## # CMake script for the CeresFE program: ## CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 3.3.0) FIND_PACKAGE(deal.II 9.5 HINTS ${deal.II_DIR} ${DEAL_II_DIR} ../ ../../ $ENV{DEAL_II_DIR} ) IF(NOT ${deal.II_FOUND}) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "\n" "*** Could not locate a (sufficiently recent) version of deal.II. ***\n\n" "You may want to either pass a flag -DDEAL_II_DIR=/path/to/deal.II to cmake\n" "or set an environment variable \"DEAL_II_DIR\" that contains this path." ) ENDIF() DEAL_II_INITIALIZE_CACHED_VARIABLES() PROJECT("ceres") # # Find libconfig: # FIND_PATH(LIBCONFIG_INCLUDE_DIR libconfig.h++ HINTS ${LIBCONFIG_DIR} $ENV{LIBCONFIG_DIR} PATH_SUFFIXES include ) FIND_LIBRARY(LIBCONFIG_LIBRARY NAMES config++ libconfig++ HINTS ${LIBCONFIG_DIR} $ENV{LIBCONFIG_DIR} PATH_SUFFIXES lib${LIB_SUFFIX} lib64 lib ) # # Find armadillo # FIND_PATH(ARMADILLO_INCLUDE_DIR armadillo HINTS ${ARMADILLO_DIR} $ENV{ARMADILLO_DIR} PATH_SUFFIXES include ) FIND_LIBRARY(ARMADILLO_LIBRARY NAMES armadillo HINTS ${ARMADILLO_DIR} $ENV{ARMADILLO_DIR} PATH_SUFFIXES lib${LIB_SUFFIX} lib64 lib ) # # Are all dependencies fulfilled? # IF(NOT DEAL_II_WITH_UMFPACK) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR " Error! The deal.II library found at ${DEAL_II_PATH} was not configured with DEAL_II_WITH_UMFPACK = ON One or all of these are OFF in your installation but are required for this tutorial step." ) ENDIF() IF(${LIBCONFIG_INCLUDE_DIR} MATCHES "-NOTFOUND" OR ${LIBCONFIG_LIBRARY} MATCHES "-NOTFOUND") MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "\n" "*** Could not locate libconfig ***\n\n" "This code gallery program requires libconfig, " "http://www.hyperrealm.com/libconfig/libconfig.html.\n" "Please install it either by hand, or with your favorite package manager" ) ENDIF() IF(${ARMADILLO_INCLUDE_DIR} MATCHES "-NOTFOUND" OR ${ARMADILLO_LIBRARY} MATCHES "-NOTFOUND") MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "\n" "*** Could not locate armadillo ***\n\n" "This code gallery program requires armadillo, " "http://arma.sourceforge.net.\n" "Please install it either by hand, or with your favorite package manager" ) ENDIF() # # Set up program: # SET(TARGET "ceres") SET(TARGET_SRC src/${TARGET}.cc) DEAL_II_INVOKE_AUTOPILOT() TARGET_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${TARGET} PUBLIC ${LIBCONFIG_INCLUDE_DIR} ${ARMADILLO_INCLUDE_DIR} ) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${TARGET} ${LIBCONFIG_LIBRARY} ${ARMADILLO_LIBRARY} )