#include <deal.II/base/config.h>
#include <deal.II/lac/exceptions.h>
#include <petscconf.h>
#include <petscksp.h>
#include <petscmat.h>
#include <petscpc.h>
#include <petscsnes.h>
#include <petscts.h>
#include <string>
Go to the source code of this file.
void | PETScWrappers::set_option_value (const std::string &name, const std::string &value) |
void | PETScWrappers::set_matrix_option (Mat &matrix, const MatOption option_name, const PetscBool option_value=PETSC_FALSE) |
void | PETScWrappers::close_matrix (Mat &matrix) |
void | PETScWrappers::set_keep_zero_rows (Mat &matrix) |
void | PETScWrappers::petsc_increment_state_counter (Vec v) |
void | PETScWrappers::petsc_increment_state_counter (Mat A) |
PetscErrorCode | PETScWrappers::pc_set_failed_reason (PC pc, PCFailedReason reason) |
void | PETScWrappers::snes_reset_domain_flags (SNES snes) |
void | PETScWrappers::snes_set_jacobian_domain_error (SNES snes) |
void | PETScWrappers::set_use_matrix_free (SNES snes, const bool mf_operator, const bool mf) |
void | PETScWrappers::set_use_matrix_free (TS ts, const bool mf_operator, const bool mf) |
void | PETScWrappers::ts_set_max_time (TS ts, const PetscReal maxtime) |
void | PETScWrappers::ts_set_max_steps (TS ts, const PetscInt maxsteps) |
unsigned int | PETScWrappers::ts_get_step_number (TS ts) |
bool | PETScWrappers::ts_has_snes (TS ts) |