1685 *   {
1686 *   class BoundaryValues : public Function<dim>
1687 *   {
1688 *   public:
1689 *   virtual double value(const Point<dim> &p,
1690 *   const unsigned int component) const;
1691 *   };
1692 *  
1693 *  
1694 *   class RightHandSide : public Function<dim>
1695 *   {
1696 *   public:
1697 *   virtual double value(const Point<dim> &p,
1698 *   const unsigned int component) const;
1699 *   };
1700 *  
1701 *   static void create_coarse_grid(Triangulation<dim> &coarse_grid);
1702 *   };
1703 *  
1704 *  
1705 *   template <int dim>
1706 *   double CurvedRidges<dim>::BoundaryValues::value(
1707 *   const Point<dim> &p,
1708 *   const unsigned int /*component*/) const
1709 *   {
1710 *   double q = p(0);
1711 *   for (unsigned int i = 1; i < dim; ++i)
1712 *   q += std::sin(10 * p(i) + 5 * p(0) * p(0));
1713 *   const double exponential = std::exp(q);
1714 *   return exponential;
1715 *   }
1716 *  
1717 *  
1718 *  
1719 *   template <int dim>
1720 *   double CurvedRidges<dim>::RightHandSide::value(
1721 *   const Point<dim> &p,
1722 *   const unsigned int /*component*/) const
1723 *   {
1724 *   double q = p(0);
1725 *   for (unsigned int i = 1; i < dim; ++i)
1726 *   q += std::sin(10 * p(i) + 5 * p(0) * p(0));
1727 *   const double u = std::exp(q);
1728 *   double t1 = 1, t2 = 0, t3 = 0;
1729 *   for (unsigned int i = 1; i < dim; ++i)
1730 *   {
1731 *   t1 += std::cos(10 * p(i) + 5 * p(0) * p(0)) * 10 * p(0);
1732 *   t2 += 10 * std::cos(10 * p(i) + 5 * p(0) * p(0)) -
1733 *   100 * std::sin(10 * p(i) + 5 * p(0) * p(0)) * p(0) * p(0);
1734 *   t3 += 100 * std::cos(10 * p(i) + 5 * p(0) * p(0)) *
1735 *   std::cos(10 * p(i) + 5 * p(0) * p(0)) -
1736 *   100 * std::sin(10 * p(i) + 5 * p(0) * p(0));
1737 *   }
1738 *   t1 = t1 * t1;
1739 *  
1740 *   return -u * (t1 + t2 + t3);
1741 *   }
1742 *  
1743 *  
1744 *   template <int dim>
1745 *   void CurvedRidges<dim>::create_coarse_grid(Triangulation<dim> &coarse_grid)
1746 *   {
1747 *   GridGenerator::hyper_cube(coarse_grid, -1, 1);
1748 *   coarse_grid.refine_global(2);
1749 *   }
1750 *  
1751 *  
1752 * @endcode
1753 *
1754 *
1755 * <a name="step_14-TheExercise_2_3class"></a>
1756 * <h4>The Exercise_2_3 class</h4>
1757 *
1759 *
1760 * This example program was written while giving practical courses for a
1761 * lecture on adaptive finite element methods and duality based error
1762 * estimates. For these courses, we had one exercise, which required to
1763 * solve the Laplace equation with constant right hand side on a square
1764 * domain with a square hole in the center, and zero boundary
1765 * values. Since the implementation of the properties of this problem is
1766 * so particularly simple here, lets do it. As the number of the exercise
1767 * was 2.3, we take the liberty to retain this name for the class as well.
1768 *
1769 * @code
1770 *   template <int dim>
1771 *   struct Exercise_2_3
1772 *   {
1773 * @endcode
1774 *
1775 * We need a class to denote the boundary values of the problem. In this
1776 * case, this is simple: it's the zero function, so don't even declare a
1777 * class, just an alias:
1778 *
1779 * @code
1780 *   using BoundaryValues = Functions::ZeroFunction<dim>;
1781 *  
1782 * @endcode
1783 *
1784 * Second, a class that denotes the right hand side. Since they are
1785 * constant, just subclass the corresponding class of the library and be
1786 * done:
1787 *
1788 * @code
1789 *   class RightHandSide : public Functions::ConstantFunction<dim>
1790 *   {
1791 *   public:
1792 *   RightHandSide()
1793 *   : Functions::ConstantFunction<dim>(1.)
1794 *   {}
1795 *   };
1796 *  
1797 * @endcode
1798 *
1799 * Finally a function to generate the coarse grid. This is somewhat more
1800 * complicated here, see immediately below.
1801 *
1802 * @code
1803 *   static void create_coarse_grid(Triangulation<dim> &coarse_grid);
1804 *   };
1805 *  
1806 *  
1807 * @endcode
1808 *
1809 * As stated above, the grid for this example is the square [-1,1]^2 with
1810 * the square [-1/2,1/2]^2 as hole in it. We create the coarse grid as 4
1811 * times 4 cells with the middle four ones missing. To understand how
1812 * exactly the mesh is going to look, it may be simplest to just look
1813 * at the "Results" section of this tutorial program first. In general,
1814 * if you'd like to understand more about creating meshes either from
1815 * scratch by hand, as we do here, or using other techniques, you
1816 * should take a look at @ref step_49 "step-49".
1817 *
1819 *
1820 * Of course, the example has an extension to 3d, but since this function
1821 * cannot be written in a dimension independent way we choose not to
1822 * implement this here, but rather only specialize the template for
1823 * dim=2. If you compile the program for 3d, you'll get a message from the
1824 * linker that this function is not implemented for 3d, and needs to be
1825 * provided.
1826 *
1828 *
1829 * For the creation of this geometry, the library has no predefined
1830 * method. In this case, the geometry is still simple enough to do the
1831 * creation by hand, rather than using a mesh generator.
1832 *
1833 * @code
1834 *   template <>
1835 *   void Exercise_2_3<2>::create_coarse_grid(Triangulation<2> &coarse_grid)
1836 *   {
1837 * @endcode
1838 *
1839 * We first define the space dimension, to allow those parts of the
1840 * function that are actually dimension independent to use this
1841 * variable. That makes it simpler if you later take this as a starting
1842 * point to implement a 3d version of this mesh. The next step is then
1843 * to have a list of vertices. Here, they are 24 (5 times 5, with the
1844 * middle one omitted). It is probably best to draw a sketch here.
1845 *
1846 * @code
1847 *   const unsigned int dim = 2;
1848 *  
1849 *   const std::vector<Point<2>> vertices = {
1850 *   {-1.0, -1.0}, {-0.5, -1.0}, {+0.0, -1.0}, {+0.5, -1.0}, {+1.0, -1.0},
1851 *   {-1.0, -0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5}, {+0.0, -0.5}, {+0.5, -0.5}, {+1.0, -0.5},
1852 *   {-1.0, +0.0}, {-0.5, +0.0}, {+0.5, +0.0}, {+1.0, +0.0},
1853 *   {-1.0, +0.5}, {-0.5, +0.5}, {+0.0, +0.5}, {+0.5, +0.5}, {+1.0, +0.5},
1854 *   {-1.0, +1.0}, {-0.5, +1.0}, {+0.0, +1.0}, {+0.5, +1.0}, {+1.0, +1.0}};
1855 *  
1856 * @endcode
1857 *
1858 * Next, we have to define the cells and the vertices they contain.
1859 *
1860 * @code
1861 *   const std::vector<std::array<int, GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell>>
1862 *   cell_vertices = {{{0, 1, 5, 6}},
1863 *   {{1, 2, 6, 7}},
1864 *   {{2, 3, 7, 8}},
1865 *   {{3, 4, 8, 9}},
1866 *   {{5, 6, 10, 11}},
1867 *   {{8, 9, 12, 13}},
1868 *   {{10, 11, 14, 15}},
1869 *   {{12, 13, 17, 18}},
1870 *   {{14, 15, 19, 20}},
1871 *   {{15, 16, 20, 21}},
1872 *   {{16, 17, 21, 22}},
1873 *   {{17, 18, 22, 23}}};
1874 *  
1875 *   const unsigned int n_cells = cell_vertices.size();
1876 *  
1877 * @endcode
1878 *
1879 * Again, we generate a C++ vector type from this, but this time by
1880 * looping over the cells (yes, this is boring). Additionally, we set
1881 * the material indicator to zero for all the cells:
1882 *
1883 * @code
1884 *   std::vector<CellData<dim>> cells(n_cells, CellData<dim>());
1885 *   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_cells; ++i)
1886 *   {
1887 *   for (unsigned int j = 0; j < cell_vertices[i].size(); ++j)
1888 *   cells[i].vertices[j] = cell_vertices[i][j];
1889 *   cells[i].material_id = 0;
1890 *   }
1891 *  
1892 * @endcode
1893 *
1894 * Finally pass all this information to the library to generate a
1895 * triangulation. The right call for this is
1896 * Triangulation::create_triangulation(), but that function wants
1897 * its input in a format in which cells are consistently oriented
1898 * in some way. It turns out that the mesh we describe with the
1899 * `vertices` and `cells` objects above already is consistently
1900 * oriented, but if you modify the code in some way it may not
1901 * be any more, and so it is good practice to call a function
1902 * that ensures it is -- GridTools::consistently_order_cells()
1903 * does this.
1904 *
1906 *
1907 * The last parameter of the call to Triangulation::create_triangulation()
1908 * below describes what we want to do about boundary and manifold
1909 * indicators on boundary faces. Here, we don't want to do anything
1910 * specific (in particular, we are fine with labeling all boundaries
1911 * with boundary indicator zero, and so we call the function with
1912 * an empty object as the last argument:
1913 *
1914 * @code
1916 *   coarse_grid.create_triangulation(vertices, cells, SubCellData());
1917 *  
1918 * @endcode
1919 *
1920 * And since we want that the evaluation point (3/4,3/4) in this example
1921 * is a grid point, we refine once globally:
1922 *
1923 * @code
1924 *   coarse_grid.refine_global(1);
1925 *   }
1926 *   } // namespace Data
1927 *  
1928 * @endcode
1929 *
1930 *
1931 * <a name="step_14-Discussion"></a>
1932 * <h4>Discussion</h4>
1933 *
1935 *
1936 * As you have now read through this framework, you may be wondering why we
1937 * have not chosen to implement the classes implementing a certain setup
1938 * (like the <code>CurvedRidges</code> class) directly as classes derived
1939 * from <code>Data::SetUpBase</code>. Indeed, we could have done very well
1940 * so. The only reason is that then we would have to have member variables
1941 * for the solution and right hand side classes in the
1942 * <code>CurvedRidges</code> class, as well as member functions overloading
1943 * the abstract functions of the base class giving access to these member
1944 * variables. The <code>SetUp</code> class has the sole reason to relieve us
1945 * from the need to reiterate these member variables and functions that
1946 * would be necessary in all such classes. In some way, the template
1947 * mechanism here only provides a way to have default implementations for a
1948 * number of functions that depend on external quantities and can thus not
1949 * be provided using normal virtual functions, at least not without the help
1950 * of templates.
1951 *
1953 *
1954 * However, there might be good reasons to actually implement classes
1955 * derived from <code>Data::SetUpBase</code>, for example if the solution or
1956 * right hand side classes require constructors that take arguments, which
1957 * the <code>Data::SetUpBase</code> class cannot provide. In that case,
1958 * subclassing is a worthwhile strategy. Other possibilities for special
1959 * cases are to derive from <code>Data::SetUp@<SomeSetUp@></code> where
1960 * <code>SomeSetUp</code> denotes a class, or even to explicitly specialize
1961 * <code>Data::SetUp@<SomeSetUp@></code>. The latter allows to transparently
1962 * use the way the <code>SetUp</code> class is used for other set-ups, but
1963 * with special actions taken for special arguments.
1964 *
1966 *
1967 * A final observation favoring the approach taken here is the following: we
1968 * have found numerous times that when starting a project, the number of
1969 * parameters (usually boundary values, right hand side, coarse grid, just
1970 * as here) was small, and the number of test cases was small as well. One
1971 * then starts out by handcoding them into a number of <code>switch</code>
1972 * statements. Over time, projects grow, and so does the number of test
1973 * cases. The number of <code>switch</code> statements grows with that, and
1974 * their length as well, and one starts to find ways to consider impossible
1975 * examples where domains, boundary values, and right hand sides do not fit
1976 * together any more, and starts losing the overview over the whole
1977 * structure. Encapsulating everything belonging to a certain test case into
1978 * a structure of its own has proven worthwhile for this, as it keeps
1979 * everything that belongs to one test case in one place. Furthermore, it
1980 * allows to put these things all in one or more files that are only devoted
1981 * to test cases and their data, without having to bring their actual
1982 * implementation into contact with the rest of the program.
1983 *
1985 *
1986 *
1988 *
1989 *
1990 * <a name="step_14-Dualfunctionals"></a>
1991 * <h3>Dual functionals</h3>
1992 *
1994 *
1995 * As with the other components of the program, we put everything we need to
1996 * describe dual functionals into a namespace of its own, and define an
1997 * abstract base class that provides the interface the class solving the
1998 * dual problem needs for its work.
1999 *
2001 *
2002 * We will then implement two such classes, for the evaluation of a point
2003 * value and of the derivative of the solution at that point. For these
2004 * functionals we already have the corresponding evaluation objects, so they
2005 * are complementary.
2006 *
2007 * @code
2008 *   namespace DualFunctional
2009 *   {
2010 * @endcode
2011 *
2012 *
2013 * <a name="step_14-TheDualFunctionalBaseclass"></a>
2014 * <h4>The DualFunctionalBase class</h4>
2015 *
2017 *
2018 * First start with the base class for dual functionals. Since for linear
2019 * problems the characteristics of the dual problem play a role only in
2020 * the right hand side, we only need to provide for a function that
2021 * assembles the right hand side for a given discretization:
2022 *
2023 * @code
2024 *   template <int dim>
2025 *   class DualFunctionalBase : public Subscriptor
2026 *   {
2027 *   public:
2028 *   virtual void assemble_rhs(const DoFHandler<dim> &dof_handler,
2029 *   Vector<double> &rhs) const = 0;
2030 *   };
2031 *  
2032 *  
2033 * @endcode
2034 *
2035 *
2036 * <a name="step_14-ThedualfunctionalPointValueEvaluationclass"></a>
2037 * <h4>The dual functional PointValueEvaluation class</h4>
2038 *
2040 *
2041 * As a first application, we consider the functional corresponding to the
2042 * evaluation of the solution's value at a given point which again we
2043 * assume to be a vertex. Apart from the constructor that takes and stores
2044 * the evaluation point, this class consists only of the function that
2045 * implements assembling the right hand side.
2046 *
2047 * @code
2048 *   template <int dim>
2049 *   class PointValueEvaluation : public DualFunctionalBase<dim>
2050 *   {
2051 *   public:
2052 *   PointValueEvaluation(const Point<dim> &evaluation_point);
2053 *  
2054 *   virtual void assemble_rhs(const DoFHandler<dim> &dof_handler,
2055 *   Vector<double> &rhs) const override;
2056 *  
2057 *   DeclException1(
2058 *   ExcEvaluationPointNotFound,
2059 *   Point<dim>,
2060 *   << "The evaluation point " << arg1
2061 *   << " was not found among the vertices of the present grid.");
2062 *  
2063 *   protected:
2064 *   const Point<dim> evaluation_point;
2065 *   };
2066 *  
2067 *  
2068 *   template <int dim>
2069 *   PointValueEvaluation<dim>::PointValueEvaluation(
2070 *   const Point<dim> &evaluation_point)
2071 *   : evaluation_point(evaluation_point)
2072 *   {}
2073 *  
2074 *  
2075 * @endcode
2076 *
2077 * As for doing the main purpose of the class, assembling the right hand
2078 * side, let us first consider what is necessary: The right hand side of
2079 * the dual problem is a vector of values J(phi_i), where J is the error
2080 * functional, and phi_i is the i-th shape function. Here, J is the
2081 * evaluation at the point x0, i.e. J(phi_i)=phi_i(x0).
2082 *
2084 *
2085 * Now, we have assumed that the evaluation point is a vertex. Thus, for
2086 * the usual finite elements we might be using in this program, we can
2087 * take for granted that at such a point exactly one shape function is
2088 * nonzero, and in particular has the value one. Thus, we set the right
2089 * hand side vector to all-zeros, then seek for the shape function
2090 * associated with that point and set the corresponding value of the right
2091 * hand side vector to one:
2092 *
2093 * @code
2094 *   template <int dim>
2095 *   void
2096 *   PointValueEvaluation<dim>::assemble_rhs(const DoFHandler<dim> &dof_handler,
2097 *   Vector<double> &rhs) const
2098 *   {
2099 * @endcode
2100 *
2101 * So, first set everything to zeros...
2102 *
2103 * @code
2104 *   rhs.reinit(dof_handler.n_dofs());
2105 *  
2106 * @endcode
2107 *
2108 * ...then loop over cells and find the evaluation point among the
2109 * vertices (or very close to a vertex, which may happen due to floating
2110 * point round-off):
2111 *
2112 * @code
2113 *   for (const auto &cell : dof_handler.active_cell_iterators())
2114 *   for (const auto vertex : cell->vertex_indices())
2115 *   if (cell->vertex(vertex).distance(evaluation_point) <
2116 *   cell->diameter() * 1e-8)
2117 *   {
2118 * @endcode
2119 *
2120 * Ok, found, so set corresponding entry, and leave function
2121 * since we are finished:
2122 *
2123 * @code
2124 *   rhs(cell->vertex_dof_index(vertex, 0)) = 1;
2125 *   return;
2126 *   }
2127 *  
2128 * @endcode
2129 *
2130 * Finally, a sanity check: if we somehow got here, then we must have
2131 * missed the evaluation point, so raise an exception unconditionally:
2132 *
2133 * @code
2134 *   AssertThrow(false, ExcEvaluationPointNotFound(evaluation_point));
2135 *   }
2136 *  
2137 *  
2138 * @endcode
2139 *
2140 *
2141 * <a name="step_14-ThedualfunctionalPointXDerivativeEvaluationclass"></a>
2142 * <h4>The dual functional PointXDerivativeEvaluation class</h4>
2143 *
2145 *
2146 * As second application, we again consider the evaluation of the
2147 * x-derivative of the solution at one point. Again, the declaration of
2148 * the class, and the implementation of its constructor is not too
2149 * interesting:
2150 *
2151 * @code
2152 *   template <int dim>
2153 *   class PointXDerivativeEvaluation : public DualFunctionalBase<dim>
2154 *   {
2155 *   public:
2156 *   PointXDerivativeEvaluation(const Point<dim> &evaluation_point);
2157 *  
2158 *   virtual void assemble_rhs(const DoFHandler<dim> &dof_handler,
2159 *   Vector<double> &rhs) const;
2160 *  
2161 *   DeclException1(
2162 *   ExcEvaluationPointNotFound,
2163 *   Point<dim>,
2164 *   << "The evaluation point " << arg1
2165 *   << " was not found among the vertices of the present grid.");
2166 *  
2167 *   protected:
2168 *   const Point<dim> evaluation_point;
2169 *   };
2170 *  
2171 *  
2172 *   template <int dim>
2173 *   PointXDerivativeEvaluation<dim>::PointXDerivativeEvaluation(
2174 *   const Point<dim> &evaluation_point)
2175 *   : evaluation_point(evaluation_point)
2176 *   {}
2177 *  
2178 *  
2179 * @endcode
2180 *
2181 * What is interesting is the implementation of this functional: here,
2182 * J(phi_i)=d/dx phi_i(x0).
2183 *
2185 *
2186 * We could, as in the implementation of the respective evaluation object
2187 * take the average of the gradients of each shape function phi_i at this
2188 * evaluation point. However, we take a slightly different approach: we
2189 * simply take the average over all cells that surround this point. The
2190 * question which cells <code>surrounds</code> the evaluation point is
2191 * made dependent on the mesh width by including those cells for which the
2192 * distance of the cell's midpoint to the evaluation point is less than
2193 * the cell's diameter.
2194 *
2196 *
2197 * Taking the average of the gradient over the area/volume of these cells
2198 * leads to a dual solution which is very close to the one which would
2199 * result from the point evaluation of the gradient. It is simple to
2200 * justify theoretically that this does not change the method
2201 * significantly.
2202 *
2203 * @code
2204 *   template <int dim>
2205 *   void PointXDerivativeEvaluation<dim>::assemble_rhs(
2206 *   const DoFHandler<dim> &dof_handler,
2207 *   Vector<double> &rhs) const
2208 *   {
2209 * @endcode
2210 *
2211 * Again, first set all entries to zero:
2212 *
2213 * @code
2214 *   rhs.reinit(dof_handler.n_dofs());
2215 *  
2216 * @endcode
2217 *
2218 * Initialize a <code>FEValues</code> object with a quadrature formula,
2219 * have abbreviations for the number of quadrature points and shape
2220 * functions...
2221 *
2222 * @code
2223 *   const QGauss<dim> quadrature(dof_handler.get_fe().degree + 1);
2224 *   FEValues<dim> fe_values(dof_handler.get_fe(),
2225 *   quadrature,
2226 *   update_gradients | update_quadrature_points |
2227 *   update_JxW_values);
2228 *   const unsigned int n_q_points = fe_values.n_quadrature_points;
2229 *   const unsigned int dofs_per_cell = dof_handler.get_fe().dofs_per_cell;
2230 *  
2231 * @endcode
2232 *
2233 * ...and have two objects that are used to store the global indices of
2234 * the degrees of freedom on a cell, and the values of the gradients of
2235 * the shape functions at the quadrature points:
2236 *
2237 * @code
2238 *   Vector<double> cell_rhs(dofs_per_cell);
2239 *   std::vector<unsigned int> local_dof_indices(dofs_per_cell);
2240 *  
2241 * @endcode
2242 *
2243 * Finally have a variable in which we will sum up the area/volume of
2244 * the cells over which we integrate, by integrating the unit functions
2245 * on these cells:
2246 *
2247 * @code
2248 *   double total_volume = 0;
2249 *  
2250 * @endcode
2251 *
2252 * Then start the loop over all cells, and select those cells which are
2253 * close enough to the evaluation point:
2254 *
2255 * @code
2256 *   for (const auto &cell : dof_handler.active_cell_iterators())
2257 *   if (cell->center().distance(evaluation_point) <= cell->diameter())
2258 *   {
2259 * @endcode
2260 *
2261 * If we have found such a cell, then initialize the
2262 * <code>FEValues</code> object and integrate the x-component of
2263 * the gradient of each shape function, as well as the unit
2264 * function for the total area/volume.
2265 *
2266 * @code
2267 *   fe_values.reinit(cell);
2268 *   cell_rhs = 0;
2269 *  
2270 *   for (unsigned int q = 0; q < n_q_points; ++q)
2271 *   {
2272 *   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dofs_per_cell; ++i)
2273 *   cell_rhs(i) +=
2274 *   fe_values.shape_grad(i, q)[0] // (d/dx phi_i(x_q))
2275 *   * fe_values.JxW(q); // * dx
2276 *   total_volume += fe_values.JxW(q);
2277 *   }
2278 *  
2279 * @endcode
2280 *
2281 * If we have the local contributions, distribute them to the
2282 * global vector:
2283 *
2284 * @code
2285 *   cell->get_dof_indices(local_dof_indices);
2286 *   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dofs_per_cell; ++i)
2287 *   rhs(local_dof_indices[i]) += cell_rhs(i);
2288 *   }
2289 *  
2290 * @endcode
2291 *
2292 * After we have looped over all cells, check whether we have found any
2293 * at all, by making sure that their volume is non-zero. If not, then
2294 * the results will be botched, as the right hand side should then still
2295 * be zero, so throw an exception:
2296 *
2297 * @code
2298 *   AssertThrow(total_volume > 0,
2299 *   ExcEvaluationPointNotFound(evaluation_point));
2300 *  
2301 * @endcode
2302 *
2303 * Finally, we have by now only integrated the gradients of the shape
2304 * functions, not taking their mean value. We fix this by dividing by
2305 * the measure of the volume over which we have integrated:
2306 *
2307 * @code
2308 *   rhs /= total_volume;
2309 *   }
2310 *  
2311 *  
2312 *   } // namespace DualFunctional
2313 *  
2314 *  
2315 * @endcode
2316 *
2317 *
2318 * <a name="step_14-ExtendingtheLaplaceSolvernamespace"></a>
2319 * <h3>Extending the LaplaceSolver namespace</h3>
2320 *
2321 * @code
2322 *   namespace LaplaceSolver
2323 *   {
2324 * @endcode
2325 *
2326 *
2327 * <a name="step_14-TheDualSolverclass"></a>
2328 * <h4>The DualSolver class</h4>
2329 *
2331 *
2332 * In the same way as the <code>PrimalSolver</code> class above, we now
2333 * implement a <code>DualSolver</code>. It has all the same features, the
2334 * only difference is that it does not take a function object denoting a
2335 * right hand side object, but now takes a <code>DualFunctionalBase</code>
2336 * object that will assemble the right hand side vector of the dual
2337 * problem. The rest of the class is rather trivial.
2338 *
2340 *
2341 * Since both primal and dual solver will use the same triangulation, but
2342 * different discretizations, it now becomes clear why we have made the
2343 * <code>Base</code> class a virtual one: since the final class will be
2344 * derived from both <code>PrimalSolver</code> as well as
2345 * <code>DualSolver</code>, it would have two <code>Base</code> instances,
2346 * would we not have marked the inheritance as virtual. Since in many
2347 * applications the base class would store much more information than just
2348 * the triangulation which needs to be shared between primal and dual
2349 * solvers, we do not usually want to use two such base classes.
2350 *
2351 * @code
2352 *   template <int dim>
2353 *   class DualSolver : public Solver<dim>
2354 *   {
2355 *   public:
2356 *   DualSolver(
2357 *   Triangulation<dim> &triangulation,
2358 *   const FiniteElement<dim> &fe,
2359 *   const Quadrature<dim> &quadrature,
2360 *   const Quadrature<dim - 1> &face_quadrature,
2361 *   const DualFunctional::DualFunctionalBase<dim> &dual_functional);
2362 *  
2363 *   protected:
2364 *   const SmartPointer<const DualFunctional::DualFunctionalBase<dim>>
2365 *   dual_functional;
2366 *   virtual void assemble_rhs(Vector<double> &rhs) const override;
2367 *  
2368 *   static const Functions::ZeroFunction<dim> boundary_values;
2369 *   };
2370 *  
2371 *   template <int dim>
2372 *   const Functions::ZeroFunction<dim> DualSolver<dim>::boundary_values;
2373 *  
2374 *   template <int dim>
2375 *   DualSolver<dim>::DualSolver(
2376 *   Triangulation<dim> &triangulation,
2377 *   const FiniteElement<dim> &fe,
2378 *   const Quadrature<dim> &quadrature,
2379 *   const Quadrature<dim - 1> &face_quadrature,
2380 *   const DualFunctional::DualFunctionalBase<dim> &dual_functional)
2381 *   : Base<dim>(triangulation)
2382 *   , Solver<dim>(triangulation,
2383 *   fe,
2384 *   quadrature,
2385 *   face_quadrature,
2386 *   boundary_values)
2387 *   , dual_functional(&dual_functional)
2388 *   {}
2389 *  
2390 *  
2391 *  
2392 *   template <int dim>
2393 *   void DualSolver<dim>::assemble_rhs(Vector<double> &rhs) const
2394 *   {
2395 *   dual_functional->assemble_rhs(this->dof_handler, rhs);
2396 *   }
2397 *  
2398 *  
2399 * @endcode
2400 *
2401 *
2402 * <a name="step_14-TheWeightedResidualclass"></a>
2403 * <h4>The WeightedResidual class</h4>
2404 *
2406 *
2407 * Here finally comes the main class of this program, the one that
2408 * implements the dual weighted residual error estimator. It joins the
2409 * primal and dual solver classes to use them for the computation of
2410 * primal and dual solutions, and implements the error representation
2411 * formula for use as error estimate and mesh refinement.
2412 *
2414 *
2415 * The first few of the functions of this class are mostly overriders of
2416 * the respective functions of the base class:
2417 *
2418 * @code
2419 *   template <int dim>
2420 *   class WeightedResidual : public PrimalSolver<dim>, public DualSolver<dim>
2421 *   {
2422 *   public:
2423 *   WeightedResidual(
2424 *   Triangulation<dim> &coarse_grid,
2425 *   const FiniteElement<dim> &primal_fe,
2426 *   const FiniteElement<dim> &dual_fe,
2427 *   const Quadrature<dim> &quadrature,
2428 *   const Quadrature<dim - 1> &face_quadrature,
2429 *   const Function<dim> &rhs_function,
2430 *   const Function<dim> &boundary_values,
2431 *   const DualFunctional::DualFunctionalBase<dim> &dual_functional);
2432 *  
2433 *   virtual void solve_problem() override;
2434 *  
2435 *   virtual void postprocess(
2436 *   const Evaluation::EvaluationBase<dim> &postprocessor) const override;
2437 *  
2438 *   virtual unsigned int n_dofs() const override;
2439 *  
2440 *   virtual void refine_grid() override;
2441 *  
2442 *   virtual void output_solution() const override;
2443 *  
2444 *   private:
2445 * @endcode
2446 *
2447 * In the private section, we have two functions that are used to call
2448 * the <code>solve_problem</code> functions of the primal and dual base
2449 * classes. These two functions will be called in parallel by the
2450 * <code>solve_problem</code> function of this class.
2451 *
2452 * @code
2453 *   void solve_primal_problem();
2454 *   void solve_dual_problem();
2455 * @endcode
2456 *
2457 * Then declare abbreviations for active cell iterators, to avoid that
2458 * we have to write this lengthy name over and over again:
2459 *
2461 *
2462 *
2463 * @code
2464 *   using active_cell_iterator =
2465 *   typename DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator;
2466 *  
2467 * @endcode
2468 *
2469 * Next, declare a data type that we will us to store the contribution
2470 * of faces to the error estimator. The idea is that we can compute the
2471 * face terms from each of the two cells to this face, as they are the
2472 * same when viewed from both sides. What we will do is to compute them
2473 * only once, based on some rules explained below which of the two
2474 * adjacent cells will be in charge to do so. We then store the
2475 * contribution of each face in a map mapping faces to their values, and
2476 * only collect the contributions for each cell by looping over the
2477 * cells a second time and grabbing the values from the map.
2478 *
2480 *
2481 * The data type of this map is declared here:
2482 *
2483 * @code
2484 *   using FaceIntegrals =
2485 *   typename std::map<typename DoFHandler<dim>::face_iterator, double>;
2486 *  
2487 * @endcode
2488 *
2489 * In the computation of the error estimates on cells and faces, we need
2490 * a number of helper objects, such as <code>FEValues</code> and
2491 * <code>FEFaceValues</code> functions, but also temporary objects
2492 * storing the values and gradients of primal and dual solutions, for
2493 * example. These fields are needed in the three functions that do the
2494 * integration on cells, and regular and irregular faces, respectively.
2495 *
2497 *
2498 * There are three reasonable ways to provide these fields: first, as
2499 * local variables in the function that needs them; second, as member
2500 * variables of this class; third, as arguments passed to that function.
2501 *
2503 *
2504 * These three alternatives all have drawbacks: the third that their
2505 * number is not negligible and would make calling these functions a
2506 * lengthy enterprise. The second has the drawback that it disallows
2507 * parallelization, since the threads that will compute the error
2508 * estimate have to have their own copies of these variables each, so
2509 * member variables of the enclosing class will not work. The first
2510 * approach, although straightforward, has a subtle but important
2511 * drawback: we will call these functions over and over again, many
2512 * thousands of times maybe; it now turns out that allocating
2513 * vectors and other objects that need memory from the heap is an
2514 * expensive business in terms of run-time, since memory allocation is
2515 * expensive when several threads are involved. It is thus
2516 * significantly better to allocate the memory only once, and recycle
2517 * the objects as often as possible.
2518 *
2520 *
2521 * What to do? Our answer is to use a variant of the third strategy.
2522 * In fact, this is exactly what the WorkStream concept is supposed to
2523 * do (we have already introduced it above, but see also @ref threads).
2524 * To avoid that we have to give these functions a dozen or so
2525 * arguments, we pack all these variables into two structures, one which
2526 * is used for the computations on cells, the other doing them on the
2527 * faces. Both are then joined into the WeightedResidualScratchData class
2528 * that will serve as the "scratch data" class of the WorkStream concept:
2529 *
2530 * @code
2531 *   struct CellData
2532 *   {
2533 *   FEValues<dim> fe_values;
2534 *   const SmartPointer<const Function<dim>> right_hand_side;
2535 *  
2536 *   std::vector<double> cell_residual;
2537 *   std::vector<double> rhs_values;
2538 *   std::vector<double> dual_weights;
2539 *   std::vector<double> cell_laplacians;
2540 *   CellData(const FiniteElement<dim> &fe,
2541 *   const Quadrature<dim> &quadrature,
2542 *   const Function<dim> &right_hand_side);
2543 *   CellData(const CellData &cell_data);
2544 *   };
2545 *  
2546 *   struct FaceData
2547 *   {
2548 *   FEFaceValues<dim> fe_face_values_cell;
2549 *   FEFaceValues<dim> fe_face_values_neighbor;
2550 *   FESubfaceValues<dim> fe_subface_values_cell;
2551 *  
2552 *   std::vector<double> jump_residual;
2553 *   std::vector<double> dual_weights;
2554 *   typename std::vector<Tensor<1, dim>> cell_grads;
2555 *   typename std::vector<Tensor<1, dim>> neighbor_grads;
2556 *   FaceData(const FiniteElement<dim> &fe,
2557 *   const Quadrature<dim - 1> &face_quadrature);
2558 *   FaceData(const FaceData &face_data);
2559 *   };
2560 *  
2561 *   struct WeightedResidualScratchData
2562 *   {
2563 *   WeightedResidualScratchData(
2564 *   const FiniteElement<dim> &primal_fe,
2565 *   const Quadrature<dim> &primal_quadrature,
2566 *   const Quadrature<dim - 1> &primal_face_quadrature,
2567 *   const Function<dim> &rhs_function,
2568 *   const Vector<double> &primal_solution,
2569 *   const Vector<double> &dual_weights);
2570 *  
2571 *   WeightedResidualScratchData(
2572 *   const WeightedResidualScratchData &scratch_data);
2573 *  
2574 *   CellData cell_data;
2575 *   FaceData face_data;
2576 *   Vector<double> primal_solution;
2577 *   Vector<double> dual_weights;
2578 *   };
2579 *  
2580 *  
2581 * @endcode
2582 *
2583 * WorkStream::run generally wants both a scratch object and a copy
2584 * object. Here, for reasons similar to what we had in @ref step_9 "step-9" when
2585 * discussing the computation of an approximation of the gradient, we
2586 * don't actually need a "copy data" structure. Since WorkStream insists
2587 * on having one of these, we just declare an empty structure that does
2588 * nothing other than being there.
2589 *
2590 * @code
2591 *   struct WeightedResidualCopyData
2592 *   {};
2593 *  
2594 *  
2595 *  
2596 * @endcode
2597 *
2598 * Regarding the evaluation of the error estimator, we have one driver
2599 * function that uses WorkStream::run() to call the second function on
2600 * every cell:
2601 *
2602 * @code
2603 *   void estimate_error(Vector<float> &error_indicators) const;
2604 *  
2605 *   void estimate_on_one_cell(const active_cell_iterator &cell,
2606 *   WeightedResidualScratchData &scratch_data,
2607 *   WeightedResidualCopyData &copy_data,
2608 *   Vector<float> &error_indicators,
2609 *   FaceIntegrals &face_integrals) const;
2610 *  
2611 * @endcode
2612 *
2613 * Then we have functions that do the actual integration of the error
2614 * representation formula. They will treat the terms on the cell
2615 * interiors, on those faces that have no hanging nodes, and on those
2616 * faces with hanging nodes, respectively:
2617 *
2618 * @code
2619 *   void integrate_over_cell(const active_cell_iterator &cell,
2620 *   const Vector<double> &primal_solution,
2621 *   const Vector<double> &dual_weights,
2622 *   CellData &cell_data,
2623 *   Vector<float> &error_indicators) const;
2624 *  
2625 *   void integrate_over_regular_face(const active_cell_iterator &cell,
2626 *   const unsigned int face_no,
2627 *   const Vector<double> &primal_solution,
2628 *   const Vector<double> &dual_weights,
2629 *   FaceData &face_data,
2630 *   FaceIntegrals &face_integrals) const;
2631 *   void integrate_over_irregular_face(const active_cell_iterator &cell,
2632 *   const unsigned int face_no,
2633 *   const Vector<double> &primal_solution,
2634 *   const Vector<double> &dual_weights,
2635 *   FaceData &face_data,
2636 *   FaceIntegrals &face_integrals) const;
2637 *   };
2638 *  
2639 *  
2640 *  
2641 * @endcode
2642 *
2643 * In the implementation of this class, we first have the constructors of
2644 * the <code>CellData</code> and <code>FaceData</code> member classes, and
2645 * the <code>WeightedResidual</code> constructor. They only initialize
2646 * fields to their correct lengths, so we do not have to discuss them in
2647 * too much detail:
2648 *
2649 * @code
2650 *   template <int dim>
2651 *   WeightedResidual<dim>::CellData::CellData(
2652 *   const FiniteElement<dim> &fe,
2653 *   const Quadrature<dim> &quadrature,
2654 *   const Function<dim> &right_hand_side)
2655 *   : fe_values(fe,
2656 *   quadrature,
2658 *   update_JxW_values)
2659 *   , right_hand_side(&right_hand_side)
2660 *   , cell_residual(quadrature.size())
2661 *   , rhs_values(quadrature.size())
2662 *   , dual_weights(quadrature.size())
2663 *   , cell_laplacians(quadrature.size())
2664 *   {}
2665 *  
2666 *  
2667 *  
2668 *   template <int dim>
2669 *   WeightedResidual<dim>::CellData::CellData(const CellData &cell_data)
2670 *   : fe_values(cell_data.fe_values.get_fe(),
2671 *   cell_data.fe_values.get_quadrature(),
2673 *   update_JxW_values)
2674 *   , right_hand_side(cell_data.right_hand_side)
2675 *   , cell_residual(cell_data.cell_residual)
2676 *   , rhs_values(cell_data.rhs_values)
2677 *   , dual_weights(cell_data.dual_weights)
2678 *   , cell_laplacians(cell_data.cell_laplacians)
2679 *   {}
2680 *  
2681 *  
2682 *  
2683 *   template <int dim>
2684 *   WeightedResidual<dim>::FaceData::FaceData(
2685 *   const FiniteElement<dim> &fe,
2686 *   const Quadrature<dim - 1> &face_quadrature)
2687 *   : fe_face_values_cell(fe,
2688 *   face_quadrature,
2691 *   , fe_face_values_neighbor(fe,
2692 *   face_quadrature,
2695 *   , fe_subface_values_cell(fe, face_quadrature, update_gradients)
2696 *   {
2697 *   const unsigned int n_face_q_points = face_quadrature.size();
2698 *  
2699 *   jump_residual.resize(n_face_q_points);
2700 *   dual_weights.resize(n_face_q_points);
2701 *   cell_grads.resize(n_face_q_points);
2702 *   neighbor_grads.resize(n_face_q_points);
2703 *   }
2704 *  
2705 *  
2706 *  
2707 *   template <int dim>
2708 *   WeightedResidual<dim>::FaceData::FaceData(const FaceData &face_data)
2709 *   : fe_face_values_cell(face_data.fe_face_values_cell.get_fe(),
2710 *   face_data.fe_face_values_cell.get_quadrature(),
2713 *   , fe_face_values_neighbor(
2714 *   face_data.fe_face_values_neighbor.get_fe(),
2715 *   face_data.fe_face_values_neighbor.get_quadrature(),
2718 *   , fe_subface_values_cell(
2719 *   face_data.fe_subface_values_cell.get_fe(),
2720 *   face_data.fe_subface_values_cell.get_quadrature(),
2721 *   update_gradients)
2722 *   , jump_residual(face_data.jump_residual)
2723 *   , dual_weights(face_data.dual_weights)
2724 *   , cell_grads(face_data.cell_grads)
2725 *   , neighbor_grads(face_data.neighbor_grads)
2726 *   {}
2727 *  
2728 *  
2729 *  
2730 *   template <int dim>
2731 *   WeightedResidual<dim>::WeightedResidualScratchData::
2732 *   WeightedResidualScratchData(
2733 *   const FiniteElement<dim> &primal_fe,
2734 *   const Quadrature<dim> &primal_quadrature,
2735 *   const Quadrature<dim - 1> &primal_face_quadrature,
2736 *   const Function<dim> &rhs_function,
2737 *   const Vector<double> &primal_solution,
2738 *   const Vector<double> &dual_weights)
2739 *   : cell_data(primal_fe, primal_quadrature, rhs_function)
2740 *   , face_data(primal_fe, primal_face_quadrature)
2741 *   , primal_solution(primal_solution)
2742 *   , dual_weights(dual_weights)
2743 *   {}
2744 *  
2745 *   template <int dim>
2746 *   WeightedResidual<dim>::WeightedResidualScratchData::
2747 *   WeightedResidualScratchData(
2748 *   const WeightedResidualScratchData &scratch_data)
2749 *   : cell_data(scratch_data.cell_data)
2750 *   , face_data(scratch_data.face_data)
2751 *   , primal_solution(scratch_data.primal_solution)
2752 *   , dual_weights(scratch_data.dual_weights)
2753 *   {}
2754 *  
2755 *  
2756 *  
2757 *   template <int dim>
2758 *   WeightedResidual<dim>::WeightedResidual(
2759 *   Triangulation<dim> &coarse_grid,
2760 *   const FiniteElement<dim> &primal_fe,
2761 *   const FiniteElement<dim> &dual_fe,
2762 *   const Quadrature<dim> &quadrature,
2763 *   const Quadrature<dim - 1> &face_quadrature,
2764 *   const Function<dim> &rhs_function,
2765 *   const Function<dim> &bv,
2766 *   const DualFunctional::DualFunctionalBase<dim> &dual_functional)
2767 *   : Base<dim>(coarse_grid)
2768 *   , PrimalSolver<dim>(coarse_grid,
2769 *   primal_fe,
2770 *   quadrature,
2771 *   face_quadrature,
2772 *   rhs_function,
2773 *   bv)
2774 *   , DualSolver<dim>(coarse_grid,
2775 *   dual_fe,
2776 *   quadrature,
2777 *   face_quadrature,
2778 *   dual_functional)
2779 *   {}
2780 *  
2781 *  
2782 * @endcode
2783 *
2784 * The next five functions are boring, as they simply relay their work to
2785 * the base classes. The first calls the primal and dual solvers in
2786 * parallel, while postprocessing the solution and retrieving the number
2787 * of degrees of freedom is done by the primal class.
2788 *
2789 * @code
2790 *   template <int dim>
2791 *   void WeightedResidual<dim>::solve_problem()
2792 *   {
2793 *   Threads::TaskGroup<void> tasks;
2794 *   tasks +=
2795 *   Threads::new_task(&WeightedResidual<dim>::solve_primal_problem, *this);
2796 *   tasks +=
2797 *   Threads::new_task(&WeightedResidual<dim>::solve_dual_problem, *this);
2798 *   tasks.join_all();
2799 *   }
2800 *  
2801 *  
2802 *   template <int dim>
2803 *   void WeightedResidual<dim>::solve_primal_problem()
2804 *   {
2805 *   PrimalSolver<dim>::solve_problem();
2806 *   }
2807 *  
2808 *   template <int dim>
2809 *   void WeightedResidual<dim>::solve_dual_problem()
2810 *   {
2811 *   DualSolver<dim>::solve_problem();
2812 *   }
2813 *  
2814 *  
2815 *   template <int dim>
2816 *   void WeightedResidual<dim>::postprocess(
2817 *   const Evaluation::EvaluationBase<dim> &postprocessor) const
2818 *   {
2819 *   PrimalSolver<dim>::postprocess(postprocessor);
2820 *   }
2821 *  
2822 *  
2823 *   template <int dim>
2824 *   unsigned int WeightedResidual<dim>::n_dofs() const
2825 *   {
2826 *   return PrimalSolver<dim>::n_dofs();
2827 *   }
2828 *  
2829 *  
2830 *  
2831 * @endcode
2832 *
2833 * Now, it is becoming more interesting: the <code>refine_grid()</code>
2834 * function asks the error estimator to compute the cell-wise error
2835 * indicators, then uses their absolute values for mesh refinement.
2836 *
2837 * @code
2838 *   template <int dim>
2839 *   void WeightedResidual<dim>::refine_grid()
2840 *   {
2841 * @endcode
2842 *
2843 * First call the function that computes the cell-wise and global error:
2844 *
2845 * @code
2846 *   Vector<float> error_indicators(this->triangulation->n_active_cells());
2847 *   estimate_error(error_indicators);
2848 *  
2849 * @endcode
2850 *
2851 * Then note that marking cells for refinement or coarsening only works
2852 * if all indicators are positive, to allow their comparison. Thus, drop
2853 * the signs on all these indicators:
2854 *
2855 * @code
2856 *   for (float &error_indicator : error_indicators)
2857 *   error_indicator = std::fabs(error_indicator);
2858 *  
2859 * @endcode
2860 *
2861 * Finally, we can select between different strategies for
2862 * refinement. The default here is to refine those cells with the
2863 * largest error indicators that make up for a total of 80 per cent of
2864 * the error, while we coarsen those with the smallest indicators that
2865 * make up for the bottom 2 per cent of the error.
2866 *
2867 * @code
2869 *   error_indicators,
2870 *   0.8,
2871 *   0.02);
2873 *   }
2874 *  
2875 *  
2876 * @endcode
2877 *
2878 * Since we want to output both the primal and the dual solution, we
2879 * overload the <code>output_solution</code> function. The only
2880 * interesting feature of this function is that the primal and dual
2881 * solutions are defined on different finite element spaces, which is not
2882 * the format the <code>DataOut</code> class expects. Thus, we have to
2883 * transfer them to a common finite element space. Since we want the
2884 * solutions only to see them qualitatively, we contend ourselves with
2885 * interpolating the dual solution to the (smaller) primal space. For the
2886 * interpolation, there is a library function, that takes a
2887 * AffineConstraints object including the hanging node
2888 * constraints. The rest is standard.
2889 *
2890 * @code
2891 *   template <int dim>
2892 *   void WeightedResidual<dim>::output_solution() const
2893 *   {
2894 *   AffineConstraints<double> primal_hanging_node_constraints;
2895 *   DoFTools::make_hanging_node_constraints(PrimalSolver<dim>::dof_handler,
2896 *   primal_hanging_node_constraints);
2897 *   primal_hanging_node_constraints.close();
2898 *   Vector<double> dual_solution(PrimalSolver<dim>::dof_handler.n_dofs());
2899 *   FETools::interpolate(DualSolver<dim>::dof_handler,
2900 *   DualSolver<dim>::solution,
2901 *   PrimalSolver<dim>::dof_handler,
2902 *   primal_hanging_node_constraints,
2903 *   dual_solution);
2904 *  
2905 *   DataOut<dim> data_out;
2906 *   data_out.attach_dof_handler(PrimalSolver<dim>::dof_handler);
2907 *  
2908 * @endcode
2909 *
2910 * Add the data vectors for which we want output. Add them both, the
2911 * <code>DataOut</code> functions can handle as many data vectors as you
2912 * wish to write to output:
2913 *
2914 * @code
2915 *   data_out.add_data_vector(PrimalSolver<dim>::solution, "primal_solution");
2916 *   data_out.add_data_vector(dual_solution, "dual_solution");
2917 *  
2918 *   data_out.build_patches();
2919 *  
2920 *   std::ofstream out("solution-" + std::to_string(this->refinement_cycle) +
2921 *   ".vtu");
2922 *   data_out.write(out, DataOutBase::vtu);
2923 *   }
2924 *  
2925 *  
2926 * @endcode
2927 *
2928 *
2929 * <a name="step_14-Estimatingerrors"></a>
2930 * <h3>Estimating errors</h3>
2931 *
2933 *
2934 *
2935 * <a name="step_14-Errorestimationdriverfunctions"></a>
2936 * <h4>Error estimation driver functions</h4>
2937 *
2939 *
2940 * As for the actual computation of error estimates, let's start with the
2941 * function that drives all this, i.e. calls those functions that actually
2942 * do the work, and finally collects the results.
2943 *
2944 * @code
2945 *   template <int dim>
2946 *   void
2947 *   WeightedResidual<dim>::estimate_error(Vector<float> &error_indicators) const
2948 *   {
2949 * @endcode
2950 *
2951 * The first task in computing the error is to set up vectors that
2952 * denote the primal solution, and the weights (z-z_h)=(z-I_hz), both in
2953 * the finite element space for which we have computed the dual
2954 * solution. For this, we have to interpolate the primal solution to the
2955 * dual finite element space, and to subtract the interpolation of the
2956 * computed dual solution to the primal finite element
2957 * space. Fortunately, the library provides functions for the
2958 * interpolation into larger or smaller finite element spaces, so this
2959 * is mostly obvious.
2960 *
2962 *
2963 * First, let's do that for the primal solution: it is cell-wise
2964 * interpolated into the finite element space in which we have solved
2965 * the dual problem: But, again as in the
2966 * <code>WeightedResidual::output_solution</code> function we first need
2967 * to create an AffineConstraints object including the hanging node
2968 * constraints, but this time of the dual finite element space.
2969 *
2970 * @code
2971 *   AffineConstraints<double> dual_hanging_node_constraints;
2972 *   DoFTools::make_hanging_node_constraints(DualSolver<dim>::dof_handler,
2973 *   dual_hanging_node_constraints);
2974 *   dual_hanging_node_constraints.close();
2975 *   Vector<double> primal_solution(DualSolver<dim>::dof_handler.n_dofs());
2976 *   FETools::interpolate(PrimalSolver<dim>::dof_handler,
2977 *   PrimalSolver<dim>::solution,
2978 *   DualSolver<dim>::dof_handler,
2979 *   dual_hanging_node_constraints,
2980 *   primal_solution);
2981 *  
2982 * @endcode
2983 *
2984 * Then for computing the interpolation of the numerically approximated
2985 * dual solution z into the finite element space of the primal solution
2986 * and subtracting it from z: use the
2987 * <code>interpolate_difference</code> function, that gives (z-I_hz) in
2988 * the element space of the dual solution.
2989 *
2990 * @code
2991 *   AffineConstraints<double> primal_hanging_node_constraints;
2992 *   DoFTools::make_hanging_node_constraints(PrimalSolver<dim>::dof_handler,
2993 *   primal_hanging_node_constraints);
2994 *   primal_hanging_node_constraints.close();
2995 *   Vector<double> dual_weights(DualSolver<dim>::dof_handler.n_dofs());
2996 *   FETools::interpolation_difference(DualSolver<dim>::dof_handler,
2997 *   dual_hanging_node_constraints,
2998 *   DualSolver<dim>::solution,
2999 *   PrimalSolver<dim>::dof_handler,
3000 *   primal_hanging_node_constraints,
3001 *   dual_weights);
3002 *  
3003 * @endcode
3004 *
3005 * Note that this could probably have been more efficient since those
3006 * constraints have been used previously when assembling matrix and
3007 * right hand side for the primal problem and writing out the dual
3008 * solution. We leave the optimization of the program in this respect as
3009 * an exercise.
3010 *
3012 *
3013 * Having computed the dual weights we now proceed with computing the
3014 * cell and face residuals of the primal solution. First we set up a map
3015 * between face iterators and their jump term contributions of faces to
3016 * the error estimator. The reason is that we compute the jump terms
3017 * only once, from one side of the face, and want to collect them only
3018 * afterwards when looping over all cells a second time.
3019 *
3021 *
3022 * We initialize this map already with a value of -1e20 for all faces,
3023 * since this value will stand out in the results if something should go
3024 * wrong and we fail to compute the value for a face for some
3025 * reason. Secondly, this initialization already makes the std::map
3026 * object allocate all objects it may possibly need. This is important
3027 * since we will write into this structure from parallel threads,
3028 * and doing so would not be thread-safe if the map needed to allocate
3029 * memory and thereby reshape its data structures. In other words, the
3030 * initial initialization relieves us from the necessity to synchronize
3031 * the threads through a mutex each time they write to (and modify the
3032 * structure of) this map.
3033 *
3034 * @code
3035 *   FaceIntegrals face_integrals;
3036 *   for (const auto &cell :
3037 *   DualSolver<dim>::dof_handler.active_cell_iterators())
3038 *   for (const auto &face : cell->face_iterators())
3039 *   face_integrals[face] = -1e20;
3040 *  
3041 *   auto worker = [this,
3042 *   &error_indicators,
3043 *   &face_integrals](const active_cell_iterator &cell,
3044 *   WeightedResidualScratchData &scratch_data,
3045 *   WeightedResidualCopyData &copy_data) {
3046 *   this->estimate_on_one_cell(
3047 *   cell, scratch_data, copy_data, error_indicators, face_integrals);
3048 *   };
3049 *  
3050 *   auto do_nothing_copier =
3051 *   std::function<void(const WeightedResidualCopyData &)>();
3052 *  
3053 * @endcode
3054 *
3055 * Then hand it all off to WorkStream::run() to compute the
3056 * estimators for all cells in parallel:
3057 *
3058 * @code
3059 *   WorkStream::run(
3060 *   DualSolver<dim>::dof_handler.begin_active(),
3061 *   DualSolver<dim>::dof_handler.end(),
3062 *   worker,
3063 *   do_nothing_copier,
3064 *   WeightedResidualScratchData(*DualSolver<dim>::fe,
3065 *   *DualSolver<dim>::quadrature,
3066 *   *DualSolver<dim>::face_quadrature,
3067 *   *this->rhs_function,
3068 *   primal_solution,
3069 *   dual_weights),
3070 *   WeightedResidualCopyData());
3071 *  
3072 * @endcode
3073 *
3074 * Once the error contributions are computed, sum them up. For this,
3075 * note that the cell terms are already set, and that only the edge
3076 * terms need to be collected. Thus, loop over all cells and their
3077 * faces, make sure that the contributions of each of the faces are
3078 * there, and add them up. Only take minus one half of the jump term,
3079 * since the other half will be taken by the neighboring cell.
3080 *
3081 * @code
3082 *   unsigned int present_cell = 0;
3083 *   for (const auto &cell :
3084 *   DualSolver<dim>::dof_handler.active_cell_iterators())
3085 *   {
3086 *   for (const auto &face : cell->face_iterators())
3087 *   {
3088 *   Assert(face_integrals.find(face) != face_integrals.end(),
3089 *   ExcInternalError());
3090 *   error_indicators(present_cell) -= 0.5 * face_integrals[face];
3091 *   }
3092 *   ++present_cell;
3093 *   }
3094 *   std::cout << " Estimated error: "
3095 *   << std::accumulate(error_indicators.begin(),
3096 *   error_indicators.end(),
3097 *   0.)
3098 *   << std::endl;
3099 *   }
3100 *  
3101 *  
3102 * @endcode
3103 *
3104 *
3105 * <a name="step_14-Estimatingonasinglecell"></a>
3106 * <h4>Estimating on a single cell</h4>
3107 *
3109 *
3110 * Next we have the function that is called to estimate the error on a
3111 * single cell. The function may be called multiple times if the library was
3112 * configured to use multithreading. Here it goes:
3113 *
3114 * @code
3115 *   template <int dim>
3116 *   void WeightedResidual<dim>::estimate_on_one_cell(
3117 *   const active_cell_iterator &cell,
3118 *   WeightedResidualScratchData &scratch_data,
3119 *   WeightedResidualCopyData &copy_data,
3120 *   Vector<float> &error_indicators,
3121 *   FaceIntegrals &face_integrals) const
3122 *   {
3123 * @endcode
3124 *
3125 * Because of WorkStream, estimate_on_one_cell requires a CopyData object
3126 * even if it is no used. The next line silences a warning about this
3127 * unused variable.
3128 *
3129 * @code
3130 *   (void)copy_data;
3131 *  
3132 * @endcode
3133 *
3134 * First task on each cell is to compute the cell residual
3135 * contributions of this cell, and put them into the
3136 * <code>error_indicators</code> variable:
3137 *
3138 * @code
3139 *   integrate_over_cell(cell,
3140 *   scratch_data.primal_solution,
3141 *   scratch_data.dual_weights,
3142 *   scratch_data.cell_data,
3143 *   error_indicators);
3144 *  
3145 * @endcode
3146 *
3147 * After computing the cell terms, turn to the face terms. For this,
3148 * loop over all faces of the present cell, and see whether
3149 * something needs to be computed on it:
3150 *
3151 * @code
3152 *   for (const auto face_no : cell->face_indices())
3153 *   {
3154 * @endcode
3155 *
3156 * First, if this face is part of the boundary, then there is
3157 * nothing to do. However, to make things easier when summing up
3158 * the contributions of the faces of cells, we enter this face
3159 * into the list of faces with a zero contribution to the error.
3160 *
3161 * @code
3162 *   if (cell->face(face_no)->at_boundary())
3163 *   {
3164 *   face_integrals[cell->face(face_no)] = 0;
3165 *   continue;
3166 *   }
3167 *  
3168 * @endcode
3169 *
3170 * Next, note that since we want to compute the jump terms on
3171 * each face only once although we access it twice (if it is not
3172 * at the boundary), we have to define some rules who is
3173 * responsible for computing on a face:
3174 *
3176 *
3177 * First, if the neighboring cell is on the same level as this
3178 * one, i.e. neither further refined not coarser, then the one
3179 * with the lower index within this level does the work. In
3180 * other words: if the other one has a lower index, then skip
3181 * work on this face:
3182 *
3183 * @code
3184 *   if ((cell->neighbor(face_no)->has_children() == false) &&
3185 *   (cell->neighbor(face_no)->level() == cell->level()) &&
3186 *   (cell->neighbor(face_no)->index() < cell->index()))
3187 *   continue;
3188 *  
3189 * @endcode
3190 *
3191 * Likewise, we always work from the coarser cell if this and
3192 * its neighbor differ in refinement. Thus, if the neighboring
3193 * cell is less refined than the present one, then do nothing
3194 * since we integrate over the subfaces when we visit the coarse
3195 * cell.
3196 *
3197 * @code
3198 *   if (cell->at_boundary(face_no) == false)
3199 *   if (cell->neighbor(face_no)->level() < cell->level())
3200 *   continue;
3201 *  
3202 *  
3203 * @endcode
3204 *
3205 * Now we know that we are in charge here, so actually compute
3206 * the face jump terms. If the face is a regular one, i.e. the
3207 * other side's cell is neither coarser not finer than this
3208 * cell, then call one function, and if the cell on the other
3209 * side is further refined, then use another function. Note that
3210 * the case that the cell on the other side is coarser cannot
3211 * happen since we have decided above that we handle this case
3212 * when we pass over that other cell.
3213 *
3214 * @code
3215 *   if (cell->face(face_no)->has_children() == false)
3216 *   integrate_over_regular_face(cell,
3217 *   face_no,
3218 *   scratch_data.primal_solution,
3219 *   scratch_data.dual_weights,
3220 *   scratch_data.face_data,
3221 *   face_integrals);
3222 *   else
3223 *   integrate_over_irregular_face(cell,
3224 *   face_no,
3225 *   scratch_data.primal_solution,
3226 *   scratch_data.dual_weights,
3227 *   scratch_data.face_data,
3228 *   face_integrals);
3229 *   }
3230 *   }
3231 *  
3232 *  
3233 * @endcode
3234 *
3235 *
3236 * <a name="step_14-Computingcelltermerrorcontributions"></a>
3237 * <h4>Computing cell term error contributions</h4>
3238 *
3240 *
3241 * As for the actual computation of the error contributions, first turn to
3242 * the cell terms:
3243 *
3244 * @code
3245 *   template <int dim>
3246 *   void WeightedResidual<dim>::integrate_over_cell(
3247 *   const active_cell_iterator &cell,
3248 *   const Vector<double> &primal_solution,
3249 *   const Vector<double> &dual_weights,
3250 *   CellData &cell_data,
3251 *   Vector<float> &error_indicators) const
3252 *   {
3253 * @endcode
3254 *
3255 * The tasks to be done are what appears natural from looking at the
3256 * error estimation formula: first get the right hand side and Laplacian
3257 * of the numerical solution at the quadrature points for the cell
3258 * residual,
3259 *
3260 * @code
3261 *   cell_data.fe_values.reinit(cell);
3262 *   cell_data.right_hand_side->value_list(
3263 *   cell_data.fe_values.get_quadrature_points(), cell_data.rhs_values);
3264 *   cell_data.fe_values.get_function_laplacians(primal_solution,
3265 *   cell_data.cell_laplacians);
3266 *  
3267 * @endcode
3268 *
3269 * ...then get the dual weights...
3270 *
3271 * @code
3272 *   cell_data.fe_values.get_function_values(dual_weights,
3273 *   cell_data.dual_weights);
3274 *  
3275 * @endcode
3276 *
3277 * ...and finally build the sum over all quadrature points and store it
3278 * with the present cell:
3279 *
3280 * @code
3281 *   double sum = 0;
3282 *   for (unsigned int p = 0; p < cell_data.fe_values.n_quadrature_points; ++p)
3283 *   sum += ((cell_data.rhs_values[p] + cell_data.cell_laplacians[p]) *
3284 *   cell_data.dual_weights[p] * cell_data.fe_values.JxW(p));
3285 *   error_indicators(cell->active_cell_index()) += sum;
3286 *   }
3287 *  
3288 *  
3289 * @endcode
3290 *
3291 *
3292 * <a name="step_14-Computingedgetermerrorcontributions1"></a>
3293 * <h4>Computing edge term error contributions -- 1</h4>
3294 *
3296 *
3297 * On the other hand, computation of the edge terms for the error estimate
3298 * is not so simple. First, we have to distinguish between faces with and
3299 * without hanging nodes. Because it is the simple case, we first consider
3300 * the case without hanging nodes on a face (let's call this the `regular'
3301 * case):
3302 *
3303 * @code
3304 *   template <int dim>
3305 *   void WeightedResidual<dim>::integrate_over_regular_face(
3306 *   const active_cell_iterator &cell,
3307 *   const unsigned int face_no,
3308 *   const Vector<double> &primal_solution,
3309 *   const Vector<double> &dual_weights,
3310 *   FaceData &face_data,
3311 *   FaceIntegrals &face_integrals) const
3312 *   {
3313 *   const unsigned int n_q_points =
3314 *   face_data.fe_face_values_cell.n_quadrature_points;
3315 *  
3316 * @endcode
3317 *
3318 * The first step is to get the values of the gradients at the
3319 * quadrature points of the finite element field on the present
3320 * cell. For this, initialize the <code>FEFaceValues</code> object
3321 * corresponding to this side of the face, and extract the gradients
3322 * using that object.
3323 *
3324 * @code
3325 *   face_data.fe_face_values_cell.reinit(cell, face_no);
3326 *   face_data.fe_face_values_cell.get_function_gradients(
3327 *   primal_solution, face_data.cell_grads);
3328 *  
3329 * @endcode
3330 *
3331 * The second step is then to extract the gradients of the finite
3332 * element solution at the quadrature points on the other side of the
3333 * face, i.e. from the neighboring cell.
3334 *
3336 *
3337 * For this, do a sanity check before: make sure that the neighbor
3338 * actually exists (yes, we should not have come here if the neighbor
3339 * did not exist, but in complicated software there are bugs, so better
3340 * check this), and if this is not the case throw an error.
3341 *
3342 * @code
3343 *   Assert(cell->neighbor(face_no).state() == IteratorState::valid,
3344 *   ExcInternalError());
3345 * @endcode
3346 *
3347 * If we have that, then we need to find out with which face of the
3348 * neighboring cell we have to work, i.e. the <code>how-many'th</code> the
3349 * neighbor the present cell is of the cell behind the present face. For
3350 * this, there is a function, and we put the result into a variable with
3351 * the name <code>neighbor_neighbor</code>:
3352 *
3353 * @code
3354 *   const unsigned int neighbor_neighbor =
3355 *   cell->neighbor_of_neighbor(face_no);
3356 * @endcode
3357 *
3358 * Then define an abbreviation for the neighbor cell, initialize the
3359 * <code>FEFaceValues</code> object on that cell, and extract the
3360 * gradients on that cell:
3361 *
3362 * @code
3363 *   const active_cell_iterator neighbor = cell->neighbor(face_no);
3364 *   face_data.fe_face_values_neighbor.reinit(neighbor, neighbor_neighbor);
3365 *   face_data.fe_face_values_neighbor.get_function_gradients(
3366 *   primal_solution, face_data.neighbor_grads);
3367 *  
3368 * @endcode
3369 *
3370 * Now that we have the gradients on this and the neighboring cell,
3371 * compute the jump residual by multiplying the jump in the gradient
3372 * with the normal vector:
3373 *
3374 * @code
3375 *   for (unsigned int p = 0; p < n_q_points; ++p)
3376 *   face_data.jump_residual[p] =
3377 *   ((face_data.cell_grads[p] - face_data.neighbor_grads[p]) *
3378 *   face_data.fe_face_values_cell.normal_vector(p));
3379 *  
3380 * @endcode
3381 *
3382 * Next get the dual weights for this face:
3383 *
3384 * @code
3385 *   face_data.fe_face_values_cell.get_function_values(dual_weights,
3386 *   face_data.dual_weights);
3387 *  
3388 * @endcode
3389 *
3390 * Finally, we have to compute the sum over jump residuals, dual
3391 * weights, and quadrature weights, to get the result for this face:
3392 *
3393 * @code
3394 *   double face_integral = 0;
3395 *   for (unsigned int p = 0; p < n_q_points; ++p)
3396 *   face_integral +=
3397 *   (face_data.jump_residual[p] * face_data.dual_weights[p] *
3398 *   face_data.fe_face_values_cell.JxW(p));
3399 *  
3400 * @endcode
3401 *
3402 * Double check that the element already exists and that it was not
3403 * already written to...
3404 *
3405 * @code
3406 *   Assert(face_integrals.find(cell->face(face_no)) != face_integrals.end(),
3407 *   ExcInternalError());
3408 *   Assert(face_integrals[cell->face(face_no)] == -1e20, ExcInternalError());
3409 *  
3410 * @endcode
3411 *
3412 * ...then store computed value at assigned location. Note that the
3413 * stored value does not contain the factor 1/2 that appears in the
3414 * error representation. The reason is that the term actually does not
3415 * have this factor if we loop over all faces in the triangulation, but
3416 * only appears if we write it as a sum over all cells and all faces of
3417 * each cell; we thus visit the same face twice. We take account of this
3418 * by using this factor -1/2 later, when we sum up the contributions for
3419 * each cell individually.
3420 *
3421 * @code
3422 *   face_integrals[cell->face(face_no)] = face_integral;
3423 *   }
3424 *  
3425 *  
3426 * @endcode
3427 *
3428 *
3429 * <a name="step_14-Computingedgetermerrorcontributions2"></a>
3430 * <h4>Computing edge term error contributions -- 2</h4>
3431 *
3433 *
3434 * We are still missing the case of faces with hanging nodes. This is what
3435 * is covered in this function:
3436 *
3437 * @code
3438 *   template <int dim>
3439 *   void WeightedResidual<dim>::integrate_over_irregular_face(
3440 *   const active_cell_iterator &cell,
3441 *   const unsigned int face_no,
3442 *   const Vector<double> &primal_solution,
3443 *   const Vector<double> &dual_weights,
3444 *   FaceData &face_data,
3445 *   FaceIntegrals &face_integrals) const
3446 *   {
3447 * @endcode
3448 *
3449 * First again two abbreviations, and some consistency checks whether
3450 * the function is called only on faces for which it is supposed to be
3451 * called:
3452 *
3453 * @code
3454 *   const unsigned int n_q_points =
3455 *   face_data.fe_face_values_cell.n_quadrature_points;
3456 *  
3457 *   const typename DoFHandler<dim>::face_iterator face = cell->face(face_no);
3458 *   const typename DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator neighbor =
3459 *   cell->neighbor(face_no);
3460 *   Assert(neighbor.state() == IteratorState::valid, ExcInternalError());
3461 *   Assert(neighbor->has_children(), ExcInternalError());
3462 *   (void)neighbor;
3463 *  
3464 * @endcode
3465 *
3466 * Then find out which neighbor the present cell is of the adjacent
3467 * cell. Note that we will operate on the children of this adjacent
3468 * cell, but that their orientation is the same as that of their mother,
3469 * i.e. the neighbor direction is the same.
3470 *
3471 * @code
3472 *   const unsigned int neighbor_neighbor =
3473 *   cell->neighbor_of_neighbor(face_no);
3474 *  
3475 * @endcode
3476 *
3477 * Then simply do everything we did in the previous function for one
3478 * face for all the sub-faces now:
3479 *
3480 * @code
3481 *   for (unsigned int subface_no = 0; subface_no < face->n_children();
3482 *   ++subface_no)
3483 *   {
3484 * @endcode
3485 *
3486 * Start with some checks again: get an iterator pointing to the
3487 * cell behind the present subface and check whether its face is a
3488 * subface of the one we are considering. If that were not the case,
3489 * then there would be either a bug in the
3490 * <code>neighbor_neighbor</code> function called above, or -- worse
3491 * -- some function in the library did not keep to some underlying
3492 * assumptions about cells, their children, and their faces. In any
3493 * case, even though this assertion should not be triggered, it does
3494 * not harm to be cautious, and in optimized mode computations the
3495 * assertion will be removed anyway.
3496 *
3497 * @code
3498 *   const active_cell_iterator neighbor_child =
3499 *   cell->neighbor_child_on_subface(face_no, subface_no);
3500 *   Assert(neighbor_child->face(neighbor_neighbor) ==
3501 *   cell->face(face_no)->child(subface_no),
3502 *   ExcInternalError());
3503 *  
3504 * @endcode
3505 *
3506 * Now start the work by again getting the gradient of the solution
3507 * first at this side of the interface,
3508 *
3509 * @code
3510 *   face_data.fe_subface_values_cell.reinit(cell, face_no, subface_no);
3511 *   face_data.fe_subface_values_cell.get_function_gradients(
3512 *   primal_solution, face_data.cell_grads);
3513 * @endcode
3514 *
3515 * then at the other side,
3516 *
3517 * @code
3518 *   face_data.fe_face_values_neighbor.reinit(neighbor_child,
3519 *   neighbor_neighbor);
3520 *   face_data.fe_face_values_neighbor.get_function_gradients(
3521 *   primal_solution, face_data.neighbor_grads);
3522 *  
3523 * @endcode
3524 *
3525 * and finally building the jump residuals. Since we take the normal
3526 * vector from the other cell this time, revert the sign of the
3527 * first term compared to the other function:
3528 *
3529 * @code
3530 *   for (unsigned int p = 0; p < n_q_points; ++p)
3531 *   face_data.jump_residual[p] =
3532 *   ((face_data.neighbor_grads[p] - face_data.cell_grads[p]) *
3533 *   face_data.fe_face_values_neighbor.normal_vector(p));
3534 *  
3535 * @endcode
3536 *
3537 * Then get dual weights:
3538 *
3539 * @code
3540 *   face_data.fe_face_values_neighbor.get_function_values(
3541 *   dual_weights, face_data.dual_weights);
3542 *  
3543 * @endcode
3544 *
3545 * At last, sum up the contribution of this sub-face, and set it in
3546 * the global map:
3547 *
3548 * @code
3549 *   double face_integral = 0;
3550 *   for (unsigned int p = 0; p < n_q_points; ++p)
3551 *   face_integral +=
3552 *   (face_data.jump_residual[p] * face_data.dual_weights[p] *
3553 *   face_data.fe_face_values_neighbor.JxW(p));
3554 *   face_integrals[neighbor_child->face(neighbor_neighbor)] =
3555 *   face_integral;
3556 *   }
3557 *  
3558 * @endcode
3559 *
3560 * Once the contributions of all sub-faces are computed, loop over all
3561 * sub-faces to collect and store them with the mother face for simple
3562 * use when later collecting the error terms of cells. Again make safety
3563 * checks that the entries for the sub-faces have been computed and do
3564 * not carry an invalid value.
3565 *
3566 * @code
3567 *   double sum = 0;
3568 *   for (unsigned int subface_no = 0; subface_no < face->n_children();
3569 *   ++subface_no)
3570 *   {
3571 *   Assert(face_integrals.find(face->child(subface_no)) !=
3572 *   face_integrals.end(),
3573 *   ExcInternalError());
3574 *   Assert(face_integrals[face->child(subface_no)] != -1e20,
3575 *   ExcInternalError());
3576 *  
3577 *   sum += face_integrals[face->child(subface_no)];
3578 *   }
3579 * @endcode
3580 *
3581 * Finally store the value with the parent face.
3582 *
3583 * @code
3584 *   face_integrals[face] = sum;
3585 *   }
3586 *  
3587 *   } // namespace LaplaceSolver
3588 *  
3589 *  
3590 * @endcode
3591 *
3592 *
3593 * <a name="step_14-Asimulationframework"></a>
3594 * <h3>A simulation framework</h3>
3595 *
3597 *
3598 * In the previous example program, we have had two functions that were used
3599 * to drive the process of solving on subsequently finer grids. We extend
3600 * this here to allow for a number of parameters to be passed to these
3601 * functions, and put all of that into framework class.
3602 *
3604 *
3605 * You will have noted that this program is built up of a number of small
3606 * parts (evaluation functions, solver classes implementing various
3607 * refinement methods, different dual functionals, different problem and
3608 * data descriptions), which makes the program relatively simple to extend,
3609 * but also allows to solve a large number of different problems by
3610 * replacing one part by another. We reflect this flexibility by declaring a
3611 * structure in the following framework class that holds a number of
3612 * parameters that may be set to test various combinations of the parts of
3613 * this program, and which can be used to test it at various problems and
3614 * discretizations in a simple way.
3615 *
3616 * @code
3617 *   template <int dim>
3618 *   struct Framework
3619 *   {
3620 *   public:
3621 * @endcode
3622 *
3623 * First, we declare two abbreviations for simple use of the respective
3624 * data types:
3625 *
3626 * @code
3627 *   using Evaluator = Evaluation::EvaluationBase<dim>;
3628 *   using EvaluatorList = std::list<Evaluator *>;
3629 *  
3630 *  
3631 * @endcode
3632 *
3633 * Then we have the structure which declares all the parameters that may
3634 * be set. In the default constructor of the structure, these values are
3635 * all set to default values, for simple use.
3636 *
3637 * @code
3638 *   struct ProblemDescription
3639 *   {
3640 * @endcode
3641 *
3642 * First allow for the degrees of the piecewise polynomials by which the
3643 * primal and dual problems will be discretized. They default to (bi-,
3644 * tri-)linear ansatz functions for the primal, and (bi-, tri-)quadratic
3645 * ones for the dual problem. If a refinement criterion is chosen that
3646 * does not need the solution of a dual problem, the value of the dual
3647 * finite element degree is of course ignored.
3648 *
3649 * @code
3650 *   unsigned int primal_fe_degree;
3651 *   unsigned int dual_fe_degree;
3652 *  
3653 * @endcode
3654 *
3655 * Then have an object that describes the problem type, i.e. right hand
3656 * side, domain, boundary values, etc. The pointer needed here defaults
3657 * to the Null pointer, i.e. you will have to set it in actual instances
3658 * of this object to make it useful.
3659 *
3660 * @code
3661 *   std::unique_ptr<const Data::SetUpBase<dim>> data;
3662 *  
3663 * @endcode
3664 *
3665 * Since we allow to use different refinement criteria (global
3666 * refinement, refinement by the Kelly error indicator, possibly with a
3667 * weight, and using the dual estimator), define a number of enumeration
3668 * values, and subsequently a variable of that type. It will default to
3669 * <code>dual_weighted_error_estimator</code>.
3670 *
3671 * @code
3672 *   enum RefinementCriterion
3673 *   {
3674 *   dual_weighted_error_estimator,
3675 *   global_refinement,
3676 *   kelly_indicator,
3677 *   weighted_kelly_indicator
3678 *   };
3679 *  
3680 *   RefinementCriterion refinement_criterion;
3681 *  
3682 * @endcode
3683 *
3684 * Next, an object that describes the dual functional. It is only needed
3685 * if the dual weighted residual refinement is chosen, and also defaults
3686 * to a Null pointer.
3687 *
3688 * @code
3689 *   std::unique_ptr<const DualFunctional::DualFunctionalBase<dim>>
3690 *   dual_functional;
3691 *  
3692 * @endcode
3693 *
3694 * Then a list of evaluation objects. Its default value is empty,
3695 * i.e. no evaluation objects.
3696 *
3697 * @code
3698 *   EvaluatorList evaluator_list;
3699 *  
3700 * @endcode
3701 *
3702 * Next to last, a function that is used as a weight to the
3703 * <code>RefinementWeightedKelly</code> class. The default value of this
3704 * pointer is zero, but you have to set it to some other value if you
3705 * want to use the <code>weighted_kelly_indicator</code> refinement
3706 * criterion.
3707 *
3708 * @code
3709 *   std::unique_ptr<const Function<dim>> kelly_weight;
3710 *  
3711 * @endcode
3712 *
3713 * Finally, we have a variable that denotes the maximum number of
3714 * degrees of freedom we allow for the (primal) discretization. If it is
3715 * exceeded, we stop the process of solving and intermittent mesh
3716 * refinement. Its default value is 20,000.
3717 *
3718 * @code
3719 *   unsigned int max_degrees_of_freedom;
3720 *  
3721 * @endcode
3722 *
3723 * Finally the default constructor of this class:
3724 *
3725 * @code
3726 *   ProblemDescription();
3727 *   };
3728 *  
3729 * @endcode
3730 *
3731 * The driver framework class only has one method which calls solver and
3732 * mesh refinement intermittently, and does some other small tasks in
3733 * between. Since it does not need data besides the parameters given to
3734 * it, we make it static:
3735 *
3736 * @code
3737 *   static void run(const ProblemDescription &descriptor);
3738 *   };
3739 *  
3740 *  
3741 * @endcode
3742 *
3743 * As for the implementation, first the constructor of the parameter object,
3744 * setting all values to their defaults:
3745 *
3746 * @code
3747 *   template <int dim>
3748 *   Framework<dim>::ProblemDescription::ProblemDescription()
3749 *   : primal_fe_degree(1)
3750 *   , dual_fe_degree(2)
3751 *   , refinement_criterion(dual_weighted_error_estimator)
3752 *   , max_degrees_of_freedom(20000)
3753 *   {}
3754 *  
3755 *  
3756 *  
3757 * @endcode
3758 *
3759 * Then the function which drives the whole process:
3760 *
3761 * @code
3762 *   template <int dim>
3763 *   void Framework<dim>::run(const ProblemDescription &descriptor)
3764 *   {
3765 * @endcode
3766 *
3767 * First create a triangulation from the given data object,
3768 *
3769 * @code
3772 *>create_coarse_grid(triangulation);
3773 *  
3774 * @endcode
3775 *
3776 * then a set of finite elements and appropriate quadrature formula:
3777 *
3778 * @code
3779 *   const FE_Q<dim> primal_fe(descriptor.primal_fe_degree);
3780 *   const FE_Q<dim> dual_fe(descriptor.dual_fe_degree);
3781 *   const QGauss<dim> quadrature(descriptor.dual_fe_degree + 1);
3782 *   const QGauss<dim - 1> face_quadrature(descriptor.dual_fe_degree + 1);
3783 *  
3784 * @endcode
3785 *
3786 * Next, select one of the classes implementing different refinement
3787 * criteria.
3788 *
3789 * @code
3790 *   std::unique_ptr<LaplaceSolver::Base<dim>> solver;
3791 *   switch (descriptor.refinement_criterion)
3792 *   {
3793 *   case ProblemDescription::dual_weighted_error_estimator:
3794 *   {
3795 *   solver = std::make_unique<LaplaceSolver::WeightedResidual<dim>>(
3796 *   triangulation,
3797 *   primal_fe,
3798 *   dual_fe,
3799 *   quadrature,
3800 *   face_quadrature,
3801 *>get_right_hand_side(),
3802 *>get_boundary_values(),
3803 *   *descriptor.dual_functional);
3804 *   break;
3805 *   }
3806 *  
3807 *   case ProblemDescription::global_refinement:
3808 *   {
3809 *   solver = std::make_unique<LaplaceSolver::RefinementGlobal<dim>>(
3810 *   triangulation,
3811 *   primal_fe,
3812 *   quadrature,
3813 *   face_quadrature,
3814 *>get_right_hand_side(),
3815 *>get_boundary_values());
3816 *   break;
3817 *   }
3818 *  
3819 *   case ProblemDescription::kelly_indicator:
3820 *   {
3821 *   solver = std::make_unique<LaplaceSolver::RefinementKelly<dim>>(
3822 *   triangulation,
3823 *   primal_fe,
3824 *   quadrature,
3825 *   face_quadrature,
3826 *>get_right_hand_side(),
3827 *>get_boundary_values());
3828 *   break;
3829 *   }
3830 *  
3831 *   case ProblemDescription::weighted_kelly_indicator:
3832 *   {
3833 *   solver =
3834 *   std::make_unique<LaplaceSolver::RefinementWeightedKelly<dim>>(
3835 *   triangulation,
3836 *   primal_fe,
3837 *   quadrature,
3838 *   face_quadrature,
3839 *>get_right_hand_side(),
3840 *>get_boundary_values(),
3841 *   *descriptor.kelly_weight);
3842 *   break;
3843 *   }
3844 *  
3845 *   default:
3846 *   AssertThrow(false, ExcInternalError());
3847 *   }
3848 *  
3849 * @endcode
3850 *
3851 * Now that all objects are in place, run the main loop. The stopping
3852 * criterion is implemented at the bottom of the loop.
3853 *
3855 *
3856 * In the loop, first set the new cycle number, then solve the problem,
3857 * output its solution(s), apply the evaluation objects to it, then decide
3858 * whether we want to refine the mesh further and solve again on this
3859 * mesh, or jump out of the loop.
3860 *
3861 * @code
3862 *   for (unsigned int step = 0; true; ++step)
3863 *   {
3864 *   std::cout << "Refinement cycle: " << step << std::endl;
3865 *  
3866 *   solver->set_refinement_cycle(step);
3867 *   solver->solve_problem();
3868 *   solver->output_solution();
3869 *  
3870 *   std::cout << " Number of degrees of freedom: " << solver->n_dofs()
3871 *   << std::endl;
3872 *  
3873 *   for (const auto &evaluator : descriptor.evaluator_list)
3874 *   {
3875 *   evaluator->set_refinement_cycle(step);
3876 *   solver->postprocess(*evaluator);
3877 *   }
3878 *  
3879 *  
3880 *   if (solver->n_dofs() < descriptor.max_degrees_of_freedom)
3881 *   solver->refine_grid();
3882 *   else
3883 *   break;
3884 *   }
3885 *  
3886 * @endcode
3887 *
3888 * Clean up the screen after the loop has run:
3889 *
3890 * @code
3891 *   std::cout << std::endl;
3892 *   }
3893 *  
3894 *   } // namespace Step14
3895 *  
3896 *  
3897 *  
3898 * @endcode
3899 *
3900 *
3901 * <a name="step_14-Themainfunction"></a>
3902 * <h3>The main function</h3>
3903 *
3905 *
3906 * Here finally comes the main function. It drives the whole process by
3907 * specifying a set of parameters to be used for the simulation (polynomial
3908 * degrees, evaluation and dual functionals, etc), and passes them packed into
3909 * a structure to the frame work class above.
3910 *
3911 * @code
3912 *   int main()
3913 *   {
3914 *   try
3915 *   {
3916 *   using namespace Step14;
3917 *  
3918 * @endcode
3919 *
3920 * Describe the problem we want to solve here by passing a descriptor
3921 * object to the function doing the rest of the work:
3922 *
3923 * @code
3924 *   const unsigned int dim = 2;
3925 *   Framework<dim>::ProblemDescription descriptor;
3926 *  
3927 * @endcode
3928 *
3929 * First set the refinement criterion we wish to use:
3930 *
3931 * @code
3932 *   descriptor.refinement_criterion =
3933 *   Framework<dim>::ProblemDescription::dual_weighted_error_estimator;
3934 * @endcode
3935 *
3936 * Here, we could as well have used <code>global_refinement</code> or
3937 * <code>weighted_kelly_indicator</code>. Note that the information
3938 * given about dual finite elements, dual functional, etc is only
3939 * important for the given choice of refinement criterion, and is
3940 * ignored otherwise.
3941 *
3943 *
3944 * Then set the polynomial degrees of primal and dual problem. We choose
3945 * here bi-linear and bi-quadratic ones:
3946 *
3947 * @code
3948 *   descriptor.primal_fe_degree = 1;
3949 *   descriptor.dual_fe_degree = 2;
3950 *  
3951 * @endcode
3952 *
3953 * Then set the description of the test case, i.e. domain, boundary
3954 * values, and right hand side. These are prepackaged in classes. We
3955 * take here the description of <code>Exercise_2_3</code>, but you can
3956 * also use <code>CurvedRidges@<dim@></code>:
3957 *
3958 * @code
3959 * =
3960 *   std::make_unique<Data::SetUp<Data::Exercise_2_3<dim>, dim>>();
3961 *  
3962 * @endcode
3963 *
3964 * Next set first a dual functional, then a list of evaluation
3965 * objects. We choose as default the evaluation of the value at an
3966 * evaluation point, represented by the classes
3967 * <code>PointValueEvaluation</code> in the namespaces of evaluation and
3968 * dual functional classes. You can also set the
3969 * <code>PointXDerivativeEvaluation</code> classes for the x-derivative
3970 * instead of the value at the evaluation point.
3971 *
3973 *
3974 * Note that dual functional and evaluation objects should
3975 * match. However, you can give as many evaluation functionals as you
3976 * want, so you can have both point value and derivative evaluated after
3977 * each step. One such additional evaluation is to output the grid in
3978 * each step.
3979 *
3980 * @code
3981 *   const Point<dim> evaluation_point(0.75, 0.75);
3982 *   descriptor.dual_functional =
3983 *   std::make_unique<DualFunctional::PointValueEvaluation<dim>>(
3984 *   evaluation_point);
3985 *  
3986 *   Evaluation::PointValueEvaluation<dim> postprocessor1(evaluation_point);
3987 *   Evaluation::GridOutput<dim> postprocessor2("grid");
3988 *  
3989 *   descriptor.evaluator_list.push_back(&postprocessor1);
3990 *   descriptor.evaluator_list.push_back(&postprocessor2);
3991 *  
3992 * @endcode
3993 *
3994 * Set the maximal number of degrees of freedom after which we want the
3995 * program to stop refining the mesh further:
3996 *
3997 * @code
3998 *   descriptor.max_degrees_of_freedom = 20000;
3999 *  
4000 * @endcode
4001 *
4002 * Finally pass the descriptor object to a function that runs the entire
4003 * solution with it:
4004 *
4005 * @code
4006 *   Framework<dim>::run(descriptor);
4007 *   }
4008 *  
4009 * @endcode
4010 *
4011 * Catch exceptions to give information about things that failed:
4012 *
4013 * @code
4014 *   catch (std::exception &exc)
4015 *   {
4016 *   std::cerr << std::endl
4017 *   << std::endl
4018 *   << "----------------------------------------------------"
4019 *   << std::endl;
4020 *   std::cerr << "Exception on processing: " << std::endl
4021 *   << exc.what() << std::endl
4022 *   << "Aborting!" << std::endl
4023 *   << "----------------------------------------------------"
4024 *   << std::endl;
4025 *   return 1;
4026 *   }
4027 *   catch (...)
4028 *   {
4029 *   std::cerr << std::endl
4030 *   << std::endl
4031 *   << "----------------------------------------------------"
4032 *   << std::endl;
4033 *   std::cerr << "Unknown exception!" << std::endl
4034 *   << "Aborting!" << std::endl
4035 *   << "----------------------------------------------------"
4036 *   << std::endl;
4037 *   return 1;
4038 *   }
4039 *  
4040 *   return 0;
4041 *   }
4042 * @endcode
4043<a name="step_14-Results"></a><h1>Results</h1>
4046<a name="step_14-Pointvalues"></a><h3>Point values</h3>
4050This program offers a lot of possibilities to play around. We can thus
4051only show a small part of all possible results that can be obtained
4052with the help of this program. However, you are encouraged to just try
4053it out, by changing the settings in the main program. Here, we start
4054by simply letting it run, unmodified:
4056Refinement cycle: 0
4057 Number of degrees of freedom: 72
4058 Point value: 0.03243
4059 Estimated error: 0.000702385
4060Refinement cycle: 1
4061 Number of degrees of freedom: 67
4062 Point value: 0.0324827
4063 Estimated error: 0.000888953
4064Refinement cycle: 2
4065 Number of degrees of freedom: 130
4066 Point value: 0.0329619
4067 Estimated error: 0.000454606
4068Refinement cycle: 3
4069 Number of degrees of freedom: 307
4070 Point value: 0.0331934
4071 Estimated error: 0.000241254
4072Refinement cycle: 4
4073 Number of degrees of freedom: 718
4074 Point value: 0.0333675
4075 Estimated error: 7.4912e-05
4076Refinement cycle: 5
4077 Number of degrees of freedom: 1665
4078 Point value: 0.0334083
4079 Estimated error: 3.69111e-05
4080Refinement cycle: 6
4081 Number of degrees of freedom: 3975
4082 Point value: 0.033431
4083 Estimated error: 1.54218e-05
4084Refinement cycle: 7
4085 Number of degrees of freedom: 8934
4086 Point value: 0.0334406
4087 Estimated error: 6.28359e-06
4088Refinement cycle: 8
4089 Number of degrees of freedom: 21799
4090 Point value: 0.0334444
4094First let's look what the program actually computed. On the seventh
4095grid, primal and dual numerical solutions look like this (using a
4096color scheme intended to evoke the snow-capped mountains of
4097Colorado that the original author of this program now calls
4099<table align="center">
4100 <tr>
4101 <td width="50%">
4102 <img src="" alt="">
4103 </td>
4104 <td width="50%">
4105 <img src="" alt="">
4106 </td>
4107 </tr>
4109Apparently, the region at the bottom left is so unimportant for the
4110point value evaluation at the top right that the grid is left entirely
4111unrefined there, even though the solution has singularities at the inner
4112corner of that cell! Due
4113to the symmetry in right hand side and domain, the solution should
4114actually look like at the top right in all four corners, but the mesh
4115refinement criterion involving the dual solution chose to refine them
4116differently -- because we said that we really only care about a single
4117function value somewhere at the top right.
4121Here are some of the meshes that are produced in refinement cycles 0,
41222, 4 (top row), and 5, 7, and 8 (bottom row):
4124<table width="80%" align="center">
4125 <tr>
4126 <td><img src="" alt="" width="100%"></td>
4127 <td><img src="" alt="" width="100%"></td>
4128 <td><img src="" alt="" width="100%"></td>
4129 </tr>
4130 <tr>
4131 <td><img src="" alt="" width="100%"></td>
4132 <td><img src="" alt="" width="100%"></td>
4133 <td><img src="" alt="" width="100%"></td>
4134 </tr>
4137Note the subtle interplay between resolving the corner singularities,
4138and resolving around the point of evaluation. It will be rather
4139difficult to generate such a mesh by hand, as this would involve to
4140judge quantitatively how much which of the four corner singularities
4141should be resolved, and to set the weight compared to the vicinity of
4142the evaluation point.
4146The program prints the point value and the estimated error in this
4147quantity. From extrapolating it, we can guess that the exact value is
4148somewhere close to 0.0334473, plus or minus 0.0000001 (note that we get
4149almost 6 valid digits from only 22,000 (primal) degrees of
4150freedom. This number cannot be obtained from the value of the
4151functional alone, but I have used the assumption that the error
4152estimator is mostly exact, and extrapolated the computed value plus
4153the estimated error, to get an approximation of the true
4154value. Computing with more degrees of freedom shows that this
4155assumption is indeed valid.
4159From the computed results, we can generate two graphs: one that shows
4160the convergence of the error @f$J(u)-J(u_h)@f$ (taking the
4161extrapolated value as correct) in the point value, and the value that
4162we get by adding up computed value @f$J(u_h)@f$ and estimated
4163error eta (if the error estimator @f$eta@f$ were exact, then the value
4164@f$J(u_h)+\eta@f$ would equal the exact point value, and the error
4165in this quantity would always be zero; however, since the error
4166estimator is only a - good - approximation to the true error, we can
4167by this only reduce the size of the error). In this graph, we also
4168indicate the complexity @f${\cal O}(1/N)@f$ to show that mesh refinement
4169acts optimal in this case. The second chart compares
4170true and estimated error, and shows that the two are actually very
4171close to each other, even for such a complicated quantity as the point
4175<table width="80%" align="center">
4176 <tr>
4177 <td><img src="" alt="" width="100%"></td>
4178 <td><img src="" alt="" width="100%"></td>
4179 </tr>
4183<a name="step_14-Comparingrefinementcriteria"></a><h3>Comparing refinement criteria</h3>
4187Since we have accepted quite some effort when using the mesh
4188refinement driven by the dual weighted error estimator (for solving
4189the dual problem, and for evaluating the error representation), it is
4190worth while asking whether that effort was successful. To this end, we
4191first compare the achieved error levels for different mesh refinement
4192criteria. To generate this data, simply change the value of the mesh
4193refinement criterion variable in the main program. The results are
4194thus (for the weight in the Kelly indicator, we have chosen the
4195function @f$1/(r^2+0.1^2)@f$, where @f$r@f$
4196is the distance to the evaluation point; it can be shown that this is
4197the optimal weight if we neglect the effects of boundaries):
4199<img src="" alt="">
4203Checking these numbers, we see that for global refinement, the error
4204is proportional to @f$O(1/(sqrt(N) log(N)))@f$, and for the dual
4205estimator @f$O(1/N)@f$. Generally speaking, we see that the dual
4206weighted error estimator is better than the other refinement
4207indicators, at least when compared with those that have a similarly
4208regular behavior. The Kelly indicator produces smaller errors, but
4209jumps about the picture rather irregularly, with the error also
4210changing signs sometimes. Therefore, its behavior does not allow to
4211extrapolate the results to larger values of N. Furthermore, if we
4212trust the error estimates of the dual weighted error estimator, the
4213results can be improved by adding the estimated error to the computed
4214values. In terms of reliability, the weighted estimator is thus better
4215than the Kelly indicator, although the latter sometimes produces
4216smaller errors.
4220<a name="step_14-Evaluationofpointstresses"></a><h3>Evaluation of point stresses</h3>
4224Besides evaluating the values of the solution at a certain point, the
4225program also offers the possibility to evaluate the x-derivatives at a
4226certain point, and also to tailor mesh refinement for this. To let the
4227program compute these quantities, simply replace the two occurrences of
4228<code>PointValueEvaluation</code> in the main function by
4229<code>PointXDerivativeEvaluation</code>, and let the program run:
4231Refinement cycle: 0
4232 Number of degrees of freedom: 72
4233 Point x-derivative: -0.0719397
4234 Estimated error: -0.0126173
4235Refinement cycle: 1
4236 Number of degrees of freedom: 61
4237 Point x-derivative: -0.0707956
4238 Estimated error: -0.00774316
4239Refinement cycle: 2
4240 Number of degrees of freedom: 131
4241 Point x-derivative: -0.0568671
4242 Estimated error: -0.00313426
4243Refinement cycle: 3
4244 Number of degrees of freedom: 247
4245 Point x-derivative: -0.053033
4246 Estimated error: -0.00136114
4247Refinement cycle: 4
4248 Number of degrees of freedom: 532
4249 Point x-derivative: -0.0526429
4250 Estimated error: -0.000558868
4251Refinement cycle: 5
4252 Number of degrees of freedom: 1267
4253 Point x-derivative: -0.0526955
4254 Estimated error: -0.000220116
4255Refinement cycle: 6
4256 Number of degrees of freedom: 2864
4257 Point x-derivative: -0.0527495
4258 Estimated error: -9.46731e-05
4259Refinement cycle: 7
4260 Number of degrees of freedom: 6409
4261 Point x-derivative: -0.052785
4262 Estimated error: -4.21543e-05
4263Refinement cycle: 8
4264 Number of degrees of freedom: 14183
4265 Point x-derivative: -0.0528028
4266 Estimated error: -2.04241e-05
4267Refinement cycle: 9
4268 Number of degrees of freedom: 29902
4269 Point x-derivative: -0.052814
4274The solution looks roughly the same as before (the exact solution of
4275course <em>is</em> the same, only the grid changed a little), but the
4276dual solution is now different. A close-up around the point of
4277evaluation shows this:
4278<table align="center">
4279 <tr>
4280 <td width="50%">
4281 <img src="" alt="">
4282 </td>
4283 <td width="50%">
4284 <img src="" alt="">
4285 </td>
4287This time, the grids in refinement cycles 0, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 look
4288like this:
4290<table align="center" width="80%">
4291 <tr>
4292 <td><img src="" alt="" width="100%"></td>
4293 <td><img src="" alt="" width="100%"></td>
4294 <td><img src="" alt="" width="100%"></td>
4295 </tr>
4296 <tr>
4297 <td><img src="" alt="" width="100%"></td>
4298 <td><img src="" alt="" width="100%"></td>
4299 <td><img src="" alt="" width="100%"></td>
4300 </tr>
4303Note the asymmetry of the grids compared with those we obtained for
4304the point evaluation. This is due to the fact that the domain and the primal
4305solution may be symmetric about the diagonal, but the @f$x@f$-derivative is
4306not, and the latter enters the refinement criterion.
4310Then, it is interesting to compare actually computed values of the
4311quantity of interest (i.e. the x-derivative of the solution at one
4312point) with a reference value of -0.0528223... plus or minus
43130.0000005. We get this reference value by computing on finer grid after
4314some more mesh refinements, with approximately 130,000 cells.
4315Recall that if the error is @f$O(1/N)@f$ in the optimal case, then
4316taking a mesh with ten times more cells gives us one additional digit
4317in the result.
4321In the left part of the following chart, you again see the convergence
4322of the error towards this extrapolated value, while on the right you
4323see a comparison of true and estimated error:
4325<table width="80%" align="center">
4326 <tr>
4327 <td><img src="" alt="" width="100%"></td>
4328 <td><img src="" alt="" width="100%"></td>
4329 </tr>
4332After an initial phase where the true error changes its sign, the
4333estimated error matches it quite well, again. Also note the dramatic
4334improvement in the error when using the estimated error to correct the
4335computed value of @f$J(u_h)@f$.
4339<a name="step_14-step13revisited"></a><h3>step-13 revisited</h3>
4343If instead of the <code>Exercise_2_3</code> data set, we choose
4344<code>CurvedRidges</code> in the main function, and choose @f$(0.5,0.5)@f$
4345as the evaluation point, then we can redo the
4346computations of the previous example program, to compare whether the
4347results obtained with the help of the dual weighted error estimator
4348are better than those we had previously.
4352First, the meshes after 9 adaptive refinement cycles obtained with
4353the point evaluation and derivative evaluation refinement
4354criteria, respectively, look like this:
4356<table width="80%" align="center">
4357 <tr>
4358 <td><img src="" alt="" width="100%"></td>
4359 <td><img src="" alt="" width="100%"></td>
4360 </tr>
4363The features of the solution can still be seen in the mesh, but since the
4364solution is smooth, the singularities of the dual solution entirely
4365dominate the mesh refinement criterion, and lead to strongly
4366concentrated meshes. The solution after the seventh refinement step looks
4367like the following:
4369<table width="40%" align="center">
4370 <tr>
4371 <td><img src="" alt="" width="100%"></td>
4372 </tr>
4375Obviously, the solution is worse at some places, but the mesh
4376refinement process should have taken care that these places are not
4377important for computing the point value.
4382The next point is to compare the new (duality based) mesh refinement
4383criterion with the old ones. These are the results:
4385<img src="" alt="">
4389The results are, well, somewhat mixed. First, the Kelly indicator
4390disqualifies itself by its unsteady behavior, changing the sign of the
4391error several times, and with increasing errors under mesh
4392refinement. The dual weighted error estimator has a monotone decrease
4393in the error, and is better than the weighted Kelly and global
4394refinement, but the margin is not as large as expected. This is, here,
4395due to the fact the global refinement can exploit the regular
4396structure of the meshes around the point of evaluation, which leads to
4397a better order of convergence for the point error. However, if we had
4398a mesh that is not locally rectangular, for example because we had to
4399approximate curved boundaries, or if the coefficients were not
4400constant, then this advantage of globally refinement meshes would
4401vanish, while the good performance of the duality based estimator
4402would remain.
4407<a name="step_14-Conclusionsandoutlook"></a><h3>Conclusions and outlook</h3>
4411The results here are not too clearly indicating the superiority of the
4412dual weighted error estimation approach for mesh refinement over other
4413mesh refinement criteria, such as the Kelly indicator. This is due to
4414the relative simplicity of the shown applications. If you are not
4415convinced yet that this approach is indeed superior, you are invited
4416to browse through the literature indicated in the introduction, where
4417plenty of examples are provided where the dual weighted approach can
4418reduce the necessary numerical work by orders of magnitude, making
4419this the only way to compute certain quantities to reasonable
4420accuracies at all.
4424Besides the objections you may raise against its use as a mesh
4425refinement criterion, consider that accurate knowledge of the error in
4426the quantity one might want to compute is of great use, since we can
4427stop computations when we are satisfied with the accuracy. Using more
4428traditional approaches, it is very difficult to get accurate estimates
4429for arbitrary quantities, except for, maybe, the error in the energy
4430norm, and we will then have no guarantee that the result we computed
4431satisfies any requirements on its accuracy. Also, as was shown for the
4432evaluation of point values and derivatives, the error estimate can be
4433used to extrapolate the results, yielding much higher accuracy in the
4434quantity we want to know.
4438Leaving these mathematical considerations, we tried to write the
4439program in a modular way, such that implementing another test case, or
4440another evaluation and dual functional is simple. You are encouraged
4441to take the program as a basis for your own experiments, and to play a
4443 *
4444 *
4445<a name="step_14-PlainProg"></a>
4446<h1> The plain program</h1>
4447@include ""
void attach_dof_handler(const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &)
types::global_dof_index n_dofs() const
Definition fe_q.h:554
void write_svg(const Triangulation< 2, 2 > &tria, std::ostream &out) const
static void estimate(const Mapping< dim, spacedim > &mapping, const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dof, const Quadrature< dim - 1 > &quadrature, const std::map< types::boundary_id, const Function< spacedim, Number > * > &neumann_bc, const ReadVector< Number > &solution, Vector< float > &error, const ComponentMask &component_mask={}, const Function< spacedim > *coefficients=nullptr, const unsigned int n_threads=numbers::invalid_unsigned_int, const types::subdomain_id subdomain_id=numbers::invalid_subdomain_id, const types::material_id material_id=numbers::invalid_material_id, const Strategy strategy=cell_diameter_over_24)
Definition point.h:111
void initialize(const MatrixType &A, const AdditionalData &parameters=AdditionalData())
unsigned int n_active_cells() const
void refine_global(const unsigned int times=1)
virtual void execute_coarsening_and_refinement() override
Point< 3 > vertices[4]
Point< 2 > second
Point< 2 > first
unsigned int level
__global__ void set(Number *val, const Number s, const size_type N)
#define Assert(cond, exc)
#define AssertThrow(cond, exc)
typename ActiveSelector::cell_iterator cell_iterator
typename ActiveSelector::face_iterator face_iterator
typename ActiveSelector::active_cell_iterator active_cell_iterator
void loop(IteratorType begin, std_cxx20::type_identity_t< IteratorType > end, DOFINFO &dinfo, INFOBOX &info, const std::function< void(std_cxx20::type_identity_t< DOFINFO > &, typename INFOBOX::CellInfo &)> &cell_worker, const std::function< void(std_cxx20::type_identity_t< DOFINFO > &, typename INFOBOX::CellInfo &)> &boundary_worker, const std::function< void(std_cxx20::type_identity_t< DOFINFO > &, std_cxx20::type_identity_t< DOFINFO > &, typename INFOBOX::CellInfo &, typename INFOBOX::CellInfo &)> &face_worker, AssemblerType &assembler, const LoopControl &lctrl=LoopControl())
Definition loop.h:564
void make_hanging_node_constraints(const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dof_handler, AffineConstraints< number > &constraints)
void make_sparsity_pattern(const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dof_handler, SparsityPatternBase &sparsity_pattern, const AffineConstraints< number > &constraints={}, const bool keep_constrained_dofs=true, const types::subdomain_id subdomain_id=numbers::invalid_subdomain_id)
@ update_hessians
Second derivatives of shape functions.
@ update_values
Shape function values.
@ update_normal_vectors
Normal vectors.
@ update_JxW_values
Transformed quadrature weights.
@ update_gradients
Shape function gradients.
@ update_quadrature_points
Transformed quadrature points.
void consistently_order_cells(std::vector< CellData< dim > > &cells)
Task< RT > new_task(const std::function< RT()> &function)
const Event initial
Expression fabs(const Expression &x)
Expression sign(const Expression &x)
void interpolation_difference(const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dof1, const InVector &z1, const FiniteElement< dim, spacedim > &fe2, OutVector &z1_difference)
void interpolate(const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dof1, const InVector &u1, const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dof2, OutVector &u2)
void refine(Triangulation< dim, spacedim > &tria, const Vector< Number > &criteria, const double threshold, const unsigned int max_to_mark=numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
void refine_and_coarsen_fixed_number(Triangulation< dim, spacedim > &triangulation, const Vector< Number > &criteria, const double top_fraction_of_cells, const double bottom_fraction_of_cells, const unsigned int max_n_cells=std::numeric_limits< unsigned int >::max())
void coarsen(Triangulation< dim, spacedim > &tria, const Vector< Number > &criteria, const double threshold)
void refine_and_coarsen_fixed_fraction(Triangulation< dim, spacedim > &tria, const Vector< Number > &criteria, const double top_fraction, const double bottom_fraction, const unsigned int max_n_cells=std::numeric_limits< unsigned int >::max(), const VectorTools::NormType norm_type=VectorTools::L1_norm)
@ valid
Iterator points to a valid object.
@ matrix
Contents is actually a matrix.
void cell_matrix(FullMatrix< double > &M, const FEValuesBase< dim > &fe, const FEValuesBase< dim > &fetest, const ArrayView< const std::vector< double > > &velocity, const double factor=1.)
Definition advection.h:74
void cell_residual(Vector< double > &result, const FEValuesBase< dim > &fe, const std::vector< Tensor< 1, dim > > &input, const ArrayView< const std::vector< double > > &velocity, double factor=1.)
Definition advection.h:130
void apply_boundary_values(const std::map< types::global_dof_index, number > &boundary_values, SparseMatrix< number > &matrix, Vector< number > &solution, Vector< number > &right_hand_side, const bool eliminate_columns=true)
Point< spacedim > point(const gp_Pnt &p, const double tolerance=1e-10)
SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, Number > C(const Tensor< 2, dim, Number > &F)
SymmetricTensor< 2, dim, Number > d(const Tensor< 2, dim, Number > &F, const Tensor< 2, dim, Number > &dF_dt)
constexpr ReturnType< rank, T >::value_type & extract(T &t, const ArrayType &indices)
VectorType::value_type * end(VectorType &V)
T sum(const T &t, const MPI_Comm mpi_communicator)
void interpolate_boundary_values(const Mapping< dim, spacedim > &mapping, const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dof, const std::map< types::boundary_id, const Function< spacedim, number > * > &function_map, std::map< types::global_dof_index, number > &boundary_values, const ComponentMask &component_mask={})
void run(const Iterator &begin, const std_cxx20::type_identity_t< Iterator > &end, Worker worker, Copier copier, const ScratchData &sample_scratch_data, const CopyData &sample_copy_data, const unsigned int queue_length, const unsigned int chunk_size)
void run(const std::vector< std::vector< Iterator > > &colored_iterators, Worker worker, Copier copier, const ScratchData &sample_scratch_data, const CopyData &sample_copy_data, const unsigned int queue_length=2 *MultithreadInfo::n_threads(), const unsigned int chunk_size=8)
bool check(const ConstraintKinds kind_in, const unsigned int dim)
void copy(const T *begin, const T *end, U *dest)
int(& functions)(const void *v1, const void *v2)
static const unsigned int invalid_unsigned_int
Definition types.h:220
STL namespace.
Definition types.h:32
const ::parallel::distributed::Triangulation< dim, spacedim > * triangulation