Reference documentation for deal.II version 9.6.0
\(\newcommand{\dealvcentcolon}{\mathrel{\mathop{:}}}\) \(\newcommand{\dealcoloneq}{\dealvcentcolon\mathrel{\mkern-1.2mu}=}\) \(\newcommand{\jump}[1]{\left[\!\left[ #1 \right]\!\right]}\) \(\newcommand{\average}[1]{\left\{\!\left\{ #1 \right\}\!\right\}}\)
No Matches
BoundingBox< spacedim, Number > Member List

This is the complete list of members for BoundingBox< spacedim, Number >, including all inherited members.

boundary_pointsBoundingBox< spacedim, Number >private
BoundingBox()=defaultBoundingBox< spacedim, Number >
BoundingBox(const BoundingBox< spacedim, Number > &box)=defaultBoundingBox< spacedim, Number >
BoundingBox(const Point< spacedim, Number > &point)BoundingBox< spacedim, Number >
BoundingBox(const std::pair< Point< spacedim, Number >, Point< spacedim, Number > > &boundary_points)BoundingBox< spacedim, Number >
BoundingBox(const Container &points)BoundingBox< spacedim, Number >
bounds(const unsigned int direction) constBoundingBox< spacedim, Number >
center() constBoundingBox< spacedim, Number >
child(const unsigned int index) constBoundingBox< spacedim, Number >
coordinate_to_one_dim_higher(const int locked_coordinate, const int coordinate_in_dim)BoundingBox< spacedim, Number >related
create_extended(const Number amount) constBoundingBox< spacedim, Number >
create_extended_relative(const Number relative_amount) constBoundingBox< spacedim, Number >
create_unit_bounding_box()BoundingBox< spacedim, Number >related
cross_section(const unsigned int direction) constBoundingBox< spacedim, Number >
extend(const Number amount)BoundingBox< spacedim, Number >
get_boundary_points()BoundingBox< spacedim, Number >
get_boundary_points() constBoundingBox< spacedim, Number >
get_neighbor_type(const BoundingBox< spacedim, Number > &other_bbox, const double tolerance=std::numeric_limits< Number >::epsilon()) constBoundingBox< spacedim, Number >
has_overlap_with(const BoundingBox< spacedim, Number > &other_bbox, const double tolerance=std::numeric_limits< Number >::epsilon()) constBoundingBox< spacedim, Number >
lower_bound(const unsigned int direction) constBoundingBox< spacedim, Number >
merge_with(const BoundingBox< spacedim, Number > &other_bbox)BoundingBox< spacedim, Number >
operator!=(const BoundingBox< spacedim, Number > &box) constBoundingBox< spacedim, Number >
operator=(const BoundingBox< spacedim, Number > &t)=defaultBoundingBox< spacedim, Number >
operator==(const BoundingBox< spacedim, Number > &box) constBoundingBox< spacedim, Number >
point_inside(const Point< spacedim, Number > &p, const double tolerance=std::numeric_limits< Number >::epsilon()) constBoundingBox< spacedim, Number >
real_to_unit(const Point< spacedim, Number > &point) constBoundingBox< spacedim, Number >
serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version)BoundingBox< spacedim, Number >
side_length(const unsigned int direction) constBoundingBox< spacedim, Number >
signed_distance(const Point< spacedim, Number > &point, const unsigned int direction) constBoundingBox< spacedim, Number >
signed_distance(const Point< spacedim, Number > &point) constBoundingBox< spacedim, Number >
unit_to_real(const Point< spacedim, Number > &point) constBoundingBox< spacedim, Number >
upper_bound(const unsigned int direction) constBoundingBox< spacedim, Number >
vertex(const unsigned int index) constBoundingBox< spacedim, Number >
volume() constBoundingBox< spacedim, Number >