Reference documentation for deal.II version 9.2.0
\(\newcommand{\dealvcentcolon}{\mathrel{\mathop{:}}}\) \(\newcommand{\dealcoloneq}{\dealvcentcolon\mathrel{\mkern-1.2mu}=}\) \(\newcommand{\jump}[1]{\left[\!\left[ #1 \right]\!\right]}\) \(\newcommand{\average}[1]{\left\{\!\left\{ #1 \right\}\!\right\}}\)
MatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType > Member List

This is the complete list of members for MatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >, including all inherited members.

acquire_scratch_data() constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
acquire_scratch_data_non_threadsafe() constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
at_irregular_cell(const unsigned int macro_cell_number) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
cell_level_indexMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >private
cell_level_index_end_localMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >private
cell_loop(const std::function< void(const MatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType > &, OutVector &, const InVector &, const std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > &)> &cell_operation, OutVector &dst, const InVector &src, const bool zero_dst_vector=false) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
cell_loop(void(CLASS::*cell_operation)(const MatrixFree &, OutVector &, const InVector &, const std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > &) const, const CLASS *owning_class, OutVector &dst, const InVector &src, const bool zero_dst_vector=false) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
cell_loop(void(CLASS::*cell_operation)(const MatrixFree &, OutVector &, const InVector &, const std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > &), CLASS *owning_class, OutVector &dst, const InVector &src, const bool zero_dst_vector=false) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
cell_loop(void(CLASS::*cell_operation)(const MatrixFree &, OutVector &, const InVector &, const std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > &) const, const CLASS *owning_class, OutVector &dst, const InVector &src, const std::function< void(const unsigned int, const unsigned int)> &operation_before_loop, const std::function< void(const unsigned int, const unsigned int)> &operation_after_loop, const unsigned int dof_handler_index_pre_post=0) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
cell_loop(void(CLASS::*cell_operation)(const MatrixFree &, OutVector &, const InVector &, const std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > &), CLASS *owning_class, OutVector &dst, const InVector &src, const std::function< void(const unsigned int, const unsigned int)> &operation_before_loop, const std::function< void(const unsigned int, const unsigned int)> &operation_after_loop, const unsigned int dof_handler_index_pre_post=0) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
cell_loop(const std::function< void(const MatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType > &, OutVector &, const InVector &, const std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > &)> &cell_operation, OutVector &dst, const InVector &src, const std::function< void(const unsigned int, const unsigned int)> &operation_before_loop, const std::function< void(const unsigned int, const unsigned int)> &operation_after_loop, const unsigned int dof_handler_index_pre_post=0) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
check_no_subscribers() const noexceptSubscriptorprivate
clear()MatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
constraint_pool_begin(const unsigned int pool_index) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
constraint_pool_dataMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >private
constraint_pool_end(const unsigned int pool_index) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
constraint_pool_row_indexMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >private
copy_from(const MatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType > &matrix_free_base)MatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
create_cell_subrange_hp(const std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > &range, const unsigned int fe_degree, const unsigned int dof_handler_index=0) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
create_cell_subrange_hp_by_index(const std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > &range, const unsigned int fe_index, const unsigned int dof_handler_index=0) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
DataAccessOnFaces enum nameMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
dimensionMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >static
dof_handlersMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >private
dof_infoMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >private
ExcInUse(int arg1, std::string arg2, std::string arg3)Subscriptorstatic
ExcNoSubscriber(std::string arg1, std::string arg2)Subscriptorstatic
face_infoMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >private
get_boundary_id(const unsigned int macro_face) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
get_cell_and_face_to_plain_faces() constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
get_cell_category(const unsigned int macro_cell) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
get_cell_iterator(const unsigned int macro_cell_number, const unsigned int vector_number, const unsigned int dof_handler_index=0) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
get_cell_level_and_index(const unsigned int macro_cell_number, const unsigned int vector_number) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
get_constrained_dofs(const unsigned int dof_handler_index=0) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
get_dof_handler(const unsigned int dof_handler_index=0) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
get_dof_info(const unsigned int dof_handler_index_component=0) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
get_dofs_per_cell(const unsigned int dof_handler_index=0, const unsigned int hp_active_fe_index=0) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
get_dofs_per_face(const unsigned int dof_handler_index=0, const unsigned int hp_active_fe_index=0) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
get_face_category(const unsigned int macro_face) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
get_face_info(const unsigned int face_batch_number) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
get_face_iterator(const unsigned int face_batch_number, const unsigned int vector_number, const bool interior=true, const unsigned int fe_component=0) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
get_face_quadrature(const unsigned int quad_index=0, const unsigned int hp_active_fe_index=0) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
get_faces_by_cells_boundary_id(const unsigned int macro_cell, const unsigned int face_number) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
get_ghost_set(const unsigned int dof_handler_index=0) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
get_hp_cell_iterator(const unsigned int macro_cell_number, const unsigned int vector_number, const unsigned int dof_handler_index=0) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
get_locally_owned_set(const unsigned int dof_handler_index=0) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
get_mapping_info() constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
get_mg_level() constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
get_n_q_points(const unsigned int quad_index=0, const unsigned int hp_active_fe_index=0) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
get_n_q_points_face(const unsigned int quad_index=0, const unsigned int hp_active_fe_index=0) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
get_quadrature(const unsigned int quad_index=0, const unsigned int hp_active_fe_index=0) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
get_shape_info(const unsigned int dof_handler_index_component=0, const unsigned int quad_index=0, const unsigned int fe_base_element=0, const unsigned int hp_active_fe_index=0, const unsigned int hp_active_quad_index=0) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
get_task_info() constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
get_vector_partitioner(const unsigned int dof_handler_index=0) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
indices_are_initializedMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >private
indices_initialized() constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
initialize_dof_handlers(const std::vector< const DoFHandler< dim > * > &dof_handlers, const AdditionalData &additional_data)MatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >private
initialize_dof_handlers(const std::vector< const hp::DoFHandler< dim > * > &dof_handlers, const AdditionalData &additional_data)MatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >private
initialize_dof_vector(VectorType &vec, const unsigned int dof_handler_index=0) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
initialize_dof_vector(LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector< Number2 > &vec, const unsigned int dof_handler_index=0) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
initialize_indices(const std::vector< const AffineConstraints< number2 > * > &constraint, const std::vector< IndexSet > &locally_owned_set, const AdditionalData &additional_data)MatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >private
internal_reinit(const Mapping< dim > &mapping, const std::vector< const DoFHandlerType< dim, dim > * > &dof_handler, const std::vector< const AffineConstraints< number2 > * > &constraint, const std::vector< IndexSet > &locally_owned_set, const std::vector< hp::QCollection< 1 >> &quad, const AdditionalData &additional_data)MatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >private
is_supported(const FiniteElement< dim, spacedim > &fe)MatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >static
list_subscribers(StreamType &stream) constSubscriptorinline
list_subscribers() constSubscriptor
loop(const std::function< void(const MatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType > &, OutVector &, const InVector &, const std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > &)> &cell_operation, const std::function< void(const MatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType > &, OutVector &, const InVector &, const std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > &)> &face_operation, const std::function< void(const MatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType > &, OutVector &, const InVector &, const std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > &)> &boundary_operation, OutVector &dst, const InVector &src, const bool zero_dst_vector=false, const DataAccessOnFaces dst_vector_face_access=DataAccessOnFaces::unspecified, const DataAccessOnFaces src_vector_face_access=DataAccessOnFaces::unspecified) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
loop(void(CLASS::*cell_operation)(const MatrixFree &, OutVector &, const InVector &, const std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > &) const, void(CLASS::*face_operation)(const MatrixFree &, OutVector &, const InVector &, const std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > &) const, void(CLASS::*boundary_operation)(const MatrixFree &, OutVector &, const InVector &, const std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > &) const, const CLASS *owning_class, OutVector &dst, const InVector &src, const bool zero_dst_vector=false, const DataAccessOnFaces dst_vector_face_access=DataAccessOnFaces::unspecified, const DataAccessOnFaces src_vector_face_access=DataAccessOnFaces::unspecified) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
loop(void(CLASS::*cell_operation)(const MatrixFree &, OutVector &, const InVector &, const std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > &), void(CLASS::*face_operation)(const MatrixFree &, OutVector &, const InVector &, const std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > &), void(CLASS::*boundary_operation)(const MatrixFree &, OutVector &, const InVector &, const std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > &), CLASS *owning_class, OutVector &dst, const InVector &src, const bool zero_dst_vector=false, const DataAccessOnFaces dst_vector_face_access=DataAccessOnFaces::unspecified, const DataAccessOnFaces src_vector_face_access=DataAccessOnFaces::unspecified) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
loop_cell_centric(void(CLASS::*cell_operation)(const MatrixFree &, OutVector &, const InVector &, const std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > &) const, const CLASS *owning_class, OutVector &dst, const InVector &src, const bool zero_dst_vector=false, const DataAccessOnFaces src_vector_face_access=DataAccessOnFaces::unspecified) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
loop_cell_centric(void(CLASS::*cell_operation)(const MatrixFree &, OutVector &, const InVector &, const std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > &), CLASS *owning_class, OutVector &dst, const InVector &src, const bool zero_dst_vector=false, const DataAccessOnFaces src_vector_face_access=DataAccessOnFaces::unspecified) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
loop_cell_centric(const std::function< void(const MatrixFree &, OutVector &, const InVector &, const std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > &)> &cell_operation, OutVector &dst, const InVector &src, const bool zero_dst_vector=false, const DataAccessOnFaces src_vector_face_access=DataAccessOnFaces::unspecified) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
make_connectivity_graph_faces(DynamicSparsityPattern &connectivity)MatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >private
map_iterator typedefSubscriptorprivate
map_value_type typedefSubscriptorprivate
mapping_infoMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >private
mapping_initialized() constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
mapping_is_initializedMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >private
MatrixFree()MatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
MatrixFree(const MatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType > &other)MatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
memory_consumption() constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
mg_levelMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >private
n_active_entries_per_cell_batch(const unsigned int cell_batch_number) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
n_active_entries_per_face_batch(const unsigned int face_batch_number) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
n_base_elements(const unsigned int dof_handler_index) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
n_boundary_face_batches() constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
n_cell_batches() constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
n_components() constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
n_components_filled(const unsigned int cell_batch_number) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
n_constraint_pool_entries() constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
n_ghost_cell_batches() constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
n_ghost_inner_face_batches() constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
n_inner_face_batches() constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
n_macro_cells() constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
n_physical_cells() constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
n_subscriptions() constSubscriptorinline
operator=(const Subscriptor &)Subscriptorinline
operator=(Subscriptor &&) noexceptSubscriptor
print(std::ostream &out) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
print_memory_consumption(StreamType &out) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
reinit(const Mapping< dim > &mapping, const DoFHandlerType &dof_handler, const AffineConstraints< number2 > &constraint, const QuadratureType &quad, const AdditionalData &additional_data=AdditionalData())MatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
reinit(const DoFHandlerType &dof_handler, const AffineConstraints< number2 > &constraint, const QuadratureType &quad, const AdditionalData &additional_data=AdditionalData())MatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
reinit(const Mapping< dim > &mapping, const DoFHandlerType &dof_handler, const AffineConstraints< number2 > &constraint, const IndexSet &locally_owned_dofs, const QuadratureType &quad, const AdditionalData &additional_data=AdditionalData())MatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
reinit(const Mapping< dim > &mapping, const std::vector< const DoFHandlerType * > &dof_handler, const std::vector< const AffineConstraints< number2 > * > &constraint, const std::vector< QuadratureType > &quad, const AdditionalData &additional_data=AdditionalData())MatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
reinit(const std::vector< const DoFHandlerType * > &dof_handler, const std::vector< const AffineConstraints< number2 > * > &constraint, const std::vector< QuadratureType > &quad, const AdditionalData &additional_data=AdditionalData())MatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
reinit(const Mapping< dim > &mapping, const std::vector< const DoFHandlerType * > &dof_handler, const std::vector< const AffineConstraints< number2 > * > &constraint, const std::vector< IndexSet > &locally_owned_set, const std::vector< QuadratureType > &quad, const AdditionalData &additional_data=AdditionalData())MatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
reinit(const Mapping< dim > &mapping, const std::vector< const DoFHandlerType * > &dof_handler, const std::vector< const AffineConstraints< number2 > * > &constraint, const QuadratureType &quad, const AdditionalData &additional_data=AdditionalData())MatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
reinit(const std::vector< const DoFHandlerType * > &dof_handler, const std::vector< const AffineConstraints< number2 > * > &constraint, const QuadratureType &quad, const AdditionalData &additional_data=AdditionalData())MatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
release_scratch_data(const AlignedVector< VectorizedArrayType > *memory) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
release_scratch_data_non_threadsafe(const AlignedVector< Number > *memory) constMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
renumber_dofs(std::vector< types::global_dof_index > &renumbering, const unsigned int dof_handler_index=0)MatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
scratch_padMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >mutableprivate
scratch_pad_non_threadsafeMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >mutableprivate
serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version)Subscriptorinline
shape_infoMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >private
subscribe(std::atomic< bool > *const validity, const std::string &identifier="") constSubscriptor
Subscriptor(const Subscriptor &)Subscriptorinline
Subscriptor(Subscriptor &&) noexceptSubscriptor
task_infoMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >private
unsubscribe(std::atomic< bool > *const validity, const std::string &identifier="") constSubscriptor
update_mapping(const Mapping< dim > &mapping)MatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
value_type typedefMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
vectorized_value_type typedefMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >
~MatrixFree() override=defaultMatrixFree< dim, Number, VectorizedArrayType >